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Hassat Hunter

"Guest" mods

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Some mods got their proper author back, but not all. Sadly, I do not know of all mods who's the author. If you know about a particular mod listed being by "guest" who it's bound to (and that modder made a new account) it can be put back to it's proper owner.

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Khoonda mechanic influence fix by Wile-E-Coyote

Combat Suit K1 by Canderis

Combat Suit Revisited by Canderis

.357 Magnum by Guest Dak Drexl

Yuthara Ban as PC by Ferc Kast

Yuthara Ban as PC by Ferc Kast

Faction Console Screens In Game Menus by Xarwarz

[TSL] Sith Trooper Replacement Skins by Dak Drexl

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TSL Double-Bladed Replacement Hilts by Qui-Don Jorn

New Saber Blades - DeadMan

Ep. 3 Anakin Skywalker - DeadMan

Enhanced Soundsets - Dark Ansem

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Yup. Error in the bots-cleaning protocol :/


And Combat Suit Reskin mods properly given an author.



Hey yeah HH. I forgot - I deleted that old RandomSabers mod myself awhile back. Thats why you couldnt find it.

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I have re-made my account so it could be re-assigned. although a new version is in very early testing that could imply a fresh start!

Enhanced Soundsets

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