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Status Updates posted by bendarby24

  1. new dlc for skyrim coming out for xbox in september the 3rd. it cost 800 micrsoft point so it a cheap, small dlc which alows you to build houses, adopt kids and get your own siwerd and bard

    1. hkmandalore47


      damn thats cool. unfortunately, i have 0 mc points, so i dont even have dawnguard xD

  2. i have really hurt my back and just a couple miutes ago i droped a electric guitar on my foot

  3. that all good then bread v ;) your swoop racing upgrade mod look really good so far, im looking forward to that comeing out in the near future :)

  4. ok the game where better than expected when they said the opening cermony would contain NHS workers, school children and volenters workers all of briten was like we are going to be so inbarist but it wasent that bad - loved wonderwall last night

  5. in your oppion what game has the best light saber combat so it flunt and you can have long skillful combat? im thinking it will be one of the jedi outcast games but i dont know?

    1. bendarby24


      and/ or the forced unleashed

    2. Malkior


      Star Wars: Obi Wan! No, but seriously I think outcast had the best combat although academy had more stylish moves. Unfortunately, academy had poor hit detection and reach with its moves. Plus its saber styles were nowhere near as good as outcast. (the force unleashed had no real lightsaber combat system other than to hit the "swing" button; anything more stylish was a QTE)

  6. this is allsome - Knights of the Old Republic 2 lead designer Chris Avellone has praised, to Eurogamer, the efforts of voluntary The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) team.[...]

    1. hkmandalore47


      wow thats big! congratulations to the team!

    2. newbiemodder


      Thanks for the info. Just read it. Congrats to TSLRCM team on well deserved praise!!

  7. got my old kotor working on my laptop but i cant get the resultion patch thing to work so it really small resultion

  8. hey just wount to ask you about Visas Marr's Lightsaber Drop mod because i dont gt the point of it ( please can you explain it to me because i love your mods and i just need to se why you have done this) i dont see the point because she said that u broke her light saber which mean it most likely will become a component to building your.

  9. in the end i gave up on buy the collection pack and installed my old kotor 2 and now forcing it to be compatible

  10. Welcome to deadlystream, if you need anything just pm me

  11. got some good news and ome bad news: bad - my computer has just diedfully an will cost so much to repair, its ha a good 12 years and it been the best computer i have ever had. good - i backed up most of my files onto a disk and have loaded them onto my laptop and i have no game installed to my laptop because it for work but i am now going to buy the new windows 7 compatiblity kotor combo edition and and then downloud 1.8 and have my first play through

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Sorry that your old computer died. I look forward to reading your review of TSLRCM 1.8 using the DVD version of the game.

  12. going to start moding agein today hopefuly :)

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      What do you have planned?


    2. bendarby24


      i thought a better improvment of my rebalanced mod but it may tern into a kotor 2 improvment mod :/ we shall see

  13. great prom yesterday but the after party was epic, partyed from dawn to dusk and now i feel like SH_T but its worth it


    1. Kerk


      "downguard"? haha. I wish they made a DLC that would improve AI in the game, cause as of now it's really dumb.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Was it worth the wait?

    3. bendarby24


      yes it good and lots of content. playing as a vampire lord is a littel bit glitchy but still amazing

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. guys i back and im soon going back to moding , it been a year!!! i cant beleve that, but im not starting streat away because tonight i have a 10 pack of strong bow and partying all night so u can gess why im not moding straight away

  16. yea bitches england 3 -2 !!!!!!!!!!!

  17. not good just checked 2 see if this bug i having been geting is because of mopds and it seems my k2 disk and normal files are cruipted and it will not play atris battel scene, does anybody knoqw where to get k2 really cheep because i have no money

  18. E3 been ok so far but carnt wait for tomorrow because it the best games, thursday they are showing star wars 1313 what is amasing

  19. BIGGIST HANG OVER EVER :/ but such a good night :D

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Drink a full glass of water after each complete drink you finish next time. (Yes, a shot counts as a complete drink.)

    2. bendarby24


      chears for the advise


  21. dude in 1.6 update of skyrim there adding mount fighting anamtion, so you can fight wiyal on a horce