Viralmelon 0 Posted April 13, 2014 So this is a bunch of fans trying to make kotor 3 and planning on pitching the idea to ea, they know the bioware story and this will ignore the revan novel and go with the original draft. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted April 13, 2014 They still take TOR into account, their list of what they plan (qua graphics, game-play and story) in the game is ludicrous.And they say a lot, but there's no backing it up.So yeah, still no faith that this is anything but hot air, going to blow up in their face... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Hayze 19 Posted April 13, 2014 I'd have more faith that this would work if we didn't know about it honestly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted April 13, 2014 This really pisses me off. I mean, it'd be nice if we ultimately get a KOTOR 3, but why does Logan get no KOTOR 3 love? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W4rb1rd 5 Posted April 13, 2014 but why does Logan get no KOTOR 3 love? Because he abandoned that project, same goes to Episode 3 of KotOR movie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ADG12311990 21 Posted April 13, 2014 To be honest, I get the feeling that it'll go one of two ways. 1; they just abandon it, like most fan made KotOR 3 mods have gone, or 2. They get a cease and desist from LucasFilm and/or EA. They've also been saying things like they have both the story that LucasArts made, and that Obsidian pitched, and that adjustments to SWTOR and the Revan novel will be made, and "contacts in the Star Wars gaming industry". It all sounds like a lot of hot air and all. I wish them well and all, but... I just can't see it happening... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted April 13, 2014 Logan is still working on Revenge of Revan. He never abandoned it. Don't forget that Trex also made a KOTOR3 . . . The Jedi Masters.Did those Project BL people ever decide on an engine or are they still just putting up horrible conceptual artwork and giving really vague information? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ADG12311990 21 Posted April 14, 2014 Logan is still working on Revenge of Revan. He never abandoned it. Did those Project BL people ever decide on an engine or are they still just putting up horrible conceptual artwork and giving really vague information? No engine yet, still showing the concept art, but they did back stories for HK and T3. They also have an "unnamed" Pre-Viz Production Studio doing their first cutscene. I hate to sound so cynical, especially for a game series that has influenced my life a lot, but... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted April 14, 2014 They are doing a cut scene without having an engine. That's ass backwards! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted April 14, 2014 This really pisses me off. I mean, it'd be nice if we ultimately get a KOTOR 3, but why does Logan get no KOTOR 3 love? Thanks VP =) Because he abandoned that project, same goes to Episode 3 of KotOR movie. ? I'm unsure if you were be sarcastic or not lol Both RoR and kotor movie episode 3 are both still in the works. They still take TOR into account, their list of what they plan (qua graphics, gameplay and story) in the game is ludicrious. And they say a lot, but there's no backing it up. So yeah, still no faith that this is anything but hot air, going to blow up in their face... I have been watching Project Black Light's kotor3 project and I will say,.... The project's goal based on their first podcast/youtube video that they wish to do the pre-production and then pitch it to EA/Disney or who has the rights when they are ready to pitch it. In the last podcast/youtube video that stated that the team members you are hearing from in the podcast are not going to be doing the coding/programming. Actually they don't even know what game engine they would select for their kotor3 -hinting that it would be on some engine that isn't around now/ or version. They are also planning to ignore the Revan Book (which is canon wither we like it or not) but not just that but they are developing a story that conflicts with the Revan Book. This is a major issue if you plan to pitch the game to EA who develop and spend millions of dollars on creating a MMO that uses the Revan Book as canon and the events in the book are continued into the MMO's plot. This means they have -100% chance of getting their game made. If they had built the story around or just didn't touch on the Revan book and didn't conflict with it then they have a shot, a small one but it's better then the chances they have now. Another issue- I'm sure a game developer will want to see a demo/ vertical slices of your game in some engine to demonstrate the functions and how it is fun, etc. I feel they are raising the kotor community hopes up to a level that is only going to crush them when people start asking hard questions about their project. I know they were interviewed by some game media people and I was a tad disappointed they didn't ask any tough questions. They could create a great story and design a cool game on paper but if they are going to go against Canon then there is no chance it will get picked up. But I do hope they get some indie team to build the game but I suspect that there will need to be changes - since if they are designing for a AAA company - then if it goes to an indie team with a smaller team and resources, I suspect the scope and features would need to be scaled back a tad. I just wish they decided to go for an indie team as their goal since then there is a chance to see this finished. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W4rb1rd 5 Posted April 14, 2014 If they wire a Kickstarter to back them up it might work after all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted April 14, 2014 If they wire a Kickstarter to back them up it might work after all. Kickstarter wouldn't help them since it all comes down to IP/License of Star wars. EA has the right to make the star war games (minus mobile) for PC and next gen systems. EA/Disney will not approve a game that goes against their MMO's story. There was way to much money invested in it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ADG12311990 21 Posted April 14, 2014 They are doing a cut scene without having an engine. That's ass backwards! Indeed. I mean, they could have mean't it's a concept video, and just misworded it, but, not having a engine for the game AND making a cutscene is indeed ass backwards. Kickstarter wouldn't help them since it all comes down to IP/License of Star wars. EA has the right to make the star war games (minus mobile) for PC and next gen systems. EA/Disney will not approve a game that goes against their MMO's story. There was way to much money invested in it. Also, LucasFilm (Or Disney. Whichever people want to use.) will shoot it down because it conflicts with the lore and canon for the Revan Novel and TOR. They are pretty protective about the Lore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted April 14, 2014 Indeed. I mean, they could have mean't it's a concept video, and just misworded it, but, not having a engine for the game AND making a cutscene is indeed ass backwards. They might as well just do Unity. Certainly easier than modding TSL or K1 Also, LucasFilm (Or Disney. Whichever