N-DReW25 1,371 Posted February 6, 2023 It's been a long time since I've made a WIP thread here on Deadlystream, usually I just make a mod in private and (if it is finished) I release it. This WIP thread isn't about a single mod, however. The release of my latest mod, Diverse Galaxy, marks the beginning of my NPC Overhaul series. The NPC Overhaul series shall be multiple mods which 'Overhaul' many of the NPCs within Kotor 1 (with the possibility of K2 versions of these mods being made at a later date). Kotor has a reputation of having a sort of 'clone' effect where you'll see the same set of generic heads in close proximity to each other in-game. the Diverse Galaxy mod will swap the appearances of over 150 NPCs to ensure that you'll encounter more variety in the game, this mod only changes the NPC's heads and will not affect the Lite NPCs. As the K1 Community Patch is REQUIRED for this mod to work the Lite NPC's will be upgraded by the K1CP mod anyway. As this is a series, more mods are planned to be made which do similar things for the game's NPCs, however, I am at a lost as to how the first few mods should be made. I wanted to release these mods separately so that users can install what they want, but I also have the option of simply adding these first few mods directly into the Diverse Galaxy mod as part of updates. The mod ideas are as follows: * Diverse Galaxy: Will diversify the heads and appearances of Kotor's NPCs. RELEASED! * Fashion of the Old Republic: Will diversify the clothing of Kotor's NPCs and will apply lore-friendly armor when applicable (This armor does not drop) RELEASED! * Lite of my Life: Will convert the generic NPCs who use the Lite appearances into standard generic NPCs, will use the heads, appearances and clothing style as DG and FotOR meaning this mod would be installed 3rd alongside them both. RELEASED! These mods will all use vanilla assets and won't really 'add' anything to the game other than swapping out appearances/clothing in the .MOD files, this would make it easy for me to add these 3 mods into one mod. I'm thinking of having 3 separate TSLPatcher installations with one being Diverse Galaxy, the other being Fashion of the Old Republic and 3rd being Lite of my Life. Feel free to leave your opinions and suggestions! 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted February 19, 2023 With the Fashion of the Old Republic and Lite of my Life mods about 95% done, I am ready to announce that I've made up my mind on how exactly I plan to release these mods! My plan is to have Diverse Galaxy, Fashion of the Old Republic and Lite of my Life be part of the same mod, however, the TSLPatcher will allow player's to install them separately. My reason for doing this is that the other NPC Overhaul type mods I plan to make (the ones listed above that won't be part of this main mod) will require all 3 mods installed for the best results. Considering the already released TSL NPC Overhaul needs to be installed 60 times over for the full mod to be installed, I personally don't think my mod with it's 3 installers is that bad especially considering you can install just 1 of these mods and still have a good time. This mod will be added to the already released Diverse Galaxy mod once I iron out a few bugs, but in the mean time I'd wish to share with the community some screenshots of what exactly you'll be receiving in this update. Keep in mind that all of these screenshots have K1CP, Diverse Galaxy, Fashion of the Old Republic and Lite of my Life installed! Taris: Spoiler 1) The Officer in the Taris Sith Raid now has the appearance of an old man to better match his voice whilst his victim, Ixgil, is now a Bith. 2) Kadir the Janitor is now 20 years older and has a new appearance to better match his description as a borderline senile old janitor. 3) The Tatooine commoner head variants can now be seen across the galaxy. 4) Zelka and Gurney both wear white clothing to better match their descriptio as doctors. 5) The NPCs of the debt collector encounter all have brand new appearances. 6) Kebla Yurt is now wearing Battle Armor, she does own the Star Wars equivalent of a gun shop after all. 7) In the vanilla game, the Cantina NPCs mostly wore either white clothing for women or red clothing for men. Now every NPC wears their own unique clothing. 8), Low quality Lite NPCs once populated the entire Cantina, now these Lite NPCs have been replaced with generic commoner heads with their own unique clothing. 9) The Taris Duelist once all wore generic Combat Suits, now the duelists will all wear their own unique armor. 10) Gorton Colu, the street preaching Fascist who calls for the persecution of aliens, will now wear armor to reinforce the idea that Gorton is a wannabe strong man dictator. 11) Largo, the paranoid man who owes money to Davik, has barricaded himself inside his apartment with a combat suit for added protection. 12) The Exchange thug in the Lower City now wears superior protection than just a messily combat suit. 13) The Bek Base Lookout now wears superior protection than just a measily combat suit, the Echani Suit was chosen in particular due to the Lower City's status as an alien hub. Her appearance has also been swapped to make her appear older as she flex's her veteran gangster status to the player in her dialogue. 14) The Undercity mercs, including Canderous, now wear proper armor for their deadly salvaging mission. Dantooine: Spoiler 1) Important Jedi NPCs, not including the Jedi Council and Nemo, have been given new Jedi Robes. 2) Generic Jedi NPCs have been given the unused Jedi NPC appearances with some donning the unused Jedi clothing variants. 