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Restored Content for K1CP [DEMO]
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic
Author: N-DReW25
0.9.0 Demo Release Date: 19.02.2025

Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions!

Once you click on the INSTALL.exe, you'll be given five options.

Main Mod- This is the installation which installs the RC-K1CP mod.

Lite NPCs Restored- This restores the Lite NPCs that were removed in the K1CP, install this option if you want these back in your game.

Restored Gloveless Clothing- Left over textures and pre-release screenshots suggests that the commoner clothing didn't always have gloves that hid the NPCs hands, with this option installed all the generic NPCs will have exposed hands that correspond with the skin color of that NPCs race (White, Black and Asian). This option is fully compatible with the K1 Clothing Pack but is incompatible with Dark Hope's Commoner Clothing reskins.

Restored Sith Officer Uniforms- Restores the unused Sith Officer uniform variants throughout the game, this option is incompatible with Heyorange's Sith Uniform Reformation.

Restored Party Dialogue- As of right now, this option restores unused lines for Canderous' dialogue about Korriban. This option is cripplingly incompatible with mods that edit "k_hcan_dialog.dlg" so don't install this option if that file is already in your Override folder.

Restored Unique Blaster- Restores unused textures for Carth's Blaster and the Baragwin Ion-X Weapon. These are an optional install as they are incompatible with the High Quality Blasters mod by Sithspecter.

The Kotor 1 Community Patch (K1CP) is the biggest bug fix mod for Kotor 1 and is arguably the number one go-to mod for Kotor 1, similar to TSLRCM for Kotor 2. The Kotor 1 Restoration (K1R) mod is NOT compatible with the K1CP and as such players have to pick between hundreds of bug fixes offered by the K1CP or the restored content of K1R, they couldn't pick both... until now!

Restored Content for K1CP is a restoration mod for Kotor 1 which has been developed for use alongside the K1CP mod, with this mod installed you shall experience restored content alongside the bug fixes of the K1CP mod.

This mod also does not follow the same "rules" as K1R, that means this mod might restore cut content that K1R didn't restore either because the original K1R Dev Team didn't want to restore it or because they didn't know about it.

This mod is an INDEPENDENT project developed by a single modder (and any future contributors) with no connection to the original K1R mod, everything in this mod was developed from scratch as getting permission to use K1R assets is impossible due to the disappearance of the K1R team leader. This mod is a DEMO meaning it does not restore all the cut content that K1R restores, future updates shall add more content and fix any bugs present in the mod. 

Whilst this mod is a Demo, it is not necessarily incomplete... what little restored content this mod has to offer is complete and will not standout as unfinished (in terms of the mod itself, your opinion on the cut content might be different).

If you have feedback or any bugs to report for the next update, I urge you to report these to me so that the Restored Content for K1CP mod may be the best it can be!




What RC-K1CP currently restores!:

* Impossible and Very Easy difficulties.
* Integrated the Juhani Dialogue Restoration mod.
* Restored various unused item descriptions (Found either in the dialog.tlk or the archived swkotor.com website).
* Davik's War Suit is now upgradeable.
* Teta's Royal Band now has proper stats.
* Restored the cut Turret soundset for all the Turret NPCs in the game.
* Restored unused SFX for various soundsets.
* Restored the unused white Sith Soldier texture for most Sith Soldiers found throughout the game.
* Fixed the Gamorrean Battleaxe.
* Restored the unused Solari Crystal icon.
* Restored all the unused Czerka appearance variants.
* Restored all the unused Sith Officer appearance variants.
* Restored all the unused Republic Soldier appearance variants.
* Restored the female Republic Soldier variants as background NPCs, for a more in-depth restoration try the Female Republic Soldier Restoration mod.
* Further restored K1CP's restoration of the male orange Twi'lek appearance for more Twi'leks.
* Restored the Lite NPCs from the vanilla game [OPTIONAL]
* Expanded Canderous' lines about Korriban. [OPTIONAL]
* Restored the unused Sith Officer uniforms across various Sith Officers found across the galaxy. [OPTIONAL]
* Gloveless Commoner Clothing. [OPTIONAL]
* Unique Blaster model & texture for Carth's Blaster Pistol. [OPTIONAL]

Endar Spire
* Carth's cut theme now plays in the Starboard Section of the Endar Spire when not in combat.

