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Status Updates posted by bendarby24

  1. hey, i ust wount to know for when M4-78 mod when i comes ot will it work with a save game just before korriban or have you edited other part of the game so i need to create a new game?

  2. i cant downloud anything from here at the moment :/ keeps coming up with error and saying i dont have permision :(

    1. bendarby24


      any of them, but it most of had a funny couple of days because 3 days latter there working again ?

    2. Mandalore


      Yeah, that's odd.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Can you download anything now? If so, feel free to update your Status, ;)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  3. I detinated that exam today, in such cocky mood now :D !!!

    1. Cair


      Main duties include, but are not limited to cleaning toilet facilities, terminating of hosility, emptying bins, silently assasinating predeterminated targets, replenishing stock and cleaning changing room floors. Occasionally, wanton slaughter of innocent people may be requested.

  4. i have really hurt my back and just a couple miutes ago i droped a electric guitar on my foot

  5. i just realised all the good chrismas songs are English songs :D

    1. bendarby24


      i meant english as from england the place becaue we are english and you are american :P sorry but i do hate it when you say they are spaeking english but they are speaking american english noy actall english :/

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      But is what you just typed any sort of English? ;)

    3. Darth_Sapiens


      how would canadian english fit in? (no we dont end all sentences with EH) i love spelling colour and armour and favour, honour, with a u XD seriously though i hvae to take care of my polar bear, its a 91, pretty old started making strange noises yesterday, ill take a look for a new one else i'll be walking to school.

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  6. i like how i am using kotor 2 conept art in my A level art next your :)

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      You might want to discuss the differences ebtween the final edition of the cover art and the "other" version seen here:


      Mr. Giancola is awfully nice and might respond if you sent him an e-mail about that. (I'd be curious to see the response too.)

    2. bendarby24


      kk thanks for the info :)

  7. i love januray in englnd, it only time of the year we get snow and the country freaks out when canada and other countrys has the same amount f snow more than us and every things normal but here SHOPS CLOSED, SCHOOL CLOSED RED ALERT

  8. i really wount start moding agein but i have so much work to do, at least i after 2 years at colage and 3 at university i can start making game perfecaly :) lionhead studies here i come!

  9. im geting everybody i know to stop shoping at amzon and starbucks due to them not paying the uk tax and they starbucks alown owus more than 100 million pounds oO

  10. in the end i gave up on buy the collection pack and installed my old kotor 2 and now forcing it to be compatible

  11. in your oppion what game has the best light saber combat so it flunt and you can have long skillful combat? im thinking it will be one of the jedi outcast games but i dont know?

    1. bendarby24


      and/ or the forced unleashed

    2. Malkior


      Star Wars: Obi Wan! No, but seriously I think outcast had the best combat although academy had more stylish moves. Unfortunately, academy had poor hit detection and reach with its moves. Plus its saber styles were nowhere near as good as outcast. (the force unleashed had no real lightsaber combat system other than to hit the "swing" button; anything more stylish was a QTE)

  12. Interview for pylmouth uni and one for Bristol uni game design coucre

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      How did the interview go?

  13. Just came back from Stratford-on-Avon (where shakesphere was born) to see some play, one of them i saw Life of Galileo and actor who played Galileo was Ian McDiarmid, you may now him as EMPIROR PALPATINE. It was so wired seeing him in his boxs in one of the scenes

  14. just did a gig and a BBC 1 talent agent wount us to play one BBC radio one !!!!!!! :D :D :D

  15. just got empire at war gold pack, does anybody know of any good mods for this?

    1. MrPhil


      There are much better mods. Retreiving links and posting them in "Star Wars" topic, general serction.

    2. MrPhil
    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I suggest creating a blog once you decide on a mod. You could post the pros and cons of the mod and in so doing, you can convince or dissuade us from playing it!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  16. just relised after all this time i havent updated my profile, luckly i found my old avatar which i had before everybody acounts got deleated -_-

  17. just relised that i havent tried re-skining things when i am a artist -_- can any of post a link of a good tutorial?

  18. just renemberd 1 week ago it was my 5th year with deadly streams :D

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Happy anniversary!

    2. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      We've been at it that long? Damn...

  19. Just to out do milestail, possting from the top of the shard in London :P

  20. just whatched skyfall and it really good

    1. milestails


      A James Bond film without martinis and Aston Martins is not a James Bond film. Even Sean Connery hates Heineken and BMWs.

    2. Darth Hayze

      Darth Hayze

      He's regenerated miles, he may be the same person, but like The Doctor, he changes slightly with each new skin.

    3. kyrie


      This is when Q starts working at MI-6 right?


  22. May the 4th be with you! :)

  23. me and freinds made a indie music site which shows new and unheard good indie music and we are starting to go global with a couple of veiwers from america