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Found 5 results

  1. Version 1.1


    Discription: PMHH01 seems to be a fan favorite with TSL, and I am no exception. The tongue however was not properly modeled, and the users of this head model surely noticed that it clipped through at some points when the head turned. So I decided to try and fix it by editing certain values on the mdx file. Hope you all enjoy no longer seeing the tongue on this head. Note: This will work with any reskin of the head you may use, such as DarthParametric's reskin to make it into Mullet Man. Installation: Just drop the mdx and mdl files into your override. Bugs: In the prologue, the eyes will still look like some of the mesh is cutting through. I have no idea what the values are for that particular area. So you are just going to have to deal with it. Other than that, the head works fine with no clipping whatsoever.
  2. I hope this is the right section, if not please let me know & I will move it. I haven't used forums much yet. Never have made a post here and have only commented a few times. Here's my problem, on the tutorial skybox when you are T3-M4 there is a black box around Peragus. Mods I use that could be contributing to the problem are: TSL Backdrop Improvements 1.4 Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields by Vasilii Zaytsev Replacement Peragus II Artwork by Trench Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment 1.0 KOTOR 2 UNLIMITED WORLD TEXTURE MOD I think that's it. I'm leaning towards it possibly being the unlimited world texture mod conflicting with the other mods. I have been trying to fix it for days. I'm hoping someone can tell me what files I should take out to undo what I did to revert it to vanilla or preferably just get the mods back to being compatible with each other. Thanks!
  3. I'm not extremely knowledgeable about this stuff and haven't seen anyone talk about it but I was hoping someone here knows something. The bump maps for the water textures are not showing up in vanilla TSL for Mac (from the App store). The texture is there and transparent but there is no "bumpyshinytexture" effect. I've attached a picture of this. The pictured texture is DAN_water03N, but it seems to be a problem with all water in the game. Also, I can override the texture file but I tried putting a new .txi with different effects or values to see if I could change anything like the transparency but it didn't seem to do anything. AFAIK this isn't just a problem with my computer; you can see it in this Youtube video at 20:26. It looks like he is using the Aspyr version, though I don't know if it is on Mac. I'm running macOS Mojave with Intel graphics. I know KOTOR is notoriously weird with these Intel cards but the water bump maps work fine in KOTOR 1 on the same computer so I'm hesitant to blame it on that. I was just wondering if anyone had insight into why this is happening? I doubt it would be a problem if there was an easy fix, but I'm just interested if anybody knows anything, or can confirm whether they've ever seen this with the Aspyr version on either Mac or Windows.
  4. Hi everyone, I installed this female head reskin for PFHC01 and have not managed to get the reskin to show up in place of the original head for PFCH01. I have tried the following: 1. Loaded a previous savegame 2. Checked in the "New Game" menu to see if I had a savegame incompatibility 3. Uninstalled and re-installed the mod through the Override folder. The game has not crashed at any point. I have the original 4-disc retail version of the game. The portrait replacement has worked, so it's not a case of the override folder being ignored. The only other reskin I have installed at the moment is a Bastila reskin, which has worked. Please help? I've got no clue what to do more.
  5. PMHH01 Fixed View File Discription: PMHH01 seems to be a fan favorite with TSL, and I am no exception. The tongue however was not properly modeled, and the users of this head model surely noticed that it clipped through at some points when the head turned. So I decided to try and fix it by editing certain values on the mdx file. Hope you all enjoy no longer seeing the tongue on this head. Note: This will work with any reskin of the head you may use, such as DarthParametric's reskin to make it into Mullet Man. Installation: Just drop the mdx and mdl files into your override. Bugs: In the prologue, the eyes will still look like some of the mesh is cutting through. I have no idea what the values are for that particular area. So you are just going to have to deal with it. Other than that, the head works fine with no clipping whatsoever. Submitter Squall Lionhart Submitted 07/01/2014 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes