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  1. Decided to try Reshade on Kotor for the first time... this hurts my eyes and it feels like the antialiasing was completely turned off (it's set to 8x). Ya... not seeing the big deal.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. N-DReW25


      Not sure about you guys but when I tried reshade on Kotor it was the worst mistake I ever made: literally felt like I applied a 1970s style VCR filter on my game whilst paying my FPS for it.

    3. Malkior


      @N-Drew Sigh... That's because the person who made that preset probably used a 1970s VCR filter shader. That's literally a thing it can do.

      Reshade is a tool that allows you to do ANYTHING to your game's pixel shader. You can change every variable in each shader in your preset to whatever you want.

      Why does everyone keep blaming the tool itself instead of the poorly made presets? 

      What you are saying is akin to claiming game mods suck because of a crappy skin someone made of Jolee.



    4. Mephiles550


      The similarity between reshade and modding is that most people who play kotor only know how to "use" it, not how it works. The majority of people who download anything besides a texture mod, and even then, dont know the purpose behind any file in their override. It's the same with reshade, they dont know how it works. They just download it and put it in their kotor folder 

      The difference between reshade and modding is that the majority of kotor mods, I think, are fairly good. The majority of kotor reshade presets available, from what i can tell, are ass.