OK, I did some further hex edits to stop the animation. The starboard section with Carth and the escape pods is pretty straightforward. The skybox is part of M01AB_10A and is just the starfield, no fighters, planets, nebulae, etc. I simply set the value for all the rotation keys to the one for time 0 (0°) for the starfield mesh. For the Command Module I did the same thing for M01AA_07B, except I tried to get the nebula visible from the bridge windows. I can't figure out the animation data values though, as it is different to the way MDLOps compiles animation rotations, so the best I could do was set it to the value for the middle key, which is 180°. At that value the nebula is just visible at the top of the starboard windows.
Endar Spire Command Module M01AA_07B - Invisible fighters, laser bolts, & planet; rotating skybox: https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_M01AA_07B_Skybox_Edit.7z
Endar Spire Command Module M01AA_07B - Invisible fighters, laser bolts, & planet; static skybox: https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_M01AA_07B_Skybox_Edit_No_Animation.7z
Endar Spire Starboard Section M01AB_10A - Static skybox: https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_M01AB_10A_Skybox_No_Animation.7z