* Anchorhead combat music has been replaced with Taris Upper City combat music inside the Taris Apartments.
* Restored Carth lines to the Alien Apartment Sith Raid (Audio created with AI).
* Restored a previously inaccessible Gurney line.
* Restored a Bullied Merchant line to the Bounty Hunter encounter in the Upper City.
* Restored the female commoner who listens to Gorton Colu in the Upper City.
* Alternative Sarna & Yun Genda VO in both the Upper City Cantina and Apartments.
* Restored the ability to bribe Sarna or Yun Genda. You have to pay them to get to the party with them to acquire a suit of Sith Armor.
* Restored the serving droid in both Taris Cantinas and the Hidden Bek Base.
* Restored a 4th Black Vulkar who threatens Calo Nord in the Lower City Cantina.
* Restored Zax's Unique Hutt VO.
* Restored Uriah's unique Twi'lek VO.
* Restored the generic Vulkar NPCs in the Lower City Cantina.
* Restored the female patrons of the Lower City Cantina.
* Alternative Calo Nord VO in Lower City Apartments.
* Alternative Canderous VO in the Upper and Lower City Cantinas.
* The ambient music labelled "mus_area_townsus" has been replaced with Lower City ambient music inside the Hidden Bek base.
* Restored Shaleena's unique appearance.
* Restored extra lines in the Hendar cutscene.
* Restored a Mercenary line to the Canderous encounter in the Undercity.
* Kandon Ark's Twi'lek Bodyguard will now drop all her loot, including her Energy Shield, armor and implant. She wore Echani Fiber Armor and a Response Package in vanilla but will instead drop a Zabrak Combat Suit (as it's both weaker and more balanced for Taris) and a Cardio Package (as Kandon Ark already drops a Response Package).
* The ambient music labelled "mus_area_townsus" has been replaced with Lower City ambient music inside Gadon's Personal Quarters.
* The Taris Swoop Track played Lower City combat music when outside of combat, the Taris Swoop Track now plays Lower City ambient music when outside of combat.
* The Sith Base has a unique combat music track called "mus_bat_sithbs" though the matching ambient music track is missing, the music that is played in the Sith Base is called "mus_theme_cult". In the ambientmusic.2DA file, there are two instances of "mus_area_valsith" on 2DA line 12 and 25. Since the track "mus_bat_valsith" is on 2DA line 45 and "mus_bat_sithbs" is on 2DA line 32, it is safe to assume that the missing "mus_area_sithbs" should've been on 2DA line 12. Whilst I can't restore an absent "mus_area_sithbs" music track, I can change the Sith Base music to use "mus_area_valsith" just like how it is used for the Sith Embassy on Manaan.
* The Sith Governor's office had no ambient music, it has now been given the same ambient music as the Sith Base.
* Davik's Estate had Lower City ambient music and Upper City combat music, the Upper City combat music has been replaced with Lower City combat music.

Ebon Hawk:
* The Ebon Hawk used Anchorhead ambient music, it now uses Bastila's theme just like the Taris Apartment hideout.
* Alternative Carth VO for the Star Forge approach scene.

* Restored unused Jedi appearances in the Enclave.
* Restored footlockers and unlocked the static footlockers in the Jedi Enclave.
* Restored the arguing master and apprentice, Tar'eelok and Garrum, in the Jedi Enclave.
* The Jedi Enclave Interior and Exterior have ambient and combat music tracks labelled "Acad/Academy" whilst the Matale Planes, Sandral Planes, and Grove uses the music tracks labelled "Out/Outback". The ambient Outback music is used in these three modules but the Academy combat music is used instead of the Outback combat music. The Outback combat music has been restored to these modules.
* Restored the ability to make an indecent proposal to Rahasia or Shen, depending on gender.
* Expanded the Star Map scene with restored VO.

