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About deathdisco

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    Jedi Initiate

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    Midwest, USA

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  1. Nice work there.The skybox looks great!
  2. File Name: Tomb of Exar Kun by deathdisco File Submitter: deathdisco File Submitted: 31 Jul 2015 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: Yes Uploaded by permission o the author. "Anyone else remember this mod of deathdisco's? A while ago it was posted on pcgamemods, and like all the others that were it was lost during the crash. Until now, at least! He's (obviously, or you wouldn't be reading this) been kind enough to re-submit it here. What it adds is, as the name rather implies, Exar Kun's tomb to the game. It's a bit outdated compared to some of today's new area mods, (in that it re-uses an area) but it's still worth exploring. Most of it is a hackfest through the various Dark Jedi guardians (hurrah for more XP), but at the end your character will be confronted by Exar Kun's ghost and have the opportunity for an alignment shift as well as some good loot. To reach the tomb visit the Yavin space station, and then go back to the Hawk. At that point you'll be presented with an option to travel to Yavin IV, though if you don't have a savegame handy you can always warp to the module directly. (The name being 'ekun'.) Well, that's that. Enjoy! -Emperor Devon" (Original KotORFiles review.) This Mod Lets you visit Exar Kun's Tomb on Yavin IV, where The ghost of Exar Kun will try to seduce you to the darkside. Installation Extract all the files in the override folder to your 'Override' directory. Extract all the files in the modules folder to your 'modules' directory. All source scripts are included in the nss folder. How-to Travel to the Yavin spacestation. Upon returning to the Ebon Hawk you will be presented with the option to travel to the ruins on Yavin IV. or Open console by pressing '~' and type "warp ekun". Notes To uninstall simply delete all the files extracted to your Override/modules directory. Click here to download this file
  3. 7,322 downloads

    Uploaded by permission o the author. "Anyone else remember this mod of deathdisco's? A while ago it was posted on pcgamemods, and like all the others that were it was lost during the crash. Until now, at least! He's (obviously, or you wouldn't be reading this) been kind enough to re-submit it here. What it adds is, as the name rather implies, Exar Kun's tomb to the game. It's a bit outdated compared to some of today's new area mods, (in that it re-uses an area) but it's still worth exploring. Most of it is a hackfest through the various Dark Jedi guardians (hurrah for more XP), but at the end your character will be confronted by Exar Kun's ghost and have the opportunity for an alignment shift as well as some good loot. To reach the tomb visit the Yavin space station, and then go back to the Hawk. At that point you'll be presented with an option to travel to Yavin IV, though if you don't have a savegame handy you can always warp to the module directly. (The name being 'ekun'.) Well, that's that. Enjoy! -Emperor Devon" (Original KotORFiles review.) This Mod Lets you visit Exar Kun's Tomb on Yavin IV, where The ghost of Exar Kun will try to seduce you to the darkside. Installation Extract all the files in the override folder to your 'Override' directory. Extract all the files in the modules folder to your 'modules' directory. All source scripts are included in the nss folder. How-to Travel to the Yavin spacestation. Upon returning to the Ebon Hawk you will be presented with the option to travel to the ruins on Yavin IV. or Open console by pressing '~' and type "warp ekun". Notes To uninstall simply delete all the files extracted to your Override/modules directory.
  4. File Name: Lightsaber Forms by deathdisco File Submitter: deathdisco File Submitted: 31 Jul 2015 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: Yes Uploaded by permission of the author. "What many users loved about Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords was the ability to check lightsaber forms for certain types of situations, especially duels that were going to either be somewhat of a challenge or very challenging to help get an extra advantage. This was one of the many great new features Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords had to offer. What I think is great is when modders find ways to give those types of great features into the first Knights of the Old Republic game. Deathdisco is back. He�s the author who brought us the hit mod Coruscant - The Jedi Temple for Knights of the Old Republic II: This Sith Lords is back with this fabulous mod for Knights of the Old Republic. In fact, it was a year ago today that his Coruscant mod went up on this site. This mod that he gave us used to be on PCGM and we're glad he finally decided to upload it here. There will be seven forms you can use during game play now. Those are listed in the readme and what types of bonuses you get from them. To use them in the game, the author made them into armbands and those have the different bonuses that those forms gave you in TSL. Some of them require certain feats to use them. Information how to get them and is in the readme file also. It's really self explanatory and there is a screenshot to give you a visual on how to get them on the Ebon Hawk after you get the first one after constructing your lightsaber. Enjoy the mod! -Shem" (Original KotORFiles review) This mod introduces Lightsaber forms for Knights of the Old Republic. I have created armbands to represent the seven different Lightsaber forms. Armbands presented the most feasible way to be able to switch between forms. Unfortunately there are limitations to using armbands ie: you can't increase or decrease damage (since it's not a weapon), or add a negative value to an attack modifier. To compensate I did things like edit the strength attribute to adjust damage(+/-) as a workaround. Form I - Shii-Cho The Determination Form, also known as Shii-Cho or Form I, is the basic style taught to beginners. Attack Bonus: +1 Defense Bonus +3 Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form II - Makashi The Contention Form, also known as Makashi or Form II, was specifically developed to combat other lightsaber users. Attack Bonus: +3 Strength: +4 Defense Bonus: -3 Bonus Feat: Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Improved Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Master Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Dueling Bonus Feat: Improved Dueling Bonus Feat: Master Dueling Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form III - Soresu The Resilience Form, also known as Soresu or Form III, is a non-aggressive defensive style developed by the Jedi specifically to counter blaster weapons. Defense Bonus: +5 Blaster Bolt Deflection: +5 Strength: -6 Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form IV - Ataru The Aggression Form, also known as Ataru or Form IV, it is an acrobatic style. Attack Bonus: +4 Defense Bonus: -4 Bonus Feat: Force Jump Bonus Feat: Improved Force Jump Bonus Feat: Master Force Jump Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form V - Shien The Perseverance Form, also called Shien or Form V, is an aggressive form that does not sacrifice protection from blaster fire. It is most effective when facing blaster-wielding opponents. Attack Bonus: +2 Defense Bonus: -4 Blaster Bolt Deflection: +5 Strength: +4 Bonus Feat: Advanced Jedi Defense Bonus Feat: Master Jedi Defense Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form VI - Niman The Moderation Form, also known as Niman or Form VI, is strong in all situations, but has no dramatic strengths. Attack Bonus: +2 Defense Bonus: +2 Blaster Bolt Deflection: +2 Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form VII - Juyo The Ferocity Form, also known as Juyo or Form VII, is a very precarious fighting style that borders on the Dark side. Defense Bonus: -5 Attack Bonus: +4 Strength: +6 Bonus Feat: Flurry Bonus Feat: Improved Flurry Bonus Feat: Master Flurry Bonus Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting Bonus Feat: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Bonus Feat: Master Two-Weapon Fighting Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Restricted to: Jedi Guardian Installation Extract all the files in the override folder to your 'Override' directory. All source scripts are included in the nss folder. How to On Dantooine, after completing the dialog with Master Zhar, the one that gives you the quest to complete the Jedi trials (right after you build your Lightsaber) check your inventory. You will have received the Form I armband and a Jedi Holocron that will instruct you in the other Lightsaber forms. On the Ebon Hawk is a new computer in the main hold of the ship (the holo projector in the center of the ship is now accessible). You can use the computer to access the Holocron. Forms are learned at certain levels: Form VI - Level 10 Form III - Level 11 Form IV - Level 12 Form V - Level 13 Form II - Level 14 Form VII - Level 16 (Jedi Guardians Only) This mod is intended for the Main PC only. You may equip unused armbands on your Jedi NPC's if you like or you can use the cheat console to add more armbands to your inventory for your NPC's to use. The codes for the armbands are: form1 form2 form3 form4 form5 form6 form7 Notes Any mods that us the "onenter" script for the Ebon Hawk will not be compatible with this one. To uninstall simply delete the files extracted to your Override directory. Click here to download this file
