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About Malkior

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  • Birthday 11/26/1987

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  1. Out of curiosity, is there texture generating program (Preferably free) that you guys swear by?


    I've been doing this thing manually forever and I'd like to find some tools to speed it up a bit.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DarthParametric


      There's also Blender, which has the benefit of being able to directly utilise KOTOR models via KBlender.

    3. Malkior


      I appreciate the tips. I've noticed lately that I've been using a combination of filters for the most dramatic effect on making textures and so it made logical sense to start utilizing tools with a similar approach (Although with more control). 

    4. DarthParametric


      What you're working on dictates what you need to a large degree. Stuff like sabers that make heavy use of envmaps don't really need anything fancy because the texture is going to be mostly drowned out by the envmap anyway.

      Here's an example of one of my sabers using procedural materials. Mostly just simple metal materials with a bit of edge wear and dirt. Here is the source, rendered in PBR:


      And then here's that same model and texture set in Odyssey:



      One of the primary things you'll want is a good ambient occlusion (AO) bake. PBR textures don't have any lighting baked in, since they rely on the engine to provide correct lighting. So the albedo you'll get will be completely flat:


      That's where the AO comes in:


      You take the AO and overlay it as a multiply layer, giving you a resultant diffuse with a bit more depth:


      The lack of a spec map is where Odyssey really falls down here, since envmaps are a poor substitute.

      Some programs may also have the provision to create baked lighting for Blinn-Phong textures. Substance Painter can do this, for example.