
Sithspecter's Midsummer Mod-Off

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I know next to nothing about Doctor Who, but isn't the Interior of the Tardis supposed to be incredible spacious? Maybe you could replace the Ebon Hawk model with the Tardis, and going inside the Ebon Hawk could still make some sense. XD

You are correct. Infinitely spacious according to some of the newer episodes. I was going to model it around the Ebon Hawk's main room. Saves me the trouble of doing the walkmeshes over and I can retain the camera collision information.




Really, really nice - though don't forget the glass in the windows. ;)

It's there. The shader I'm using in 3dsMax as a placeholder changes the glare on the window. It happened to be black at this particular angle.


I actually tried my hand at this years and years ago, though I did a really lousy job, and misjudged the scale quite spectacularly:



(This image is dated 24/06/2006, according to my computer - years and years wasn't an exaggeration. You can see why I never uploaded this pic before. :P )

Thanks for sharing! I can't say my modeling skills would have fared any better around that time either.


I'm still kind of surprised that my model turned out this well, although the tricks I learned to sculpt that box I picked up from Quanon's video and I think disbeliever and TriggerGod for baking shadows into the texture.



If you're going to do an interior, there are only two contenders

Heh... so I'm a new Who fan... don't uh.. hate me :P


But seriously, what I had in mind was more along the lines of the 11th (and I'm assuming 12th's) TARDIS in that it has more of that "spaceship" kind of feel to it. (Plus it's shiny) It has several aspects alluding to the original console room, although it does not have the "round things" in it, which I will obviously add.





I figure modeling something similar to the original rooms with the sort of polish and theme of this would be the way to go.

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You know this would probably be a huge time sink/ massive undertaking, but I was just thinking; what if you did as Mephiles550 (I believe) suggested and just replaced the exterior Ebon Hawk model with the Tardis, yet did one better.. edited all of the videos where the Ebon Hawk is, and rotoscoped the Tardis model over it?...

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You know this would probably be a huge time sink/ massive undertaking, but I was just thinking; what if you did as Mephiles550 (I believe) suggested and just replaced the exterior Ebon Hawk model with the Tardis, yet did one better.. edited all of the videos where the Ebon Hawk is, and rotoscoped the Tardis model over it?...

Ha, or we could just have it materialize in whatever module.



Oh, I also made this awhile back...





It's a little shiny because it was originally supposed to be a lightsaber.

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Oh, anyone willing to model any of the Doctors as a playable character?



Clearly 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th or possibly 10 or 11 would be the easiest since they don't have curly or long-ish hair.

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You know this would probably be a huge time sink/ massive undertaking, but I was just thinking; what if you did as Mephiles550 (I believe) suggested and just replaced the exterior Ebon Hawk model with the Tardis, yet did one better.. edited all of the videos where the Ebon Hawk is, and rotoscoped the Tardis model over it?...

Considering how the movies conflict with nearly all of the big texture/graphic mods out there for Kotor to begin with, I don't think the effort would be well spent. A good chunk of people also skip the movies for various reasons anyway, so those people wouldn't need the mod. I would enjoy a mod like you suggested, as I do enjoy the movies to begin with, but it'll be a while from now at the very least.

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Make the TARDIS as an Ebon Hawk model replacement in the landing areas. It'd be hilarious.

Davik Kang's "pride and joy" that he protects is just a phone booth... I would love to see that in game. XD 

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It's there. The shader I'm using in 3dsMax as a placeholder changes the glare on the window. It happened to be black at this particular angle.

Ah, OK then.


Thanks for sharing! I can't say my modeling skills would have fared any better around that time either.

Heh, I wouldn't be so sure of that... there's good reason that most of my early mods are no longer available. :P


I'm still kind of surprised that my model turned out this well, although the tricks I learned to sculpt that box I picked up from Quanon's video and I think disbeliever and TriggerGod for baking shadows into the texture.

Obi-Wan has taught you well.


Heh... so I'm a new Who fan... don't uh.. hate me :P


You have terrible taste in TV. :P


But seriously, what I had in mind was more along the lines of the 11th (and I'm assuming 12th's) TARDIS in that it has more of that "spaceship" kind of feel to it. (Plus it's shiny) It has several aspects alluding to the original console room, although it does not have the "round things" in it, which I will obviously add.



It's by far the least awful of the New Who console rooms, agreed, though I'm not sure I agree with the the idea that it has references to the old console rooms (and I've never been a huge fan of the central column being attached to the ceiling - an unnecessary innovation of the TV movie...)


Oh, and the round things are called roundels.


If it's any help convincing you, it seems someone has already made the original console in Blender, and made it available for download, as well as having had a stab at the console room, though it appears they never completed that. :P


I figure modeling something similar to the original rooms with the sort of polish and theme of this would be the way to go.

The original rooms, beyond the console room, tended to shift about quite a bit, unfortunately. In reality, a result of not having the set permanently set up; the narrative reason given was... vague, but to do with the ability to change the internal configuration from the console.


As to what to do with the TARDIS... why not have it like a pocket plane mod? You could use the console to move the player virtually anywhere in the game (though swapping the area to be moved to when the player opens the doors might be a bit trickier, particularly if you wanted to allow customisation).


Other than that, a workbench, the zero room, and the cloister could all have potential uses for the player. I suppose the library could potentially be useful, too. Though if you decide to include the Zero Room, you might want to alter at least the colour scheme of the original. It hasn't dated too brilliantly:



One other thought - it might be good to include a randomiser switch on the console, or some other kind of variant input, perhaps to encourage more standalone modules/adventures, which could slot in there.


