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Everything posted by F-oh-ex

  1. Yeah, once, but I don't record videos whenever I play video games lol I've played a Scout - Consular, 8-12 or maybe 7-13. Taris was a pain but afterwards it got easier once I got to use Force Powers. I used a near-full Wisdom/Charisma build and used Statis Field and Force Wave on everything. Fight with Malak was won via thermal detonators and a ton of mines.
  2. I could also take a crack at doing a Polish translation. The only KotOR copy I own is in Polish (sadly, as the translation often fails to catch the finest subtleties) and the Polish-English mix is really weird
  3. Awesome! Just as I was thinking about doing another rerun of KotORs...
  4. Well, I'm not a modder so I'm not exactly sure, I posted it mostly because I found it interesting. I suppose the game only checks your main hand for a lightsaber when Saber form is active, and applies the result to both weapons, instead of checking for them separately. I'm not sure if it's something which can be fixed, however.
  5. During my recent playthrough I've noticed a rather interesting mechanic concerning Saber forms. I believe there's a room to improve it (hint hint!). The problem with mechanics appear when you use a lightsaber in one hand and a melee weapon in the other hand. Side note: another problem with using such a combination of weapons is that a character tends to deflect blaster bolts with a melee weapon. If you put a lightsaber in your main hand and a melee weapon in your offhand, all your attacks, including the ones done with the melee weapon, will receive bonuses granted by Saber form (such as +3 damage from Makashi form). However, if you put a melee weapon in your main hand and a lightsaber in your offhand, none of your attacks will receive bonuses. Additionally, "passive" bonuses (such as +3 to defense against the enemies you're not targeting from Shii-Cho form) will not be granted.
  6. Good afternoon. I'm curious about at which point on Nar Shaddaa the game determines whether you'll get Mira or Hanharr. I managed to get "Doesn't look much like a Jedi" comment from Mira during a cutscene by staying within 40-60 alignment points range. However, I still got Hanharr afterwards (my alignment was around 20 points). Is the point of determination only after you get invitation from Visquis? If so, then this makes getting Mira as a darksider/vice versa that much more difficult and out of character.
  7. Have you tried talking to the protocol droid?
  8. I followed the guide to the letter and I seem to have hit a problem with editing the hex values. 80 02 00 00 75 15 81 3D E8 C1 80 00 E0 01 & 80 02 00 00 C7 44 24 10 E0 01 strings are simply not there. I use 4CD version [patched] + TSLRCM + M4-78 EP on Windows 7.
  9. Ah, good ol' KotOR still has things I don't know about. I suppose it could be justified in-lore if one tries hard enough, too.
  10. Ah, it actually is not... for some reason, LS characters get -2 to all Force Power cost, including universal powers, and DS get +2, but this effect is only applied in that particular place. Seemed buggy to me. Thank you for your answer and my apologies.
  11. Original post: September 3, 2015 1) When did the problem begin to occur? Shortly after I reached Telos Restoration Zone. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes. 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? 4CD UK. 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? Yes - firstly to 1.0a and subsequently to 1.0b. 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Fresh installation of the game + patches + TSLRCM + M4-78EP. Uninstalled, removed all leftover files, installed again - to no avail. 6) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided? No TSLPather was provided: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/578-tsl-restored-content-mod/ http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/579-m4-78-enhancement-project/ 7) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation? Not a TSLPatcher installation. 8) What other mods did you have installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) M4-78EP, linked above. 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? The bug happens when I reach this place (literally one step from there and the bug happens): http://images67.fotosik.pl/1152/38fb5e7a91b53977gen.jpg Upon reaching this spot, Force cost of all my Force Powers is increased by 2: http://images67.fotosik.pl/1152/fbd429ea2439b2efgen.jpg 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? I reinstalled it, to no avail. 11) Have you tried using a different save game? Multiple times. 12) Have you tried starting a new game? No. 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 7. Update: September 10.2015 *Cough cough* Does anyone ever look at this thread anymore? Admin: Out of the kindness of my heart, I've merged your posts and didn't use the earlier date - this time. However, if you "bump" the thread again, I'll have to have an infraction on your account. You have now been warned. ~SH Thank you for your kindness, dear Admin. I know I have broken the rules but it's frustrating when every person who makes a new thread, rather than reply in this one, gets their answer, and we are ignored when we follow the rules and make a post in the thread designed for it.
  12. Not experienced with modding but have some experience with KSE. Windows 7, 4 CD KotOR version (localised). Willing to assist
  13. F-oh-ex

    Level cap

    Oh, then I guess opponents capping at Level 20 was just an urban legend... Thanks for clarifying this.
  14. Kyle Katarn can recruit Yuthura Ban into his party following the events on Korriban. Not to mention charging up her loading ramp.
  15. In my recent playthrough I've noticed that I've been unable to open the damaged doors in Peragus dormitory sections with Minor Frag Mines - it seems to require Average or Deadly mine. Curiously enough, during the "Rescue PC" part, playing as T3, I was able to open the door using the very same item, Minor Frag Mine. Thoughts on this?
  16. F-oh-ex

    Level cap

    Reaching level ~30 at endgame isn't a problem. The fact that enemies cap at 20 is, as it makes fights starting with 3rd/4th planet after Telos ridiculously easy. Ravager and Malachor V are a joke. Compare that with Star Forge fights from KotOR which tend to be problematic at Difficult/Impossible even with breaking builds such as heavily Wisdom-invested character with mass stuns.
  17. F-oh-ex

    Level cap

    As most people are aware, the level cap was raised from 20 to 50 in TSL, however the non-boss enemies still cap at level 20 which makes lategame fights rather pathetic... Is there any possibility to change enemies increasing their level past 20?
  18. Carth and female Revan, even though it's non-canon. Revan's romance with Bastila is very obvious, their Force Bond has a strong romantic subtext, and their romance ties in with the story so well that it can be treated as its integral component. In-universe, they were destined to be together, plain and simple. With Carth it isn't so. It's a story of a damaged man slowly finding a new hope, a new reason, and a new joy in the person of his companion, he begins to trust her long after he stopped trusting anyone... and then he gets smacked on the head almost as strongly as he was on Telos IV when he finds out her true identity. And call me a sucker for heartwarming moments but his conversation with final Revan when he finally accepts who she is is one of my favourite from the whole game. From what I've gathered, Carth is not a people's favourite, and I myself love HK-47's impressions of him, but as a fan of Carth I really appreciate the maturity, complexity, and tragicness of this relationship. It makes Bastila's romance plot look like Twilight story in comparison. (Not that Bastila's romance doesn't have any "in your face" moments, such as Bastila confessing that it was Revan's taint within the vision that pushed her to the Dark Side... or Bastila dying by Revan's hand.) Oh, and the cut (and restored by K1R! Although glitched at the moment.) ending where Revan and Carth die together on the Star Forge? If that's not beautiful, then I don't know what is. I also like to toy with the idea of a romance plot with Yuthura Ban as she's my favourite character and adding a layer of romance to her friendship with Revan would be beautiful in my eyes and I do believe it would be symbolic, beautiful, and that it would tie in nicely with the main plot. And while it wouldn't really be less clasically cheesy than the Bastila romance, oh well, they are still good if they are written well and Revan/Yuthura would be a nice gender flip of Revan/Bastila situation. Definitely happening if I ever write a fanfic.
  19. Kyle Katarn competes in Taris Dueling Ring under his actual name.
  20. Funny that you mention it since that's actually possible (at least it is with K1R but I am fairly sure it is in vanilla as well). You can talk Yuthura into taking you to Academy, medalion or not. Kyle Katarn can convince Saul Karath during the interrogation. Kyle Katarn doesn't need party members' help to escape from Leviathan. Kyle Katarn can reprogram Leviathan's destination. Kyle Katarn can get Juhani, Jolee, Carth, and Mission to join his cause as a Dark Lord of the Sith. Kyle Katarn can successfully convince every NPC that he IS Darth Revan.
  21. Thanks a lot, kind sir, this will make my playthrough a lot better
  22. Hello. I've been wondering what are the exact conditions of being able not to fight Zez-Kai Ell. I know you can fight him as a LS character but there doesn't seem to be an option of not fighting him as a DS character. Is this "locked" the moment the game decides about giving you Mira/Hanharr as a companion or is there some other factor?