
MOD:JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1

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JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1


This mod replaces the Jedi robes worn by the player and many NPCs with a more iconic, cloaked one based on a model from K2. I've made some fixes to the model and made new textures both to improve the quality and fit into the game more smoothly.

There are three texture options: 100% Brown, Brown-Red-Blue, and Brown-Red-Blue Alternative. The Brown-Red-Blue textures maintain the color scheme of the K1 Jedi Robes. The 100% Brown textures look more like K2 textures, with different (brown) designs for the Jedi robes instead of different colors. The Brown-Red- Blue Alternative is a mix of these styles. It retains the color scheme of the Brown-Red-Blue option while keeping the variety of the 100% Brown option. Dark Jedi robes, of course, are always black.

All styles come with or without gloves for your player character and some non- player characters. If you choose a gloveless option, your hands will be bare and match your usual skin tone.


  1. Extract files from the downloaded archive.
  2. Run Install.exe.
  3. Select one of the six install options:
    a) 100% Brown
    b) 100% Brown (No Gloves)
    c) Brown-Red-Blue
    d) Brown-Red-Blue (No Gloves)
    e) Brown-Red-Blue Alternative
    f) Brown-Red-Blue Alternative (No Gloves)
  4. Click "Install Mod" and select your game directory (default name SWKotOR).

Manual Installation

  1. Extract files from the downloaded archive.
  2. If you do not have an override folder, make one in your game directory (default name SWKotOR).
  3. Select one of the three folders in tslpatchdata:
    k_bbb – 100% Brown
    k_brb – Brown-Red-Blue
    k_brb-a – Brown-Red-Blue Alternative
  4. Copy all files from the selected folder to your override folder except appearance.2da and the .ini and .rtf files.

The gloveless options require patching appearance.2da and are not supported by the manual installation.


  1. Remove the installed files or replace from backups if necessary.

Compatibility & Other Notes

This mod is not compatible with my Cloaked Hybrid Robes mod; you have to pick one or the other.

This mod is compatible with my Cloaked Party Robes mod, if you install it after installing this mod.

This mod is likely not compatible with other mods that alter the Jedi robes.

This mod uses my Supermodel Port for K1. This makes it super cripplingly incompatible with any other mods that alter the game's supermodels (the S_Female and S_Male files) unless the other mods utilize my Supermodel Port assets. These edits are necessary to give the player supermodels the bones required for the cloaks to animate.

This mod's supermodels include my Supermodel Fixes for K1. So you don't have to worry about using that, or if these files are overwriting those. Use this mod's files.

These supermodel edits somewhat alter some animations in the game. These adjustments were necessary to prevent the old stuff from clipping with the new stuff. It's essentially what Obsidian did when they added the new bones to the supermodel, but I've reversed the changes a bit to bring the animations closer to the original K1 style.

Some models aren't so happy with the new rig. I've made some hotfixes for such cases where I can, but they won't be compatible with other mods that alter these models. I've instructed TSLPatcher not to overwrite these.

P_JuhaniBB.mdl and P_JuhaniBB.mdx are two such files that will be skipped. If you use the Juhani Catlike Head Mod, I suggest that you use my version because I happened to fix the same thing that mod fixes anyway. You can copy those two files manually from tslpatchdata to Override.

The gloveless options only support appearances from the original game release. If you use a modded player appearance, they'll still wear gloves.

While this mod adds skirt bones to the player supermodels, at this time it does not add the bones or the necessary animations to the cutscene models. So the skirt flaps may appear stiff in scenes that use those.


KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher – stoffe, Fair Strides
NWMax – Joco
KOTORMax & MDLEdit – bead-v
waifu2x – nagadomi

This mod contains assets ported from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords by Obsidian Entertainment.


I hereby grant nobody except myself permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. For any reason. I have uploaded a separate mod resource with essentially all of these assets free for anyone who wants to use them. But I want to keep them separate for simplicity's sake, so this release here is strictly a mod.




If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal with this donation link.

For various legal and ethical reasons, this is entirely optional and is not a requirement to downloading or using any of my mods. I also do not create specific mods for hire.

I make mods as a hobby and will most likely do so regardless of any donations or lack thereof, but modding does take up a lot of my time and every bit helps.

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  • Category
  • K1R Compatible


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Hello JC!

I have installed this modification and I noticed that in my game the inventory icons for two Jedi Knight Robes look different (see screenshot). Is this intended?





Star Wars_ Knights of the Old Republic 10_17_2018 5_56_55 PM.jpg

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Yes, there are three items that are all called "Jedi Knight Robe" with different textures. In the original game, they're different colors - brown, red, and blue - but you have the version that replaces these with different brown designs installed.

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I found that the male Caucasian hands were a little too dark, they don't seem to match most of the heads.

I also found a small conflict with DarthParametrics diversified Jedi captives on the star forge mod. The mod adds an npc to dantooine which uses a modified old robe model to change the standing animation.


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Could I get screenshots?

For the mod conflict, I can guess what went wrong but it would be helpful to see it for compatibility patch purposes. For the hand thing, I have no idea because I used game textures. The skin tones shouldn't be any more off than they are when your character is in their underwear.