people want to use.) will shoot it down because it conflicts with the lore and canon for the Revan Novel and TOR. They are pretty protective about the Lore. Seems like Star Wars canon in general is hanging in the balance. We'll see what happens with Episode VII and whether or not it conflicts with any of the Expanded Universe. But speaking in terms of TOR, yeah, I don't see why they would make a game that conflicts with that lore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W4rb1rd 5 Posted April 14, 2014 Episode VII conflicts with EU? Its rather reverse: whether EU conflict with Episode VII lol! I have a strong feeling that after EP7 all that wookiepedia fantasies crap are done for scrap. And that's a good thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted April 14, 2014 Someone you may recall another project that wanted to use KOTOR assets in another engine over on LucasForums. This LucasForums thread was the end result of that: Posting About UDK I think it's a a wise policy! As soon as Project Black Light confirms their engine, I'm going to be locking this thread. (I know they've already indicated that they aren't using Odyssey but until they confirm another thread, I'll leave this thread open.) Once they do confirm an alternate engine, I'll be locking this thread. Attempts to reopen another thread or bring it up in existing threads will earn a infraction. You'll still be able to read all about it on their Facebook page, of course. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted April 14, 2014 Wookiepedia is based on a bunch of novels and products (such as trading card games). It's its own canon, and frankly I don't see how a movie should be able to undo an entire timeline of information especially if it was well received by fans (See Total Recall or Robocop) Fans will just view it as an odd reboot if it ignores or rewrites canon, and all of that other material online will be preserved in one way or another since they have such a saturation with the fans and because you can't just ignore 20+ years of stuff. Either it won't change Star Wars Canon, or they will be separated into different categories of canon (which ruins anyone new getting into it, but it happens) ___ As for the fan project known as Project Black Light. It looks to me like a good story, and nothing more. For one, clearly the team hasn't talked to anyone or else they'd stop showing concept sketches due to NDAs and how a project in development of anything even resembling an EA property would never show material like that to the public unless they'd gotten past their Alpha stage. This is further compounded by a lack of any information resembling an engine spec release as well. (How are you going to get a game even to Pre-Alpha unless you have an engine?) Secondly, even if they're talking to an EA rep about someone else making their plans a full-fledged title, it is unbelievably unlikely that EA will agree to it based solely on how unprofessional their concept work is. The scan quality is pretty bad (The contrast is too high and there's a significant blue hue on the pencil lines on nearly all of the sketches) and the "cleanup" is likely a quick run through Photoshop with a few color filters and brush strokes to indicate lensflares and light sources. However, let me clarify that I am not insulting their artwork or even techniques. I am simply saying that a high-profile company like EA would be hard-pressed to pour the amount of money needed for the process of creating a title like KOTOR, and that in order to convince them to agree with something as limited as a storyline and concept work, they would need to apply a much more professional technique and provide more visually impactful images. So, basically, I like their ideas and story, but I see no way that their material is better than the ideas and concept art that has already been pitched to EA. It looks to me like a cool project that they could work on, but I have very low expectations since clearly their concept artist would need to add meaningful characters that aren't HK-47 and T3-M4 if any work is to be done at the caliber necessary for a KOTOR game. I've worked with Unity in the past, and the biggest barriers that they would need to pass would be the coding portion of their game levels (Yes, things like attack patterns and simply clicking past dialogue options would need to be done by hand) and getting highly-detailed and low-poly models all done for ever single asset ranging from the single-player character to the shrubs in the background. Plus they would need to balance their levels and enemy difficulty as well as any other dialogue-based material. It would be much more attainable if they just modded an existing game and added all of their ideas and gameplay, IMHO. Also, how are they going to not only make a new KOTOR, but also a new Battlefront on the side?.. Needless to say, I'm suspicious.. (Also a heads-up "people already in the industry" can apply to anything from start-up game company members to unaffiliated game testers who support the project) __ It too irritates me that Logan isn't getting the recognition he deserves for his ROR mod which he is still working on to my knowledge, and has its own great story, actual game assets, Full VO, as well as its own website for crying out loud.. ____ Edit So noted, SH. I will relinquish my diatribe then for now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viralmelon 0 Posted April 14, 2014 Well I'm with SH, until we have proof im cynical and I think as it stands RoR is our best shot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InSidious 241 Posted April 14, 2014 Didn't wookieepedia start adding fanon in with the rest of the content a while ago? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted April 14, 2014 Isn't The Jedi Masters worth including in this KOTOR3 discussion as well? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LiliArch 115 Posted April 14, 2014 Isn't The Jedi Masters worth including in this KOTOR3 discussion as well? Indeed, it is in most finished stage of the K3 projects I've seen... and the story isn't too bad, either. //quick edit added quote, as the page changed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted April 14, 2014 Isn't The Jedi Masters worth including in this KOTOR3 discussion as well? I'd never heard of it. Brief research states that I've got to check it out, though. I'm sure there are more. Perhaps we can transmogrify this thread into a list of the best KOTOR 3 story mods? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Hayze 19 Posted April 14, 2014 Didn't wookieepedia start adding fanon in with the rest of the content a while ago? Nope, there is a separate site for that. Wookiepedia contains only information taken directly from material published by a Lucas company or in conjunction with a Lucas company. Things like the restoration mods are given passing mentions in the "behind the scenes" section, but no more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InSidious 241 Posted April 15, 2014 Pretty sure they were discussing integrating both wikis at one point, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ADG12311990 21 Posted April 15, 2014 I was under the impression that intergrating both wikis were one of their fancy April Fools day posts... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites