Diversified Wounded Republic Soldiers on Taris 1.4

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About This File

Based on this request thread, this mod attempts to inject a bit of extra variety into one of the minor elements of KOTOR. It makes some changes to the locked kolto tank room in Zelka Forn’s medical clinic in Upper City South on Taris.

In the vanilla version of the game, the room has two placeable square kolto tanks, the floating bodies in which both use the PMHC04 (“Mullet Man”) head. For this mod, those were removed and the room model was edited to add two additional round kolto tanks, which match the ones along each side of the room. Additionally, the glass of the tanks had its texture replaced with one of the other variants in the game that is a bit darker and uses an environment/cube map for a hint of reflection. The empty tanks in the preceding room (behind Zelka Forn) were also edited for consistency. For the sanity of those with OCD, the position of the wall light at the back of the tank room was adjusted so it aligns with the centreline of the room.


The floating body model from the kolto placeable was replaced with a new one with clean geometry at the neck join to facilitate using any player or NPC head. Additionally, an all-new female body variant was added, posed to roughly match that of the original male version. Two of these new body variants replaced the original two at the end of the room, with a number of additional bodies placed in the tanks along each side of the room. Zelka Forn’s dialogue when you enter the room for the first time seems to indicate that there should be more present than just the two originally depicted in the vanilla game. Due to limitations on the number of possible placeables K1 can deal with, outlined here by ndix UR, the floating bodies are now part of the room model.


  • The mod includes a TSLPatcher installer for Windows users. Those on Linux or Mac should replace it with the appropriate HoloPatcher version which will run natively on their OS.

Known Issues:

  • This mod relies on editing the Taris Upper City South module's GIT (tar_m02ac). As such, it will not be compatible with any save in which you have previously entered the Upper City South level. Given that is the very first level you enter after leaving the starting apartment on Taris, that means you'll typically need to start a new game to utilise this mod.
  • Per some of my posts in the original request thread, I initially experienced some issues with the tank’s glass texture affecting lighting on the body models (and even outright visibility in one instance) depending on the player’s viewing angle. I believe this has been resolved, but it’s possible the problem may still occur on hardware/OS combinations that I have no way of testing.
  • The floating bodies use these player head models. There is no provision for dealing with a clone of the head the player is using now that the mod has switched to incorporating the bodies into the room model. A future update may replace these heads with NPC heads instead.


  • Edited versions of both room models for the medical facility (M02AC_02G & M02AC_02H) are required for this mod, so will not be compatible with any other mod that edits those models. They still use vanilla textures however, so they will be compatible with texture mods.
  • The mod will not be compatible with any mod that edits the two entries for the original tank placeables in the module’s GIT (Placeable List entries 0 and 22). It should otherwise be compatible with other mods that alter the Upper City South module, as long as they utilise a properly set up TSLPatcher configuration.
  • Since it has come up in the comments, Kainzorus Prime's NPC Overhaul Mod is compatible, but ONLY if you install it before installing this mod (KP's mod will forcibly overwrite any and all module files, so install it before anything).


  • Thanks to bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit, and ndix UR for MDLOps 2K18 Edition, all of which were required at various points to get this to work.
  • Thanks to ndix UR for many and various discussions and troubleshooting regarding models, compiling, textures, etc.
  • Thanks to Dark Hope for the suggestion to change the bubble VFX.

What's New in Version 1.4   See changelog


  • Replaced the tank glass envmap with something less jarring
  • Switched the soldiers to use the "crispy" body textures from my Diversified Jedi Captives on the Star Forge mod, added matching head textures
  • Replaced the weird looking bubble VFX with the one from the underwater suit (thanks to Dark Hope for the suggestion)
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Never overwrite the MOD files manually. That will break your game. Skipping pre-existing ones is intended behaviour. TSLPatcher will inject the changes to the existing one. If you have been doing that, then yes, you probably will have to not only restart, but scrap everything and start with a clean install.

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Eeep, soo I need to delete it or do a clean install like you say *groans* Oi vey beauty school's starting to look real good right about now to quote Harley Quinn...

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Figure i'll post this here in case anyone else has the same issue. i was getting very skewed textures in my kolto tanks, it looked like a skybox or something was in there. removing DP_CM_TnkGlass.tpc from my override folder cleared it up for me. i have Manaan Overhaul installed also and i cant see any conflicts



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The textures are just vanilla files that are renamed. Assuming the second picture is what they looked like to start with, that points to some graphical issue on your end, not something to do with the textures themselves. What GPU/video card do you have?

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*Ish half tempted to steal @DarthParametric's hat just for fun* this won't conflict with any mods that overhaul the endar spire, will it? I forgot to ask about that earlier *offers him chocolate chip cookies and ice cold milk*

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Is Version 1.1 (2018) the same as the current one, only without the reused textures being renamed for the sake of compatibility with a different mod?

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Technically that should have been 1.2, but yes. Although not so much compatibility as telling it to get the hell off my lawn.

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Edit* Turns out just needed to restart the game and now looks wonderful.

swkotor 2021-03-13 21-25-05.jpg


So using ShiningRedHD Ultimate HD pack for taris. installed this after it but having issues with the original two kolto tanks not vanishing. any thoughts on how i can get rid of it?

swkotor 2021-03-13 11-07-10.jpgswkotor 2021-03-13 11-07-22.jpg

Edited by Death4967

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Could you please make an alternate version of the tank glass to make it more in line with the original glass? I ask, because the reflections don't work too well and a super streaky. That, or help me to replace those textures, because I tried removing the tank tga and txi from my override in favor of using the tank textures that come with the Taris Complete Overhaul mod by shiningred and the soldiers disappeared.

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This is the original pale blue texture without an envmap. Just put it in your Override folder.


1 hour ago, ElvenLace said:

I tried removing the tank tga and txi from my override

There are no TGAs/TXIs in this mod, only TPCs.

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3 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

This is the original pale blue texture without an envmap. Just put it in your Override folder.

DP_TarTnkGlass.tpc 85.5 kB · 0 downloads

There are no TGAs/TXIs in this mod, only TPCs.

Right, sorry I meant TPCs. I've been modding my game a lot lately, and just got the 2 mixed up. Thank you for the original texture download.

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First of all I love what this mod adds to the game.

Unfortunately I seem to be running into a game crash on Linux when I have version 1.4 installed.

If I transplant m02ac_02g.mdl/mdx and m02ac_02h.mdl/mdx/wok from version 1.3 the game seems to run fine. (I do loose the new "crispy models" in the tanks)

There was a similar issue with Kexikus' HQ Skybox mod which was solved by importing and reexporting the affected models using KBlender. I'm not fully sure what that could fix, but if you could do that I can test and see if that works to fix the crash I'm running into :)

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I don't think Kex and I ever figured out what the core issue was with his problem. Even after re-exporting with KBlender, there were still some models causing crashes as I recall. But you can try these and see if it changes anything:


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1 hour ago, DarthParametric said:

I don't think Kex and I ever figured out what the core issue was with his problem. Even after re-exporting with KBlender, there were still some models causing crashes as I recall. But you can try these and see if it changes anything:

DWRSOT_KBlender_Re-export.zip 1.31 MB · 0 downloads

Thanks! This seems to have fixed the crashing issue I was running into. :)

I wish I knew more about these tools.. graphics drivers on Linux are a bit different when it comes to enforcing OpenGL standards. These issues with models tend to be down to how the game is streaming them in as the memory management is slightly different, drivers may also expect certain things to be clamped down. It also is probably related to how old KOTOR is as well (There aren't many drivers that have a full still working OpenGL 1.4 implementation for example) 😛

The last time I tried out a KOTOR run I got hung up on another scene of the game as well


Post torture scene with bastila and malak on Korriban I think? th3w1zard1 had mentioned STUNT_34.rim as the scene in question

Which tools were you using previously to export all the models?

I might be able to track down what mods might be having problems based on that (sniffing around descriptions for the tools being used)

Ideally I hope to go through the entire game and run into these bad models if I can so we can fix them :) would be nice to have things working on a Steam Deck if someone followed the Mod Build for example :)

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46 minutes ago, Synchro said:

graphics drivers on Linux are a bit different when it comes to enforcing OpenGL standards

It's unlikely it has anything to do with OpenGL or GPU drivers. It's more likely to be something in the model that is not adhering exactly to the format when exported by KMax and compiled by MDLEdit/MDLOps. For whatever reason it doesn't trip up the Windows version. You'd probably need to attach a debugger and step through the game process to the point of the crash to find what the root cause is exactly.

Btw, it would be useful if you could try the MDL/MDX/WOK sets for each room one at a time to see whether it's one or both of them that causes the crash. Might help narrow down the problem.

46 minutes ago, Synchro said:


K1CP replaces one of the models there to fix some visibility issues, so that would be the cause of that one presumably (since it was from me via KMax/MDLEdit again). I guess I'll need to re-export all the models for the next release.

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17 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

It's unlikely it has anything to do with OpenGL or GPU drivers. It's more likely to be something in the model that is not adhering exactly to the format when exported by KMax and compiled by MDLEdit/MDLOps.

The reason I have suspicions it's related to the driver is that the same models were being used on Windows were being used here and that causes crashes. MESA (The open source driver for AMD and Intel) tends to be more pedantic and would rather fall over as compared to failing silently like many Windows drivers do. Wine does tend to workaround a lot of those issues as assumptions for Windows environments aren't the same everywhere (on Linux or macOS), this could be how memory is being addressed or otherwise.

For example this is how the game looked before some specific workarounds were added to MESA a few years back:


Recently the weird anti-aliasing issues that could cause textures to fail to be loaded/rendered correctly was worked around in Wine recently (by wrapping the weird extension that KOTOR uses for antialiasing, which unfortunately shares the same name as the legitimate extension in OpenGL 2.0..)



If KOTOR is being super hyper-optimized and calling OpenGL while assuming models are correct without checking for validity in some way, the drivers on Windows might silently failover and render things but on Linux the drivers here don't have any workarounds for issues like this. Game fixes from years back still in the codebase for proprietary Windows drivers tend to protect against nonstandard usage of OpenGL (or DirectX). The core issue definitely has it's roots in KMax and MDLEdit/MDLOps though, so that at least narrows down where to look.


You'd probably need to attach a debugger and step through the game process to the point of the crash to find what the root cause is exactly.

Unfortunately there's no debugging symbols embedded in the KOTOR binary so debugging it correctly means reverse engineering the binary 🙁 If there is a pdb file floating around that would help with this immensely.


Btw, it would be useful if you could try the MDL/MDX/WOK sets for each room one at a time to see whether it's one or both of them that causes the crash. Might help narrow down the problem.

I'll take a look at this and report my findings here, I am fairly certain it is related to the room with the kolto tanks in it and not the main lobby area of the clinic.



K1CP replaces one of the models there to fix some visibility issues, so that would be the cause of that one presumably (since it was from me via KMax/MDLEdit again). I guess I'll need to re-export all the models for the next release.

If you do end up exporting anything specific feel free to ping me here/on github/on discord if you'd like me to test, I don't mind spending some time on ensuring everything is working. Do you know what the model filenames are? (or if there's a place I can check to find that out?)

Thanks for the help 😄


17 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

Btw, it would be useful if you could try the MDL/MDX/WOK sets for each room one at a time to see whether it's one or both of them that causes the crash. Might help narrow down the problem.

Tried this now, seems like m02ac_02h is the bad room. Using the models (and wok file) for m02ac_02g that is included with 1.4 seems to be fine.

Edited by Synchro

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