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Everything posted by Kexikus

  1. Okay, I see where you're going^^ If I knew anything about creating textures like this I'd give you some input, but since I don't, I'll just trust that you'll get there And I don't think you need to sacrifice the blue look of Taris Upper City. As I see it, the main colour of all buildings in the Under City and in the Upper City is grey (or silver). Now in the Upper City the bulidings are lit by the evening sun, resulting in a shiny blueish grey with a slight touch of red. But in the Under City, there's only artificial light that is warmer most of the time, making everything appear yellowish. And if you add the brown dirt and rust present only in the Under City you get a nice contrast between the vanilla like blue Upper City and the now more visually appealing yellow Under City. Of course, that only works if the Upper and Under City don't share the same textures^^ Edit: Do you have any intentions to release that bacta tank in the near future?
  2. Seems like I mixed up "Frame Buffer" and "Vertex Buffer". And the possible solution I wanted to post was to disable VERTEX buffer xD Sorry about that. But atleast I feel less stupid now that they're different things... or are they? And if not, do you know what vertex buffer enables?
  3. That's true^^ I'm not 100% sure if it's indeed better optimised since I couldn't test it myself yet, but it's certainly not worse and I think I've read that it's better a few times.
  4. I'll keep it in mind. It shouldn't be too much work once I've done the standard skybox. The problem is that I still need to figure out a way to have an evening sky while the lighting on the buildings still matches the 3d buildings... But once I'll get there I can make the BoS:SR skybox too.
  5. Version C!!! This one looks absolutely stunning. And one small comment on your other textures. I don't quite like the material you used for the door. The metal part is fine, although I think that it's a bit too shiny but the rest doesn't quite look like something you'd use for a door. To me it looks like soft plastic or something like that. It's hard to describe but I'd try metal for it. The other textures look really good
  6. Well, there's TSLRCM (The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod) that modifies the game to be pretty close to Obsidians intentions. And there is M4-78EP to add the planet you mentioned. But neither of those mods will make the game run if it doesn't before.
  7. No, the Steam version requires you to have Steam running. But I'd go for the GOG version anyway. It has no DRM and is better optimized than any other version available, making it pretty much perfect in my eyes. Too bad only that you didn't buy it a week earlier when there were Star Wars sales everywhere^^
  8. Wait, there's a visual difference between having frame buffer effects and not having them??? I've never seen that^^
  9. I have no idea what that tower is. It's part of the city model I use. Not the best screenshot but here you go Glad you like it I could try to make such a tutorial, but I don't have that much time right now and I've never written a tutorial before so don't expect anything in the near future. And I don't think that I understand Terragen either xD Most of the time I spend working with Terragen is spent with endless Google searches for some of those non-existing TG tuturials... For now I'd recommend a tutorial like this one (I used another one but I can't find that :/ ) and checking out the official TG wiki. It's sadly pretty incomplete but there are good descriptions for some shaders/nodes, explaining all the settings. And sometimes, as seen here there are visual comparisons that help quite a lot. And downloading scenes from other people to play around with helps too, as does try and error in general^^ Sorry
  10. The grain could also come from rendering in Terragen. That's at least an issue I had with my Korriban skybox. So you might want to check your original renders before searching for the error in PS and if the grain is indeed visible in the renders, go back to your terragen file, open the atmosphere node and under quality set the number of samples to something like 64. 32 might be enough but 64 should definitely work. But otherwise, the sky looks amazing
  11. Amazing work. I love the water splashes and the bomba texture. Really really well done. Can't wait to see what comes next
  12. The sky already turns blue further up. It's really hard to see in this picture (but still visible in the top right corner), but when you look around ingame, you can see that, the higher the sky, the more blue it becomes. And when you look in the opposite direction it's really blue. Anyway, I'm glad you like it. Oh, and I did a quick test to see if the city models I found work for Taris and if my computer can handle many buildings and it seems like Taris won't be a problem. And unlike the Kashyyyk test, I'll share this one with you
  13. Thats your graphics card (GPU) and operation system (OS). Quick Google search told me that you could try and disable "Frame Buffer Effects". That has helped some people and I think I remember something about disabling soft shadows to fix crash issues. It might work, but I'm really not sure if I haven't mixed up something in that regard.
  14. It seems like most people (including me) prefer the second version, so I continued with that one. But I also had to agree with Jorak Uln, that some more dramatic rain clouds would improve the scenery even more so I clicked through hundreds of random seeds until I found a cloud formation I liked and here's the result: As always, the sky is to bright and for some reason, there's a lighting difference between the two renders, but the important things are still visible. I'll also play around with a slight red turn for the horizon, but it won't be as extreme as in the vanilla cutscene. @ Jorak Uln: About the Tarisian towers. I can't really say if I'll be able to do that just yet. I only found some free city models for Terragen with buildings that resemble the Tarisian architecture and I hope that I'll be able to use those for the skybox. If you want to, you could make new textures for those in your style and I could use those instead of the ones included with the model. But you'll have to ask me again once I start with that skybox.
  15. I could use some advice A few days ago I posted a picture of my WIP Dantooine skybox. The problem with that version was that its feeling was quite far from the vanilla skybox with its "dreamy" atmosphere, so I made some edits today to try and capture this look. What I'd like to know is which version you prefer. And here are the pics for comparison: I also added a short list showing my progress to the first post of this thread. And even more important: I found free models for Terragen that look like Tarisian buildings, so I'm pretty sure that I can now make that skybox unlike before, when I had no idea how to do that And I did some tests for Kashyyyk and that skybox should be possible with my knowledge as well. Now I only need to find a model that I can use for the giant crashed spaceship seen on the Unknown World...
  16. Great job with the Sith base. And for the bacta tanks I vote for A. I can't really say what but something about B bothers me and makes them look a bit unrealistic^^
  17. May I ask what "this mod" you're talking about is? And also, I don't think that there are any mods that make the game run on your system if it didn't before. In that case you'll have to look for fixes or guides to make them run on newer systems and once they do you can add mods to enhance the gameplay or graphics.
  18. The original plan was to do them and I even have some ideas what I'd do with certain planets but I want to finish K1 first and then we'll see what happens. But if I make TSL skyboxes I'm going to use the same terrain for Dantooine and Korriban to achieve consistency but with different lighting and maybe some minor changes. I don't have the full version of Terragen either I just use more camera angles and some photoshop magic^^ There will definetly be a fall version of my Dantooine skybox but since I personally use Green Grass for Dantooine I decided to start with a version fitting this mod.
  19. 2048x2048 up from vanillas 512x512 And here's a screenshot of the low resolution Dantooine test I did today. I think I'm getting somewhere.
  20. Great mod idea But I've got one question: Do you have any plans for WOTOR compability? (I'm asking because this mod modifies k37_itm_ajunta and k37_itm_freedont too)
  21. Korriban is done And here's a screenshot of what it looks like: I'm really really happy with the way it turned out.
  22. Glad you like it. But simple retexturing won't work, because all rocks on Korriban use the same brown texture. But those in the distance have some kind of blue shader on top of them. I'll check that. Thanks for the info. And about Dantooine: I'll see what I can do, but the terrain looks pretty good ingame already^^ Edit: I found the label you're referring to but changing the colour and putting the .are file into my Override doesn't have any effect. Did I edit the wrong thing or do I have to repack the .rim file for it to work? Edit 2: Apparently I was so tired yesterday that I modified a module from TSL (I don't even know if it was the Valley of the Dark Lords^^). So I tried again today and after some try and error with that weird colour code, I managed to edit the fog in a way that the area model and the skybox blend really nice now
  23. Progress I wasn't 100% happy with Dantooine, so I decided to work on Korriban a bit before finishing this skybox. And it turned out that making Korriban was really easy. But once I put a low quality render in the game this happened: I'd say it looks pretty nice already (even though the sun is not where it's supposed to be^^) but the 3d models and the background don't really blend because of their different lighting. And so I wondered if it's possible to get rid of the blueish tint of the models or if I have to edit my texture. And I also finished the Tatooine skybox (lowered the horizon and made some small color adjustments).
  24. Kexikus


    Possible^^ But while testing, they all dropped their gaffi sticks
  25. I actually thought about buying K1 a second time, hoping that the GOG version would have working cutscenes. (They crashed the game most of the time in my Steam version.) But while trying to figure out whether or not GOG fixed this issue, I actually found a fix for my steam version so now I don't have to buy it again^^ But it's also a really good sale for everything Star Wars. I only wish they'd add Shadows of the Empire since I've always wanted to play it