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Found 5 results

  1. View File NPC Alignment Fix This modification alters the alignment of various npcs to match their allegiance and characteristics, since in KotOR BioWare left everything neutrally aligned with few exceptions. Through this, "vs. alignment group" properties now have more opportunities to take effect as they should. Unlike in the sequel there's no Force Sight so I didn't get too fancy - it's mostly just set values all across the board to ensure everyone is firmly sitting in their respective sides. No longer will the game regard Darth Bandon as this misunderstood Grey individual, but instead as the smug good-for-nothing slimebag we all know him to be. _____________________________ What will this change, really? In terms of combat, the Solari crystal will work fully against every Dark Jedi (and more) you come across. Of course they now have a different fp usage dynamic as you would expect so it more or less balances itself out. What if I'm Dark-Sided? The Mantle of the Force crystal can remove your lightsaber's light-side restrictions. Also don't forget, mods that add items with bonuses versus alignments will benefit from these changes too, so you don't need to limit yourself only to what exists in the base game! Compatibility... As long as you install this mod last there really shouldn't be any issues other than different mods hard overwriting my changes, in which case they will take no effect, but nothing too serious. Due to the number of files this mod entails, it is very likely that any other mods that edit .utc files via override will coincide with the ones my modification references. _____________________________ Credits: Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool. stoffe for TSLPatcher and ERFEdit, updated by Fair Strides. The Deadlystream community for being an all-around helpful bunch. Submitter TK-664 Submitted 04/05/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  2. TK-664

    NPC Alignment Fix

    Version 1.1


    This modification alters the alignment of various npcs to match their allegiance and characteristics, since in KotOR BioWare left everything neutrally aligned with few exceptions. Through this, "vs. alignment group" properties now have more opportunities to take effect as they should. Unlike in the sequel there's no Force Sight so I didn't get too fancy - it's mostly just set values all across the board to ensure everyone is firmly sitting in their respective sides. No longer will the game regard Darth Bandon as this misunderstood Grey individual, but instead as the smug good-for-nothing slimebag we all know him to be. _____________________________ What will this change, really? In terms of combat, the Solari crystal will work fully against every Dark Jedi (and more) you come across. Of course they now have a different fp usage dynamic as you would expect so it more or less balances itself out. What if I'm Dark-Sided? The Mantle of the Force crystal can remove your lightsaber's light-side restrictions. Also don't forget, mods that add items with bonuses versus alignments will benefit from these changes too, so you don't need to limit yourself only to what exists in the base game! Compatibility... As long as you install this mod last there really shouldn't be any issues other than different mods hard overwriting my changes, in which case they will take no effect, but nothing too serious. Due to the number of files this mod entails, it is very likely that any other mods that edit .utc files via override will coincide with the ones my modification references. _____________________________ Credits: Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool. stoffe for TSLPatcher and ERFEdit, updated by Fair Strides. The Deadlystream community for being an all-around helpful bunch.
  3. How would you go about setting a different clothing file for Yuthura when/if you find her in the academy's courtyard? Finding her in the regular NPC beige robes would be more logical, I think. I don't want to replace her clothing/body model entirely, just in that one place. Maybe I'm overlooking something really stupid. Can I do this using KTool or do I need another program?
  4. Greetings, fellow Jedi! May the Force be with you all. I currently in practicing some features inside TSLPatcher; particularly patching the "First Name" and avoiding "replace" option for all kind of installation. I have compared the UTC and building modifiers from them, and there is a field called "FirstName(strref)" set automatically to -1. When I go with that option, the patched UTC had its name erased alias blank space. When I use 0, it create a "Bad StrRef" reference in the name field. When I use 1 there is an ERROR message in the field. What I'm asking is: How to properly patch the "First Name" field using the patcher? Many thanks for considering this.
  5. Greetings, fellow Jedi! Hope y'all doing fine. I accidentally installed a .UTC to a .MOD and looking to have an assistance about: Is there any way to remove the said .UTC from the .MOD? I can't replace the .MOD again with the backed-up ones because I blatantly permanent delete it soon after installing and then too late to noticed. Many thanks for considering this!