Anyway, just some thoughts/ideas.


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It's by far the least awful of the New Who console rooms, agreed, though I'm not sure I agree with the the idea that it has references to the old console rooms (and I've never been a huge fan of the central column being attached to the ceiling - an unnecessary innovation of the TV movie...)

Ah haha, yeah. I meant mainly that at least this one is more like an actual space ship, not that weird coral-like sort of dealio that 9 and 10 had. Admittedly, it doesn't really have that many similarities to the old one.


Would it be the best time to post this? lol




Oh, and the round things are called roundels

I was going by the 50th where 11th and 10 called them "round things" I take it it might not have been your favorite. judging by your clear disdain for new Who ;)


If it's any help convincing you, it seems someone has already made the original console in Blender

Ah, no need. I do kind of like the other-worldly feel of the whiteness in the TARDIS. I'm intent on blending aspects of both, assuming we can ignore the coral version, the TV movie version and 11's first TARDIS. To be honest, it might very well just be mostly white.


The original rooms, beyond the console room, tended to shift about quite a bit, unfortunately. In reality, a result of not having the set permanently set up; the narrative reason given was... vague, but to do with the ability to change the internal configuration from the console.

As cool as the prospect seems, if I'm going to have it fit in the Ebon Hawk, it'd probably just match up to whatever rooms were in there.


As to what to do with the TARDIS... why not have it like a pocket plane mod? You could use the console to move the player virtually anywhere in the game (though swapping the area to be moved to when the player opens the doors might be a bit trickier, particularly if you wanted to allow customisation).

Well, I had in mind to spawn the TARDIS with the use of the Sonic Screwdriver. As far as materializing in different spots, I really have no idea how to do that :/



One other thought - it might be good to include a randomiser switch on the console, or some other kind of variant input, perhaps to encourage more standalone modules/adventures, which could slot in there.

Not a bad idea..

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I might finish that Republic Mod Armour reskin that I never bothered to update. No promises, and nothing special, but it's about time I do it.

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Ah haha, yeah. I meant mainly that at least this one is more like an actual space ship, not that weird coral-like sort of dealio that 9 and 10 had. Admittedly, it doesn't really have that many similarities to the old one.

Oh, I see. In that case, I agree. The coral thing was odd. I think it was meant to suggest organic technology. Mainly it suggested Spongebob was waiting somewhere further inside.


Would it be the best time to post this? lol



Looks good! I take it you're not going to animate the room? 'Cause getting the bit at the top of the column to turn might be rather difficult, if getting the column moving wasn't problematic enough. Although, I suppose you could make the interior of the column into two placeables, one with a static texture, and the other with an animated texture showing the movement... but that might be getting a bit complicated, and probably wouldn't look that convincing.



I was going by the 50th where 11th and 10 called them "round things"

I guessed. :D


I take it it might not have been your favorite. judging by your clear disdain for new Who ;)

Actually, as new Who goes, I thought it was OK. I thought the ending was a cop-out, but new Who seems to need to cop out of any hard decision it makes, and in fairly ridiculous manner. The main problem with it in some ways was that Hurt was too good, IMO. He showed up Tennant in particular as a rather weak actor with a very limited range, and Smith didn't come off too well, either. His character also showed up the extent of the gap between old and new Who, and how irreconcilable they are, IMO, which probably did the show no favours.



Ah, no need. I do kind of like the other-worldly feel of the whiteness in the TARDIS. I'm intent on blending aspects of both, assuming we can ignore the coral version, the TV movie version and 11's first TARDIS. To be honest, it might very well just be mostly white.

Sounds cool. Might also be a bit more achievable. Oh, if you are considering doing other parts of the TARDIS, I take it you'll be modelling them after Journey to the Centre...?



As cool as the prospect seems, if I'm going to have it fit in the Ebon Hawk, it'd probably just match up to whatever rooms were in there.

Whatever rooms were... in the Ebon Hawk? I don't quite understand, sorry.



Well, I had in mind to spawn the TARDIS with the use of the Sonic Screwdriver. As far as materializing in different spots, I really have no idea how to do that :/

The sonic screwdriver is probably the most elegant solution, yes (unless you intend to model a separate Stattenheim remote control... :P ). As for spawning the TARDIS... yeah, it's not quite as simple as I had at first considered. It might be possible to drop a waypoint the first time the player enters a new area, though you'd need to alter the OnHeartbeat, of course (or every single OnEnter), and then spawn the TARDIS on the waypoint, and the player just in front (so maybe two waypoints?), but this is getting quite overcomplicated...



Not a bad idea..

Heh, thanks. Hopefully, it might encourage more modules to be made, if they don't require so much tying down to the game's plot...



It's probably about time I unveiled my dastardly scheme entry for the mod-off:



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Well, SS, it looks like I'm making the deadline to sign up, but just barely.


Due to my scarce modelling skills and my (IMO) ridiculously-limited skinning skills, I was in a pretty big debate as to whether I should try out or not...


So, can I submit more than one piece?


If so, I want to show a re-skin I made back in August-ish of 2012:






And a reskin I'm currently working on:








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Fine by me! Remember that you have most of July to work on it as well, so don't feel rushed at all.

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Fine by me! Remember that you have most of July to work on it as well, so don't feel rushed at all.

Trust me, I don't feel rushed. :)


Remember, I am still trying to hammer out K1R's last piece on Manaan; I just needed to hurry to sign up in time! :P

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Apologies for being late, I had to get my end of the year finals out of the way.






I've been working on this for the last few days since school ended. It leaves a lot to be desired, but I'm getting somewhere.

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