Starship Combat Pay 1.0.1

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Starship Combat Pay v1.0.1


Starship Combat Pay give players a tangible reward, beyond avoiding a game over screen, for surviving the Ebon Hawk Gunnery Station mini-game. After escaping the Sith Blockade and landing on Dantooine, you’ll get a message from the Republic. It reads:


"Republic Combat Pay

Thank you for registering your Dynamic-class freighter, designation: the Ebon Hawk, as a civilian paramilitary vessel.

Until further notice, as an enlisted soldier of the Galactic Republic Navy, you are hereby entitled to a financial reward of 200 Republic credits for the successful elimination of each Sith Imperial starfighter you encounter aboard your registered personal starship.

You'll find a payment of 1200 Republic credits has already been deposited directly into your account. Further payments will be deposited immediately after each conflict.

May the Force be with you."


…And that’s exactly what the mod does. It pays you a total of 1200 credits every time you’re forced to play the Ebon Hawk Gunner Station mini game.



Unfortunately, this mod doesn’t change the mini-game itself in any meaningful way. It does however make playing it more rewarding. When deciding on the number of credits players should receive, we looked at different amounts of pay that scale with level and we arrived at a flat 1200 credits for a number of reasons.

A scaling number of credits requires an in-setting explanation for why the main character’s pay increases, which logically goes to rank. Applying any sort of rank to the main character adds a level of non-canon material that I’m not comfortable adding in my mods.

In terms of the game’s existing financial rewards go 1200 credits is pushing it. However, in terms of the setting, a 1200 credit bonus is a paltry sum for destroying a 300,000 credits worth of starfighters. So, since most players tend to only travel between planets after fully completing them, the number of randomly generated starfighter encounters is relatively low.

In any case, once you get full access to the Ebon Hawk, you’re free to win heaps of credits by swoop racing or savescum an infinite number of credits by gambling with Suvam Tan. So, exploiting the turret minigame isn’t going to unbalance anything.




Special Thanks

I want to thank Thor110 who had the script almost entirely worked out within minutes of pitching the idea and for patiently sticking with it over the next couple weeks to fine tune it. Seriously, this part was about 90% of the work.

I also want to thank Zoctavous who has very quickly become my go-to scripting confidante. Whenever there’s something I don’t understand or need help fixing. He’s usually the first person I hit up. Without him helping me get past the very first problem with this mod, this release simply wouldn’t have happened.

Finally, I want to give a special thanks to Discord user sharkynebula from the KOTOR server who casually suggested that the Republic should have to pay you for playing the minigame. This is the idea set this whole thing off.

What's New in Version 1.0.1


Changed the title of the datapad from Republic Bounty Program to Republic Combat Pay as it makes a little more sense. Honestly, I don't know why I didn't do this the first time around.

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Hello there! This is very interesting idea, and I feel like it fits well within the game's setting. It always struck me as a bit odd how in KotOR the Republic is this distant entity that you don't really interact with much until the very end (and Manaan, I suppose). My question is, does this mod require a fresh playthrough to work?

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Hi there ! I tried this out with a save prior to the dog fight in Taris, in Davik Estate. Once the dogfight is over, it does not display the dantooine cutscene. Then i spawn on the hawk with the space layout, and Dantooine as the only map on the galaxy map. If i try to click on Dantooine, it exits the galaxy map. Then if i exit the ebon hawk through the back, it warps me into Dantooine module normally and i still gets the items.

Is this supposed to happend? 

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1 hour ago, CapitaineSpoque said:

Hi there ! I tried this out with a save prior to the dog fight in Taris, in Davik Estate. Once the dogfight is over, it does not display the dantooine cutscene. Then i spawn on the hawk with the space layout, and Dantooine as the only map on the galaxy map. If i try to click on Dantooine, it exits the galaxy map. Then if i exit the ebon hawk through the back, it warps me into Dantooine module normally and i still gets the items.

Is this supposed to happend? 

Nope. That's so weird. I've never seen that before either. Did you use any other mods?

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A lot of mods actually. I have the mod that makes party banters inside the Ebon Hawk, the only one i could think could interact.

If i delete the stuntdth3,4,6 and 7 scripts, the cutscene display normally. With any of them i encounter the problem.

I could try to install them directly to the ebon hawk module, maybe dropping them to override causes interactions ?

Otherwise, after the Dantooine landing and all, everything works fine. Even if i have a dogfight traveling to Dantooine, the cutscene displays fine and i still get the money for everything + i get the item related to this fact.

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4 minutes ago, CapitaineSpoque said:

A lot of mods actually. I have the mod that makes party banters inside the Ebon Hawk, the only one i could think could interact.

Which mod is this?

5 minutes ago, CapitaineSpoque said:

If i delete the stuntdth3,4,6 and 7 scripts, the cutscene display normally. With any of them i encounter the problem.

I'll need to ask Thor110 since he understands the script better.

If I were to guess though, those might be the scripts related to HK-47s simulations, which are accessed through his normal ship banter.

If I'm right, deleting them would likely get you paid for doing the simulation. Again, this is just a guess. I'm not able to look over the script atm and I haven't had the chance to speak with Thor110 yet.

15 minutes ago, CapitaineSpoque said:

I could try to install them directly to the ebon hawk module, maybe dropping them to override causes interactions ?

When we worked on this, we didn't think any other mods would ever touch this so we didn't really bother with compatibility.  I say, go for it.

