Guest haviik


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More Episode VII mod ideas in addition to the above post:

  • Finn PC head
  • Rey PC head
  • Poe Dameron head
  • Captain Phasma armor
  • Melee weapon that stormtrooper used against Finn
  • Kylo Ren mask/outfit
  • General Hux PC head
  • Blaster that Han gave to Rey
  • BB-8 replacement for T3-M4
  • First Order stormtrooper armor

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More Episode VII mod ideas in addition to the above post:

  • Finn PC head
  • Rey PC head
  • Poe Dameron head
  • Captain Phasma armor
  • Melee weapon that stormtrooper used against Finn
  • Kylo Ren mask/outfit
  • General Hux PC head
  • Blaster that Han gave to Rey
  • BB-8 replacement for T3-M4
  • First Order stormtrooper armor


kylo ren unmasked PC head

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All I want for christmas is Jar jar binks headddddddddddd

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Oh, yes. Crossguard saber is a must. Only trouble would be the crossguard blades clipping through the characters' arms, but that's something I could overlook, I think


Admin: Request granted.

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I was wondering if it can make this mod to give more usefulness to charisma and derivative.
The equation is simple  ---> persuasion + charisma modifier = Discount and Oversell
Example - Persuasion: 6 + Charisma : 4 (modifier) = 10% of discount and oversell!
It would give a new use for charisma and persuade.

Another enhancement would be to use the charisma modifier to inspire the allies.
Example - +2 (modifier) = +2 atk and def. (But it cannot affect the one who hold the highest modifier)

It may need some upgrades to no allow flaws or overpower...

Oh! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

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I was wondering if it can make this mod to give more usefulness to charisma and derivative.

The equation is simple  ---> persuasion + charisma modifier = Discount and Oversell

Example - Persuasion: 6 + Charisma : 4 (modifier) = 10% of discount and oversell!

It would give a new use for charisma and persuade.


Another enhancement would be to use the charisma modifier to inspire the allies.

Example - +2 (modifier) = +2 atk and def. (But it cannot affect the one who hold the highest modifier)

It may need some upgrades to no allow flaws or overpower...

Oh! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

What mod though?

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What mod though?

I think he/she is requesting a mod to do this

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After seeing all the requests for TFA mods, I second Milestails request for a Kylo Ren mask!


Also, has anybody ever made Revans TOR mask found here on post 132:



There's one mod that replicates Revan's TOR robe and mask. It was one of the best Revan Robes I've ever seen but haven't been able to find it for a long time and it had a lot of different variants you could choose from.

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Any chance someonecan make Kylo Ren's helmet for KOTOR 2?


Yeah, for both KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2, not only the helmet but also the robes, with the option of hooded and not hooded on the skin.

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I was at Disneyland this past Saturday, and I caught some of the Jedi Training Academy show. One of the villains in the show was this lovely lady:







I later found out that this is Seventh Sister  from the Rebels TV series. How about an armor/helmet/lightsaber mod based on her?

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So I have been looking around for 2 days now (bought Kotor1 and battlefront2 on the steam sale, getting back into the swing of things) and I cant find a mod for Nihilus's robes/mask other than ones for TSL. Can anyone take the TSL model and make it compatible for Kotor? I tried downloading this one by Shem ( and just throwing it in the override to see what happens. Upon equipping it I turned into Jolee. 

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So I have been looking around for 2 days now (bought Kotor1 and battlefront2 on the steam sale, getting back into the swing of things) and I cant find a mod for Nihilus's robes/mask other than ones for TSL. Can anyone take the TSL model and make it compatible for Kotor? I tried downloading this one by Shem ( and just throwing it in the override to see what happens. Upon equipping it I turned into Jolee. 


That would be porting and thus is not allowed. The only way to get Nihilus robes into K1 would be if someone remade it from scratch for that purpose, making things much harder.

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That would be porting and thus is not allowed. The only way to get Nihilus robes into K1 would be if someone remade it from scratch for that purpose, making things much harder.

So I take it thats not very likely to ever happen?  :question:

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Has anyone made an Episode I Obi-wan lightsaber hilt for TSL? I know absolutely nothing about programming or modding but I'd love to have his lightsaber from Episode I with a sliver blade

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Is it possible to make a mod where Shalena from the undercity is recruitable?

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Could someone port over Toasty Fresh's vibroblade and double vibrosword models from his Kotor 1 mod to be compatible with TSL? I only need the model files themselves to be TSL compatable. I can connect the weapon types, stats and textures to the models myself. I tried using MDLops, but my version won't work for porting models according to tutorials.

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I'm well aware of this beta. The reason I'm asking for someone to port over those two models is because they are not included in the beta. Actually, the only blade model included in the beta is the single Vibrosword.

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