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About twdarkeh

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    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday September 26

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  1. Please report to M4-78 Staff Forum. I have a new thread that is seeking beta-tester input.

  2. Best of luck with getting your computer repaired.

  3. Exile, a quick question. This is restored content, so we can safely assume that it will be completely VO'd?
  4. All you need is a save where you haven't visited Korriban yet, as far as I know.
  5. Just finished Peragus, and you're right. It blended so well I didn't even notice it was new.
  6. Awesome work guys. Doing a fresh install of KOTOR2 right now to put this on.
  7. Math is not easy. Math is terrible. Especially taking Calculus AB in high school, then having to take calc 1 in college because you failed the AP test. A bit more on topic, HH, maybe you should focus more on tests, and less on counting down to when you can work on 1.8.
  8. Jorann is the guy you find in the ruined enclave on dantooine locked in a room, if that's what you're asking. If not, just ignore me. :3
  9. To expand on this, or perhaps as an alternative, why not allow the use of Battle Meditation in the same manner you do on Onderon if you've acquired the power?
  10. I don't think it really matters, tbh. It just seems like a lot of unnecessary work to correct such a small oversight.
  11. I'd love to help out. Not sure how good I am at writing original content, but I'd be willing to give it a go. However, I'm a pretty good editor when looking for grammar errors/typos and other such fixes, if you need that kind of help, I'd be really happy to help. For example, the screenshot here would probably sound better if it was written something like: "My apologies. You fought in the battle of Telos IV alongside my father during the Jedi Civil War. He often told the story of how Revan and Malak bombed the planet when they turned on the Republic." Or something along those lines. The repetition of "my father" seems to be redundant, and the entire line seems to be rather disjointed, using multiple sentences to express ideas that would be better suited to be in a single sentence.
  12. Thanks for the reply. Just wondering, but would it be possible to edit the dialogue with the Ithorian who's name I forget so that instead of referring to the lightsaber you get as something along the lines of "a part of a lightsaber that belonged to a jedi who was my friend" or something like that, change it to "a lightsaber that belonged to whatever". Since it's alian language audio, wouldn't require any voice changes, but as I have no idea how modding works, not sure if it would be more trouble than it's worth.
  13. If you still need testers, I'm free through mid to late august, so have literally unending amounts of free time. Would be glad to play through the beta and find any and all typos/bugs I can for a good cause.
  14. I agree. Also, Tobin says that there are "hundreds of Jedi" for Nihilis(sp?) to feed on in the academy at Telos, but it makes no sense that he wouldn't already know that's wrong, since he felt the gathering of what few Jedi were left on Katarr. So some explanation for that would be nice, if it exists.