* The Desert combat music would play in the Tatooine Hangar if you entered combat, entering combat in this area wasn't possible in vanilla but since K1CP made it possible to fight Xor here Hangar it became possible to hear this music. The Desert combat music has been replaced with Anchorhead combat music.
* All Tatooine interior modules have been assigned the Anchorhead combat music in-case other mods you use add combat sections to these modules.
* Restored extra Bastila lines when talking to Maana Demknot.
* Restored the Chadra-Fan, Ithorian Miner, Maintenance Drone and Dewback in Anchorhead.
* Restored the second guy helping guard the gates to the Dune Sea.
* Restored Bastila lines when recovering her father's holocron.
* Restored Senni Vek to the GenoHaradan fight alongside Hulas.

* The Czerka theme now plays in the Kashyyyk landing pad module.
* Alternative clothing for Eli, these new clothes were present in his inventory.
* Restored the original loot drops for the Kashyyyk Dark Jedi trio.
* Alternative Mandalorian Commander VO in the Shadowlands.
* Restored the party dialogue about the Kashyyyk Star Map.

* Restored the name "Sith Commoner" to refer to off-duty Sith Officers on Manaan. [OPTIONAL]
* Restored Commander Grann's replies to the Sith Security Officer.

* The Sith Academy ambient music is labelled "Valsith/Valley Sith" in the music track whilst the combat music labelled "Sithbs/Sith Base" is used. The ambient music has been replaced with the music theme labelled "cult" whilst the combat music has been replaced with the "Valsith/Valley Sith" combat music. The music theme "cult" used to be used in the Taris Sith Base, though it has been removed from that module and is now used here.
* The Valley of the Dark Lord's doesn't have any ambient music whilst the combat music labelled "Sithbs/Sith Base" is used. The ambient and combat music tracks labelled "Valsith/Valley Sith" are now used in the Valley of the Dark Lords.
* The Sith Tombs on Korriban now play the ruin ambient and combat music tracks. 

* Restored the unused green Breath Mask texture for the Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Mask.
* Restored the unused Ion Rifle texture and icon for the Baragwin Ion-X Weapon.

* The Leviathan no longer plays the Sewer ambient music, it now instead uses the Cult theme that is played in the vanilla Taris Sith Base.

Unknown World:
* The Unknown World exterior modules now use the cut Sleheyron ambient music track.
* Restored the 5th locker of the Rakata temple armory (which contained an unused weapon).
* Mission will beg Carth not to run away moments before he runs away [Dark Side ending].

Star Forge: 
* Restored unused Jedi appearances and soundsets on the Star Forge.
* Expanded Zalbaar's Betrayal cutscene [Dark Side ending].


Item Restoration:


Robe Items-
Dark Jedi Robes: Dropped from the Kashyyyk & Tatooine Dark Jedi trio
Red Jedi Master Robes: Found in the Manaan Sith Embassy
Blue Jedi Master Robes: Found in the Sith Academy

Armor Items-
Cinnagar Weave Armor: Sold by Eli Gand and the Dreshdae Czerka Store. Found in the Black Rakatan Base. Dropped by Kel Algwinn
Zabrak Field Armor: Sold at the Dreshdae Czerka Store and Adum Larp. Dropped by Shaardan 
Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit: Sold by Mika Dorin
Eriadu Prototype Armor: Sold by Crattis Yurkal
Arkanian Bond Armor: Found in the Black Rakatan Base
Cinnagar Plate Armor: Sold by Eli Gand and Adum Larp
Mandalorian Armor: Sold at the Dreshdae Czerka Store and Greeta Holda
Mandalorian Heavy Armor: Found in the Black Rakatan Base

Glove Items-
Bothan "Machinist" Gloves: Sold by Eli Gand and Tyvark

Mask Items-
Stealth Field Enhancer: Sold by Crattis Yurkal and Eli Gand
Teta's Royal Band: Found in the Tomb of Naga Sadow

Implant Items-
Bavakar Reflex Enhancement: Dropped from the Kashyyyk Dark Jedi trio
Bavakar Memory Chip: Dropped by Jorak Uln
Biotech Package:  Sold by Zelka and Tyvark

Blaster Items-
Arkanian Sonic Rifle: Sold by B'ree

Melee Items-
Glow Rod: Sold by Larrim, Igear, Crattis Yurkal, Greeta Holda, Eli Gand and the Dreshdae Czerka Store. Found on the corpse of Rukil's apprentice, in the Gamorrean Weapons Locker, on the corpse of Cassus Sandral, in the Krayt Dragon cave, on the Great Walkway, in the Upper Shadowlands
Teta's Blade: Sold by B'ree. Dropped by Davik Kang
Massassi Brand: Found in the Taris Sith Base
Echani Double-Brand: Found in the Tomb of Marka Ragnos
Sith War Sword: Found in the Sith Academy and in the Unknown World Temple
Massassi Battle Staff: Sold by Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu
Gamorrean Battleaxe: Sold by Kebla Yurt and Fazza Utral. Dropped by the Taris Gamorrean Chief, Gurke, Narkal, and by Ugzak

"Semi-Restored" items-

Zabrak Combat Suit: Dropped by Kandon's Bodyguard
(The only way you can obtain this item is either through buying it on Tatooine for 750 credits or finding it on Kashyyyk. By this item, this item would be obsolete as you'll have stronger armor by those points. This item is now dropped by Kandon's Twi'lek Bodyguard, she wore Echani Fiber Armor in the vanilla game but will now drop the Zabrak Combat Suit as it's identical to Echani Fiber Armor in the vanilla game)

Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit: Sold by Crattis Yurkal
(This item could only be bought on Taris at the start of the game and Mika Dorin towards the end of the game. You can now buy this item on Dantooine, and when Dantooine is no longer accessible you can buy it from Mika Dorin)

Zabrak Battle Armor: Found on Kashyyyk
(This item could only be bought on Tatooine. It can now be found on Kashyyyk)

Reinforced Fiber Armor: Found on Lehon
(This item is one of the stronger Light Armors, it can can only be bought on Kashyyyk and Korriban. It can now be found on Lehon towards the end of the game)

Bronzium Light Battle Armor: Sold by Greeta Holda and Eli Gand. Found on the Leviathan
(This item could only be bought on Dantooine. Since there are stronger Light Battle Armors that can be found more abundantly across the game, this item has been added to various locations across the game)

Battle Armor: Found in the Taris Sith Base
(This item could be bought as early as Dantooine, but the medium Davik's War Suit being stronger than Battle Armor and Calo Nord's Battle Armor and Mandalorian Battle Armor being dropped on the first planet of the main questline this item is made easily redundant. Taris is the only point in the game wherein this armor could be made useful)

Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh: Sold by Mika Dorin
(The item description mentions a price even though it's impossible to see the price in-game. By having it sold by Mika Dorin, the player can finally see the item's price)

Heavy Battle Armor: Found in the Sandral Estate
(The earliest you can buy this item is on Korriban, since Calo Nord's Battle Armor and the Mandalorian Battle Armor are dropped on the first planet of the main questline this item is made easily redundant. Dantooine is the only point in the game wherein this armor could be made useful)

Durasteel Heavy Armor: Found in the Tomb of Naga Sadow. Sold at the Dreshdae Czerka Store
(The earliest you can find this item is on the Leviathan, since you've already obtained Calo Nord's Battle Armor and possibly the Mandalorian Battle Armor by that point this item is made easily redundant. You can now obtain this item before the Leviathan.)

Memory Package: Sold by Crattis Yurkal. Found in the Hrakert Rift Station and in the Upper Shadowlands
(This item could only be obtained by doing the Dark Side ending of the Taris Swoop Engine side quest. By having it found in these additional areas, the item is no longer exclusive to one path)

Verpine Ocular Enhancer: Dropped from the Kashyyyk Dark Jedi trio
(Unused UTC character files suggest that one of the Dark Jedi on Kashyyyk was supposed to drop this item. This item could previously only be bought on Korriban, and now it has been restored on Kashyyyk)

Vacuum Mask: Sold by Mika Dorin
(This item could only be obtained by doing the Dark Side ending of game. By having it sold by Mika Dorin, a Light Side player can obtain this item)

Interface Band: Found on the Leviathan
(This item could only be bought on Dantooine. Dantooine becomes inaccessible towards the end of the game and you can find stronger masks with similar stats throughout the game without having to buy them, by placing this item on the Leviathan the player can get this item without having to buy it but for those who do buy it they can buy it several planets before the Leviathan mission)

Bothan Perception Visor: Sold by Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu and Eli Gand
(In the vanilla game, this item could only be found on Lehon despite the stronger Bothan Sensory Visor being sold on Kashyyyk and Tatooine for the low price of 150 credits. This swaps it around so that the weak Bothan Perception Visor is sold on Kashyyyk and Tatooine whilst the stronger Bothan Sensory Visor is found on Lehon)

Sonic Nullifiers: Found on Kashyyyk
(In the vanilla game, this item could only be dropped by Sherruk and found on Lehon. This item is very weak, unlike the much stronger Interface Visor which can be found on Kashyyyk and sold by Mika Dorin. Since you can find the Visor early on, buying it from Mika Dorin at the end of the game is pointless. The Sonic Nullifiers now replaces the Interface Visors found on Kashyyyk with the Interface Visor becoming exclusive to Mika Dorin)

Infiltrator Gloves: Sold by Mika Dorin
(This item could only be bought on Dantooine. Dantooine becomes inaccessible towards the end of the game, since Mika Dorin can only sell items to you after Dantooine becomes inaccessible he'll now sell this item so you can have the chance to obtain it late game)

Known Bugs:
This mod shouldn't have any bugs but if there are please report them to me on Deadlystream.

To be added!

Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission.

Thanks to:
SithRevan (RIP): Beginning the restoration effort for K1!
K1R Team: For developing the original K1R mod!
Leilukin: For granting me permission to integrate her Juhani Dialogue Restoration mod into the RC-K1CP!
SpaceAlex: For making the Bastila's Extra Dialog on Tatooine and allowing modders to use it freely!
A Future Pilot: For kickstarting the K1 Community Patch mod, for making the Sith Soldier Texture Restoration mod and for allowing modders to use it freely!
Sekan and Seamhainn: For including the source scripts in their Garrum and Tar'eelok Restoration mod which allowed me to recreate the restoration of those characters in this mod!
DarthParametric and JCarter426: For maintaining the K1 Community Patch with ongoing updates!
DarthParametric, th3w1zard1 and Salk: For valuable feedback!
Sith Holocron: For the mod logo!
ElevenLabs Website: For the custom AI VO service!
Bioware: For such an amazing game!
Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool!
Stoffee: For TSLPatcher!
Everyone who downloads the mod!


What's New in Version 0.9.0   See changelog


* Kandon Ark's Twi'lek Bodyguard will now drop all her loot, including her Energy Shield, armor and implant. She wore Echani Fiber Armor and a Response Package in vanilla but will instead drop a Zabrak Combat Suit (as it's both weaker and more balanced for Taris) and a Cardio Package (as Kandon Ark already drops a Response Package).


* Restored Bastila lines when recovering her father's holocron.


* Restored the unused green Breath Mask texture for the Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Mask.
* Restored the unused Ion Rifle texture and icon for the Baragwin Ion-X Weapon.


* Restored all the unused Czerka appearance variants.
* Restored all the unused Sith Officer appearance variants.
* Restored all the unused Republic Soldier appearance variants.
* Restored the female Republic Soldier variants as background NPCs, for a more in-depth restoration try the Female Republic Soldier Restoration mod.
* Further restored K1CP's restoration of the male orange Twi'lek appearance for more Twi'leks.
* Restored the Lite NPCs from the vanilla game [OPTIONAL]
* Expanded Canderous' lines about Korriban. [OPTIONAL]
* Restored the unused Sith Officer uniforms across various Sith Officers found across the galaxy. [OPTIONAL]
* Gloveless Commoner Clothing. [OPTIONAL]
* Unique Blaster model & texture for Carth's Blaster Pistol. [OPTIONAL]

Endar Spire
* Carth's cut theme now plays in the Starboard Section of the Endar Spire when not in combat.

