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263 Jedi Grand Master

About Quanon

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    Jedi Master
  • Birthday 09/21/1985

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  1. Walkmesh woes for the Sleheyron arena.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quanon


      I'll try some other stuff out. Because I'm not sure it's actually my walkmesh that is 'bugged'. Or if it something to do with adding something new to an old area model from the game. I've tried 'implanting' loose walkmeshes to my own models and that didn't work either... :-/


    3. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      Would splitting the model up into different tiers, and making each tier a room in the .git file help with the walkmeshing? If so, we can live with that, a separate walkmesh for each room...

    4. Quanon


      Yeah, from what I can see in the original model the walkmesh was a seperate room. There's a little hook in the center of the arena togother with the Aurorabase. The has a name of another model or it's all what is left of the walkmesh because of MDLops :-/


      Anyway I'll let the arena be 1 model as it is. I'll add in a few little cubes, out in the void to hook up with my walkmesh parts. I guess the big walkmesh is just to big to handle properly by our tools. If the smal...