Aliens Redetailed Mod 1.0

   (16 reviews)

20 Screenshots

About This File

This mod has actually been in the proverbial pipes for quite some time now. Thanks to some extensive help from Kyrie on the forums, it can finally see the light of day.


What is this mod, you ask? Well it was originally a mass retexturing of all of the alien eyes to better match those seen in the films by getting rid of those irritating painted-on eye specular shines once and for all. This being done by making the specular shine via alpha layers and cubemaps rather than a diffuse texture. The coolest part about this is, the eye reflections are fully dynamic, and if you alter the angle that you look at them, they will actually move across the eye.



However, time has duly marched on, and since then, I have been adding more things to my modifications as well as fixing small visual things such as:


giving the Boma a punch-through modifier and alpha map to its teeth, so you will now be able to see-through them,


the Toydarian now actually having some (albeit painted-on) clothes and no longer being naked in the middle of the street; thus confronting a problem which always disturbed and confused me,


the Aqualish having shiny tusks and eyes (for visual effect),


and the Twileks having shiny skin (more akin to the movies)



Also included in an optional capacity, are a few experimental reskins that I wasn't comfortable forcing on whoever downloaded them as they are purely a matter of taste. These include


a CM_Baremetal/Specmap revision of Luxa to which she now has shiny skin (that zeltrons typically have in the EU),


some tattoos added to the Twin Suns to give them some identity (A collegue told me that "real" assassins wouldn't have such obvious markings, but I like them anyway, personally),


and a recoloration of the Gamorean thugs to a more green and color-saturated look.


(examples of these are in the screenshots)



All of that said, I hope you like how this mod looks; and that the visual effects it provides will make alien encounters and cantina sequences more cinematic and cooler to look at.~

What's New in Version 1.0


  • 1.0 Uploaded and proofread mod...
  • (Plans for the future: Maybe some better resolution reskins for the ithorians)
  • Like 1

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I might mention a suggestion for the update: Reduce the intensity of the shine effect on the twi'leks and Luxa; make the alpha gray-ish instead of black.

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Okay. I'll definitely put that under consideration.


I normally have the problem though of people not seeing the mod as being a significant difference compared to vanilla assets, and so I thusly tried to go as far as I could visually with this one.


If the shininess is too extreme for most's taste (IE oiled-up), then I can definitely release an update to that effect.

(BTW the alpha is actually near white, Citadel Station and Nar Shadaa just have extremely dark lighting :D)


However, I was actually wondering if the Toydarian looked alright to you. I gave it my best shot, but it still irked me when I looked at the coloration in the screenshot.


Additionally, would it be more preferable for the white Twin Sun to have the tattoo that is currently on her navel on her back instead? I personally am not entirely sure which looks better, but I am interested to know what everyone else thinks.


If there's anything else I should work on to make it better, please let me know...

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If you could work on the Twin Sun's cleavage, which kind of look unnatural at the moment (always bothered me...), that would be a great addon!

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@Mr Phil


How are they unnatural? The texture itself looks pretty seamless. Are you talking in a more general sense of realism IRL?

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Right now, both the skin part of the breast and the fabric look as if they were without texture. Kind of like if they blend with each other (particularly true if you look at pic #8). It would be great if some kind of texture could make the demarcation between more another more obvious. Something like a texture on the fabric. For example, a metal bra (with the metal effect) or maybe something else, I am not too sure. Right now, it feels to me as if the fabric was an extension to the skin: it is too flat. In my opinion, it needs a texture that improve the feeling of a depth between the both of em. Kind of like a bra does. Ever seen a perfectly flat bra? Anyway, there is also the matter of the skin shadows. The whole thing feels unnatural to me, exceptionnally at the cleavage and around the eyes. They look like they tried to put shadow around their eyes and dropped the whole pot there lol, especially the blue one.

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It should be.  I've been using it with TSLRCM since it was released, and I have no problems.


All it changes besides adding textures is a couple of entries in appearance.2da, and since it uses the TSL Patcher, compatibility shouldn't be an issue.

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Again. No idea how long it's been since I replied.. Anyway, the mod's actually designed for TSLRCM, since it edits the toydarian that it replaces. I've used it with TSLRCM, and had no issues. If you see any issues, please let me know so that I can get on fixing them quickly. I also am pleased to announce that I will include my updated Gamorrean skins to the existing mod, as well as a few tweaks to the rest if the lineup. (Pics are in my WIP thread )

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I'm using the core part without the optionals and I like everything that this does to improve the aliens.  Nice work.

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Thanks :) I'm currently working on making those optionals more attractive. My WIP thread has pics as I make more progress with them.

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Amazing Job. To be honest, most of my mods are retextures. Couldn't forget about your mods :) This one is of my "must haves". Hope to see more mods ;]

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