* Anchorhead combat music has been replaced with Taris Upper City combat music inside the Taris Apartments.
* The ambient music labelled "mus_area_townsus" has been replaced with Lower City ambient music inside the Hidden Bek base.
* The ambient music labelled "mus_area_townsus" has been replaced with Lower City ambient music inside Gadon's Personal Quarters.
* The Taris Swoop Track played Lower City combat music when outside of combat, the Taris Swoop Track now plays Lower City ambient music when outside of combat.
* The Sith Base has a unique combat music track called "mus_bat_sithbs" though the matching ambient music track is missing, the music that is played in the Sith Base is called "mus_theme_cult". In the ambientmusic.2DA file, there are two instances of "mus_area_valsith" on 2DA line 12 and 25. Since the track "mus_bat_valsith" is on 2DA line 45 and "mus_bat_sithbs" is on 2DA line 32, it is safe to assume that the missing "mus_area_sithbs" should've been on 2DA line 12. Whilst I can't restore an absent "mus_area_sithbs" music track, I can change the Sith Base music to use "mus_area_valsith" just like how it is used for the Sith Embassy on Manaan.
* The Sith Governor's office had no ambient music, it has now been given the same ambient music as the Sith Base.
* Davik's Estate had Lower City ambient music and Upper City combat music, the Upper City combat music has been replaced with Lower City combat music.

Ebon Hawk:
* The Ebon Hawk used Anchorhead ambient music, it now uses Bastila's theme just like the Taris Apartment hideout.

* Restored the arguing master and apprentice, Tar'eelok and Garrum, in the Jedi Enclave.
* The Jedi Enclave Interior and Exterior have ambient and combat music tracks labelled "Acad/Academy" whilst the Matale Planes, Sandral Planes, and Grove uses the music tracks labelled "Out/Outback". The ambient Outback music is used in these three modules but the Academy combat music is used instead of the Outback combat music. The Outback combat music has been restored to these modules.


* The Desert combat music would play in the Tatooine Hangar if you entered combat, entering combat in this area wasn't possible in vanilla but since K1CP made it possible to fight Xor here Hangar it became possible to hear this music. The Desert combat music has been replaced with Anchorhead combat music.
* All Tatooine interior modules have been assigned the Anchorhead combat music in-case other mods you use add combat sections to these modules.

* The Czerka theme now plays in the Kashyyyk landing pad module.

* The Sith Academy ambient music is labelled "Valsith/Valley Sith" in the music track whilst the combat music labelled "Sithbs/Sith Base" is used. The ambient music has been replaced with the music theme labelled "cult" whilst the combat music has been replaced with the "Valsith/Valley Sith" combat music. The music theme "cult" used to be used in the Taris Sith Base, though it has been removed from that module and is now used here.
* The Valley of the Dark Lord's doesn't have any ambient music whilst the combat music labelled "Sithbs/Sith Base" is used. The ambient and combat music tracks labelled "Valsith/Valley Sith" are now used in the Valley of the Dark Lords.
* The Sith Tombs on Korriban now play the ruin ambient and combat music tracks. 


* The Leviathan no longer plays the Sewer ambient music, it now instead uses the Cult theme that is played in the vanilla Taris Sith Base.

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Should I install this mod first or the NPC Diversity Pack and K1 Clothing Pack first if I'm using them together? What about K1 Loot Overhaul? For some reason, when I have both this mod and K1 Clothing Pack installed, Shaleena doesn't have her unique head. I try to install another mod to restore that, but then she's wearing the gloved beige K2 Commoner clothing. Is this a bug or did I just install it in the wrong order? And I did install both installation options in the K1 Clothing Pack after I started a new game. Forgot to install the latest version, then downloaded it and did an install on top of it. 

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15 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Should I install this mod first or the NPC Diversity Pack and K1 Clothing Pack first if I'm using them together? What about K1 Loot Overhaul? For some reason, when I have both this mod and K1 Clothing Pack installed, Shaleena doesn't have her unique head. I try to install another mod to restore that, but then she's wearing the gloved beige K2 Commoner clothing. Is this a bug or did I just install it in the wrong order? And I did install both installation options in the K1 Clothing Pack after I started a new game. Forgot to install the latest version, then downloaded it and did an install on top of it. 

It's probably a bug on my own end, I'll have to see what's going on here but I know only the generic NPCs would have gloveless hands whereas unique NPCs (like cut Shaleena) have the gloves.


I've been busy as of late, though when I get the chance I'll see if it's either the RC-K1CP or the K1 Clothing Pack that's causing this.


And no, the new K1 Loot Overhaul wouldn't cause this.

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14 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

It's probably a bug on my own end, I'll have to see what's going on here but I know only the generic NPCs would have gloveless hands whereas unique NPCs (like cut Shaleena) have the gloves.


I've been busy as of late, though when I get the chance I'll see if it's either the RC-K1CP or the K1 Clothing Pack that's causing this.


And no, the new K1 Loot Overhaul wouldn't cause this.

Good luck! And May the Force be With You finding this bug and others. 

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On 3/7/2024 at 5:39 AM, JasonRyder said:

For some reason, when I have both this mod and K1 Clothing Pack installed, Shaleena doesn't have her unique head.

So you have RC-K1CP installed, RC-K1CP appears to be working elsewhere in the game and for some reason Shaleena has her generic head from the vanilla game?


On 3/7/2024 at 5:39 AM, JasonRyder said:

I try to install another mod to restore that, but then she's wearing the gloved beige K2 Commoner clothing.

You mean like the one on the left here?



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5 minutes ago, N-DReW25 said:

So you have RC-K1CP installed, RC-K1CP appears to be working elsewhere in the game and for some reason Shaleena has her generic head from the vanilla game?

Correct. She wears the K2 gloveless refugee clothing with her generic head. K1 Clothing Pack gives her the K2 refugee clothing, while RC-K1CP makes it gloveless. 

9 minutes ago, N-DReW25 said:

You mean like the one on the left here?


Yes, but the female version, of course! She isn't turned into a man. 

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I think there might be an issue in changes.ini. I keep getting these errors regardless of how I install the mod. A fresh install of KotOR with just the Community Patch and this mod doesn't resolve them either. 


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Hey, thanks for the work! New to modding KOTOR. I tried to install this mod, but i got the tar_m09ab.mod error. I see that the mod was updated recently and you mention it includes tar_m09ab.mod, but I still get the error.

Here is what I get:
\par \cf3  \bullet  Warning: Unable to copy file "tar_m09ab.mod", file does not exist!
\par \cf4  \bullet  Error: Unable to locate archive "D:\\Games\\Star Wars - KotOR\\modules\\tar_m09ab.mod" to modify or insert file "footlker001.utp" into, skipping...
\par \cf3  \bullet  Warning: No valid footlker001.utp file was opened, skipping...

Will there be an issue if I ignore this error?

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9 hours ago, fossil95 said:

Hey, thanks for the work! New to modding KOTOR. I tried to install this mod, but i got the tar_m09ab.mod error. I see that the mod was updated recently and you mention it includes tar_m09ab.mod, but I still get the error.

Here is what I get:
\par \cf3  \bullet  Warning: Unable to copy file "tar_m09ab.mod", file does not exist!
\par \cf4  \bullet  Error: Unable to locate archive "D:\\Games\\Star Wars - KotOR\\modules\\tar_m09ab.mod" to modify or insert file "footlker001.utp" into, skipping...
\par \cf3  \bullet  Warning: No valid footlker001.utp file was opened, skipping...

Will there be an issue if I ignore this error?

It should be fixed now.



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great job bro, this looks very promising, I would like to ask you a question, you see I tried to port the content restoration mod for the xbox kotor 2 and I even supported some corrections in the version that ended up being released, if I would like to try to port This mod is also for Xbox, should I also try to port the community patch? Or do you think it would not be necessary? Greetings and sorry for my bad English, I use translator

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6 hours ago, jacd28 said:

great job bro, this looks very promising, I would like to ask you a question, you see I tried to port the content restoration mod for the xbox kotor 2 and I even supported some corrections in the version that ended up being released, if I would like to try to port This mod is also for Xbox, should I also try to port the community patch? Or do you think it would not be necessary? Greetings and sorry for my bad English, I use translator

This mod is for Kotor 1.


I don't have an Xbox so I wouldn't know how to mod it or make mods for it. As the Xbox version is very unstable when it comes to modding, I can only suggest buying a PC and modding Kotor there.


The K1 Community Patch is a big mod, even if a modder were to get it working on Xbox I bet the game would lag down to to a snails pace.

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Not sure how active this mod is, but having an issue with the installer, stays stuck at installation started and doesnt change Edit: was able to get it fixed 


Edited by UuhhJeff

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The icon for Carth's blaster shows up as a white square. I only have the Community Patch v1.10.0 and the RC-K1CP v0.8.0 with all optional features installed. During the install of each module, it says all changes were applied successfully.

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3 hours ago, Buckhard said:

Do you plan on adding the pazaak tournament on Manaan?

Unfortunately, the Pazaak Tournament on Manaan would be one of the last things I add due to the sheer size of it.

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Do you plan to bring Iriaz back on Dantooine? Or will it be a separate mod/part of the community patch, perhaps?

Edited by SpyBionicN7

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1 hour ago, SpyBionicN7 said:

part of the community patch

No, there will never be Iriaz in K1CP. It's not a content restoration mod.

Besides, doesn't the K1R installer already offer Iriaz as a standalone option? Although presumably it would need to edit OnEnters and thus be a hard incompatibility with K1CP.

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On 1/14/2025 at 4:30 AM, DarthParametric said:

No, there will never be Iriaz in K1CP. It's not a content restoration mod.

Besides, doesn't the K1R installer already offer Iriaz as a standalone option? Although presumably it would need to edit OnEnters and thus be a hard incompatibility with K1CP.

I tried to take Iriaz from the Restoration Mod, but unfortunately it crashed the game, they are not compatible with the community patch. I know that the patch does not restore the content. But. IMHO. The fact that Iriaz cut from the original game is somekind of bug\errors (what greatly affects immersion in the game world), because - the investigation quest on Dantooine where the Jedi Master directly mentions Iriaz.




Edited by SpyBionicN7

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On 1/14/2025 at 10:32 AM, SpyBionicN7 said:

Do you plan to bring Iriaz back on Dantooine? Or will it be a separate mod/part of the community patch, perhaps?

Yes, Iriaz are intended to be restored by the RC-K1CP mod. I say that with more certainty than the Pazaak Tournament or the Major Hurka content.

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"Restored Carth lines to the Alien Apartment Sith Raid (Audio created with AI)"
Expunge the audio. Best left mute until you can find a soundalike to help.

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On 1/17/2025 at 2:44 AM, N-DReW25 said:

Yes, Iriaz are intended to be restored by the RC-K1CP mod. I say that with more certainty than the Pazaak Tournament or the Major Hurka content.

Actually, there is mod for Iriaz on Nexus.

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9 hours ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

"Restored Carth lines to the Alien Apartment Sith Raid (Audio created with AI)"
Expunge the audio. Best left mute until you can find a soundalike to help.

And why would I do that?

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When will be new version? Because i don't know if I should wait or start new game with this version.

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On 2/12/2025 at 9:50 PM, Karanthir said:

When will be new version? Because i don't know if I should wait or start new game with this version.

I would say hold off from starting a new playthrough because the next version will be here sooner rather than later.


I can confirm that, unfortunately, it won't include the Iriaz, but... it will contain another major Dantooine Restoration.

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