Fair Strides 512 Posted November 1, 2015 The bug commonly referred to as the "Juhani Quest Glitch" has officially been fixed. With the help of LiliArch, Kexikus, and several other people, I've managed to fix this long-standing bug in the game, and here's the bug, how the bug is caused, how to fix it, and how we found it: The Bug: Whenever you follow Juhani's personal dialog far enough along, you will be approached by a Twilek named Xor. He will take an interest in Juhani, but is forced to leave disappointed and angry. Later, he ambushes you outside your ship if Juhani is present, and will be dead when all is said and done. From that first moment when you get approached by Xor, you will no longer be able to be approached by any more messengers, effectively stopping the advance of others' personal quests and blocking you off from a shop later in the game. Because of the loss of this store, most players have learned to hold of on delving too deep into Juhani's past until later on, after the store is open. The Cause: The bug is caused simply because the game checks that the value of the global number K_XOR_AMBUSH is either 0 or greater than 2 when determining whether to have any messengers approach you. K_XOR_AMBUSH is set to 1 after Xor talks to you and takes an interest in Juhani. It is set to 2 after he attacks you later on. But it is never set to 3 after the attack is done! The Fix: You guessed it: you need to set the global number K_XOR_AMBUSH to 3 after Xor dies. This will allow other messengers to approach you and allow you access to a store later on. The Discovery: While looking into this bug, I went searching through the game's files for how the messengers were spawned and determined. I found out that each planet had one or two scripts for this, but not all could be decompiled. By examining the ones that could be decompiled, I was able to track the code that handles everything to k_inc_utility.nss in KotOR 1's scripts.bif. The relevant code from that file: //:://///////////////////////////////////////////////:: Spawn Messenger//:: Copyright © 2002 Bioware Corp.//::///////////////////////////////////////////////* Determines which messenger to spawn in for a specific planet. Uses the waypoint K_MESSENGER_SPAWN to determine where to place an incoming messenger Carth: KOR_DANEL == 1. Messenger = Jordo. Bastila: K_SWG_HELENA == 1. Messenger = Malare. Mission: Mis_MissionTalk == 5 Messenger = Lena Canderous: G_CAND_STATE == 8, G_CAND_PLOT == 0, K_CURRENT_PLANET != 35. Messenger = Jagi Juhani: G_JUHANIH_STATE == 7, G_JUHANI_PLOT == 0. Messenger = Xor Endar Spire 5 Taris 10 Dantooine 15 --Kashyyk 20 --Manaan 25 --Korriban 30 --Tatooine 35 Leviathan 40 Unknown World 45 Star Forge 50*///::////////////////////////////////////////////////:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk//:: Created On: Sept 26, 2002//:://////////////////////////////////////////////void UT_SpawnMessenger(){ object oPC = GetFirstPC(); object oWay = GetWaypointByTag("K_MESSENGER_SPAWN"); object oNPC; int nGlobal_1, nGlobal_2; location lLocal; int bConditional = FALSE; int nXor = GetGlobalNumber("K_XOR_AMBUSH"); //Do not fire any messenger plots on Kashyyyk if Chuundar is dead if(GetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET") == 20) { bConditional = GetGlobalBoolean("kas_ChuundarDead"); } if(bConditional == FALSE) { if(nXor == 0 || nXor > 2) { if(GetIsObjectValid(oWay)) { lLocal = GetLocation(oWay); if(IsNPCPartyMember(NPC_BASTILA) && GetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_BASTILA") == FALSE && GetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET") != 25 && GetGlobalNumber("K_SWG_HELENA") == 1) { SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESSENGER_AVAILABLE", FALSE); SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_BASTILA", TRUE); oNPC = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "g_malare", lLocal); NoClicksFor(2.2); DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionStartConversation(oPC,"",FALSE, CONVERSATION_TYPE_CINEMATIC, TRUE))); //DelayCommand(2.0, UT_NPC_InitConversation(GetTag(oNPC))); return; } if(IsNPCPartyMember(NPC_CARTH) && //MODIFIED by Preston Watamaniuk on May 13, 2003 //Added a check to make sure the Sith Acadamy is not closed before spawning in Jordo. GetGlobalBoolean("KOR_END_HOSTILE") == FALSE && GetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_CARTH") == FALSE && GetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET") != 30 && GetGlobalNumber("KOR_DANEL") == 1) { SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESSENGER_AVAILABLE", FALSE); SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_CARTH", TRUE); oNPC = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "g_jordo", lLocal); NoClicksFor(2.2); DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionStartConversation(oPC,"",FALSE, CONVERSATION_TYPE_CINEMATIC, TRUE))); //DelayCommand(2.0, UT_NPC_InitConversation(GetTag(oNPC))); return; } if(IsNPCPartyMember(NPC_JOLEE) && GetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_JOLEE") == FALSE && GetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET") != 25 && GetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET") != 20 && GetGlobalNumber("MAN_MURDER_PLOT") == 0) { SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESSENGER_AVAILABLE", FALSE); SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_JOLEE", TRUE); oNPC = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "g_davink", lLocal); NoClicksFor(2.2); DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionStartConversation(oPC,"",FALSE, CONVERSATION_TYPE_CINEMATIC, TRUE))); //DelayCommand(2.0, UT_NPC_InitConversation(GetTag(oNPC))); return; } if(IsNPCPartyMember(NPC_JUHANI) && GetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_JUHANI") == FALSE && (GetGlobalNumber("G_JUHANIH_STATE") > 5 && GetGlobalNumber("G_JUHANIP_STATE") GetGlobalNumber("G_JUHANI_PLOT") == 0 && GetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET") != 15) { //juhanih_state > 5, and juhanip_state SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESSENGER_AVAILABLE", FALSE); SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_JUHANI", TRUE); oNPC = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "g_xor", lLocal); NoClicksFor(2.2); DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionStartConversation(oPC,"",FALSE, CONVERSATION_TYPE_CINEMATIC, TRUE))); //DelayCommand(2.0, UT_NPC_InitConversation(GetTag(oNPC))); return; } if(IsNPCPartyMember(NPC_CANDEROUS) && GetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_CANDEROUS") == FALSE && GetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET") != 35 && GetGlobalNumber("G_CAND_STATE") >= 6 && GetGlobalBoolean("G_CAND_THING") == TRUE && GetGlobalNumber("G_CAND_PLOT") == 0) { SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESSENGER_AVAILABLE", FALSE); SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_CANDEROUS", TRUE); oNPC = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "g_jagi", lLocal); NoClicksFor(2.2); DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionStartConversation(oPC,"",FALSE, CONVERSATION_TYPE_CINEMATIC, TRUE))); //DelayCommand(2.0, UT_NPC_InitConversation(GetTag(oNPC))); return; } if(IsNPCPartyMember(NPC_MISSION) && GetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_MISSION") == FALSE && GetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET") != 35 && GetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET") != 25 && GetGlobalNumber("Mis_MissionTalk") == 5) { SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESSENGER_AVAILABLE", FALSE); SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_MISSION", TRUE); oNPC = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "g_lena", lLocal); NoClicksFor(2.2); DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionStartConversation(oPC,"",FALSE, CONVERSATION_TYPE_CINEMATIC, TRUE))); //DelayCommand(2.0, UT_NPC_InitConversation(GetTag(oNPC))); return; } //MODIFIED by Preston Watamaniuk on April 11 //Added the exchange crony Ziagrom to tell the PC about the special store. if(GetGlobalNumber("K_KOTOR_MASTER") >= 20 && GetGlobalNumber("K_Exchange_Store") == 0 && GetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_ZIAGROM") == FALSE) { SetGlobalBoolean("K_MESS_ZIAGROM", TRUE); oNPC = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "g_Ziagrom", lLocal); NoClicksFor(2.2); DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionStartConversation(oPC,"",FALSE, CONVERSATION_TYPE_CINEMATIC, TRUE))); return; } } } }} Of importance is the following sample: int nXor = GetGlobalNumber("K_XOR_AMBUSH"); //Do not fire any messenger plots on Kashyyyk if Chuundar is dead if(GetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET") == 20) { bConditional = GetGlobalBoolean("kas_ChuundarDead"); } if(bConditional == FALSE) { if(nXor == 0 || nXor > 2) { This led me to investigate the K_XOR_AMBUSH global number and how and where it was changed. I discovered that it was set to 2 just before he attacked you, but that it was never set to 3 when he is dying. From there, I gathered saves from Kexikus and others and tested setting the K_XOR_AMBUSH to 3 after Xor dies. And everything works! This script is used by the game to launch Xor's death scene, but I've edited it to set the K_XOR_AMBUSH to 3 at that time as well. Simply drop it into your override folder and you're good to go! k_hxor_state03.7z 12 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted November 2, 2015 Bravo FS! This has been a longstanding vanilla issue that many have experienced over the years. A must have! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY 60 Posted November 2, 2015 There was a fix for this from long ago. It was on lucasforums; I still have the file. Did it somehow evade you or did it conflict with K1R? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted November 2, 2015 There was a fix for this from long ago. It was on lucasforums; I still have the file. Did it somehow evade you or did it conflict with K1R? From what I understand, that fix you refer to fixes a different issue with the sidequest. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted November 2, 2015 There was a fix for this from long ago. It was on lucasforums; I still have the file. Did it somehow evade you or did it conflict with K1R? As stated in that fix's read-me: "This mod will fixes the problem with the second encounter with xor (Juhani plot) that was responsible for making Xor spawn only when using the Rapid transit system." It does not fix the variable not being updated, which is necessary for the other messengers to spawn. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=212579 http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=154296 http://www.lucasforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2451&d=1130303686 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guibaesa 15 Posted November 2, 2015 EXCELLENT WORK. I'm very thankful for that, we all are. PS: Can that file be integrated in the newest update of KOTOR Restoration? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY 60 Posted November 3, 2015 As stated in that fix's read-me: "This mod will fixes the problem with the second encounter with xor (Juhani plot) that was responsible for making Xor spawn only when using the Rapid transit system." It does not fix the variable not being updated, which is necessary for the other messengers to spawn. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=212579 http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=154296 http://www.lucasforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2451&d=1130303686 ah, ok. Haven't reinstalled kotor in a while; It's been nice and stable recently. As a result I haven't read that readme in quite a long time. Just thought I'd check. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 8, 2015 Depending on when it's set to 2, it could be someone just using > 2 when > 1 was supposed to be there. Setting it to 3 is a far easier sollution for fixing though . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted November 8, 2015 Depending on when it's set to 2, it could be someone just using > 2 when > 1 was supposed to be there. Setting it to 3 is a far easier sollution for fixing though . From what I've gathered, it's set to 1 to let the game know to ambush you, and it's set to 2 when he actually does ambush you (as noted by it having to be 2 to get his death section of the dialog), so I'm operating on the idea that it has to be 3. Also, compiling one script instead of trying to compile all the relevant trigger scripts that used the k_inc_utility, two of which wouldn't decompile... Hmmm, tough choice... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 8, 2015 You should have totally gone for the second option... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 10, 2016 Going to unsticky this since K1RP's got it already. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted January 17, 2018 As of 1-17-18, Snigaroo informed me that the download was broken and directing you to an error page here on DS. So he sent me the copy he'd already downloaded and I have re-attached it to the original post, as a .7z file that you will need to unpack using WinRAR, WinZip, or preferably 7zip. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalaciousCrumb 23 Posted January 30, 2018 Will this fix work if Xor has already approached me (but not yet ambushed me)? He simply stands outside the Ebon Hawk with his two thugs but I can't interact with him. I applied the fix but I still can't interact with him. I also tried using the Rapid Transit system to transit back to the Ebon Hawk but that didn't yield any result either. Any suggestions as to how I might solve this? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted January 30, 2018 Will this fix work if Xor has already approached me (but not yet ambushed me)? He simply stands outside the Ebon Hawk with his two thugs but I can't interact with him. I applied the fix but I still can't interact with him. I also tried using the Rapid Transit system to transit back to the Ebon Hawk but that didn't yield any result either. Any suggestions as to how I might solve this? Try using a save from before you ever met him? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalaciousCrumb 23 Posted January 30, 2018 Try using a save from before you ever met him? I could but that would mean going back several hours in my playthrough. Can it be fixed through the save editor? I found K_XOR_AMBUSH in the global numerics but I'm not sure what value I should set it to (it's currently set to 1). I also found K_XOR_AMBUSH_FIX in the global booleans but I'm not sure what it does (also set to 1 currently). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 997 Posted January 30, 2018 Try setting K_XOR_AMBUSH to 2, but make a copy of your savegame. But it seems like you're having another issue. The globals seem fine for the second encounter, so I'd guess the dialog is screwed up or something like that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalaciousCrumb 23 Posted January 30, 2018 Try setting K_XOR_AMBUSH to 2, but make a copy of your savegame. But it seems like you're having another issue. The globals seem fine for the second encounter, so I'd guess the dialog is screwed up or something like that. Setting it to 2 didn't help either, however when I set it to 0 or 3 I got approached by Ziagrom so there's that. I guess I'll just have to be more careful in future playthroughs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted July 16, 2018 Hi, guys I'm playing KotOR1 (no Restoration, no MOD's, no Patches; 4 cd's spanish, 1.00 version) and I've found an issue that never had found before in others playthroughs of K1. Knowing time ago about the problem completing Juhani's side quest before getting your 4th Star Map which prevents trigger the messenger of the "Special Items Shop" at Korriban, I delayed her quest -not the talks with she- until I get the invitation of the shop (including, for my playthrough, finishing all the others NPC's Side Quests except finding Carth's son). After get the invitation I triggered the first encounter with Xor with no problems but now he doesn't appears again. Boarding/unboarding the Hawk, flying to others planets several times (of course walking the "Triggering Zones") but nothing. Reading this topic in your pages and reading about changing the value of the global number K_XOR_AMBUSH, I tried with KSE and my last save and found the value is set to 0. I've changed it setting the value to 1 and... It has worked!!!!!!!! triggering, finally, the last encounter with Xor. Checking with KSE a later save after Xor's death, the value was automatically set to 2. As far as I can see at this moment (still in Korriban, before the last Star Map and before find Carth's son -my last loose end of all NPC's SQ and "triggerings") the trick works with no further problems. Dustil encounter is not a "triggered encounter" but I was afraid that, somehow, could affect Carth's son Quest, not closed yet. Happily, I've finished this SQ too without problems. Maybe this can be useful for those users who hasn't applied any Patch or Fix to the game and a manner of emergence solution (like me). Oh, by the way, if someone choose this line of action, before change nothing, make a backup of the save game. The surprises would'nt be surprises if they're not surprises... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evicion 0 Posted July 1, 2021 Where is the folder I'm meant to put this in? I assume it's part of the save for the file I'm trying to edit, but I can't find any folder marked "overrides". I haven't downloaded a mod from here before, and I'm playing the steam version of the game if that helps. really hoping you can help me out on this one! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thor110 543 Posted July 1, 2021 1 hour ago, Evicion said: Where is the folder I'm meant to put this in? I assume it's part of the save for the file I'm trying to edit, but I can't find any folder marked "overrides". I haven't downloaded a mod from here before, and I'm playing the steam version of the game if that helps. really hoping you can help me out on this one! Drop it in your override folder. Or use KotOR Save Editor to set the variable "K_XOR_AMBUSH" to 3. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Omanakole 0 Posted March 21, 2023 Is this compatible with non-english game versions? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted March 22, 2023 Scripts are version-agnostic. They work on all versions of the game. But this mod does not fix the Xor issue, so it's kind of a moot point. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Omanakole 0 Posted March 22, 2023 7 hours ago, DarthParametric said: Scripts are version-agnostic. They work on all versions of the game. But this mod does not fix the Xor issue, so it's kind of a moot point. What do you mean "this mod does not fix the Xor issue"? How can I make other messengers appear after Xor? I don't want to edit save files manually. I am looking for a bugfix that works with polish game version. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted March 22, 2023 3 minutes ago, Omanakole said: What do you mean "this mod does not fix the Xor issue"? Exactly what I said. The only fully working fix is in K1CP, and even then I'm still not 100% sure it is finally resolved. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silverviolet 0 Posted June 5, 2023 Solid description of the problem and your solution. I needed to use KSE to change the variable in the end but it was easy and it worked! Thank you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites