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Quanon last won the day on March 15

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263 Jedi Grand Master

About Quanon

  • Rank
    Jedi Master
  • Birthday 09/21/1985

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    To much to put in here!

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  1. Major upgrade done for my PC, new mobo, memory, cpu and graphics! WIN10 just kept working, no re installing business, sweet!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quanon


      I do have an SSD, but also still a regular HD drive. I just use the SSD for Windows and a few programs like 3Ds Max and Photoshop. But the games run nicely now ^^

    3. L0ki194


      Nice! One day I'll upgrade my PC, but that's gonna be a bit, because I'd practically need to replace *everything*. What graphics card did you get?

    4. Quanon


      What I got: Mobo => MSI Z710A PC Mate, CPU => I7-6700K with Master Cooler Hyper 212 EVO, Graphics card => MSI ALD Radeon R9 380 4Gigs and 8 Gigs Ram from Seaking? Can't remember the brand :P