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Everything posted by JoroA

  1. No other mods used at the time (it was version aither 1.8.3 or 4) but it was not mentioned in the patch notes. Have not tested it in the .5 version so my bad. At the time as i said the only mod that i used was the choose your combatant.
  2. Hmm it was a while ago, but i am certain it was after T3 returns from the droid warehouse, as you control Atton and he needs to leave the Nar Shaddaa docks he is ambushed by Mira as if you enter the area as a light sided exile on the way to the jek jek tarr and treats you the same way. It was quite amusing at the time, but unfortunately you get stuck on that place. For clarification at the time Atton was a Jedi (just with 0 influence instead of 100) and i think (not 100% sure) i used your "choose your combatant mod" and picked Mira. Can someone please tell me how the outcomes work, currently i am at the HK factory and want to have control over what is going to happen?
  3. The bugs: -If you are dark side and you have Atton with negative influence (aka he is light side) during the bounty hunter sequence when you must return to change the ID signature, Mira will stop Atton and basically treat him as a Light Side Player. It is no big deal, since all you need to do is go to the save editor and change it from above 50 to below 30 (and you can revert it). Still something to consider. -Some Party Members do not gain XP, unless they are in your group - Handmaiden, Desciple and Mira (not sure about Hanharr). Somehow for handmaiden it fixes itself by gaining a few levels with her in the party but only by gaining levels, she will not gain the missed XP. For example every companion is level 25, and Handmaiden is 19, after the fix (again i think, it's fixed by simply gaining a level with her in your party but not sure), but she will not get level 25, instead she simply starts getting XP. I remember that Desciple was like Mira, in a sense that no matter what they need to be in the party in order to gain XP. (For the record i do not level them up until they become Jedi.) -During the conversation with the 3 Jedi on the Rebuilt Enclave, the player character face freezes, whenever he has a choice. The question: Can someone please explain to me how is the showdown between HK and GO-TO is determined? I know that you can reprogram the HK-51 to follow HK-47 and he wins versus GO-TO automatically. However i know that there are few variations in the HK Factory if you destroy the HK-51's - I remember that you can resume production of the HK-51's and then choose to destroy them (Resulting in HK-47 saying something in the end like "there was a time where i would have thought as you do, but that time is over:) - You can just not resume the production of the HK-51 and just destroy the HK-50's and is there a difference in the ending if you destroy the reactivated HK-51's?
  4. Wow i did not know that. I thought there was only 2 M4-78 mods (the one i am thinking of and EP). What is the Mod i am thinking of than? Because i remember i played it very long time ago and i had Vash on Dantooine and it did not have much voice acting other than Kaah and the two Cores. I also remember that when the mod was released there was a bug where every time you speak with the core you get 2000 exp until the fix. EDIT: I found the mod i was talking about on a video, but i do not know who made it.
  5. That is a shame. Well i did not talk about it because i know you put out a lot of effort into M4-78EP, but i might as well say it here. - The voice acting is bad. I would rather have all the droids beep non stop than listen to it and Kaah speak huttese. (Except 1 droid witch sounded really great, but he is not enough to justify the rest) - The missions make you run around the planet left right and center to complete the quests that did not feel enjoyable. - The ending left me feeling i accomplished nothing. Vash died along with Kaah no matter what. Darth Shan's mod is not perfect but it does what it is supposed to do. - The voice acting is small but well done (not even sure if it's fan made) - The missions were straight forward, going from point A to point B with enemies along the way. (The corridors are long and wide witch fits with the level design as well) - By the end you can kill or spare Kaah and let him go and Vash can be killed or be with the 3 jedi, Of course some dialogue is missing (Kreia not addressing her or Vash not saying much), but at least it felt great. When M4-78EP was announced i was hoping it was basically a compatible version of Shan's mod with more unused dialogues, doodads and unused droid designs because the images were awesome. If i had to rank what disappointed me the most was: 1 the feeling of unaccomplishment. 2 Bad voice acting (again with one exception). 3 The side quests.
  6. Can someone please tell me if this works with TSLRCM? I honestly did not like M4-78EP and this is far better IMO. And does the mod work the same way as before (Master Vash on Dantooine with the rest)?
  7. JoroA

    HK Factory Question

    I have searched everywhere for this but alas to no avail. In Malachor V there are 3 outcomes depending on your choices on the HK Factory. I know how to get the hk 51 to come and protect hk 47, but the other 2 im not sure. In one of my very first playtroughs hk ended up being controlled by GO-TO, but it was a loong time ago and earlier versions of the mod. I remember that i activated hk 51 and killing them. Last time i played i did not activate them and just shut down the hk factory but was escorted by hk 50's. My question is: How is it determined the outcome of the GO-TO vs HK? Is it the way i described above? If so why are there HK 50's with HK 47 when he presumably destroyed them and the factory and why can't they shoot him even though they obviously shoot HK-47 in the factory
  8. So when is K1R 1.1 be released? It has been a very long while since it has been mentioned.
  9. Why is Sleheyron not placed as [NR]? Also i remember that there was a temple in Tatooine/Unknown world (not sure which was it). Why is it not listed as [NR] as well?
  10. Yeah i didnt know where to post, guess i shouldn't have posted here in retrospect... But if anybody cares, no you cannot redeem Hanharr and still get DS points, but if you deny his strenght you gain bonus to wisdom, kreia is impressed and gain LS points.
  11. Ok i have a question. Is there a way to redeem Hanharr, because i read on gamfaq that someone did it, but i cannot do it here, and always end up getting dark side points at the verry end.
  12. Sorry if this bug is mentioned, but it is the only one i have found: When facing Sion at Malachor V, another one spawns behind the exile and he is passive... unless you talk to him(i was smart enough to talk to him whilst fighting the 1st one and i had to face 2 sions.... yay) Also did the difficulty of the game spike at the end? Havent played swkotor 2 in a while but it is alot harder than i remember. The mods i have is choose mira or han and remove force speed blurr effect.
  13. Was Bendak Starckiller ever intended to have a light side death match or was that fan made?
  14. It's been far too long but I am back. Good to see the project is still going. (I think I was the 1st person that reported bugs in the demo.) Great work guys - cant wait for 1.0!
  15. I had a problem with 2 quests: 1st was the pylon mission on Nar Shadaa. After i completed it i talked to Fassa and i got it again. 2nd for the 1st time i didnt start the finding of the HK factory. I think i did all the dialogs but something i did wrong, not sure what though.
  16. JoroA

    Update on 1.8

    The same as the original, but after 1.8, M4-78 EP will come out. (But unknown after how long.)
  17. JoroA

    Update on 1.8

    Every time i am with hk-47 and we fight hk-50, after the battle hk loses his weapons. Is that a bug, does that happen to someone else?
  18. JoroA

    Update on 1.8

    Will it be fixed?
  19. JoroA

    Update on 1.8

    Great job, but at some moments it seemed like Nihilus teleported... Or was it just me?
  20. I hope you make the shadowlands restoration like you did with the Black Vulkar base. Do you plan on making an enhancement for it too?
  21. Forgot abaut one bug: I decided to go and kill the sith and get the sith armor, however the woman in the cantina was still there. When i talked to her she gave me the quest for the party, when i got there i got another sith armor and she disappeared and the quest was still active. Atleast when i gave my sith armor i still had another one.
  22. I have already played the original Vulkar restoration and this version was simply amazing. Love the puzzle and its more difficult, more fun, more units and so much more. Im glad you decided to improve it.