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Everything posted by gua543

  1. gua543

    TSL Party Project

    The reskin of Mandalore is really good but the rest is just... well, let's say that I don't like it. At all. Not because of the low resolution, mind you, I just like the original ones more. So any chance that I can use only Mandalore's skin without the others?
  2. Do you always play with a female character? That would answer the question.
  3. Heh, not everybody have so much free time like me
  4. I see. Well, I happen to have no problem with choosing and controlling one of my ship mates and killing another one but you're the mod maker, you choose how the things are going to be done.
  5. NOOOOOOO!!! Why do you do this to me??? Waaaaaah! *5 more minutes of whimpering* Wait, what is this returning to Dantooine? Hello, will somebody explain what "Return to Dantooine" means? By the way, has something new and interesting been completed?
  6. Too bad the vs. scenes are not player controlled, but I'll live with it. I wonder what would have happened if the Exile had a love interest with Mical and, instead of controlling the blonde fellow and killing Atton, you take control of Atton and kill Mical. "Hey Exile!" "Hey Atton!" "Just so you know, I just killed your love interest." "WHAT!?!?!?" But hey, I'm really, really, REALLY glad that I'm gonna be able to personally kill G0-T0. I never choose him in my party, I just keep him around for the free XP. He's so annoying! "You are intimidating me, stupid flying tin??? I'm a god damn jedi master, nobody threatens me!"
  7. After 2 hours of staring at the screen I finally read the whole thread. I need some sleep but I feel obligated to write some stuff. First, I want to know when does the versus scenes play? Do the they play only if you are dark sided or only when you have low influence with Atton/Brianna and high influence with Mical/Visas, no matter the alligment? If it's only when you're DS, then it's okay for me because I never play as a sith. I just have a good soul If not, well the low influence makes Atton's/Brianna's alligment opposite yours (Me=Jedi, They=Sith, Why would a jedi keep a sith around them, no clue) so it is okay for light siders. But for dark siders, things get confusing. But I never play as a dark sider (Didn't I already mention that?) so I don't really care. The second question I want to ask is again about the versus scenes. Is it player controlled or is it automated? If it's player controlled can I choose who to fight with or is it based upon... something? If it's automated, how is the winner determined? Third question - Will I be able to control Mandalore at some point? Fourth question - Will I be able to kick G0-T0's flying ass properly (By properly I mean controlling HK and using grenades and stuff on him)? I was left kinda confused as to what is gonna happen between him and the HKs. I really hate that guy and I want to see him SUFFER!!! Hmmm, I guess my soul isn't as good and clean as I thought. 5th question - Will this mod be compatible with both TSLRCM 1.8 and M4-78EP? And if you're still wondering with what to fill the circular rooms, well, here's few ideas - we've got mines to disable (There were mines in the sith base on Manaan), broken droids to repair, non-broken droids to destroy, sith soldiers to kill, sith students to kill (It's an academy after all. There's no sign "Sith Assassins only"), sith masters to kill, other force using scum with the word "sith" in their names to kill, that kind of stuff.
  8. Why, is it that hard to answer a question and not act like a bad ass just once? Aaaah, forget it, it's not really smart to argue with a moderator. Plus, I'm new here. EDIT: I read the whole thread. Question answered, with some extra knowledge gained.
  9. Okay, I guess I'll just have to wait and see what have you guys made.
  10. Hi all! I just want to ask if you're planing on making this mod compatible with TSLRCM? Because it's kind of weird to fight Sith Marrauders who look exactly like Taris citizens. If not, have you changed their appearence so that they'll look more... Sith-ish?
  11. Now that both The Old Republic and the Revan novel are out, is there something you must undo in the storyline of the mod so that it doesn't change the SW canon lore?
  12. I haven't read the whole thread so you'll forgive me if the question I ask has already been answered. Will Sleheyron be restored? I'm sure that a lot of people really want to see it restored.
  13. I see you have mastered the technique of teasing... *Influence gained: Kreia*
  14. Yay, more good news! Oh wait... Eh, I can live with that. Is there a release date for the mod or is it gonna be done when it's gonna be done?
  15. Damn it, why did I listen to that "smart" guy. There should be no problem, he said. It works with me, he said. Okay, so this M4-78EP works with the restoration mod, correct? Can you give me a link to it because I'm kind of lazy guy. Or is it still a work in progress?
  16. Hey guys, I'm new here but I really need your help. I'm having problems with the mod. You see, when I enter the Archon II core or whatever it is I see a cutscene in which Sion is meditating in front of a hologram of my character. That's normal. Then a sith assassin comes, there's a short conversation between him and Sion, then Sion stands up and tells him to prep his ship. Everything is 100% fine. But right after the cutscene I can only see a black screen. I can hear how I swing my lightsaber, how I walk, I can use Force powers and I can switch characters. But I can't see it. I made a save there and loaded it. And guess what - I was in the Trayus Core! What the hell?!?! :confused: If you can help, I'll be very thankful. If you want, I can tell you what other mods I have in my override folder.