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Status Updates posted by Ninko

  1. Wanting to play The Jedi Masters, but I have no voices!!!!! :OOO

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I assume that you sent Trex a PM about this already?

    2. Ninko


      I had, but I did fix it! xD

  2. Happy Star Wars Day Everyone!!!!

    1. Rece


      That's May 4th... I guess you must live where it just turned May 4t. It's May 3rd for most people


    2. Ninko


      Yeah Australia xD

  3. PART 8 THE JEDI MASTERS!!!!!!!!!! Check it out!!!!!! :D
    1. Kate The Bionic Uterus
    2. Ninko


      Thanks Kate, glad you liked it! :D

  4. Why does kotor tool have to never work properly!?!?!?!

    1. Sithspecter


      What's the issue.

    2. Ninko


      @sithspecter : When I try to compile a TSL script it brings an error "Error: Couldn't initialize the NwnStdLoader"...

  5. Can anyone provide me with a k_003ebo_enter.nss ????

    1. DarthParametric


      Might be of use - VI - An Ending Mod - Source Code/003EBO/Scripts/Source/k_003ebo_enter.nss

    2. Ninko


      Thank you!

  6. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!

  7. K1 Widescreen tutorial.
    1. TheDarkChocolateJedi


      Yay new Ninko video!

    1. jc2


      I have! But haven't played through tsl again yet.

  8. If you play Minecraft as well as KotOR TSL, then I have a Resource Pack for you! Plus I am in the process of making the whole game in minecraft!! Let me know if you would like to see the texture pack! Or anything that I have built! :D

  9. Hi Hassat Hunter. Can you let me know how you get Reputation up. I am Jedi Initiate. How to i get the next one??

  10. Thanks for all the help you have given me Sith Holocron. I appreciate it a lot.

  11. Ok Hassat, that's fine.

  12. Was I not able to do that mod pack?

  13. Hi. How did you get your reputation to 10?

  14. Just playing through KotOR and TSL at the same time.. KotOR on iPad and TSL on the PC!! Fun as! :D

  15. The Deadly Stream logo looks really good on the Website now!

  16. If I started a playthrough of kotor 2 on YouTube who would watch?

  17. How do I change my Member Title? I have forgotten, but can't seem to find it!!! Help please?!?! Many thanks to whoever lets me know!

  18. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!

  19. Need help with making a trigger and script. PM me :)

  20. Let me know what you guys think of this! ~

  22. - Preview of my mod :D