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Version 2.0.0
Kinda Sorta Transmog v2.0.0 Ever found a new armor that has great stats but looks awful? Ever downloaded a mod that gives your companion cool new clothes, but then it's wasted because you equip better armor on them anyway? Then this mod is for you! These armbands, when equipped, will make the character look like they're in their default outfit, no matter what armor they actually have equipped. They also give a thematically-relevant buff just so they're not completely useless stat-wise. How to get the items: - Your companions will have their bands equipped by default when you first recruit them. You can also use the console commands to get them. For now, to get the bands for the player character, you'll need to use the console. Codes: - giveitem bastilaband - giveitem canderousband - giveitem carthband - giveitem joleeband - giveitem juhaniband - giveitem missionband - There are 90 codes for player characters, one for each possible combination of Class and Head. The codes follow a pattern. P for Player, gender (M or F), race (A for Asian, B for Black, C for Caucasian), class (S for Scoundrel, M for Scout, L for Soldier), then 01-05 for which head. - Example code: giveitem transmogpfal03 (this would give you the armband for a Soldier with Female Asian Head 03. - I'll be workshopping a better way to give the player the relevant armband, but for now this is my best option. When in doubt, a little trial and error goes a long way. Install: - Just run the HoloPatcher! Uninstall: - Move everything from the backup folder into your override, and delete bastilaband.uti, canderousband.uti, carthband.uti, joleeband.uti, juhaniband.uti, and missionband.uti from your override. You'll also have 90 "transmogxxxxxx.uti" files in your override you can delete. *** Please do not use my mod in other mods without permission. You can message me on DeadlyStream to discuss it. Thank you! *** Compatibility: - The mod uses HoloPatcher to dynamically add rows to appearance.2da instead of overwriting anything, so I don't foresee any compatibility issues with appearance.2da. Anything that modifies p_bastilla.utc, p_cand.utc, p_carth.utc, p_jolee.utc, p_juhani.utc, or p_mission.utc may conflict, but all this does is add lines to their Equip_ItemList. Send me a message if you discover any conflicts! Future Plans: - Add variants that have just the transmog or just the buff, for folks who feel the buff is too good or want to have the buff while seeing the equipped armor. - Immersive Acquisition for the Player Character bands. I have the rumblings of an idea but not totally sure. There are 90 of them. - Re-theme the items for each character, i.e. give Mission a memento from Griff to equip instead of an armband. Also make each band only equippable by the proper character. Presently, any character can equip any armband, so you could make Canderous look like Mission, or make Carth look like a player character. - Patches for clothing mods from other developers. Send me a message if you want one and I'll try! - High in the sky apple pie hopes: Proper transmog. A method to apply the visuals of any armor you want instead of just your default clothing. This is gonna be a colossal undertaking so I'll do my best. It might be on the back burner until I get the basic version of Kinda Sorta Transmog for KotOR II published. Thanks: - JC, Thor110, 91.90'sK, and everyone else in the Discord - All the wonderful people who developed and honed these amazing modding tools - BioWare for creating peak Star Wars - Obsidian for somehow improving on peak Star Wars - The communities at and for hyping me up and always being supportive during this project. Changelog: - 1.0.0 - 3/22/2025 Initial Release - 1.1.0 - 3/23/2025 Each character will now have their band equipped when first recruited. Added unmodified relevant .utc files and appearance.2da into tslpatchdata in case enduser's override folder doesn't already have them. - 1.1.1 - 3/23/2025 Fixed some stuff in the readme, broke a bunch of other stuff. - 1.1.2 - 3/23/2025 Fixed some stuff in the readme, this time without breaking a bunch of stuff. - 2.0.0 - 3/24/2025 Player Character Bands added, all 90(!) of them. Anticipating a snag here or there but will address as needed. -
View File Kinda Sorta Transmog by HoboKingNiklz Kinda Sorta Transmog v2.0.0 Ever found a new armor that has great stats but looks awful? Ever downloaded a mod that gives your companion cool new clothes, but then it's wasted because you equip better armor on them anyway? Then this mod is for you! These armbands, when equipped, will make the character look like they're in their default outfit, no matter what armor they actually have equipped. They also give a thematically-relevant buff just so they're not completely useless stat-wise. How to get the items: - Your companions will have their bands equipped by default when you first recruit them. You can also use the console commands to get them. For now, to get the bands for the player character, you'll need to use the console. Codes: - giveitem bastilaband - giveitem canderousband - giveitem carthband - giveitem joleeband - giveitem juhaniband - giveitem missionband - There are 90 codes for player characters, one for each possible combination of Class and Head. The codes follow a pattern. P for Player, gender (M or F), race (A for Asian, B for Black, C for Caucasian), class (S for Scoundrel, M for Scout, L for Soldier), then 01-05 for which head. - Example code: giveitem