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Well thank you for your insights. Im gonna experiment myself and tell you about the results.



I think this is the mod im talking about.


EDIT = I tried your mod on a fresh install of the game, it worked perfectly. So i tried with both Banter mod and your mod, and the bug occured. This is due to the fact that the banter dialog occurs instead of the dialog that plays before arriving to Dantooine.

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I tried to install your files into the Turret module but it didnt fix anything.

So the 2 mods seem incompatible, maybe there is something here :

- Your mod works just as Vanilla, there is the Bastila dialogue before landing to Dantooine.

- With the banter mod, the cutscene displays first, and then the dialog occurs.

I don't really know if it's fixable ^^

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On 9/10/2024 at 8:40 AM, CapitaineSpoque said:

This is due to the fact that the banter dialog occurs instead of the dialog that plays before arriving to Dantooine.

For some reason I can't reproduce the issue on my end, but attached is an edited version of the Ebon Hawk entry script from my mod with a few added checks to more rigorously prevent the banter dialog from running right before landing on Dantooine for the first time.  @CapitaineSpoque, would you mind please testing it when you have a chance and reporting back if it works?

Ebon Hawk Party Conversation Hotfix (Beta).zip

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On 9/17/2024 at 3:50 AM, WildKarrde said:

For some reason I can't reproduce the issue on my end, but attached is an edited version of the Ebon Hawk entry script from my mod with a few added checks to more rigorously prevent the banter dialog from running right before landing on Dantooine for the first time.  @CapitaineSpoque, would you mind please testing it when you have a chance and reporting back if it works?

Ebon Hawk Party Conversation Hotfix (Beta).zip 337.23 kB · 1 download

I tried it and it kinda works. Now the conversation with bastila works just as in vanilla, and you get out of the ship into the jedi temple module after the conversation, however the dantooine arrival cutscene does not occur still.


EDIT = Btw, it might be possible to edit Bastila's dialogue script to fire the cutscene tho I'll check this out.

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11 hours ago, CapitaineSpoque said:

I tried it and it kinda works. Now the conversation with bastila works just as in vanilla, and you get out of the ship into the jedi temple module after the conversation, however the dantooine arrival cutscene does not occur still.

Interesting, at least that’s progress.  Just to confirm, are you now only missing the pre-rendered cutscene where the Ebon Hawk lands on Dantooine?  I.e. the sequence you see is:

  1. Fighter minigame
  2. Bastila’s dialog in the cockpit about how they should be safe for now on Dantooine
  3. Jump to the dialog outside on the Dantooine landing pad

…just without the cutscene of the Ebon Hawk landing?  Are you also using the KOTOR 1 Community Patch by any chance?  I think K1CP edits a few scripts, including the k_pebo_sthdeathXX scripts, to move the landing cutscene from between 2 and 3 to between 1 and 2.  If Starship Combat Pay overwrites K1CP’s changes, then perhaps using both together results in that cutscene being skipped altogether.

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On 9/19/2024 at 3:18 AM, WildKarrde said:

I.e. the sequence you see is:

  1. Fighter minigame
  2. Bastila’s dialog in the cockpit about how they should be safe for now on Dantooine
  3. Jump to the dialog outside on the Dantooine landing pad

…just without the cutscene of the Ebon Hawk landing?  


On 9/19/2024 at 3:18 AM, WildKarrde said:

Are you also using the KOTOR 1 Community Patch by any chance?  I think K1CP edits a few scripts, including the k_pebo_sthdeathXX scripts, to move the landing cutscene from between 2 and 3 to between 1 and 2.  If Starship Combat Pay overwrites K1CP’s changes, then perhaps using both together results in that cutscene being skipped altogether.

Good news : Your hotfix works on a fresh vanilla install of the game, everything works fine. I only installed the starship combat pay + your mod/the hotfix.

Did not work on k1cp, i guess you're right.

EDIT = We were both right in the end. I located the bastila dialog file, and the last script fired was indeed edited by K1CP. I changed it back to the vanilla script, and now everything works ! 🥳





I added the hyperspace movie to the vanilla script before landing, so it transitions better.



Here is the final result (it reminds me of adding a fade in to my cinematography mod update!) : 


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On 9/21/2024 at 2:50 AM, CapitaineSpoque said:

Good news : Your hotfix works on a fresh vanilla install of the game, everything works fine. I only installed the starship combat pay + your mod/the hotfix.

Did not work on k1cp, i guess you're right.

EDIT = We were both right in the end. I located the bastila dialog file, and the last script fired was indeed edited by K1CP. I changed it back to the vanilla script, and now everything works ! 🥳

Fantastic, great to hear that it's all working now.  That sequence looks pretty cool with the high-quality hyperspace tunnel mixed in there.

@Timbo, since it looks like some of your scripts overlap with K1CP, you may wish to consider also putting together a K1CP-compatible version of your mod.  The source code for K1CP can be found here:

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It's fully compatible with K1CP. We used the open source K1CP scripts as a base for this mod. If you want to install both, and you should, just install K1CP first and you're good to go.

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On 9/23/2024 at 11:54 AM, Timbo said:

It's fully compatible with K1CP. We used the open source K1CP scripts as a base for this mod. If you want to install both, and you should, just install K1CP first and you're good to go.

Yeah. I was wrong. There are some scripts that do not work with K1CP. A fix has been made and is being tested. I'm hoping to have it out this weekend.

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