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The twi'lek master that is watching the fight outside the ebon hawk has a custom I model set in the 2da file. This model is based of off the k1 robe model, so when the k2 texture is applied to it, it looks wrong as the texture isn't designed for that model. I can post a screenshot tommorow.

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Thank you for this great mod!

Are there any existing hi-res texture for TSL that can be used on these robes?

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I'm trying to get this mod working, and I'm having a weird time.

Basically, no matter which version I install, I get gloves.  And I'm also having the old K2 collar issue.  *headscratch*  What am I doing wrong?

Edited by barachiel

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Are you using a modded player appearance? Due to TSLPatcher limitations, I can only set up the installer to modify the original game appearances, so that would explain the gloves. Though other appearances can be given gloveless support with a manual edit to appearance.2da.

As for the collar, could I get a screenshot? There really shouldn't be any way for that to happen since the original K2 model is not in the game and my mod only installs a modded one, so I have no idea.

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Okay there's no neck issue.  I took another gander at your screenshots, that was my bad.

And the fresh install has given the PC visible hands, the NPCs still have gloves.  Or missing hand textures.  One of the two.  Including screencap.

robe issue.png

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The gloveless option is for the PC only currently. NPCs will still have gloves. I plan to at least add support for the party and Jedi Council in a future update. Not sure if it'll be the next one, which is 85% or so done aready, or the one after that. The main thing holding me back is I don't want to play the tinting game with Zhar or, even worse, draw Juhani's cat hands.

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Hi. Is there any animation for cloaks in this mod like in KOTOR 2? Or maybe I did something wrong? Can you explain what is the purpose of files for example PMBIL.mdl, PMBIL.mdx and S_Male01.mdl, S_Male01.mdx?

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  On 12/8/2018 at 9:04 PM, Nemo said:

Is there any animation for cloaks in this mod like in KOTOR 2?

I'm not sure what you mean. The robes are originally from KOTOR 2.

  On 12/8/2018 at 9:04 PM, Nemo said:

Can you explain what is the purpose of files for example PMBIL.mdl, PMBIL.mdx and S_Male01.mdl, S_Male01.mdx?

The P_ models are the robe models. PMBIL is the large male variant, used for players starting with the soldier class. The other ones are different gender/size combinations.

The S_ models are the supermodels. They contain all the animations in the game for the player character. The mod replaces the supermodels with the KOTOR 2 rig, which has additional bones that allow the cloaks to animate.

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Looking good, JC! So many more possibilities these days now that the rules around porting have changed, it’s giving me the itch to give this modding business another shot! :)

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  On 12/9/2018 at 12:43 AM, JCarter426 said:

I'm not sure what you mean. The robes are originally from KOTOR 2.

I mean the moving of cloak when the character runs. The cloak a little bit rises and waves in the air (sorry for bad English).


  On 12/9/2018 at 12:43 AM, JCarter426 said:

The S_ models are the supermodels. They contain all the animations in the game for the player character. The mod replaces the supermodels with the KOTOR 2 rig, which has additional bones that allow the cloaks to animate.

It seems that this is what about I'm talking.

For example, I want to change soldier class start clothes to white jedi robe with brown cloak, without changing icon in inventory.

So I need files from folder k_bbb:  PMBI01.tga, PMBIL.mdx, PMBIL.mdl and S_Male01.mdl, S_Male01.mdx, right? Or is there something missing or unnecessary?

Next, I rename PMBI01.tga to PFBBL01.tga, PMBIL.mdx to PFBBL.mdx, PMBIL.mdl to PFBBL.mdl, S_Male01.mdl to S_PFBBL.mdl,  S_Male01.mdx to S_PFBBL.mdx. So the game can see the files from your mod as those that are necessary for soldier's clothes (like they are native ones). The problem is that the cloak doesn"t moves when my character runs, it's just solid and even the legs pass through the cloack.


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  On 12/9/2018 at 9:02 AM, Marius Fett said:

Looking good, JC! So many more possibilities these days now that the rules around porting have changed, it’s giving me the itch to give this modding business another shot! :)

By all means. :)

  On 12/9/2018 at 9:40 AM, Nemo said:

For example, I want to change soldier class start clothes to white jedi robe with brown cloak

Sounds like the problem is you're renaming the supermodels. All the S_Male and S_Female files should keep the names they already have.

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  On 12/10/2018 at 1:32 AM, JCarter426 said:

All the S_Male and S_Female files should keep the names they already have.

Oh man, it's brilliant! I've added all supermodels files with their original names and it works. First time I also did smth like this but only with one variant of supermodel files and nothing happened. But now it's OK. Thanks.

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I'm really struggling to fix a problem and hope you can help. I installed this mod and it looks great.  Here's the problem.  My character can wear all Jedi robes, including knight and master robes.  Any kind of Jedi robe, to include the Qel Droma ones, work fine.

If I put on knight or master robes of any type, they seem to be invisible.  When I return to the gameplay screen, my character seems to be standing in his underwear.  Same for Juhani.  She can wear any Jedi robes but the knight and master ones just show here in her underwear.

I thought I could figure this out but I'm stuck.  Any suggestions would really be appreciated!

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