transmogpfal03 (this would give you the armband for a Soldier with Female Asian Head 03. - I'll be workshopping a better way to give the player the relevant armband, but for now this is my best option. When in doubt, a little trial and error goes a long way. Install: - Just run the HoloPatcher! Uninstall: - Move everything from the backup folder into your override, and delete bastilaband.uti, canderousband.uti, carthband.uti, joleeband.uti, juhaniband.uti, and missionband.uti from your override. You'll also have 90 "transmogxxxxxx.uti" files in your override you can delete. *** Please do not use my mod in other mods without permission. You can message me on DeadlyStream to discuss it. Thank you! *** Compatibility: - The mod uses HoloPatcher to dynamically add rows to appearance.2da instead of overwriting anything, so I don't foresee any compatibility issues with appearance.2da. Anything that modifies p_bastilla.utc, p_cand.utc, p_carth.utc, p_jolee.utc, p_juhani.utc, or p_mission.utc may conflict, but all this does is add lines to their Equip_ItemList. Send me a message if you discover any conflicts! Future Plans: - Add variants that have just the transmog or just the buff, for folks who feel the buff is too good or want to have the buff while seeing the equipped armor. - Immersive Acquisition for the Player Character bands. I have the rumblings of an idea but not totally sure. There are 90 of them. - Re-theme the items for each character, i.e. give Mission a memento from Griff to equip instead of an armband. Also make each band only equippable by the proper character. Presently, any character can equip any armband, so you could make Canderous look like Mission, or make Carth look like a player character. - Patches for clothing mods from other developers. Send me a message if you want one and I'll try! - High in the sky apple pie hopes: Proper transmog. A method to apply the visuals of any armor you want instead of just your default clothing. This is gonna be a colossal undertaking so I'll do my best. It might be on the back burner until I get the basic version of Kinda Sorta Transmog for KotOR II published. Thanks: - JC, Thor110, 91.90'sK, and everyone else in the Discord - All the wonderful people who developed and honed these amazing modding tools - BioWare for creating peak Star Wars - Obsidian for somehow improving on peak Star Wars - The communities at and for hyping me up and always being supportive during this project. Changelog: - 1.0.0 - 3/22/2025 Initial Release - 1.1.0 - 3/23/2025 Each character will now have their band equipped when first recruited. Added unmodified relevant .utc files and appearance.2da into tslpatchdata in case enduser's override folder doesn't already have them. - 1.1.1 - 3/23/2025 Fixed some stuff in the readme, broke a bunch of other stuff. - 1.1.2 - 3/23/2025 Fixed some stuff in the readme, this time without breaking a bunch of stuff. - 2.0.0 - 3/24/2025 Player Character Bands added, all 90(!) of them. Anticipating a snag here or there but will address as needed. Submitter HoboKingNiklz Submitted 03/22/2025 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
The Blue Short Lightsaber's model in Qui Don Jorn's Sabers 4.0 Conversion Mod does not display the proper model. Instead, the default short lightsaber model is displayed with the colors and textures of the upgraded short lightsaber model. Interestingly, this glitch only occurs with the blue short sabers for some reason. Here is a list of mods that I am using with this one: 1. Balanced Pazaak: 2. Bastila Robe Replacement: 3. Bastila's Extra Dialog on Tatooine: 4. Bendak Bounty Non-Dark Side: 5. Canderous' Mandalorian Items(and the alternate textures): 6. Cassus Fett's Armor: 7. Custom Class Clothing: 8. Darth Bandon Head Reskin: 9. Darth Revan Texture for Star Forge Robes: 10. Davik's Upgradable Armor: 11. Deadeye Duncan on Manaan: 12. Diversified Jedi Captives on the Star Forge: 13. Diversified Wounded Republic Soldiers: 14. Female Dark Jedi Restoration 1.1: 15. Female Mandalorians: 16. High-Quality Skyboxes: 17. Green Grass for Dantooine: 18. Helena Shan Improvement: 19. High Quality Blasters 1.1: 20. High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes: 22. High Quality Starfields and Nebulas: 23. Higher Quality Bastila: 24. Invisible Headgear: 25. JC's Blaster Visual Effects for K1: 26. JC's Dense Aliens for K1: 27. JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1: 28. JC's Slave Bastila for K1: 29. Jedi Robes Council Style: 30. Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction: 31. Juhani Catlike Head: 32. Armor Skins from the K1 Enhancement Pack 33. Party Model Fixes and HD Bastila(anything involving Bastila I did not use): 34.K1 Underwear Pack: 35. Kill Marlena: 36. Korriban Academy Workbench: 37. Leviathan Differentiated Dialog: 38. Movie-Style Dark Side Transitions: 39. New Baca Blade and Wookiee Warblade: 40. No Cross-class Skills:\ 41. NPC Overhaul: 42. Party Clothing: 43. Remove Force-Alignment Restriction: 44. Remove Restrictions of Force Powers by Armor: 45. Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix: 46. Revan's Hoodless, Maskless Robe for K1: 47. Scoundrel Clothes with Scout Legs: 48. Selven "Legends": 49. Shaleena Unique Apperance: 50. Sharina Fizark Restoration: 51. Shem's Character Reskin Pack: 52. Sherruk Sabers: 53. Sith Soldier Texture Restoration: 54. Spectral Ajunta Pall Canon Appearance: 55. Taris Undercity and Gammorean Stronghold Restoration: 56. Weapon Base Stats Re-Balance for K1: 57. Yuthura Sith Eyes: