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  1. 1 point

    Version 1.5


    Bubbling up from the font of dark knowledge, ndix UR presents KotOR High Resolution Menus, a UI mod package providing full high resolution menu and UI support for Knights of the Old Republic. The tyrrany of 640x480 menus and 6-item lists is over. Normally, when you increase the game's resolution using a widescreen patcher like UniWS, the menus stay very small in the middle of the screen and the borders get larger. This package is designed to be used *after* the widescreen patcher has done its work. It scales the menu screens up so that they fill the screen. This package requires modification of the swkotor.exe file using a supplied patcher, and is only known to work with GoG, 4-CD, and macOS (x86) versions of the game. It should be compatible with any Steam version that uses UniWS. The main content of the package are sets of GUI files (.gui), scaled for specific resolutions. The package contains GUI files for over 30 common resolutions with the following aspect ratios: 4:3, 16:10, 16:9, 21:9, and 32:9. Here is a list of the currently supported resolutions: Installation Find the gui.WxH folder matching your resolution, modify your executable using the supplied patcher, copy the GUI files to your Override/ folder. The details for this process can be found in the package README.pdf file. Read it. Follow the instructions therein. The documentation includes everything you need to know to manually patch your EXE if the patcher does not work for your version. Uninstallation Remove the GUI files, restore the original backed up version of your swkotor.exe file. IMPORTANT NOTES: This is not a resolution hack or widescreen patch, such as you get from using UniWS. You should already be successfully running the game at the resolution you are trying to get menus and UI for. Nothing in this package will give you any additional resolutions available. That is not what this does. If you are trying to get high-res menus for one of the resolutions supported by default (800x600, 1024x768, etc.) there is probably no point to using the GUI files named 'mipc*' provided by this package (mostly the in-game "HUD"), however, this scenario is untested. There are a few of the GUI files in this package you can use without modifying your executable. Here is that 'safe' list, in case you are unable to modify your executable: It gets you the main menu, some dialogs, and the in-game HUD elements. Thanks DarthParametric for testing, contributing a double-clickable thing for Windows users, and prompting me to finally figure out the needed EXE modifications. tk102 for GFF2XML and XML2GFF source code, which made it a lot easier to get this up and running. Known Issues The patcher is currently incredibly limited, making no effort to search for values, only looking at specific locations where they are in the executables I have access to. This package does not contain any higher resolution artwork. At high resolutions, menu backgrounds will be blocky, and the striped list backgrounds are unlikely to line up with list items. For numerous reasons, you will want to get a high resolution menu art package. The game's initial character selection screen does not lay out the selectable characters properly according to GUI file field values. It is useable, but not perfect. The blue hilight borders had to be removed from around the characters to maintain a clean look. The map screen is scaled up, but the map itself is not. Furthermore, the position of the map within the frame is somewhat random/poorly understood. The map, however, is completely useable, and the points of interest and player indicator are all positioned accurately relative to the map. Some of the 3D models in menus, such as on the character stats or character generation screens, display line artifacts over them. This is caused by the very low quality graphics being scaled up to provide the border overlays. Extracting the graphics as TGAs, scaling them up, and placing them into Override/ sometimes solves these problems. This package omits statussummary.gui and dialog.gui. Scaling them up cause problems. The files don't behave as expected, and it seems to not require a customized version in order for them to work as one would want. You might notice 1280x1080 in 21:9 even though it is not 21:9. It is for split-screen on 21:9 monitors. Rescaling the dialog/cut-scene letterbox (which is optional) seems to introduce occasional issues with letterbox placement, particularly when the letterbox animation happens. This may be fixed at some point in the future. There is no scaling on font size, and as far as I know no one has figured out how to do it, so users on TV/couch setups may not find the help they are looking for with this. Upgrading 1.4 to 1.5: If your resolution was not previously supported, copy new .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.3 to 1.4: If you have Polish version, you can run EXE patching process If you have 32:9 display, copy new .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.2 to 1.3: Copy all the .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.1 to 1.2: Repeat the EXE patching process on a backup EXE if you want letterbox scaling Upgrading 1.0 to 1.1: Remove dialog.gui from your Override/ Copy 1.1 pazaakgame.gui to your Override/
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.1.0


    This is my first mod for KotOR and it's relatively simple. I was always quite annoyed by certain areas of the game having a major "clone" effect with some of the NPC's. This mod aims to fix that issue in just a few of the areas. I made sure to pick areas and NPC's to edit that did not affect other parts of the game, as some NPC's in some modules share files, I made sure to edit ones that would not conflict. The main areas this provides changes in are the Manaan cantina, swoop lounge, Korriban Sith Academy, and Valley of the Dark Lords. I also changed Fazza and Yortal (Ithorian merchant near the Sith embassy on Manaan). Fazza and Yortal were changed because, for some reason, most Ithorians you interact with in the game all have the exact same skin despite there being three different Ithorian skins. I changed some appearances in the Sith Academy to better reflect their roles. For example; the NPC's labeled "Sith Teacher" now have an older appearance (I also gave a few of them double bladed lightsabers to add to the variety). The Mandalorian in the Manaan cantina is wearing Mandalorian armor. The Echani mercenaries in that same area are now wearing Echani armor. The Sith academy guards that are at the doors are wearing red, while the ones patrolling are still wearing silver armor. Several Dreshdae NPC's were changed including the Czerka representative and the guard behind him (they were twins prior to this) as well as one of the Rodian's in the cantina. All the changes I put forth were done to both add variety and make some sense within the context of the world (like giving the Echani mercs Echani armor). Where I was able to, I changed heads so there wouldn't be as many twins standing beside each other or in the same room and for some NPC's that had a bit more dialogue, I tried giving them less used/seen head appearances. Compatibility: This mod uses TSLPatcher to inject the changes directly into the module files. If you are using Sith Uniform Reformation, then the only incompatible files will be those for the Sith guards on Korriban (therefore you can choose to keep the armored Sith guards or the ones from that mod). This mod is compatible with K1CP, though you MUST install the K1CP first. I highly recommend you have JC's Back in Black mod installed first as well. This is NOT meant to be used with any other major NPC diversity mods that change these specific NPC's, as it won't be compatible. For the changes to take place, you MUST NOT have entered the areas where this modifies NPC's. Either start a new game or load a save prior to entering the specific areas of change. (I am utilizing several @Dark Hope skins in my screenshots. I recommend checking her content out, as her retextures are top notch) Big thanks to @Effix +@Leilukin + @N-DReW25 + @JCarter426for their help! If anyone runs into any issues with this at all, please DM me here.
  3. 1 point
    Hello! It seems like in the original game it is not possible to ever get all three Mandalorian Datapads as part of the Mandalorian Raiders mission. I am working on a solution that should improve the overall flow of the mission by restoring this third item and moving one of the Datapads to the body of one fallen Mandalorian (supposedly Jarg). I just need to test it and, if there is any interest, I will then release it.
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 08/09/04 ============================================================================ These are some simple revisions to the Sith Lord Artifacts that you find in the Tombs on Korriban. These are more usable in game now and are more suited to the status of ancient Sith artifacts. This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all 3 of the .uti files in the .zip, except this read-me into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it. Uninstall Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these 3 files from your override directory. This Jedi Master Robe Package Contains: ---------------------------------------- Ajunta Pall's Double Vibroblade (Upgradeable) Feat Required: Jedi Defense Attack Bonus: +5 and Keen Damage Bonuses: +2D6 Fire +2D6 Slashing Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons Specialization: Melee Weapons Two Weapon Fighting Improved Two Weapon Fighting Master Two Weapon Fighting Flurry Improved Flurry Master Flurry Upgraded: Energy Projector +2D6 Energy Damage Massive Criticals +2D6 Dam. Durasteel Alloy +5 to Attack Vibration Cell Stun DC22, 50% Chance for 4 Rounds Tulak Hord's Mask (Sith Mask Model) Feat Required: Jedi Defense Damage Immunity: Fire 100% / Cold 100% Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical-Hits +8 to Stealth, +8 to Awareness, +5 to Wisdom, +5 to Charisma, +2 all Saving Throws Bonus Feats: Force Focus Improved Force Focus Master Force Focus Regeneration (HP) 2 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 5 Per Round Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets Feat Required: Jedi Defense Immunities: Poison +5 to Strength, +5 to Dexterity, +2 all Saving Throws, +8 Blaster Bolt Deflection Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Specialization: Lightsaber Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 5 Per Round Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- k37_itm_ajunta - Ajunta Pall's Double Vibroblade (Upgradeable) kor38b_mask - Tulak Hord's Mask (Sith Mask Model) kor38a_gauntlet - Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
  5. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This file is a hex-editable KOTOR executable for use in widescreen patching. The file was originally produced by FairLight, and therefore DeadlyStream offers no technical support for the file or its use.
  6. 1 point

    Version 1.2


    This is a companion to my TSL Main Menu Model Fix for Widescreen mod. In a similar manner, it adjusts the model file for K1's main menu so that it properly fills the full screen width of widescreen aspect ratios (i.e. 16:9, 16:10). It is designed to be used in conjunction with ndix UR’s KotOR High Resolution Menus mod (as pictured). Because the original vanilla background texture is very low resolution, it looks pretty terrible when scaled up to fullscreen at 1080 (or above). I created a new, higher resolution background texture that approximates the same look. As of v1.1, an optional replacement logo is provided. This is a TOR-style version of the logo, created by GOG. Two versions are provided, one of which is offset in order to better align using the current version of ndix UR's GUI mod. A centered version is also provided in the even that the GUI mod is updated. Note that I have only tested this at 1080. I have no idea how the image may be positioned at different resolutions. Obviously this mod will not be compatible with any other mod that also alters/replaces the menu model. As mentioned, it is intended to be used with ndix UR’s UI mod, and serves no real purpose without that mod. N.B.: This is NOT a widescreen mod! This is just an addition for when you are already using a widescreen mod like UniWS. Installation Instructions Extract the archive, copy the MDL, MDX, and TGA files, and paste them into your Override folder. If you also wish to use the upscaled vanilla logo or the TOR-style logo, copy the appropriate version to your Override folder as well. Acknowledgements Thanks to @bead-v for MDLEdit and KOTORMax that made editing and compiling the menu model possible. Thanks to @ndix UR for testing the mod and various discussions pertaining to its development, as well as all the behind-the-scenes work in getting the new mod tools off the ground. Thanks to @JCarter426 for helping out with filtering via waifu2x to clean up some of the aliasing
  7. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    This mod replaces Yuthura Ban's head texture to give her Sith eyes as seen in the Star Wars movies. But if you manage to turn her back to the light and meet her again later she'll have her original eye colour again. Installation: Run YuthuraInstaller.exe and let TSL Patcher do its magic. It should find your KotOR installation automatically. If it doesn't and you have to select it manually, choose the folder that includes swkotor.exe. Do NOT delete the backup folder that is created during the installation, you'll need it if you ever want to uninstall this mod. Uninstallation: Delete N_UthuraH.tga, N_UthuraH_Light.tga and dan13_yuthura.utc from your Override folder. Then copy heads.2da from this mods backup folder and place it inside your Override folder, replacing the one already there. If there is no heads.2da in your backup folder, you can simply delete heads.2da from your Override folder (unless you installed other mods editing this file afterwards). Compabilitiy: This mod is obviously incompatible with any mod that alters Yuthuras head texture, you can however replace my version with another one if you like it better. It is also incompatible with any mod that alters Yuthuras .utc file on Dantooine and with any mod that alters her dark side transition skin in heads.2da. I made it that way - this way meaning that I made Yuthura a dark side character on Dantooine and giving her a light side skin while she's dark - because that way it was possible to leave her Korriban .utcs untouched and since it's more common to have them modded that's probably a good idea. And it doesn't matter if the game thinks she's on the dark side on Dantooine anyway. Credits: Mod by Kexikus TSL Patcher by stoffe THIS MOD IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS OR BIOWARE. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR OF THIS MOD NOR THE COMPANIES MENTIONED ABOVE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER WHEN USING THIS FILE.