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Version 1.0.1
-------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic -------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Taris Arena Changes AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- ~ JDub96 and Effix present, a Knights of the Old Republic mod ~ This mod tries to make the Taris Arena contestants look more interesting, mainly by giving them new variations of the Combat Suit. There's also a Combat Suit variation for the player, that's in the first aid container in the corner of the room (near Twitch). Somewhat like souvenirs, Kebla of the Equipment Emporium sells replicas of the new Combat Suit variations that the arena contestants wear. I've split this mod up into 2 parts. A: The NPCs wear new combat suit variations, the player can loot its own version and Kebla sells the replicas. B: Further changes to make the NPCs more unique: - Gerlon Two-Fingers gets a scruffy beard - Ice gets a more unique Echani inspired head - Marl gets a unique head with beard - Twitch gets a different texture to make him look a bit more menacing - Bendak gets a different texture based on my TSL mod "Mandalorian Reskins" Important: - Kebla's store will only update if you use a save in which you haven't been to the Upper City South yet - The changes inside the cantina will only work with a save in which you haven't been inside the Upper City Cantina yet ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip. Part A: Simply copy the files from the subfolder "Part A - Combat Suits" to your game's Override folder. Part B (optional, but requires Part A): Run "TSLPatcher - Install Effixians Taris Arena Changes - Part B.exe" and point it to your main game's folder. --------- BUGS --------- None known. -------------------------- COMPATIBILITY -------------------------- Not compatible with other mods that change or include the same files. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- 1. Remove from the Override folder: g_a_class4010.uti g_a_class4011.uti g_a_class4012.uti g_a_class4013.uti g_a_class4014.uti ia_Class4_008.tga ia_Class4_009.tga ia_Class4_010.tga ia_Class4_011.tga ia_Class4_012.tga k_ptar_a02ae_en.ncs keblastore.utm org_tar_a02ae.ncs PFBC08.tga PFBC09.tga PFBC10.tga PFBC11.tga PFBC12.tga PMBC08.tga PMBC09.tga PMBC10.tga PMBC11.tga PMBC12.tga tar02_bendak021.utc tar02_deadeye022.utc tar02_gerlon021.utc tar02_ice021.utc tar02_marl021.utc tar02_twitch021.utc If you've added Part B, also remove: N_Bendak.tga n_gerlon.mdl n_gerlon.mdx N_Gerlon.tga n_ice.mdl n_ice.mdx N_Ice.tga n_marl.mdl n_marl.mdx N_Marl.tga N_Twitch.tga 2. If you haven't installed any mods after this mod you can get the following files from the mod's backup folder and put them back in your override folder: appearance.2da heads.2da portraits.2da ------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------ You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- - JDub96 for the overall mod concept and thinking up the different combat suit variations - DarthParametric for an improved script - Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool - Camo pattern by Fauzy Ramadhan @ ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.- 18 comments
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- 2
- taris dueling ring
- taris
(and 1 more)
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Version 2.0
Short story: Repeating blasters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack in every round of combat (like twin-blade melee weapons do). This mod implements that effect. I.e. a character without force speed would normally do 1 attack when using a repeater, 2 when using rapid shot as well. Now, 2 attacks will be done when using the default attack and 3 when using rapid shot. Long story: After investigating in 2015 what could be the reason for repeaters costing more (500 vs 300) credits while having a worse crit range (5% vs 10%) than blaster rifles while having no advantage whatsoever, I found out that repeaters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack per round, sort of making them the double-blades of the blasters. Sadly, this was never implemented, as one internal item comment even comments on. I didn't know enough about scripting back then and quickly lost interest in fixing this. But now, more than 3 years later, it's finally fixed via scripting, placing the required code in the k_ai_master script. Known issues: Due to hardcoded mechanics, power blast can never do more than 1 attack, and sniper shot never more than 2. Normal attack appears to usually only do 2, but may rarely do 3 when using force speed as well. Sadly, these