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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.1.0


    Brings a version of TSL’s richer companion interactions to K1. Grants character specific benefits after finishing their sidequests. Description: I am a big believer that story and gameplay should effect each other as much as possible. In TSL that is fulfilled by lots of real benefits for engaging with party members. The same should be true for K1...but the features just aren't there. The bones for what we see in TSL exists as the upgrade system for HK-47, so that is the foundation I built this on. This mod works by leveling up companions and equipping custom items to their hidden inventory slot when you finish their relevant quest or dialog. The goal is to provide some unique incentive for fully experiencing each character's storyline. The specific triggers for each rewards are below (potential spoilers): Each party member, besides Bastila, will receive the following bonuses (Mod/Story Spoilers): Some quests can end in more than one way, in those cases rewards will be granted (or not) in a way that makes sense for the character. If you are not seeing a reward (Level up + bonus) after finishing a quest, you should after having a follow-up discussion with them. For some, K1's difficulty can already feel low. While I have done my best to keep these bonuses balanced, completing these quests will increase the overall power of your party. Because of this, I'd recommend a mod that increases the overall difficulty, such as Zulkain's Impossible Difficulty Restored. Compatibility (updated 3/4/2022): Known Bugs (updated 3/4/2022): Permissions: Please do not redistribute this mod on another platform without my permission, unless I cannot be reached for 3 months time. Anyone is free to use any of the content of this mod in whatever projects/mods they want as long as they credit me where appropriate. Credits: Darksaber UTI/Model/Texture – Jcarter426 Big thanks to Thor110 for directing me to his video tutorial on Kotor modding! Additional gratitude for DarthParametric as they talked through issues Huge thanks to ebmar for helping me clean up my change.ini for TSLpatcher JC & Sdub for helping me figure out Xor’s real .dlg file StellarExile & N-Drew25 for taking a look at my mod before release Blue for their Kotor Scripting Tool Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool tk102 for their DLGEditor Stoffe & Fair Strides - TSLPatcher (Original Credits for JC's Darksaber for K1) DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus ERFEdit – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides NWMax – Joco KOTORMax & MDLEdit – bead-v NWNSSCOMP – Torlack, stoffe, & tk102 Saber – Andrew Kramer & tga2tpc – ndix UR
  2. View File [K1] Companion Sidequest Rewards Brings a version of TSL’s richer companion interactions to K1. Grants character specific benefits after finishing their sidequests. Description: I am a big believer that story and gameplay should effect each other as much as possible. In TSL that is fulfilled by lots of real benefits for engaging with party members. The same should be true for K1...but the features just aren't there. The bones for what we see in TSL exists as the upgrade system for HK-47, so that is the foundation I built this on. This mod works by leveling up companions and equipping custom items to their hidden inventory slot when you finish their relevant quest or dialog. The goal is to provide some unique incentive for fully experiencing each character's storyline. The specific triggers for each rewards are below (potential spoilers): Each party member, besides Bastila, will receive the following bonuses (Mod/Story Spoilers): Some quests can end in more than one way, in those cases rewards will be granted (or not) in a way that makes sense for the character. If you are not seeing a reward (Level up + bonus) after finishing a quest, you should after having a follow-up discussion with them. For some, K1's difficulty can already feel low. While I have done my best to keep these bonuses balanced, completing these quests will increase the overall power of your party. Because of this, I'd recommend a mod that increases the overall difficulty, such as Zulkain's Impossible Difficulty Restored. Compatibility (updated 3/4/2022): Known Bugs (updated 3/4/2022): Permissions: Please do not redistribute this mod on another platform without my permission, unless I cannot be reached for 3 months time. Anyone is free to use any of the content of this mod in whatever projects/mods they want as long as they credit me where appropriate. Credits: Darksaber UTI/Model/Texture – Jcarter426 Big thanks to Thor110 for directing me to his video tutorial on Kotor modding! Additional gratitude for DarthParametric as they talked through issues Huge thanks to ebmar for helping me clean up my change.ini for TSLpatcher JC & Sdub for helping me figure out Xor’s real .dlg file StellarExile & N-Drew25 for taking a look at my mod before release Blue for their Kotor Scripting Tool Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool tk102 for their DLGEditor Stoffe & Fair Strides - TSLPatcher (Original Credits for JC's Darksaber for K1) DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus ERFEdit – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides NWMax – Joco KOTORMax & MDLEdit – bead-v NWNSSCOMP – Torlack, stoffe, & tk102 Saber – Andrew Kramer & tga2tpc – ndix UR Submitter Masamune753 Submitted 01/23/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
  3. Hello! I officially started on this, so I thought I should post progress in the official WIP channel as opposed to the general help one. This is my first attempt at making a mod, so any advice or callouts would be greatly appreciated. The outline is to bring a version of TSL’s richer companion interactions to K1. I am a big believer that story and gameplay should effect each other as much as possible, in TSL that is fulfilled by lots of real benefits for engaging with party members. The Exile has a huge effect on their companions, which makes sense given the plot. The same should be true for K1...but the features just aren't there. The bones for what we see in TSL exists as the upgrade system for HK-47, so that is the foundation I am building this mod on. The mod would give buffs to party members for finishing their sidequests. It would do this by leveling them up and equipping custom “hide” items to their hidden inventory slot when you finish their relevant quest. The goal is to boost the weaker non-jedi characters, while providing some incentive/satisfaction for pursuing their each character's individual storylines. I have the following basics mapped out: Kotortool + K-GFF Editor - Create new .uti files for the items containing the buffs. Kotortool + Kotor Scripting Tool - Create a script that equips the item in the “hide” slot (or replace an item already there) DLG_Editor - Attach the script to the dialog event associated with completing the relevant quest DLG_Editor - Change/add text to the last dialog entry associated with that quest to explain to players the nature of the boost [ala HK-47’s repair boosts] The relevant characters and quests are: Carth → Finding Dustil Mission → Mission’s brother Canderous → Jagi’s Challenge Zaalbar → Chieftain in Need Juhani → Threat from Xor Jolee → After Final Dialogue HK-47 → Finishing repairs T3-M4 → Finishing a custom dialog The bonuses would include leveling the character to make them equal to the player as well as the following: Progress: Released version 1.0! [1/26/2022] Credits (Will continue to update as I go): Big thanks to Thor110 for directing me to his video tutorial on Kotor modding! Additional gratitude for DarthParametric as they talked through issues Huge thanks to ebmar for helping me clean up my change.ini for TSLpatcher JC & Sdub for helping find Xor’s .dlg file djh268 for their full game saves I used for testing StellarExile & N-Drew25 for taking a look at my mod before release Blue for their Kotor Scripting Tool Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool tk102 for their DLGEditor Stoffe & Fair Strides - TSLPatcher
  4. TSF Bounty: Escaped Criminals. This blasted sidequest is officially my arch-nemesis. I had hoped that TSLRCM would fix this buggy trainwreck of a sidequest that's practically luck-based to make work right in vanilla. But no, even with the RCM it breaks. Screw Obsidian's useless sloppy incompetent bozo programmers, and screw the LucasArts exec who insisted on rushing the smegging game out. 😡 They never appeared in the Dock Module after I told Dol Gren I'd seen them in the Czerka office, no matter what I took care of. And now I'm at the point where I can take the shuttle down to the Restoration Zone. Lovely... What's the order of operations to make this work while helping the Ithorians? If there isn't actually one, what do I need to tinker with in KSE to make this damn quest work? Okay, they spawned in the restoration zone anyway... Am I just imagining that the docks encounter was supposed to be a thing?
  5. 958 downloads

    KotOR I Tatooine Merchant Mod Description: This is the first mod I've ever made - hooray! This is a simple mod which will add in a new merchant to Tatooine and give him a small sidequest. He'll be in the first module of Tatooine (on the wall on the side closest to the door), and for the mod to work it is required you have never been to Tatooine before. The enemies you may face are quite strong, by the way. Oh, and there's also some new poorly skinned robes. They were mainly a test if I could add a new item, and I thought I should at least *try* to make a new skin. Gotta start somewhere though, right? Installation: Put all of the files in to the Override folder. Uninstallation: Remove the files. Compatability: You'll need the JRL Merger for this mod to be compatible with other mods if there is already a global.jrl in your override. This mod also won't be compatible with any mod which alters the dialogue when you first arrive on Tatooine or when you arrive at the Czerka Offices. Thanks to Fair Strides & Kexikus for helping me out with dlg editing and scripts, and thanks to Rece for his great tutorials on his YouTube channel. I've also added a save for anyone who doesn't already have one or doesn't want to play through the game to see the mod. Warning: It's just a save warped from the beginning of the game to use the mod, so DO NOT use it to play the rest of the game.
  6. Tatooine Merchant and Quest View File KotOR I Tatooine Merchant Mod Description: This is the first mod I've ever made - hooray! This is a simple mod which will add in a new merchant to Tatooine and give him a small sidequest. He'll be in the first module of Tatooine (on the wall on the side closest to the door), and for the mod to work it is required you have never been to Tatooine before. The enemies you may face are quite strong, by the way. Oh, and there's also some new poorly skinned robes. They were mainly a test if I could add a new item, and I thought I should at least *try* to make a new skin. Gotta start somewhere though, right? Installation: Put all of the files in to the Override folder. Uninstallation: Remove the files. Compatability: You'll need the JRL Merger for this mod to be compatible with other mods if there is already a global.jrl in your override. This mod also won't be compatible with any mod which alters the dialogue when you first arrive on Tatooine or when you arrive at the Czerka Offices. Thanks to Fair Strides & Kexikus for helping me out with dlg editing and scripts, and thanks to Rece for his great tutorials on his YouTube channel. I've also added a save for anyone who doesn't already have one or doesn't want to play through the game to see the mod. Warning: It's just a save warped from the beginning of the game to use the mod, so DO NOT use it to play the rest of the game. Submitter DarthRevan101 Submitted 10/28/2015 Category Mods K1R Compatible