3) Jon, a man out for revenge, is wearing a Combat Suit in-case he chooses to take matters into his own hands. 4) Rillka and Gar now have different clothing. 5) Elise is now a middle aged woman with new clothing. Tatooine: Spoiler 1) As with the other Dark Jedi encounters, the female Dark Jedi has been added for diversity and the trio are now led by a unique colored Dark Jedi. 2) The higher ranking Czerka employees will now use the Czerka Commander appearance. Manaan: Spoiler 1) Where possible, many of the Republic Soldiers have been given generic commoner heads which are unique from the helmeted heads. In this particular shot, one of the Republic Soldiers had the appearance of an officer in the vanilla game which has since been fixed. 2) The Republic and Sith Lawyer NPCs now have unique generic heads instead of the capped officer heads. The Selkath judges here also no longer share the same identical appearance. 3) The Echani mercs now wear Echani armor. Since this mod uses vanilla assets these mercs currently use the generic human heads, this may be changed in a future mod. 4) The other mercs now have appropriate armor. 5) Duan now has a generic head instead of the capped officer's head. Korriban: Spoiler 1) Many of the background NPCs in Dreshdae, including the Lite NPCs, have diverse clothing and generic heads. 2) Whilst there has been an attempt to diversify the Sith Students in Dreshdae, the Sith Academy has been left untouched as I might cover those areas in more complex mods. Star Forge: Spoiler 1) In the vanilla game, 5 out of the 9 Jedi you meet on the Star Forge all use the player's Mullet Man head. With this mod installed you'll only see Mullet Man once, in addition, all the Jedi aboard the Star Forge will now have Jedi robe variants alongside the previously unused Jedi Council Member appearance. 2) The ladies no longer outnumber the Star Forge's Dark Jedi population, male Dark Jedi have been sprinkled throughout the Star Forge to allow for more diversity amongst your enemies. As we can see from my screenshots, the mod is in a decent shape... so why haven't I released them yet? I haven't released them due to two seemingly minor yet very annoying bugs, the 1st bug can be found in this screenshot down below: If you reading this are at all familiar with how the Kotor clothing mechanics work you might first think that al of these generic NPCs are wearing the Clothes item aka "g_a_clothes01" because those beige colored clothes are from the "N_CommM/F01" texture in the game files. The problem I've encountered here is that NONE of the NPCs in this screenshot are wearing "g_a_clothes01"... they're all wearing a random assortment of clothes from "g_a_clothes02" to ""g_a_clothes09". That means if an NPC is wearing "g_a_clothes03" that should mean that the clothing they're wearing should use the "N_CommM/F03" texture. This same method of applying clothing to NPCs at random is applied to other areas of the mod as well, such as this screenshot here: As we can see in this screenshot, one of the NPCs does use the "N_CommM/F01" texture but that's only because he IS indeed wearing the "g_a_clothes01" Clothing item. The other NPCs are wearing a random assortment of clothes and, as intended, they're in-game clothing are different. This bug where the NPC's clothing doesn't show as intended appears to only happen to Lite NPCs (they're Lite NPCs in the vanilla game) in tar_m02ad (Largo's apartment), danm14aa (Enclave exterior) and manm26ab (Manaan Swoop track) and manm26ac (Area where you pay the Manaan docking fee). It should be noted that this bug is not present in Kainzorous Prime's NPC Overhaul mod. The 2nd bug is even more illusive to me, and it involves the TSLPatcher! The TSLPatcher seems to work for 99% of the 100+ NPCs this mod modifies, but for some reason it seems to think that one NPC in particular doesn't have "instructions" so it's skipped. Checking over the TSLPatcher log it appears as if the TSLPatcher has INDEED patched the NPC in question and going in-game seems to show that the NPC has been properly installed... so why am I getting an error? Here is an excerpt of the TSLPatcher log with the relevant details, the directory of where I keep the mod itself has been cut down for my own ease of mind though everything else is untouched. Quote • GFF FILE: kor33_mekfight2.utc and kor33_mekfight2.utc. • GFF FILE: kor33_mekfight2.utc and kor33_mekfight2.utc. • GFF Check: 1_kor33_mekfight2.utc. • GFF Check: 2_C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\modules\korr_m33ab.mod. • GFF Check: 3. • GFF Check: 4_C:\Users\Desktop\Diversity K1\tslpatchdata\Fashion\_erfpath_temp. • GFF Check: 5_kor33_mekfight2.utc kor33_mekfight2.utc.. • GFF Check: 6. • GFF Check: SPECIAL_ ResType is .utc and utc. • GFF Check: Special_kor33_mekfight2..utc Overwrite: 0. • GFF Check: 7_Extracting file from ERF.. • File "kor33_mekfight2.utc" already exists in archive "korr_m33ab.mod", modifying existing file... • GFF Check: 10_C:\Users\Desktop\Diversity K1\tslpatchdata\Fashion\erfpatch_temp\kor33_mekfight2.utc. • GFF File result: True. • GFF File kor33_mekfight2.utc does exists: C:\Users\Desktop\Diversity K1\tslpatchdata\Fashion\erfpatch_temp\. • Modifying GFF file kor33_mekfight2.utc... • Finished updating GFF file "kor33_mekfight2.utc" in "modules\korr_m33ab.mod"... • GFF Check: 0_Preparing to load ERF. • GFF Check: 0_ERF is Loaded. • GFF Check: 0_Added file. • GFF Check: 0_Saved ERF. • Saving modified file "kor33_mekfight2.utc" in archive "korr_m33ab.mod". • Error: No instruction section found for file kor33_mekfight2.utc, skipping... It should also be noted that there aren't any hard overwrites being done either, the TSLPatcher is simply going into the UTC file inside the .MOD file and switching out the clothing the NPC is wearing. If anyone would like the full TSLPatcher log or even the full mod to test out the TSLPatcher to find a solution on how to fix it, I'll be happy to send it through. 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LDR 234 Posted February 23, 2023 This might have to be described to me like I'm 5 years old, but what are the differences between this, Diverse Galaxy, and Kainzorous Prime's NPC Overhaul mod? They all seem to be doing the same thing, just achieving it in different ways? As someone on the outside looking in (and as someone who has also made NPC changes in my LKIM 2.0 mod, lol!), I don't understand the different nuances at first glance. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted February 23, 2023 6 hours ago, LDR said: This might have to be described to me like I'm 5 years old, but what are the differences between this, Diverse Galaxy, and Kainzorous Prime's NPC Overhaul mod? They all seem to be doing the same thing, just achieving it in different ways? As someone on the outside looking in (and as someone who has also made NPC changes in my LKIM 2.0 mod, lol!), I don't understand the different nuances at first glance. Ah yes! There are quite a few differences between my mod and the original NPC Overhaul mod by Kainzorous Prime, here are some of the differences: 1) Installation: The NPC Overhaul by Kain utilizes .MOD files which makes it totally incompatible with K1R and the K1CP mod. My mod, on the other hand, modifies the NPC's UTC file directly inside their .MOD files (as provided by K1CP as it is a requirement before installing my mod) without the need to hard overwrite .MOD files or .UTC files inside said .MOD files! 2) No unique items: NPC Overhaul notoriously (at least in my opinion) uses 'unique armor' for NPCs. For example, on the mod page it shows the merchant Eli Gand wearing Exar Kun's Battle Armor. I find things like this lore breaking as Exar Kun's Battle Armor is supposed to be just one item whereas a Combat Suit, for example, is mass produced. It is for this same reason why I dislike Inyri Forge's Enhanced Merchant mod as it does the same thing with unique items (I believe Adum Larp sells up to 4 Naga Sadow Poison Blades on Dantooine for example). This screenshot is but one example of how Kainzorous has used unique items on NPCs, from memory I believe some Black Vulkars have Baragwin Armor, Redros the Vulkar Swoop Racer has Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit, Davik's Armor was removed to make way for Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh and so on. 3) Loot: This part is actually notorious in TSL's NPC Overhaul but in the K1 NPC Overhaul I do know it's possible to leave Taris with Eriadu Prototype Armor and Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh. And in K2 it's possible to get some high quality/end game tier gear as guaranteed loot from the Citadel Hangar Assassins, no need to save up to buy from a merchant or rely on random loot drops with TSL NPC Overhaul you'll get half of the overpowered items from the end game at the start! My mod does not touch loot, at all! The only thing this mod will do is touch up the clothing, armor and appearances of the NPCs you find in the game in a lore-friendly manner. 4) Bonuses: The original NPC Overhauls for both games come with bonus content that aren't necessarily related to NPC diversity, the most glaring of these 'bonuses' is obviously the new Imperial Officer uniforms: Now let's compare Kain's work to mine: My mod doesn't add anything new, that means players can install their own Officer reskins and the like and my mod won't break it whereas with Kain's mod it kind of forces you to play with his new Imperial uniforms unless you know how to personally remove the associated files. As I'm sure we can see from my screenshots and the original NPC Overhaul mod found here I've definitely taken my own unique take on all of the NPC appearances to offer a different experience than the one offered in Kain's NPC Overhaul mod. Plus, this mod isn't necessarily meant to be stand alone... in the spoiler in the very first post of this thread I've made a list of other mods which will be made after this mod, this ranges from a Twi'lek specific NPC Overhaul, a mod which adds more fat commoners to the game, a mod which adds Onderon style commoners to the game and so on. 6 hours ago, LDR said: (and as someone who has also made NPC changes in my LKIM 2.0 mod, lol!) With your experience with NPCs in mind, did you ever encounter the 1st bug I mentioned in the 2nd post? And if so how did you manage to fix it? 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LDR 234 Posted February 24, 2023 Really appreciate you taking the time to explain the differences! Thanks, that's super helpful, and I'm looking forward to when this comes out. 1 hour ago, N-DReW25 said: With your experience with NPCs in mind, did you ever encounter the 1st bug I mentioned in the 2nd post? And if so how did you manage to fix it? Yeah I've run into that issue before but I didn't get far enough in development to figure out how to fix them lol. Usually I just plop armor on them and it's problem solved... but that doesn't really work for commoners. Honestly, I'm thinking of just phasing out the NPC changes entirely in mine just because there's so many compatibility issues with the way I've implemented it currently, and your mod is already doing the same changes I am. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebmar 894 Posted February 26, 2023 (edited) On 2/19/2023 at 7:53 PM, N-DReW25 said: If anyone would like the full TSLPatcher log or even the full mod to test out the TSLPatcher to find a solution on how to fix it, I'll be happy to send it through. Can you attach the mod setup? I'd liked to have a look if you don't mind. Edit: As we discussed this over DC I think it'd be beneficial to have it documented here as well: Spoiler Anyways, not relevant with the issue but what you're doing here: • Warning: A file named appearance.2da already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... • Warning: A file named heads.2da already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... • Warning: A file named soundset.2da already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file... -- is not recommended. You're probably trying to manually install 2DAs using `[InstallList]` to the `override`, and it shouldn't be like that. `[2DAList]` is sufficient enough and is advised that you only do so. /* .... */ • Error: No instruction section found for file kor33b_murderer.utc, skipping... -- hmm, a quick guess; that likely you're recalling `kor33b_murderer.utc` from the `[GFFList]` or there's a second instance of `[kor33b_murderer.utc]` without instruction is presented. Cause it already did with the first one here: • Saving modified file "kor33b_murderer.utc" in archive "korr_m33aa.mod". /* .... */ Hmm, weird. Didn't seem there's anything that should errored out by the setup: [GFFList] .... File4=kor33b_murderer.utc .... [kor33b_murderer.utc] !Destination=modules\korr_m33aa.mod FirstName(strref)=StrRef8 .... Only an instance, and it should've been running as it should -- no errors. However, I disabled `FirstName(lang0)=-1` command as it's irrelevant 'cause you already have `FirstName(strref)=~` going. Someone correct me if I'm wrong 'cause that's out from usual practice from what I recall. Anyway, maybe you can try this INI and see if there's any change. I didn't have K1 installed right now so can't do a test unfortunately: changes.ini Edited February 26, 2023 by ebmar Documented the discussion over DC Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted March 6, 2023 For those of us following the project, the main 3 NPC Overhaul mods "Diverse Galaxy", "Fashion of the Old Republic" and "Lite of my Life" have been released as part of the already released Diverse Galaxy mod. Now, instead of leading to the Diverse Galaxy mod the previous link I shared now lead to the "NPC Diversity Pack" mod for K1! As per the previous critical bugs, the latest release did not include the NPCs affected by the clothing bug: Spoiler You will NOT see this in the mod! And the for that really weird installation bug, that's unfortunately still in the current build of the mod though I highly suspect the bug doesn't actually do anything... and even if it did the WORST it could do is fail to patch 1 single NPC out of over 100 NPCs. Should a fix be found, it will definitely be fixed in a later update! Speaking of updates... I am in the process of planning out some future content updates for the NPC Diversity Pack, for the time being I'll reveal that these updates will center around Republic Soldiers and the Black Vulkars in some way But for those of us who want something NOW, I present to you a preview of the next mod in the NPC Overhaul Series!... the "Smuggler's Deluxe" mod! Please stop cringing at the title of the mod, and please stop cringing at my poorly photoshopped title image for the mod... let me explain what the mod does! The Smuggler NPCs in Kotor wear the Smuggler's Jacket as shown in the image above, in the vanilla game there are only 3 Smuggler NPC appearances consisting of White Commoner 01, Black Commoner 01 and Asian Commoner 01. In Smuggler's Deluxe, each and every single male generic head will now have their own Smuggler variant! This mod is but the first of many mods which will be made to act as 'addons' for the NPC Diversity Pack mod, I personally intend for players to install the K1CP, the NPC-DP mod and addons such as Smuggler's Deluxe in order to receive one of the most comprehensive NPC Overhauls to date. Whilst you *could* install Smuggler's Deluxe without the NPC-DP mod, I wouldn't recommend it as I replace several Lite NPCs with Smuggler NPCs. And before you mention it, just because an NPC is given a Smuggler's Jacket doesn't mean that NPC is a Smuggler... it's just a neat little jacket to enhance the diversity amongst Kotor NPCs. More of these 'addons' are still in development and I've left a little teaser for these addons at the very start of the thread! On 2/6/2023 at 11:26 PM, N-DReW25 said: Hide contents * Smuggler's Deluxe: This mod will add a new line of generic NPC variants who use the Smuggler's jacket model, these new NPCs shall be randomly placed amongst the Kotor NPCs. In-progress! * TSL Commoner Clothing Mod: This mod will add the TSL Commoner Clothing into K1, this mod will also preserve the Commoner 01 (beige potato sack) and the Commoner 07 (Bloody Outcast Clothing) whilst also adding TSL's Commoner 01 (K2 Player Clothing) and TSL's Commoner 07 (Refugee Clothing) as entirely separate pieces of clothing. In-progress! * TSL Onderon Clothing Mod: Onderon Commoner's wear a unique sort of 'Merchant Cloak' outfit in Kotor 2, this model will be ported over to K1 and will be randomly used randomly amongst the Kotor NPCs. Not started! * Fat NPC Mod: This mod will add fat variants of all