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Malkior last won the day on July 1 2023

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About Malkior

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    Jedi Master
  • Birthday 11/26/1987

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  1. Weird question, but what is the syntax Kotor 1 uses for its clothing meshes? I've scoured Kotortool up and down, yet I can't seem to find them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malkior


      Turns out I didn't realize there are other BIF file folders with their own models in Kotortool. For some reason I assumed "Models.bif" was the only one containing MDL files..

      (For anyone following, the folder I was looking for was "Player.bif")

      Additionally, there are other filetypes than just MDL files such as scripts and GUI in the other BIFs, so I believe they are actually just a generic storage format that I just happened to know contain the models. There's probably a tutorial somewhere that I missed which explains BIF file format in detail, but I guess I missed it..

      Thanks for the tip! I appreciate the info and I will continue to post as I learn new things to hopefully demystify these files for laymen such as myself. :)

    3. DarthDrija


      Ah, you were talking about where they were located. It didn't cross my mind scouring through the .bif files since I just search by name in the Holocron Toolset, it just makes life easier!

      That said, glad you found them. 😀

    4. Malkior


      Yeah, I've only ever used Kotortool to extract textures and in rare occasions, generic models like vehicles for example, so I only know very specific places to find the assets. It's funny that just focusing on one specific thing every time creates these misconceptions such as mine where there was only one place to find a filetype.