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W4rb1rd last won the day on April 30 2014

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5 Neutral

About W4rb1rd

  • Rank
    Jedi Padawan
  • Birthday 03/20/1986

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    Kołobrzeg, Poland

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  1. To above: lol... keep it real, dude.
  2. It happens...

    © DeviantART

  3. Does this pic take a honorary permanent place in the Screen of the Week or its just you don't have any other new content?
  4. The grand finale. The circle is now complete. Epilogue snapshots: Let the thrill of anticipation serve as your imagination. In other worlds: no spoilering this time. Sorry! Some technical specs to consider: video: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC @ 1600x900 @ 30 fps 4400 kbps audio: 44.100 Hz 56 kbps runtime: 9 mins 10 secs container: mp4 file size (unpacked): ~276 MB But don't you worry. It looks still quite sharp. The AVC codec is very versatile. Much better than DVD format certain folks still tend to use O_o DOWNLOAD LINK(S): EPILOGUE https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=7F19E289F6F6BF27!836 * https://www.dropbox.com/s/ty7c20qgtiibcbf/swkotor2tsl_m_e.zip * the file size is below 300 MB, so you can download it without signing to Windows LIVE ID! All right. This is it. By the way, I would like to thank my girlfriend for being so patient to me these days. I... didn't... show... too much devotion to her these days as I normally would. So, it's time to pack my trash and move on. It isn't a very good time to make "KotOR movies" anyway. Not here at least. Bye! PS. In something like 2+ weeks I've created a quality material of lenght 1+ hours. Given life and work and soon-to-be-wed wife... beat that speed, dude! PSS. Uploading to YouTube is encouraged. Just write somewhere that this vid has been made by W4rb1rd and not by you. That shall do it. Thanks.
  5. Episode III has arrived. The adventure goes on. Cover: Episode III's opening crawl: Knights of the Old Republic SEARCH FOR AN OLD MASTER Tragedy! After discovering the hidden message in a recently found droid T3-M4, Lynn Que'r began searching for Revan's Force signature which resulted in a taint created by the DARK SIDE of the Force and felt into Force-induced COMA. Before losing consciousness, her Force-enhanced subconscious still whispers to her relentlessly. She knows she must go and find out and perhaps even face her old master Revan on KORRIBAN - an Ancient Sith homeworld. There are yet many question left unanswered. It's getting ridiculously hard writing these opening crawls, especially when not really much happened since the last episode. Whoever invented the idea that every new episode MUST contain another shiny new crawl is a real BULLSH!T. So, maybe let's talk about something else. No? Okay. Jedi's friends knowing something is not right have started their own preparations for another unavoidably dangerous voyage. A critical moment approaches... Episode III snapshots: Some technical specs to consider: video: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC @ 1600x900 @ 30 fps 7000 kbps audio: 44.100 Hz 192 kbps runtime: 22 mins 57 secs container: mp4 file size (unpacked): ~1167 MB DOWNLOAD LINK(S): EPISODE III: SEARCH FOR AN OLD MASTER https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=7F19E289F6F6BF27!835 https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2ahv15zhxtdzy3/swkotor2tsl_m_sfaom.zip I would appreciate some feedback this time if you please!... This isn't over yet... PS. Uploading to YouTube is encouraged. Just write somewhere that this vid has been made by W4rb1rd and not by you. That shall do it. Thanks.
  6. W4rb1rd


    Thank you Mr. Deal with it! You shall be properly credited for your two mods in my upcoming episode.
  7. Head/brain tails... lol, can't you just say lekku? Another good scene (I think) for testing is them talking with Atton in cantina.
  8. Episode VII conflicts with EU? Its rather reverse: whether EU conflict with Episode VII lol! I have a strong feeling that after EP7 all that wookiepedia fantasies crap are done for scrap. And that's a good thing.
  9. If they wire a Kickstarter to back them up it might work after all.
  10. I get it, but the skin tone of the head of yours doesn't match the rest of the body. I don't consider that as an improvement. It would be better if she wore a bag
  11. What?! The vanilla ones looks very good and sexy. There is nothing urgent to be changed IMHO!