cannot be changed without access to the game code. This information turned out to be incorrect, and the user Darg727 made a fix for this. However, this has a downside: It works by making power blast and sniper shot always shoot 4 shots regardless of how many attacks are available, which looks very strange because all shots that don't have a corresponding attack round are auto-misses. For example, using a sniper shot with a blaster rifle or single pistol will cause 4 shots to be fired simultaneously, like a shotgun blast, with 3 of the 4 automatically hitting the floor/ceiling/wall. Using knight speed would allow 2 of those 4 to hit and only 2 would be an auto-miss, etc.... As per Darg727's upload permissions, I have included the responsible file (weapondischarge.2da) as an optional mod in the download for additional visibility for those people that might want to use the feature but would not come across his modification otherwise. Compatible with any mod that does not edit the k_ai_master.ncs file, and incompatible with any that does. (However, it is easy for any modder to add the compatibility, source is included.) Note that this fix works for both the player and enemies! This can make some fights of the game slightly more challenging. -
View File Effixian's Taris Arena Changes -------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic -------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Taris Arena Changes AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- ~ JDub96 and Effix present, a Knights of the Old Republic mod ~ This mod tries to make the Taris Arena contestants look more interesting, mainly by giving them new variations of the Combat Suit. There's also a Combat Suit variation for the player, that's in the first aid container in the corner of the room (near Twitch). Somewhat like souvenirs, Kebla of the Equipment Emporium sells replicas of the new Combat Suit variations that the arena contestants wear. I've split this mod up into 2 parts. A: The NPCs wear new combat suit variations, the player can loot its own version and Kebla sells the replicas. B: Further changes to make the NPCs more unique: - Gerlon Two-Fingers gets a scruffy beard - Ice gets a more unique Echani inspired head - Marl gets a unique head with beard - Twitch gets a different texture to make him look a bit more menacing - Bendak gets a different texture based on my TSL mod "Mandalorian Reskins" Important: - Kebla's store will only update if you use a save in which you haven't been to the Upper City South yet - The changes inside the cantina will only work with a save in which you haven't been inside the Upper City Cantina yet ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip. Part A: Simply copy the files from the subfolder "Part A - Combat Suits" to your game's Override folder. Part B (optional, but requires Part A): Run "TSLPatcher - Install Effixians Taris Arena Changes - Part B.exe" and point it to your main game's folder. --------- BUGS --------- None known. -------------------------- COMPATIBILITY -------------------------- Not compatible with other mods that change or include the same files. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- 1. Remove from the Override folder: g_a_class4010.uti g_a_class4011.uti g_a_class4012.uti g_a_class4013.uti g_a_class4014.uti ia_Class4_008.tga ia_Class4_009.tga ia_Class4_010.tga ia_Class4_011.tga ia_Class4_012.tga k_ptar_a02ae_en.ncs keblastore.utm org_tar_a02ae.ncs PFBC08.tga PFBC09.tga PFBC10.tga PFBC11.tga PFBC12.tga PMBC08.tga PMBC09.tga PMBC10.tga PMBC11.tga PMBC12.tga tar02_bendak021.utc tar02_deadeye022.utc tar02_gerlon021.utc tar02_ice021.utc tar02_marl021.utc tar02_twitch021.utc If you've added Part B, also remove: N_Bendak.tga n_gerlon.mdl n_gerlon.mdx N_Gerlon.tga n_ice.mdl n_ice.mdx N_Ice.tga n_marl.mdl n_marl.mdx N_Marl.tga N_Twitch.tga 2. If you haven't installed any mods after this mod you can get the following files from the mod's backup folder and put them back in your override folder: appearance.2da heads.2da portraits.2da ------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------ You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- - JDub96 for the overall mod concept and thinking up the different combat suit variations - DarthParametric for an improved script - Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool - Camo pattern by Fauzy Ramadhan @ ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 04/25/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
- taris dueling ring
- taris
(and 1 more)
