Basil Bonehead

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Everything posted by Basil Bonehead

  1. I had a hunch it was that file. Good thing I excluded it from my game. You might want to mention that in the description
  2. Query: What file do I exclude to so Darth Traya she just has her red single bladed lightsaber?
  3. So for this you want the text animated like it was in the original?
  4. Doing a livestream md analysis on The Nina Anthology mod for Jedi Academy


  5. Hello,

    If you are free, may I ask you some questions for something I am researching? 

  6. Making a video on this is going to be interesting. This mod was a mess to play through as you saw on the stream with me getting occasionally frustrated and tired as it went on (that and it was getting late in the day lol). It will be hard to write what coherently happens in it. With the info provided by you folks on this forum as well as other areas it should help out since most of the information and altercations from that time period has been lost to time. Hoping to get more info from people as soon as possible.
  7. Streaming Cathalan for kotor 2

  8. streaming Cathalan also yes I'm using the image from @Sith Holocron's Cathalan gif because it's funny
  9. After all these years, I finally made another mod analysis video. I tried changing how I make these videos and I hope to improve on the new format with the next one.

  10. New Mod Analysis video after all these years. I tried changing the formula so I hope to improve on it as I make the next one.
  11. Streaming some JKA Singleplayer mods on youtube

  12. For a change of pace and for the sake of doing something different (because I really need to do something different from kotor content before I go mad): tomorrow I plan on streaming some jedi academy mods on youtube.

  13. I played this mod some time ago, it's just a bunch of save games and model swaps in the vanilla game. This is really low effort and void of any potential.
  14. That is how I plan on tackling Cathalan. I want to be critical, fair and take a civil, leveled-headed approach. I don't do snark, maybe a joke here and there but nothing that would be an attack on someone. My mentality when covering mods that get my interest is "I Critique because I Care" if I didn't I wouldn't say anything. I like seeing great ideas and want to see those ideas improve and sometimes it will spark my imagination for endless possibilities. It's how I go about things with my teammates on Galactic Legacy (Jedi Academy mod in case anyone asks), I propose ideas that would seem interesting and it's talked out. It's fun for me to talk out ideas with people and help with making a good idea better. What I can remember from playing Cathalan years ago is that there is a good foundation but needs refinement. Obviously I'll be going into depth whenever I replay the mod and work on the video. In terms of what you did in the past, I can put it like this: I'm glad you've changed in terms of your outlook on the situation, I guess at the time you weren't the most mature person (or to put it bluntly: young and stupid) at the time and wanted to push buttons and in retrospect it wasn't the smartest move you made. We all are like that at one point or another (to different degrees) and we, like all humans, change over time and learn from their mistakes.
  15. Great explanation. I didn't know Jaevyn was hostile to people who criticized his mod. I shouldn't be surprised because I've seen this story many times over the years.
  16. I am in need of answers. Please answer my question, I am in need of perspective.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Left a brief reply!

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      @KexikusIs it finally time to make a fixed skybox for Cathalan?

  17. While I work on the Czerka Commando video, I already know what mod I want to cover next (since I won't be able to stream it): the infamous Cathalan. This will be an interesting one to cover because I know this mod is not looked at fondly and that leads to my next question: Why is Cathalan so despised by the community? I want all your takes, I want to know what all of you think. It'll be interesting when I start working on the video because I may have played the mod twice and I have very faint memories of it so it'll be interesting and see what I do and don't remember.
  18. Streaming Czerka Commando now

    1. LDR


      Oooh I remember this mod!

  19. Query: who do I talk to to change my name on this website. Been wanting to ask that for a while.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sith Holocron
    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Admin level, not moderators though can help you with this 

    4. VarsityPuppet


      DM me if you want your name changed

  20. Here's a link to the archived stream. I had a great time doing this and I hope to do it again with the long overdue Czerka Commando mod video
  21. I'm gonna livestream 90sk's mod Edge of Darkness, come and join me


  22. The mod in question is 90sk's total conversion mod: Edge Of Darkness
  23. I've recently gotten inspiration. That inspiration comes in the form of a mod I was playing recently for kotor 2. It has some amazing potential but it's not perfect. I plan on doing a livestream of this mod giving my comments and criticism on it. plus it'll make good b-roll footage for when I make the proper Mod Analysis video on it.