
Nar Shaddaa Rewrite

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Hey everyone! Long time no see!

I'm currently working on a mod that will rewrite Nar Shaddaa from Visquis' message up until you meet Zez. The main goal is freeing up "Visquis' secret base" for the GenoHaradan. At this point, I am not planning on restoring the GenoHaradan. If I find anyone who wants to do it, I might change my mind. Aside from that the mod is gonna use some unrestored content that couldn't be restored because it didn't fit with the rest of the plot, and it's gonna try to tie up some loose ends. Of course, to make it all work, new ideas/content will need to be implemented. TSLRCM will be required.


The plot is fleshed out, more than half of the new and modified cutscenes are ingame, working, but still need to be polished and/or modified.

I'm doing the actual modding for this, scripting, area editing, possibly VO splicing, etc.. the only thing I really can't do is writing/designing. To complete this mod I need someone creative who can write grammatically correct dialogs, come up with new content/dialogs/ideas and who has a feel for the story. If anyone is interested, please PM me :D


Here are some screenshots, but you'll have to click the links, DeadlyStream didn't let me embed them.

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I really like the idea of Mira vs. Hanharr in the tunnels & the usage of the JJT as more than an abattoir. Nice placement of the pressue suit as a prop.


Definitely looking forward to the finished product. Thanks for the time & effort!

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Nice to see the informant getting more mileage. I am also intrigued with your idea to expand the Nar Shadaa plot by allowing the inclusion of the genoharadran. How will the Ubese fit into this new plot since Slusk originally had you fight them in the Geno base?

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Would it not be easier to redo the voice for the informant rather than doing splices?



It seems like the whole fight with Visquis has been moved to the JJK. Presumably the Ubese fight would also be there. Alternatively, they could become part of the GenoHaradan quest. Since both the GenoHaradan and the Ubese have issues with the Jedi, that would make sense.

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Would it not be easier to redo the voice for the informant rather than doing splices?



It seems like the whole fight with Visquis has been moved to the JJK. Presumably the Ubese fight would also be there. Alternatively, they could become part of the GenoHaradan quest. Since both the GenoHaradan and the Ubese have issues with the Jedi, that would make sense.

It might be easier to do that, yeah. Will keep that in mind.


As for the Ubese, I'm currently thinking of not including them, so they could be part of the Geno... this might change though...

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Gone for 2 years, you return and rewrite Nar Shaddaa. What a comeback. Welcome back - this looks kandosii.

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I, too, am a fan of the Mira screenshot... it will be interesting to see how this one turns out!

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Looks like more Epic Bead-v's Cut-scenes. I approve :welcome:

Let's hire the guy for TSLRCM... and M4-78EP... and... wait a second...



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