the generic NPC appearances and will place these randomly across the game, as the fat commoner model can use the default commoner texture this mod would be compatible with any mods which add new commoner clothing, including my TSL Commoner Clothing mod. Not started! * TSL Scavenger Outfit: the Scavenger NPC Joran in Kotor 2 wears a strange raggy potato sack outfit when you encounter him, this mod will port this outfit to Kotor 1 and will placed where possible in Kotor (I'll admit where possible is NOT alot!) Not started! * TSL Dark Jedi: Sith Assassins in K2 come in 3 forms, the 'low' Sith Assassin used by Sith Assassins, the 'Medium' Sith Assassins used by stronger Sith Assassins (mini-bosses with Lightsabers etc) and 'High' Sith Assassins used by Sith Masters/Sith Lords and let's not forget these NPCs come in both male and female form. This mod will add these NPCs across the game complete with soundsets! In-progress! * Twi'lek Redux: Twi'lek redux will change the way generic Twi'lek NPCs work in-game. Just picture one of the green Kotor Twi'lek's wearin Griff's yellow outfit... that will be possible with this mod. This mod may add new Twi'lek head variants as well, this mod only covers males but may cover females at a later date!. In-progress! * TSL Flight Suit mod: The Flight Suit in K2 is an item which the player can wear like armor, however, this mod will NOT add the Flight Suits for the K1 player to wear as that would require a 2DA slot replacement and I don't think many of us would be happy to see the Revan robes be replaced with Flight Suits. This mod will instead add Flight Suits as generic NPC variants meaning you'll see pilot NPCs wearing flightsuits etc. Not started! * TSL Alien mod: This mod will add TSL Aliens into Kotor 1, will include soundsets/VO for all the aliens added in. Currently only the Devaronian NPC is ready, I might consider releasing it with just the Devaronian and I'll add more aliens as the models become available to me (I can figure out how to port them it's just that I don't have the time to do so + I'm not focusing on this mod right now). In-progress! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted March 9, 2023 On 3/6/2023 at 9:28 PM, N-DReW25 said: Speaking of updates... I am in the process of planning out some future content updates for the NPC Diversity Pack, for the time being I'll reveal that these updates will center around Republic Soldiers and the Black Vulkars in some way It is time for me to give you all a preview at the Black Vulkar centered update! One of the most glaring issues with the Black Vulkar Gang on Taris is that the demographics of the Vulkars in Kotor are 90% Nikto, 7% Twi'lek, 1% Human and 100% male. During my changes of the Black Vulkars, I made sure that you still saw the 5 different Nikto NPC variants per module. This ensures that the Nikto population of the gang are still a large majority, however, players will definitely notice other aliens pop up from time to time! Just about every species of sentient alien can be found amongst the ranks of the Black Vulkars from Duros to Gamorreans (Do keep in mind that Quarren and Gran, whilst being in Kotor 1, aren't used here as I seek to give them their own special mod.). Humans can also be found amongst the Black Vulkars, if they can be led by a human like Brejik then no doubt the Vulkars would accept humans into their ranks. Droids have also replaced some of the Vulkars, here is but a small taste of the Droids you shall encounter in the Lower City. This update is currently unfinished, though let's keep our fingers crossed that I'll have this update ready for the public soon! After seeing my screenshots, you might be wondering "Well, surely you can do more with the Black Vulkars than just this, right?"... to which I say: yes, I can do a LOT more with the Black Vulkars than this, however, I would need to add custom content to achieve that. As you can probably guess, this is an update for the NPC Diversity Pack mod which only relies on vanilla assets to achieve it's NPC Overhaul, should I ever come back and make my very own dedicated Black Vulkar NPC Overhaul mod then it would be released separately like the previously mentioned Smuggler's Deluxe. I should probably remind everyone that I personally advise player's install the K1CP mod first, the NPC Diversity Pack mod afterwards and any other NPC mods you may have after that... as you can see by the next screenshot the NPC Diversity Pack will swap Kandon Ark's head. As an example, if you wanted to use Leilukin's KotOR 1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity mod alongside my mod you'll have to install her mod after mine to get the full effects of her mod and my mod without a mod conflict. 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spectrometer 16 Posted March 9, 2023 I really like this NPC Overhaul! I wanted to ask, is this compatible with the Ultimate Character Overhaul by ShiningRedHD in Nexus and the individual characters HD mods by Dark Hope? (For example https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2252-duros-hd/ ). For my next playthrough I will like to use as many HD mods as I can but I would also like to try this mod. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted March 10, 2023 11 hours ago, Spectrometer said: I really like this NPC Overhaul! I wanted to ask, is this compatible with the Ultimate Character Overhaul by ShiningRedHD in Nexus and the individual characters HD mods by Dark Hope? (For example https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2252-duros-hd/ ). Yes, the main mod NPC Diversity Pack would be fully compatible with simple texture mods. Any separate 'Addons' I make for the NPC Diversity Pack might have mild incompatibilities depending on what my mod does, but I can point out the incompatibilities by a mod to mod basis. I personally recommend Trandoshans Rescaled for K1 and High Quality Rodians for when the next Vulkar themed update is released as that update will have those two species appear in more areas, obviously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spectrometer 16 Posted March 11, 2023 Thank you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted March 30, 2023 The Vulkar Update has been released, albeit without the droid component due to glitches in trying to give Vulkar NPCs the droid hide (an invisible item which makes a droid NPC immune to poison and such) via the TSLPatcher, time and patience will be key in fixing those bugs so I decided to release the main update now whilst the Vulkar droids will be added in an upcoming patch. Anyway, I'd like to announce some good news for the project going forward... and this is something @LDR in particular would probably like to hear as well! I have discovered what causes the 1st major bug I mentioned at the start of this thread, more specifically, the bug that causes this issue: Those NPCs are all wearing different clothing items with texture variants from 2-8 yet they all show the 1st texture variant when it logically isn't meant to. Here's the problem that causes that: Let's take the NPC "dan14_setf001" from the module "danm14aa", she is a female Lite NPC in the vanilla game though in NPC Overhaul style mods she's often one of the many NPCs who are given a proper appearance with a piece of clothing. She, and all the other Lite NPC settlers in the "danm14aa" module, are all affected by this same mysterious bug. Now let's take the NPC named "Jon" from the same module, he wears "g_a_clothes02" and as such his clothing texture uses the 2nd clothing variant, so why can Jon wear unique clothing yet the Lite NPCs cannot even though they logically should? What makes Jon different from the Lite NPCs? The answer lies in the "Race" field in the UTC file. Jon's "Race" is set to human whereas the Settler NPC is set to "****", I cannot explain why setting these 'bugged' NPCs from "****" to "Human" allows for them to wear clothing but that's the fix! I'd like to give credit to SpaceAlex for this bug fix as he technically encountered and fixed this bug before me in his K1 Enhancement Pack mod all the way back in 2008, if it weren't for his modder's resource that allowed me to analyze his files this fix would not have been discovered today! Whilst the bug isn't fixed in the latest release of the NPC Diversity Pack, I can assure users that this fix shall be applied to the very next update coming up. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LDR 234 Posted March 30, 2023 That's it?! THAT's what causes the clothing issue? This fills me with such rage. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted April 7, 2023 It is time for me to give you all a preview at the upcoming Republic themed update! Kotor has a wide arrange of generic Republic NPCs in it's files though in-game it overuses the helmeted male Republic Soldier with the occasional Officer on Manaan. Despite their being multiple female Republic Soldier NPCs in the game files, female Republic Soldiers only appear once or twice in the background of Dodonna's end game stunt cutscenes... literally they appear as a "blink and you'll miss it" cameo! Last year I released a mod that fixed that issue by 'restoring' the female Republic Soldiers so that they'd appear throughout the game similar to the males, however, I developed that mod as a "restoration" mod meaning it emulates the style of the vanilla game (AKA you'll mostly see Helmeted Soldiers). As you can probably guess, the NPC Diversity Pack is a "custom content" mod meaning the female Republic Soldiers restored in this mod are a lot more diverse than what my other mod adds... plus, the male NPCs are also far more diverse with the Officers appearing a bit more than their vanilla counterparts. When I was developing this update, I was intending for the Female Republic Soldier mod to go obsolete... in a way. I'm someone who likes to play Kotor 1 and 2 using restored content + bug fix mods exclusively, whilst I would personally love to use the Female Republic Soldiers along the K1CP only I recognize that not many other players play like this, they want the best of anything they can get their hands on whether it be bug fixes, restored content, NPC Overhauls, HD textures and so on. If the NPC Diversity Mod adds female Republic Soldiers in an NPC Overhaul style, why would future players download the Female Republic Soldier Restoration mod? To that I can safely say new players WILL want to play with the Female Republic Soldier Restoration mod. Why? Because I've added AI generated VO for several of the female Republic Soldiers on Manaan and in my biased opinion the VO is surprisingly realistic. Check out the mod and judge for yourself! To ensure that player's will be able to play BOTH the NPC Diversity Pack & the Female Republic Soldier Restoration mod, once this update is released for NPC-DP I'll update FRSR with an optional compatibility patch which will ONLY install the Female Republic Soldiers on Manaan who have AI VO. This update with the Female Republic Soldiers will also contain the bug fix for the glitched NPCs with the incorrect "Race" tag as mentioned above, I'd like to point out that many Sith Officer NPCs on Manaan also had this problem so you'll also see more Sith Officer variants with this upcoming update (I'll preview that at a later date!) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted April 7, 2023 2 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Because I've added AI generated VO for several of the female Republic Soldiers on Manaan and in my biased opinion the VO is surprisingly realistic. Check out the mod and judge for yourself! Video with the some or all of the new AI lines that were added, please? And from what voice actress was the voice AI sampled from? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted April 8, 2023 On 4/7/2023 at 5:08 PM, Sith Holocron said: Video with the some or all of the new AI lines that were added, please? Here it is: On 4/7/2023 at 5:08 PM, Sith Holocron said: And from what voice actress was the voice AI sampled from? The audio was made using a premade preset found on the Eleven Labs website (for this mod I specifically used the premade "Eli" sample as seen on the website) Special thanks to @EpicStoffer for pointing this website out in the Rukil thread. 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EpicStoffer 31 Posted April 8, 2023 This sounds great, I'm glad to see you could use the ElevenLabs free AI VA's for your project ^^ Very interesting project as well, I quite like what the idea behind it Is it just me, or does the *very* first voice line in that video, sound just a bit like Mission? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted April 8, 2023 Neat stuff but that pronunciation of Manaan is pretty rough. You could try running that sentence through again with "Muh Non" rather than Manaan and see if you get a better result? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EpicStoffer 31 Posted April 13, 2023 If Sith Holocron's suggestion doesn't work out for you, try to use the pronounciation that I used with it: "Maanaan". I personally think it hits it spot on. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted April 17, 2023 On 4/8/2023 at 10:48 PM, Sith Holocron said: Neat stuff but that pronunciation of Manaan is pretty rough. You could try running that sentence through again with "Muh Non" rather than Manaan and see if you get a better result? On 4/13/2023 at 7:19 PM, EpicStoffer said: If Sith Holocron's suggestion doesn't work out for you, try to use the pronounciation that I used with it: "Maanaan". I personally think it hits it spot on. Thank you for the suggestions, but I'm afraid both suggestions did not yield significant results. I'm fine with leaving the botched VO as it is for the moment as, even though it does clearly mispronounce "Manaan" the mispronunciation, in my opinion, sounds very natural which is not what I'd expect out of an AI (whereas everyone's suggestions didn't sound natural upon hearing it). But if anyone wants to have a shot of producing a more natural sounding "Manaan", the Eleven Labs website is free for anyone to use. Just click the imbedded link I attached in my above post and anyone reading this thread will be able to make their own AI VO (with a 10,000 word limit for free users). The mispronounced quote can be found here: Quote People are saying the Republic did something to cripple the kolto production here on Manaan, but I don't believe it. Sounds more like something the Sith would do. Now that that's out of the way, I have a few things to announce: 1) My April Fools mod! I uploaded a "joke" mod on April 1st for April Fools Day and as of April 17th that mod still isn't approved, I guess the Admins know better than to approve one of my April Fools mod after the 2022 April Fool's Return to Tach mod! 😎 My 2023 April Fool's mod was called "Saving Private Ulgo", a parody of the movie title "Saving Private Ryan". If you haven't watched Star Wars Rebels (and I don't blame you if you haven't) then the mod's title image might not make much sense, but trust me it's a reference to a major plot point from Star Wars Rebels as found here: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/World_Between_Worlds What does the mod do?: It swaps the head models of Carth and Trask so that, from a certain point of view, Carth is the one who dies on the Endar Spire whilst Trask goes on to take Carth's place as your companion. It's really just a stupid joke mod, I updated the readme to say as such so that if it gets approved it should be known that it's just a joke mod. 2) NPC Diversity Pack bugs! Development into the next update goes well, but I've discovered some bugs in the latest version. The bugs are as follows: * Selven's Powered Battle Armor replaces her mask item instead of her Battle Armor, since Selven drops the mask Item it is possible that she might instead drop overpowered armor instead with this bug. * The Taris Cantina Bounty Hunters had weapons equipped but didn't have the proficiency to actually hold them, the K1CP mod fixes this but the NPC Diversity Pack replaces their equipped weapons with their intended armor and since armor cannot be equipped in the hand slot it just deletes their weapons instead. * One of Canderous' Undercity Mercs had a mask item equipped, the same bug with Selven is replicated here where their mask is replaced by their new armor. * Davik Kang is supposed to wear default clothing when you first meet him and Battle Armor in the Hangar, in the most recent version he is wearing Outcast clothing so that needs to be swapped over for regular commoner clothing. Any bugs reported by users or bugs that I discover shall be fixed as soon as I'm able to, I would like to remind any potential players that this mod is still considered a "Beta" mod so it's best to be vigilant for any possible bugs. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted April 17, 2023 1 hour ago, N-DReW25 said: The mispronounced quote can be found here: Quote People are saying the Republic did something to cripple the kolto production here on Manaan, but I don't believe it. Sounds more like something the Sith would do. Counterpoint: The conversation takes place on Manaan so isn't saying "on Manaan" putting a fine point on it when it clearly isn't needed? Just remove the words "on Manaan" from the quote and you have it made! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted April 17, 2023 14 minutes ago, Sith Holocron said: Counterpoint: The conversation takes place on Manaan so isn't saying "on Manaan" putting a fine point on it when it clearly isn't needed? Just remove the words "on Manaan" from the quote and you have it made! True, that could eliminate the problem altogether, yeah. Regarding pronunciation though, the games themselves aren't even consistent with how they pronounce worlds like Taris or Nar Shadaa. (Nar Shadda, anyone?) so it could be a non issue. However, if you're certain you absolutely want that specific version of the speech, you could try something like Mah-Non which I believe most computer voices can pronounce properly. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ConansHair 51 Posted April 17, 2023 8 hours ago, Sith Holocron said: Counterpoint: The conversation takes place on Manaan so isn't saying "on Manaan" putting a fine point on it when it clearly isn't needed? Just remove the words "on Manaan" from the quote and you have it made! You could even go so far as to eliminate "here on Manaan", and it still would be proper grammar. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted April 21, 2023 On 4/17/2023 at 3:50 PM, Malkior said: Regarding pronunciation though, the games themselves aren't even consistent with how they pronounce worlds like Taris or Nar Shadaa. (Nar Shadda, anyone?) so it could be a non issue. That is my opinion on the current pronunciation, it isn't exactly right but it's far from wrong. On 4/17/2023 at 3:09 PM, Sith Holocron said: Counterpoint: The conversation takes place on Manaan so isn't saying "on Manaan" putting a fine point on it when it clearly isn't needed? Just remove the words "on Manaan" from the quote and you have it made! On 4/17/2023 at 11:54 PM, ConansHair said: You could even go so far as to eliminate "here on Manaan", and it still would be proper grammar. That might be the way to go, since that would require an edit to the male counterpart I'll add it at some point after I create the compatibility patch for the Diversity Pack. Anyway, the 0.4.0 has just been released containing bug fixes, reworked Republic Soldiers & the appearance of cut Sith Officer skins on Manaan! Go to the mod page to see some of the newest changes! The most glaring feature added in this latest update is an installation option called "Sounds O' Plenty", the Sounds O' Plenty mod will swap the sounds of over 200 NPCs throughout the game. The way soundsets are supposed to work is that Jedi NPCs will have a specific Jedi soundset, Republic Soldiers have a specific Republic Soldier soundset, Czerka Guards have a specific Czerka soundset etc. This mod will do away with that rule and give most NPCs in the game their own individual soundset, with this feature installed whilst the Endar Spire has 7 Republic Soldier NPCs only 1 of them might have the Republic Soldier soundset meaning every time a Republic Soldier dies you'll hear a different "voice" when they let out their death moan instead of the exact same voice as per the vanilla game. I do have another idea for a 5th installation mod which will swap the weapons of NPCs around, this 5th weapon mod WON'T add new drops and is pure cosmetic in nature though it could lightly change the games balance considering, for example, Black Vulkars might have Sonic Guns and Blaster Rifles randomly instead of the exact same Blaster Pistol in vanilla. This mod would be VERY good with mods like High Quality Blasters considering this planned weapon mod will allow the player to see the animated Heavy Repeating Rifle from that mod appear in more areas throughout the game. I do also have a similar idea for a mod which DOES add new drops, though that mod would be separate from the NPC Diversity Pack as it is beyond the scope of this mods goals. The new drops won't be anything overpowered, it'd be more of a mod to allow players to experience weapons and other items that appear mid to late game that would be considered 'weak' by that point in the game thus aren't ever really used. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted May 14, 2023 Hello folks, I've released two new mods for the series! They include Unique Sith Governor! And Onderon Fashion! Onderon Fashion is one of the many mods of this series that I believe will enhance the NPCs of the Kotor game. Right now the only other mod similar to Onderon Fashion is Smuggler's Deluxe though I assure you many more similar mods are on the way! And for the Unique Sith Governor mod, that mod was released by the request of Sniggles for his mod request thread. The Sith Governor was actually planned to be included as part of a Sith Officer mod which will be part of this NPC Overhaul series, but until that mod is made and released player's like you can experience but a taste of what my planned mod has to offer with the Unique Sith Governor mod! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites