Jorak Uln

Joraks Experiments [WIP]

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I think the aquarium animation is particularly apt considering Manaan is a water world! In any event, great work as usual :D

Would a water world need an aquarium? I mean sure it's nice and all but you'd think the city planners would just have a transparent floor, or submarine tours...


I like Dantooine v1 the most.

"No! don't go into the tall grass!"

Then T3 kills 'em Jurassic park style...

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Would a water world need an aquarium? I mean sure it's nice and all but you'd think the city planners would just have a transparent floor, or submarine tours...


I like Dantooine v1 the most.

"No! don't go into the tall grass!"

Then T3 kills 'em Jurassic park style...

Considering the time and resources it would take to implement those ideas, I still think an aquarium is the best, most efficient choice to showcase Manaan's aquatic life.

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Ive done a lot of hex-editing to get more variety on floors and walls of Taris Upper City and also used multiple cubemaps for more realistic looking towers:



Before (without hex-edit)





After Floor 1: (hexed)




After Floor 2: (hexed)





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I prefer version 1. Version 2 just seems too busy (not sure if that's the right word) but I think the simpler patterns from V1 work better.

But in both cases I'd go back to a slightly more yellow colour scheme as you had before.

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I think I like the original pattern and color scheme better. Have you considered trying out your pattern with the the original texture's color scheme?

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I prefer version 1. Version 2 just seems too busy (not sure if that's the right word) but I think the simpler patterns from V1 work better.

But in both cases I'd go back to a slightly more yellow colour scheme as you had before.

hm. Ingame the 2nd version seemed more lively to me - i will have to think about it.


And i think a more greyish metallic look might fit in the end better than a yellow one, because additional colorful animated trees & signs are planned as well.


@Sith Holocron:


what do you mean with color scheme? The towers as well?

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hm. Ingame the 2nd version seemed more lively to me - i will have to think about it.


And i think a more greyish metallic look might fit in the end better than a yellow one, because some colorful animated trees & signs are planned as well.


You might be right about that, I don't know^^ You could try V2 with reduced contrast as some kind of compromise, maybe that looks good.

About the colour: I agree that the look should be metallic grey but only grey is pretty boring so it needs some kind of colour touch I think. And I absolutely love the atmosphere created by the yellow touch in the version you sent me a while back. It just gives such a great feeling of peace, compared to the blue/pink-ish vanilla style.


That's why I think the new floor in V1 is too blue and the one in V2 too pink.

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You might be right about that, I don't know^^ You could try V2 with reduced contrast as some kind of compromise, maybe that looks good.

About the colour: I agree that the look should be metallic grey but only grey is pretty boring so it needs some kind of colour touch I think. And I absolutely love the atmosphere created by the yellow touch in the version you sent me a while back. It just gives such a great feeling of peace, compared to the blue/pink-ish vanilla style.


That's why I think the new floor in V1 is too blue and the one in V2 too pink.

Dont forget that there will be a whole bunch of Animated trees and signs with very strong colors like these:


The floor will get some fine-tuning but the towers - at least ingame - definitely look better now than the old yellow ones. Maybe ill send you some files for comparison later.



Sith Holocron:


Heres V2 with vanilla floor:



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I agree about the towers, they look better now.


In general I think that our visions for what the Upper City should look like are quite different. I wouldn't go for the animated signs, neon trees, etc. but instead keep it simple and peaceful and that's where my comments about the floor tiles came from. So, I'll just wait for further progress on your end to know better what you're going for :)

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I agree about the towers, they look better now.


In general I think that our visions for what the Upper City should look like are quite different. I wouldn't go for the animated signs, neon trees, etc. but instead keep it simple and peaceful and that's where my comments about the floor tiles came from. So, I'll just wait for further progress on your end to know better what you're going for :D

Taris is a very big metropolis - endless miles covered with hi tech skyscrapers - basilcally comparable to ME 1 Citadel. If youve played it, you might remember that atmosphere was pretty unpersonal, even cold but at the same time fascinating, you wanted to reveal possible secrets of the place... and Upper City should feel big, busy , unpersonal  - the total contrast to the dreamy, peaceful Dantooine.


Edit: I should request an expansion to the Upper City- think a shopping mile (with various items from other mods) on some location visible at the skybox, and where you travel with one of the spaceships near sithbase, should be cool...

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Did someone mention neon birght trees!!!

Here's a first quick and dirty test run, Jorak ^_^



It's just the tree for now, it doesn't has its pedestal or holo projector thingy.

All in all I like what I got from this test. PM me and we can discuss it further.


Don't want to hijack your thread to much ;)














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After watching the SW movies again since a long time i was overwhelmed about the finesse and the crispness of their texture designs.

They trump Tor and any Star Wars game by a mile and so i decided to orientate my Overhaul series more on them than SWTOR in the future - i hope you guys are fine with that.


So Taris is currently heavily hex edited, and there are different variants, and its dificult for me to decide which one i should choose for my overhaul:



First here is my rolemodel from the movies, note that the walls have some exquisite "leather" like panels:


so please tell what you like/ dislike:


V1: original version non hex edit:




V2:  sythetic dark, hex edited for diversity:






V3: synthetic winered, hexed









V4: Leather winered, hexed








V5. Leather Coruscant-Blue, hexed










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I think v3 is my favorite I liked the blue in v5 too but looked a little overkill maybe just because the screenshots are a bit close up but either way I think v3 blends well without being too samey, those doors are beautiful too.

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Why are you turning Taris into Coruscant?

ah, you dont seem to be entirely content..

well they are obviously quite similar from the outside, and both represent wealth.


And the question when doing an Overhaul is always: how far should i go?


But if you watch the vanilla Taris Interiors, they look quite awful in comparison and i feel just maintaining the colors/doors/designs strictly even in high resolution is not enough. 


You should feel everyting in Upper City is expensive and glittering, please correct me if im wrong but i think adding ornaments in a decent way enhances that feeling  and the contrast 

to the dirty, worn out Undercity.


This is done to even greater extent to Daviks Estate:







I also tried to maintain the vanilla color scheme for example in V5, but im still curious, if you would create the Overhaul instead, how would you do it?

Would you only use vanilla designs, or go beyond, and how?

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ah, you dont seem to be entirely content..

well they are obviously quite similar from the outside, and both represent wealth.


And the question when doing an Overhaul is always: how far should i go?


But if you watch the vanilla Taris Interiors, they look quite awful in comparison and i feel just maintaining the colors/doors/designs strictly even in high resolution is not enough.


You should feel everyting in Upper City is expensive and glittering, please correct me if im wrong but i think adding ornaments in a decent way enhances that feeling and the contrast

to the dirty, worn out Undercity.


This is done to even greater extent to Daviks Estate:












I also tried to maintain the vanilla color scheme for example in V5, but im still curious, if you would create the Overhaul instead, how would you do it?

Would you only use vanilla designs, or go beyond, and how?

I agree with you on concept, but from the moment I first played Kotor 1, I always saw the decay and unimpressive nature of the Upper City being due to the economic turmoil and numerous civil wars from the recent times leading up to the arrival of the Endar Spire. I was under the impression that the richer elite were fighting with the even poorer for what was left.


Similar results have happened in cities around the world, where a lot of money was put into their formation, but infighting and political corruption created some of the worst slums, while a lack of further funding caused even the best housing to become mediocre at best.

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Similar results have happened in cities around the world, where a lot of money was put into their formation, but infighting and political corruption created some of the worst slums, while a lack of further funding caused even the best housing to become mediocre at best.

This is what I'm talking about!

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I think I can understand both concepts for what Taris should look like but I think I also lean towards having even the richer parts (Upper City) look mediocre compared to Coruscant for example. That doesn't include Daviks estate of course.


Maybe you could have a concept for Taris in its entirety (e.g. ornamented metal decorated with leather) and then in the really rich parts (Daviks estate) you'd see that in it's full glory just like on your screenshots. In the Upper City you'd still see that the people have money but there are no more ornaments on the leather and everything looks a bit older and used (i.e. take away the ornamented parts^^). They could still have holotrees etc. but it shouldn't look like they're super wealthy.

And then there's the Undercity of course where the leather etc. is obviously no longer present but I think it'd be super awesome if the Undercity looked as if it was once where the rich people lived until they built new homes on top of it. And now the once beautiful places are dirty and rundown while still having that ornamented metal style (or whatever you choose).

Long story short: Have a general concept for the planet and then show how different parts of the planet have different amounts of money :)


Other than that, I also prefer V3.

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Getting some sort of Cloud City vibes from Davik's estate for some reason. I like it


Love the idea of making the game graphics more resemble the saga! Coruscantaris looks great, but I'd make the lower levels a lot less like what we see of Coruscant. It would be fun to turn the Upper City Cantina into something like the nightclub  from Attack of the Clones, though

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I am really looking forward to downloading these textures for Taris. 




It would be fun to turn the Upper City Cantina into something like the nightclub from Attack of the Clones, though.


Just don't sell Revan any Deathsticks. Go home and rethink you're life.

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I recently noticed something about your Overhauls. You use the Sith Empire symbol for the Sith in some places and while that looks really cool, it makes no sense at all.

Since the Sith in Kotor are not part of the Sith Empire in TOR they shouldn't use the same symbol on their flags etc. It's not a really big deal but I'd prefer if you could maybe use the old Sith symbol instead.

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I recently noticed something about your Overhauls. You use the Sith Empire symbol for the Sith in some places and while that looks really cool, it makes no sense at all.

Since the Sith in Kotor are not part of the Sith Empire in TOR they shouldn't use the same symbol on their flags etc. It's not a really big deal but I'd prefer if you could maybe use the old Sith symbol instead.

Thanks for the hint, actually that could be changed very quickly, although im not really well informed how the evolution of that logo goes...

Also the Kotor Sith Logo looks kinda wrong, since its the Rakatan Star Forge Logo.

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