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View File TSL Tactical Combat Mod <<<TSL Tactical Combat Mod>>> by Frykas <<About>> If you ever felt that after lvl 15 in KotOR 2, your PC and team got all powerful (Fredon's Nadd tomb being the exception) and pazaak with Atton on (Republic Senat's rules) was more fun than slaying couple more thugs or beasts than this mod is for you. After playing a lot of Pillars of Eternity, I realized that TSL had nearly the same potential for tactical fights but after less than half the game you had to be counter productive to have a fight that lasts more than 4 seconds. Honestly most times I didn't have time to use more than two force buffs because everyone was already dead. Difficulty changes only enemy damage output so it makes things harder but enemies still drop like flies. This mod aims (and will aim, definitely not finished) to correct that. <<Changes>> Files changed are classes.2da, autobalance.2da and k_sp1_force.ncs; autobalance has significantly increased NPC's health, slightly buffed saving throws, set NPC's level to be equal to PC. Classes.2da doubled gained health (on lvlup) by PC and team and raised force point gain (on lvlup) by 50%. !!!Because of game mechanics, increased health points and force poins gain doesnt work retroactively, meaning you'll have to start a new game (as even KSE cannot change your vitality poins directly), this will probably NOT be "fixed" in future releases. Enemy HP and other changes will apply once you enter new area after installing. <<Compatibility>> This mod works with TSLRCM and is being tested and developed to work with it. If you don't have TSLRCM instaled changes might not be appropriate for your playthrough. This mod should work with any other mod that doesn't change those files: Classes.2da, Autobalance.2da, k_sp1_force.ncs ADITIONAL FILE: dialog.tlk included in this download goes to the main folder and not override. It should be comatible with the TSl RCM game but any mod that changes dialog.tlk might not be compatible and will require testing. My file includes modified force powers descriptions to account for extended duration. <<Install>> Drop files to Override (who doesn't like that? ) Dialog.tlk goes to main install folder and make sure to back it up lest you have to reinstall main game and mods. <<Uninstall>> Well, this is going to be difficult... (remove Classes.2da, Autobalance.2da and k_sp1_force.ncs from Override folder, replace dialog.tlk with backed up version if you used it) <<Future changes>> -A lot more testing and figuring out the perfect balance -If you have an idea for more changes or would like to help with this leave a comment or PM me. All the best! Submitter Frykas Submitted 05/05/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File Repeating blaster attacks restoration Short story: Repeating blasters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack in every round of combat (like twin-blade melee weapons do). This mod implements that effect. I.e. a character without force speed would normally do 1 attack when using a repeater, 2 when using rapid shot as well. Now, 2 attacks will be done when using the default attack and 3 when using rapid shot. Long story: After investigating in 2015 what could be the reason for repeaters costing more (500 vs 300) credits while having a worse crit range (5% vs 10%) than blaster rifles while having no advantage whatsoever, I found out that repeaters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack per round, sort of making them the double-blades of the blasters. Sadly, this was never implemented, as one internal item comment even comments on. I didn't know enough about scripting back then and quickly lost interest in fixing this. But now, more than 3 years later, it's finally fixed via scripting, placing the required code in the k_ai_master script. Known issues: Due to hardcoded mechanics, power blast can never do more than 1 attack, and sniper shot never more than 2. Normal attack appears to usually only do 2, but may rarely do 3 when using force speed as well. Sadly, these cannot be changed without access to the game code. This information turned out to be incorrect, and the user Darg727 made a fix for this. However, this has a downside: It works by making power blast and sniper shot always shoot 4 shots regardless of how many attacks are available, which looks very strange because all shots that don't have a corresponding attack round are auto-misses. For example, using a sniper shot with a blaster rifle or single pistol will cause 4 shots to be fired simultaneously, like a shotgun blast, with 3 of the 4 automatically hitting the floor/ceiling/wall. Using knight speed would allow 2 of those 4 to hit and only 2 would be an auto-miss, etc.... As per Darg727's upload permissions, I have included the responsible file (weapondischarge.2da) as an optional mod in the download for additional visibility for those people that might want to use the feature but would not come across his modification otherwise. Compatible with any mod that does not edit the k_ai_master.ncs file, and incompatible with any that does. (However, it is easy for any modder to add the compatibility, source is included.) Note that this fix works for both the player and enemies! This can make some fights of the game slightly more challenging. Submitter R2-X2 Submitted 11/20/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version v1.0
<<<TSL Tactical Combat Mod>>> by Frykas <<About>> If you ever felt that after lvl 15 in KotOR 2, your PC and team got all powerful (Fredon's Nadd tomb being the exception) and pazaak with Atton on (Republic Senat's rules) was more fun than slaying couple more thugs or beasts than this mod is for you. After playing a lot of Pillars of Eternity, I realized that TSL had nearly the same potential for tactical fights but after less than half the game you had to be counter productive to have a fight that lasts more than 4 seconds. Honestly most times I didn't have time to use more than two force buffs because everyone was already dead. Difficulty changes only enemy damage output so it makes things harder but enemies still drop like flies. This mod aims (and will aim, definitely not finished) to correct that. <<Changes>> Files changed are classes.2da, autobalance.2da and k_sp1_force.ncs; autobalance has significantly increased NPC's health, slightly buffed saving throws, set NPC's level to be equal to PC. Classes.2da doubled gained health (on lvlup) by PC and team and raised force point gain (on lvlup) by 50%. !!!Because of game mechanics, increased health points and force poins gain doesnt work retroactively, meaning you'll have to start a new game (as even KSE cannot change your vitality poins directly), this will probably NOT be "fixed" in future releases. Enemy HP and other changes will apply once you enter new area after installing. <<Compatibility>> This mod works with TSLRCM and is being tested and developed to work with it. If you don't have TSLRCM instaled changes might not be appropriate for your playthrough. This mod should work with any other mod that doesn't change those files: Classes.2da, Autobalance.2da, k_sp1_force.ncs ADITIONAL FILE: dialog.tlk included in this download goes to the main folder and not override. It should be comatible with the TSl RCM game but any mod that changes dialog.tlk might not be compatible and will require testing. My file includes modified force powers descriptions to account for extended duration. <<Install>> Drop files to Override (who doesn't like that? ) Dialog.tlk goes to main install folder and make sure to back it up lest you have to reinstall main game and mods. <<Uninstall>> Well, this is going to be difficult... (remove Classes.2da, Autobalance.2da and k_sp1_force.ncs from Override folder, replace dialog.tlk with backed up version if you used it) <<Future changes>> -A lot more testing and figuring out the perfect balance -If you have an idea for more changes or would like to help with this leave a comment or PM me. All the best!- 2 comments
- combat
- tactical combat
(and 4 more)
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Is there any way that someone could make new combat animations? (EX. Instead of critical strike being solid slow movements, something more like this?)\
(By nature this is a request, but to reach a larger Modder-Base i wanted to post it here first, hope thats ok) So hi everyone, some time ago i discovered on one playthrough of Kotor I+II that in combat its so much more fun to use hotkeys for the various powers (e.g. 4= friendly power; r= standard attack(guardian leap) 2=force power etc.) and i realized why: it makes combat faster !! BUT: theres a downside - you have to scroll through the different abilities - which slows your combat experience down. so there should be 2 ways of solving that problem: 1. Since i always was keen on how Mass Effect treated combat and its not much different from Kotor gameplay, i wanted to ask if its possible to reassemble the hotkey system so you can customize it like in SWTOR: 4= heal f= Force Lightning c= Force Wave 2= Critical strike etc.pp. 2. Is there a chance to shorten the time for each Combat round? If you have ideas/solutions it would be cool, but im not a scripter at all therefore it would be awesome if i could encourage someone to make this idea reality!
- Combat
- Mass Effect
(and 2 more)
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