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Found 8 results

  1. Kaidon Jorn

    KSR 2022

    Version 1.0.0


    KotOR Saber Replacement 2022 (KSR) =========================== Author: Kaidon Jorn July 2022 This saber mod was built using the K1CP mod. It is mandatory that it be installed before this mod. You must also upon installation open up the swkotor.ini and under [Graphics Options]change the line "DisableVertexBufferObjects=1" to read "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" putting spaces between words. So here's a little thing I whipped up.... In this mod for Knights of the Old Republic, all Jedi party members and force wielding NPC's will come with their own unique lightsaber models. These hilt models from my stash have been updated with Crazy34's new lightsaber blade models with ambient lighting. There are also several unique lightsabers that will drop from enemy npc's or come as rewards for quests on each planet in the game. All saber textures have been redone to some extent in an attempt to update this mod from the old SotOR mod. =================================================================================================================== Installation: Run the .exe file after installing K1CP. Removal: A backup folder was created in the KSR main folder on installation, just replace all files into their relevant folders. Then delete all lightsaber files and dialog files that came with this mod within the Override folder. Thanks to: Crazy34 for his great work on new lightsaber blade models, and allowing me to convert my hilts to use his blades. Thanks to SithSpectre for the use of his Unstable Blade texture. JDub96 for helping out with *most* of the saber descriptions and giving me ideas on where to place them. FairStrides and Darth Parametric for all the scripting help and suggestions. Permissions: You may not redistribute files contained herein and you may not use these files in your own mod without my consent. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES.
  2. View File KSR 2022 KotOR Saber Replacement 2022 (KSR) =========================== Author: Kaidon Jorn July 2022 This saber mod was built using the K1CP mod. It is mandatory that it be installed before this mod. You must also upon installation open up the swkotor.ini and under [Graphics Options]change the line "DisableVertexBufferObjects=1" to read "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" putting spaces between words. So here's a little thing I whipped up.... In this mod for Knights of the Old Republic, all Jedi party members and force wielding NPC's will come with their own unique lightsaber models. These hilt models from my stash have been updated with Crazy34's new lightsaber blade models with ambient lighting. There are also several unique lightsabers that will drop from enemy npc's or come as rewards for quests on each planet in the game. All saber textures have been redone to some extent in an attempt to update this mod from the old SotOR mod. =================================================================================================================== Installation: Run the .exe file after installing K1CP. Removal: A backup folder was created in the KSR main folder on installation, just replace all files into their relevant folders. Then delete all lightsaber files and dialog files that came with this mod within the Override folder. Thanks to: Crazy34 for his great work on new lightsaber blade models, and allowing me to convert my hilts to use his blades. Thanks to SithSpectre for the use of his Unstable Blade texture. JDub96 for helping out with *most* of the saber descriptions and giving me ideas on where to place them. FairStrides and Darth Parametric for all the scripting help and suggestions. Permissions: You may not redistribute files contained herein and you may not use these files in your own mod without my consent. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES. Submitter Kaidon Jorn Submitted 07/10/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  3. Version 6.0


    DEFAULT HILTS REPLACEMENT MEGAPACK 6.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod will replace the default lightsaber hilt models in KotOR 2:The Sith Lords. All color crystals use one model, a gold lightsaber is still included but is only obtainable in game with the .mod file in the Optional Gold Saber Game Placement Folder(Daraala's Store, Dantooine.) which should be placed in the MODULES folder. Otherwise you will need to cheat it in (u_l_colo_11, g_w_lghtsbr12, g_w_dblsbr012, and g_w_shortsbr12) - or use KSE. Also, my new blade color textures have been made optional. Place those in the override folder, if you wish. This version now syncs with TSLRCM 1.8.3 restored bronze saber files. TSLRCM 1.8.3 is however not required to use this mod. Run the patcher.exe to install the main part of the mod. -QDJ
  4. Version 1.0.0


    [K1] Default Lightsaber Replacement 1.2 Introduction This mod replaces the default lightsaber hilt in the game. Installation Drop the contents of this archive into your override folder. Uninstallation Take them out again. Known bugs None. Compatibility This mod will, if installed, overwrite any other mod which replaces the default single lightsaber hilts. Contact me In case of bugs, queries, feedback, or comments, I can be contacted at Disclaimer LucasArts and Bioware. own all the copyrights etc. It all belongs to them. Permissions This mod, or any derivate or part thereof, may not be uploaded to any website, ftp, server, or as part of a torrent, except with the expressed permission of the author. Thanks Particular thanks to everyone who provided feedback and comments on this model during construction, and who helped out with getting the mod to this stage, most particularly Fair Strides and VarsityPuppet.
  5. View File Default Lightsaber Replacement [K1] Default Lightsaber Replacement 1.2 Introduction This mod replaces the default lightsaber hilt in the game. Installation Drop the contents of this archive into your override folder. Uninstallation Take them out again. Known bugs None. Compatibility This mod will, if installed, overwrite any other mod which replaces the default single lightsaber hilts. Contact me In case of bugs, queries, feedback, or comments, I can be contacted at Disclaimer LucasArts and Bioware. own all the copyrights etc. It all belongs to them. Permissions This mod, or any derivate or part thereof, may not be uploaded to any website, ftp, server, or as part of a torrent, except with the expressed permission of the author. Thanks Particular thanks to everyone who provided feedback and comments on this model during construction, and who helped out with getting the mod to this stage, most particularly Fair Strides and VarsityPuppet. Submitter InSidious Submitted 11/29/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  6. View File Default Hilt Replacement Megapack DEFAULT HILTS REPLACEMENT MEGAPACK 6.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod will replace the default lightsaber hilt models in KotOR 2:The Sith Lords. All color crystals use one model, a gold lightsaber is still included but is only obtainable in game with the .mod file in the Optional Gold Saber Game Placement Folder(Daraala's Store, Dantooine.) which should be placed in the MODULES folder. Otherwise you will need to cheat it in (u_l_colo_11, g_w_lghtsbr12, g_w_dblsbr012, and g_w_shortsbr12) - or use KSE. Also, my new blade color textures have been made optional. Place those in the override folder, if you wish. This version now syncs with TSLRCM 1.8.3 restored bronze saber files. TSLRCM 1.8.3 is however not required to use this mod. Run the patcher.exe to install the main part of the mod. -QDJ Submitter Kaidon Jorn Submitted 06/19/2014 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  7. File Name: SWTOR HK-47 File Submitter: FF97 File Submitted: 20 Jun 2014 File Category: Skins I liked HK-47 in swtor always better than in kotor 2, that's why I made ​​this mod. Click here to download this file
  8. File Name: concept art Mira File Submitter: FF97 File Submitted: 20 Jun 2014 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes I've always wanted that Mira looks like in the concept art, so I made this mod. Click here to download this file