  5. 1,682 downloads

    Uploaded by permission of the author. "What many users loved about Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords was the ability to check lightsaber forms for certain types of situations, especially duels that were going to either be somewhat of a challenge or very challenging to help get an extra advantage. This was one of the many great new features Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords had to offer. What I think is great is when modders find ways to give those types of great features into the first Knights of the Old Republic game. Deathdisco is back. He�s the author who brought us the hit mod Coruscant - The Jedi Temple for Knights of the Old Republic II: This Sith Lords is back with this fabulous mod for Knights of the Old Republic. In fact, it was a year ago today that his Coruscant mod went up on this site. This mod that he gave us used to be on PCGM and we're glad he finally decided to upload it here. There will be seven forms you can use during game play now. Those are listed in the readme and what types of bonuses you get from them. To use them in the game, the author made them into armbands and those have the different bonuses that those forms gave you in TSL. Some of them require certain feats to use them. Information how to get them and is in the readme file also. It's really self explanatory and there is a screenshot to give you a visual on how to get them on the Ebon Hawk after you get the first one after constructing your lightsaber. Enjoy the mod! -Shem" (Original KotORFiles review) This mod introduces Lightsaber forms for Knights of the Old Republic. I have created armbands to represent the seven different Lightsaber forms. Armbands presented the most feasible way to be able to switch between forms. Unfortunately there are limitations to using armbands ie: you can't increase or decrease damage (since it's not a weapon), or add a negative value to an attack modifier. To compensate I did things like edit the strength attribute to adjust damage(+/-) as a workaround. Form I - Shii-Cho The Determination Form, also known as Shii-Cho or Form I, is the basic style taught to beginners. Attack Bonus: +1 Defense Bonus +3 Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form II - Makashi The Contention Form, also known as Makashi or Form II, was specifically developed to combat other lightsaber users. Attack Bonus: +3 Strength: +4 Defense Bonus: -3 Bonus Feat: Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Improved Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Master Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Dueling Bonus Feat: Improved Dueling Bonus Feat: Master Dueling Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form III - Soresu The Resilience Form, also known as Soresu or Form III, is a non-aggressive defensive style developed by the Jedi specifically to counter blaster weapons. Defense Bonus: +5 Blaster Bolt Deflection: +5 Strength: -6 Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form IV - Ataru The Aggression Form, also known as Ataru or Form IV, it is an acrobatic style. Attack Bonus: +4 Defense Bonus: -4 Bonus Feat: Force Jump Bonus Feat: Improved Force Jump Bonus Feat: Master Force Jump Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form V - Shien The Perseverance Form, also called Shien or Form V, is an aggressive form that does not sacrifice protection from blaster fire. It is most effective when facing blaster-wielding opponents. Attack Bonus: +2 Defense Bonus: -4 Blaster Bolt Deflection: +5 Strength: +4 Bonus Feat: Advanced Jedi Defense Bonus Feat: Master Jedi Defense Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form VI - Niman The Moderation Form, also known as Niman or Form VI, is strong in all situations, but has no dramatic strengths. Attack Bonus: +2 Defense Bonus: +2 Blaster Bolt Deflection: +2 Feat Required: Jedi Defense Form VII - Juyo The Ferocity Form, also known as Juyo or Form VII, is a very precarious fighting style that borders on the Dark side. Defense Bonus: -5 Attack Bonus: +4 Strength: +6 Bonus Feat: Flurry Bonus Feat: Improved Flurry Bonus Feat: Master Flurry Bonus Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting Bonus Feat: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Bonus Feat: Master Two-Weapon Fighting Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Restricted to: Jedi Guardian Installation Extract all the files in the override folder to your 'Override' directory. All source scripts are included in the nss folder. How to On Dantooine, after completing the dialog with Master Zhar, the one that gives you the quest to complete the Jedi trials (right after you build your Lightsaber) check your inventory. You will have received the Form I armband and a Jedi Holocron that will instruct you in the other Lightsaber forms. On the Ebon Hawk is a new computer in the main hold of the ship (the holo projector in the center of the ship is now accessible). You can use the computer to access the Holocron. Forms are learned at certain levels: Form VI - Level 10 Form III - Level 11 Form IV - Level 12 Form V - Level 13 Form II - Level 14 Form VII - Level 16 (Jedi Guardians Only) This mod is intended for the Main PC only. You may equip unused armbands on your Jedi NPC's if you like or you can use the cheat console to add more armbands to your inventory for your NPC's to use. The codes for the armbands are: form1 form2 form3 form4 form5 form6 form7 Notes Any mods that us the "onenter" script for the Ebon Hawk will not be compatible with this one. To uninstall simply delete the files extracted to your Override directory.
  6. File Name: Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco File Submitter: deathdisco File Submitted: 31 Jul 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Uploaded by permission of the author. "Ten years ago in 1997, we first saw the planet of Coruscant in the Special Edition of Return of the Jedi. It was only a brief appearance. In 1999, The Phantom Menace came out and we really got a good look at Coruscant and especially the Jedi Temple and the Senate Chambers. It was a city planet and the capital planet of the Republic in Star Wars. Then in the sequel of 2003�s game of the year, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, we saw a brief appearance of Coruscant when your PC, the Jedi Exile, watches a video of his/her trial and exile from the Jedi Order that happened ten years earlier. We only got to see the Jedi Council chambers and a brief look outside the windows. Over the last two plus years since TSL came out, people wished that the KOTOR had already included Coruscant in one of their releases, or will include it if there is to be a KOTOR III. DeathDisco makes his FileFront debut bringing us that wish and he does it for TSL. The author is a veteran KOTOR modder at Holowan Labs who has made his way to putting up his first and his newest KOTOR mod here at FileFront. Hopefully he�ll send in his older mods to us in the future for some new KOTOR gamers to enjoy! This mod will definitely be a welcome addition because of the hard work and detail put into it. Since your character is a Jedi, the author has you go to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. There you can receive extra Jedi training, Force Forms, Lightsaber Forms, and practice your blaster bolt deflection skills. There are also new items for you to collect only on Coruscant. Lots of features and surprises the author wants you to figure out by playing the mod. This mod uses the TSL Patcher for easy installation and possible .2da file merging depending on what mods you have in your personal override folder. You should notice the new planet on the galaxy map on the Ebon Hawk. There is a screenshot showing a visual of that if you need it. Enjoy the mod. -Shem" (Original KotORFiles mod review) This mod adds a new planet to the galaxy map. The Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Features his mods create three new areas re-using exiting modules. 1.The Jedi Temple Landing pad. 2.The Jedi Temple itself. 3.The Jedi Council chambers. You can learn a handful of Jedi power. (Depends on skill/attribute checks) Learn a bonus Lightsaber form. (Prestige class required) Learn a bonus Force form. (Prestige class required, excluding Jedi Master/Sith Lord) Practice your blaster bolt deflection skills. Acquire high level Jedi related items/upgrades. Dark Side items also available. I've added a couple of items I created for previous mods. I created some new Jedi/Sith items for this mod. I re-created some K1 items (.uti's only) not available for TSL for this mod. Some surprises. Uninstallation Extract the contents of tsljeditemple.rar. Run the installer and select your game directory. IE: e:\Program Files\Lucasarts\SWKotOR2 The installer will create backups of files it modified. Save these for un-installation. Notes This mod is not currently compatible with any other mods that edit the galaxy map. This mod adds a lighsaber hilt reskin using model w_lghtsbr_151, which is compatible with USM and The Masters of the Force Hilt pack. All source files included in the NSS folder. Author Contact I can be reached at Lucas Forums: Click here to download this file
  7. 17,319 downloads

    Uploaded by permission of the author. "Ten years ago in 1997, we first saw the planet of Coruscant in the Special Edition of Return of the Jedi. It was only a brief appearance. In 1999, The Phantom Menace came out and we really got a good look at Coruscant and especially the Jedi Temple and the Senate Chambers. It was a city planet and the capital planet of the Republic in Star Wars. Then in the sequel of 2003�s game of the year, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, we saw a brief appearance of Coruscant when your PC, the Jedi Exile, watches a video of his/her trial and exile from the Jedi Order that happened ten years earlier. We only got to see the Jedi Council chambers and a brief look outside the windows. Over the last two plus years since TSL came out, people wished that the KOTOR had already included Coruscant in one of their releases, or will include it if there is to be a KOTOR III. DeathDisco makes his FileFront debut bringing us that wish and he does it for TSL. The author is a veteran KOTOR modder at Holowan Labs who has made his way to putting up his first and his newest KOTOR mod here at FileFront. Hopefully he�ll send in his older mods to us in the future for some new KOTOR gamers to enjoy! This mod will definitely be a welcome addition because of the hard work and detail put into it. Since your character is a Jedi, the author has you go to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. There you can receive extra Jedi training, Force Forms, Lightsaber Forms, and practice your blaster bolt deflection skills. There are also new items for you to collect only on Coruscant. Lots of features and surprises the author wants you to figure out by playing the mod. This mod uses the TSL Patcher for easy installation and possible .2da file merging depending on what mods you have in your personal override folder. You should notice the new planet on the galaxy map on the Ebon Hawk. There is a screenshot showing a visual of that if you need it. Enjoy the mod. -Shem" (Original KotORFiles mod review) This mod adds a new planet to the galaxy map. The Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Features his mods create three new areas re-using exiting modules. 1.The Jedi Temple Landing pad. 2.The Jedi Temple itself. 3.The Jedi Council chambers. You can learn a handful of Jedi power. (Depends on skill/attribute checks) Learn a bonus Lightsaber form. (Prestige class required) Learn a bonus Force form. (Prestige class required, excluding Jedi Master/Sith Lord) Practice your blaster bolt deflection skills. Acquire high level Jedi related items/upgrades. Dark Side items also available. I've added a couple of items I created for previous mods. I created some new Jedi/Sith items for this mod. I re-created some K1 items (.uti's only) not available for TSL for this mod. Some surprises. Uninstallation Extract the contents of tsljeditemple.rar. Run the installer and select your game directory. IE: e:\Program Files\Lucasarts\SWKotOR2 The installer will create backups of files it modified. Save these for un-installation. Notes This mod is not currently compatible with any other mods that edit the galaxy map. This mod adds a lighsaber hilt reskin using model w_lghtsbr_151, which is compatible with USM and The Masters of the Force Hilt pack. All source files included in the NSS folder. Author Contact I can be reached at Lucas Forums: