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Everything posted by TheDarkChocolateJedi

  1. Thanks for the link to brain craft! Very interesting! I love philosophy/Brain related things. Channels i watch :0 I watch loads of channels, too many to count, you could say youtube is my 3rd life, after real life and KOTOR/TSL. Those are the ones i watch more regularly though.
  2. When i get the chance to, i am replaying K1 and TSL, i will beat them within less than a few days, (Not a speed run, just a marathon). I cannot wait! I bet i'll gain a few pounds! (Kidding)

  3. i'd like to say that my original assumption was... er... ignorant and ill-advised, considering i went back and gave TOR another chance, and watched some videos on it, and it is better than i originally assumed, (i only played a bit of the game...) It still is filled with 1: Griding. 2: Adult sexual content. 3: Mass Effect character speaking system, which i despise to an extent. 4: Strange combat sounds, and when you kill something, it doesn't feel satisfying or realistic. 5: Quite a few of the quests are item grabbing quests, or quests in which you must "backtrack", which i also despise. 6: I will say this though, the game is decent for what it is, I HATE it because it could have been KOTOR3, but i LIKE it for the game it is, and was, and has become.
  4. Name: Dragon Ball Z Genre: Anime Basic Premise: It is the sequel series to the original series Dragon Ball, which is based off of a 16th century chinese novel called Journey To The West, both series' are quite long, spanning more than a few hundred episodes, it'll keep you on your toes with crazy martial arts fighting, HUGE energy attacks, lots of villains and heroes. Plenty of heartfelt moments aswell, the show itself is incredibly impressive (Watch Dragon Ball then Dragon Ball Z, then possibly Dragon Ball GT, but GT is not canon). Warning: It can be fairly gory and gritty, with crazy fighting, lots of death, plenty of foul language aswell, it is still a masterpiece to behold nonetheless. Recommended viewing method: By yourself, with friends, it doesn't matter, i watched most of it by myself, and i found it more enjoyable that way, because a lot of people tend to judge the show because of the amount of somewhat unnecessary drama, aswell as lots of screaming and "Final attempts" at taking down the badguy, i'd watch it by myself though.
  5. But... but... the hype train is so glorious... it is the core of what us fans have left in our self-esteem... Nah jk. For reals though, they do it because they are hyped for a movie, and i am hyped for it, even if i've yet to buy a single piece of merchandise, or even be interested in a single piece of episode 7 merchandise. I was obsessed with dragon ball z (Still am) And i'd do things like that all the time when i was or am hyped for something dbz related, just go out and buy dbz action figures and trading cards, and annoy my family from talking so much about it at the dinner table. Everybody, come on! Come ride the hype train with me!
  6. I can't wait for christmas! Maybe i'll get the gaming laptop i want... i.e. Alienware 18. Probably not, but, a 14 year old can dream can't he?

    1. 1Leonard


      Unless you really need a laptop (which I kind of doubt at 14), build a desktop pc: Cheaper and a much better performance :)

    2. TheDarkChocolateJedi


      I do need a laptop, i don't want to be confined to one area where i must play my games (Personal preference), i mostly only care about portability if i am going to be playing online games, (which i will be), also, i do not have any space for a desktop :P


      I do however, know that a desktop is more powerful and efficient. I just would rather have a gaming laptop than me using this mac all the time for gaming.

    3. TheDarkChocolateJedi


      I'll look at the MSI though, thanks guys!

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  7. The moment when you see a cute but cringe worthy drawing/joke of christmas star wars theme It was on Facebook, and has a picture of star wars characters singing christmas carols and yoda is saying "Merry christmas we wish you, merry christmas we wish you" And then it has a caption at the bottom of the picture saying "No one likes caroling with yoda" Edit:I tried to find a link to it, but it will not work for some reason, i suggest you just google it.
  8. As do i, haha! I absolutely loved that part of KOTOR1, the face off between you and Calo and davik, then malak proceeds to stop the fighting by letting destruction loose upon the planet.
  9. Welcome back to another episode of- Key differences between K1 and TSL... Today we'll be discussing the villains in KOTOR and TSL 1:Malak and Sion, So first you have malak, revans apprentice and a former jedi knight, he had what every good sith lord had, a good evil laugh, a giant space station that does something destructive, and an army of stupid soldiers. Malak was very one sided, he wanted to conquer the galaxy and exterminate the republic, with the star forge in one hand and a beer in the... excuse me, and an empire in the other, he was very reckless in his battle tactics. He was very destructive in the way he attacked, when he attacked he went all or nothing, a good example of this is when he turned taris to ash, only to find that his targets had escaped within the last 30 seconds... Another example is telos, even if Admiral karath was the one to pull the trigger, malak was planning the bombardment of telos all along. He completely desimated Telos IV and had little care for anything or anyone on the planet. Malak is your average sith lord, he wants to... 1) Conquer the galaxy under any circumstances and precautions he must take to to so. 2) Wipe out the jedi and the republic. 3) Say pathetic things to the main hero during the final conflict, (i.e. The stuff he said to revan on the star forge). Malak also betrayed his master and shot at revans flagship, nearly killing him, which is something he would have done if not for bastilla keeping revan on "Force life support". Betraying their masters is something Sion and malak have in common. Lets get down to speaking about sion. Sion is a sith lord and part of the sith triumvirate, the sith triumvirate is a loose alliance between Darth Traya, Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, and whatever remained of revans forces leftover from the jedi civil war. Darth sion is the sith lord of pain, and he goes to show this by always being in constant pain, pain and rage and hate is his fuel, he keeps his body together using the dark side of the force. He can only die if his will is broken. He lives to destroy the jedi and the republic, he lives to seek vengeance on those whom have provoked him. He betrayed his master, darth traya, He and nihilus wanted to have the power for themselves, and they found trayas methods questionable. So nihilus and sion beat traya brutally, they stripped her of her pride, her power, and to an extent, her connection to the force. Sion had a face off with the jedi exile during the end of the exiles journey to stop the sith triumvirate and find out why she was being hunted, the jedi exile fought sion ruthlessly and with all of her strength, but it was of little use, because each time sion was struck down and torn apart, he would stand back up and revive his gory, deformed body using the dark side of the force. Until the exile broke his will, she made sion doubt himself, and his will to live was broken, sion didn't know what he felt when the exile showed him the truth that he has been denying all along. Sion then collapsed and fell apart. Sion was even more evil than malak, malak had a purpose to be evil, to conquer the galaxy. Sion did not care about conquering anything, he merely wished to inflict pain upon the galaxy, sion was evil because he had the power to be evil, and for no other reason but that. Both were ruthless sith lords, and were to be feared. Thanks for reading! What are your opinions on this? What do you like better about K1 than you do TSL, what things can you compare?
  10. Yes there is and was silly billy, the future is the past to the future for us in the future, as the past is to the future, the future is to the past, as the past is to the present as the present it to the future. The future is the past to people whom have experienced it, and the past is the future for those who are further behind than we are. The present is the future to those whom haven't experienced the present. We can predict the future by listening, hearing, seeing, and being. Or you know, you can just be yoda... "Quit... don't quit... noodles... don't noodles... You are too concerned with what was, and with what will be. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called a present." -Master Ooguay to po
  11. I totally agree! This was the perfect way to sum it up! I do however, like the original idea, i know that K3 is probably not gonna happen, which is why i think someone should make a mod that accurately follows what happens after K2. And yes, I'd love to play as the exile again, and perhaps you can choose which party members from TSL died as well? So that way you could still hang with Atton, and maybe they could dive into the romance with him some more, same with every other party member, you could basically choose what their fate was, however G0-T0 would be destroyed, and Bao-Dur would be dead, and Kreia would be dead, and possibly Mira / Hanharr as well, so if you chose to keep some of your party members from the previous game, you'd still have space for new party members. Perhaps whomever makes this game (Whether that be fans or obsidian, i personally would love to make this game as a mod myself, but i have neither the time nor the organization. Back on subject, whomever makes this game if they do that is, should use some of Obsidian's original scrapped ideas, like HK-47 riding on your back like C3-P0 In the original trilogy, etc..)
  12. Nuclear by mike oldfield (Metal gear solid song), specifically for the ravager, and during combat... This Is War by 30 seconds to mars (I know these do not seem like they fit the part, however i love these songs, and i think that the context they are placed in on these levels is perfect)
  13. Couldn't have said it better myself tbh! I'd also like to state that TSL's dark side is far more enjoyable than K1's, i am currently doing a Dark Side play through where i play as a tank (i.e. A very strong and durable, yet stupid character), i am doing the tank play through on K1, and i've gotta say: It really is quite bland, and very very one sided.
  14. Lets have a DC comics book burning, may all of DC die by fire. HAIL STAN LEE!!! No, i'm joking, but really, DC tends to only use their most popular superheroes for movies, but marvel has been using less popular ones as of late. DC needs to stop using just Batman and Superman... really... that is 70% of their movies after all...
  15. Will this mod in it's completed state be basically a game in itself? What i mean by this is, will it equal the size and detail and replayability that the original kotor games have? Will it be 10 hours? 15 hours? 40 hours? How long should the game last, if one wasn't hurying, but wasn't being slow? How will this mod be able to work with the already established "canon" that TOR has well... established i guess.... or do you plan on breaking the canon for the sole purpose of this mod and it's truth to the kotor franchise? How will this mod tie up loose ends that were left untied at the end of TSL? (I hate the revan novel, i do not count it as canon, i don't even find it amusing) Keep up the great work logan!
  16. This mod will definitely be worth the wait, keep up the amazing work logan!
  17. Happy holiday seasons everyone! I absolutely cannot wait until christmas! What are your holiday plans?

    1. diegodb


      Watch The Force Awakens

  18. I will admit, that is a very true inference about the differences between the kotor games. KotOR takes a more "Saturday morning cartoon villain" approach, while TSL takes a more... "Obsidians legitimate threat" Kind of thing, i don't think anyone else could have summed it up that quickly haha!
  19. Bah, ridiculous! That is so inconsiderate! I myself am a Christian! But the stupid things religion makes people do is absolutely despicable! Honestly! Who would kick out their own son like that? Really... Who would do it... I'm glad to hear you are happy, sounds like the past six months have been hell for you. If you brave the storm, if you fight the fire, if you walk through hell, and you make it out, you shall be prosperous!
  20. Now all we need is an original xbox emulator for the xboxone... And life'll be good.
  21. Anyone else agree that this sight is filled to the brim with very intelligent people? I mean seriously, lets all get together and plan world Peace with our incredible IQ!!!!

    1. Black_Rogue


      well at least you status updates are my only notifications for the past 2 months

    2. TheDarkChocolateJedi


      Lol, how is that good? :3

    3. Black_Rogue


      its not for me I was trying to give you a complement =(

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  22. When I first started playing i restarted my character over and over on taris a million times, I began playing kotor when I was like 7, I couldn't actually get passed taris until I was about 10 or 11 though, and after I did pass taris, I was addicted, my parents couldn't get me off the xbox, playing kotor when i'd get home from school, or on the weekends, and during summer vacation. When I first started playing TSL, I spent 13 hours of playing to kick off my first playthrough and I drank plenty of tea, ate lots of sandwiches, spent alll day in my room for like a week straight, oh man it was great! And I originally thought that TSL was going to have the original party members in it, and you'd still be Revan, and you'd be ruling as the sith emporor or something along those lines lol. I got TSL in somewhat late 2014, I absolutely loved it, And I still love it. And, it is still the pinnacle of gaming and subsequently Star Wars itself.
  23. Civil war. No contest. DC is overglorified. Marvel always comes out on top of DC IMO. I heard though, someone will be dying in civil war, I'm not sure how much i like that. Hey though! In 15-20 years, I'll be able to watch these movies with my kids! And in that time, they'll be like movies from the 90s compared to the stuff they'll have in twenty years.
  24. Looks like I'm going to be playing jade empire tomorrow :D Hopefully it is good as I hear it is.

  25. I was kidding here Lol, however, I will say that jar jar binks and all these bullcrap conspiracy theories are ridiculous, i thought jar jar was just a generic character, I didn't hate him i didn't like him, he is just generic.There is absolutely no way that he is going to be in any future movies, it wouldn't make any sense, and he is so darn foolish he'd be dead as soon as someone left his side. Point being, he is dead, good riddance. And if he isn't dead, they sure as mustafar aren't gonna cast him for this movie (kidding, If this was confusing and out of context, he was a crap character and he isn't going to be in any of the movies). RIP Jar Jar Binks