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Jedi From The Start

Revises the opening of the game, so that the player may begin as a Jedi Apprentice, in a seamless, lore-friendly manner. Removes all fourth wall breaking tutorial messages from the game.


Upon starting the game, instead of Trask waking the player, you will be presented with new dialogue options to potentially select a Jedi Class.
You may choose to remain as your base class, and become a Jedi on Dantooine as normal, if you wish.

If you choose to become a Jedi, you will immediately level up, and be able to acquire your new feats and powers.
Starting equipment has been adjusted, and will be generated after this level up, allowing your new feats and skills to be accounted for.
Jedi characters are given a crystal in their footlocker, and can build a Lightsaber at the workbench. They choose its style and color there.

You then proceed through the Endar Spire sequence as normal, albeit without Trask. Out of character tutorial messages have all been removed.
Jedi characters will have a new Lightsaber duel, and recieve additional items.

Early dialogues with party members and NPC's have been adjusted to accurately reflect whether the player is a Jedi or not.
Additional Force Persuade checks have been added to many of the characters found throughout Taris.
A new path to purchase T3-M4 before completing the Swoop Race, through a Force Persuade check, has been added. This is available to non-Jedi through Persuade as well.

Upon arriving on Dantooine, the opening dialogue with the council is altered slightly.
The inital training sections, from the Jedi Code to Lightsaber construction is removed, and the player is immediately tasked to Cleanse the Tainted Grove.
After this point the game proceeds as normal, without major alterations.

If the player chooses not to become a Jedi at the start of the game, then very little changes, besides the removal of Trask and tutorial messages.
On Dantooine, a non-Jedi player will be able to construct a Double-bladed or Short Lightsaber, and choose the color of their lightsaber freely.
They will also be given an Apprentice robe after constructing a Lightsaber.


Run the installer.exe file. If you are on Linux or Mac, appropriate HoloPatcher installers can be found on DeadlyStream.

If updating from a version from before v4.0.0, you must reinstall your game to properly uninstall the mod. You cannot install this mod on top of an old version.
You must start a new game after updating to this version. The mod has been substantially reworked.

There is a version setup for a manual installation. This version cannot be used with most other mods. It is not recommended. You cannot use this with the Community Patch. Your game will break

See the docs folder for more information.

Most mods should be compatible, unless they make major edits to the Endar Spire, Taris NPC dialogue, or Dantooine Jedi Training.

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Special Thanks/Acknowledgements

  • Talchia and Achilles for the original Padawan mods that inspired this one.
  • KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra
  • DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus
  • DLGEditor – tk102
  • K-GFF – tk102
  • TSL Patcher – stoffe
  • KotOR Scripting Tool - Blue
  • Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher – Cortisol & th3w1zard1


  • DarthParametric - Scripts from KOTOR 1 Community Patch
  • JCarter426 - JC's Robe Adjustment


Other Links

Jedi from the Start by darthbdaman is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

  • Submitter
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  • Category
  • K1R Compatible


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I watched your YouTube demo of this mod. It looks interesting and the Endar Spire section is very streamlined. Just out of curiosity, do you plan on releasing a starting feats list for each Jedi class? I imagine that each set of starting feats is going to be a little different for each class, right?

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They're the same as the vanilla game? You have to start as a Solider, Scout, or Scoundrel, it's not possible to change this (nor desirable, it would create quite a few issues). You then chose your Jedi class after. I didn't change any of the actual class starting stats, those are the same


That videos also quite outdated. I'll make a new one at some point

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They're the same as the vanilla game? You have to start as a Solider, Scout, or Scoundrel, it's not possible to change this (nor desirable, it would create quite a few issues). You then chose your Jedi class after. I didn't change any of the actual class starting stats, those are the same


That videos also quite outdated. I'll make a new one at some point

So the non-Jedi class starting feats are the same for their corresponding Jedi Classes then?

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Their starting feats are basically just Jedi stuff. There aren't any corresponding classes.


Let me reiterate. You pick your basic class as normal and get there feats and skills and everything. You then pick a Jedi class in the exact same manner as the vanilla game, except at level 1 (advancing to level 2). Your feats aren't any different from the vanilla game.

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How do I remove this mod? I deleted Overrides folder content, uninstalled the game, deletele SKOTOR, and reinstalled... but when I go back in, the Jedi and Sith on the Endar Spire do not fight- so I am now stuck on ES.

Thank you.

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The original version of the mod released 14 years ago today on KotORFiles. I was originally angry about the unvoiced dialogue present in the existing Padawan mods, and set out to fix that. It was incredibly different from what exists today, but I am eternally grateful that I started working on it.

I've released a new major update, which reworks the mod substantially. It replaces Tutorial Remover as well, as you now have the option to not be a Jedi, so I no longer need to maintain separate mods with the same functionality. It should be much cleaner and more compatible, and uses a more modern installer, that has version for linux and mac if needed.

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded the mod over the years. I've gotten a lot of good feedback (and bad obviously), but I only really remember the good stuff. Thank you!

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