Rtas Vadum

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Everything posted by Rtas Vadum

  1. To be honest, between a possible issue, and the fact that the novelty is gone, I have removed the Underworld armor. I find it interesting that such a mod can have as many downloads as it does, when there can be that sort of problem with it, and none of the comments seem to suggest it. Nor is there any mention of a patch for the problem, should the author not be around to fix it. Does the Nexus just allow things to be uploaded instantly, without any sort of verification as to what the mod will, or has the potential to do? Most of the mods seem fine(save for mentioning making a bashed patch I believe), just three that mention the dirty edit problem. Slof's Horses, Nexon's Armory, and...Knights.esp(which is the one installed by the version of the game I have). Ugh. Perfect. Of the three games I have(actually four, since I have one saved in front of the Sewer grate), they are red. I'd guess it's because of the underworld armor mod still affecting them. The save in the sewers is green, and the Underworld mod isn't listed. I might try loading up those three saves and re-saving(along with potentially waiting a few days in-game), and seeing if that changes anything. If not, I'll start of with the save I have in the Sewers again. I did copy the entire installation after my recent install. Did the main game first, then installed SI/KoTN, then copied the entire Oblivion folder. Hmm...after taking a look at the readme, those saves being red is because that mod was removed. I have gotten cases before were I've removed a mod, and when I loaded any saves that were using it, I got the "This save uses content that is no longer present. Some objects may no longer be availible. Continue loading?" message, but with most things, if I haven't touched things the mod deals with(or try using or going near an area a mod changed) for a few days(in-game), I've seen no problems. Many mods I've added in, I would load a save, make another save, and try the mod out(mostly armor mods). If I find any issues, I delete the new save, and then remove the mod. Not sure if I should just continue with the saves as I said above, or use Wyre Bash to remove it from the saves, if that's even an option. Edit: So in loading up one of these saves, and subsequently waiting a few days(more because of the "Necromancer's Moon" quest), and checking the save in Wyre Bash - it's purple. Mods that change the Cites or Landscapes on a massive scale(like Better Cites or Unique Landscapes), as nice as they might be, I haven't even considered using them. I don't doubt doing so would cause issues, if not just a severe slowdown, possibly even crashing the game entirely. I haven't added any hi-res texture mods either. Indeed, but the spell for the horse wasn't added upon opening the container. It wasn't the horse that attracted me to it anyway. Not sure why, but if I have to remove that one, I'd get the items for it out of my inventory(or any other chests I've stored them in), add them back to that container, and then remove it. Avoiding the Market district for a bit in the one save I've used it on, as well. Still, I find it interesting that this mod has that many downloads, little to no indication of this on the mod's page, and yet, it is another that could cause problems. Ugh.
  2. I can't really say if the same thing will happen again, although it hasn't done the same near any similar effect, not even the Great Gate(though I haven't been through that section with the plugin), or the same sort of "wave" effect that knocks me down during "Rebuild The Gatekeeper"(not even with that plugin, I believe). Still, if it is only that one place, it won't bother me too much. Yeah, I found the "Pale Victim" one before I even ordered the game, and knew I'd want to use it. Mostly because I'm not really fond of the usual muscle-bround hero sort, even if the game does offer a veriety by itself. Not that I am opposed to the vanilla races, since I have played a Dark Elf already, and some of the others I plan to use as well. The fact that PV requires the CM partners mod is a little annoying, but I have gotten some use out of them. Lemure does add two characters to the IC Arboretum, but just as npcs, and not compainons. Though I haven't had any slowdown on my system from using them, at least none that is really noticable. So at this point, there is only a singular issue I have, which in some ways isn't too annoying, save for when I visit the Imperial City. The Imperial Watch Armor(and maybe the Imperial Palace Armor as well) doesn't display correclly, most of the textures for the armor appearing black, save for the gauntlets(which is the only texture I have added for it, since it is one of the fixes of the UOP). I did have one of those missing mesh issues with Vauna, but I believed I've fixed that, since I forgot to add the mesh included with the Knights UP before starting the quest line. I've sorted the mods I have installed with BOSS, save for the few I had to create a few rules for(just Knights.esp and the UP for KOTN). Oblivion.esm CM Partners.esm Unoffical Oblivion Patch.esp DLCShiveringIsles.esp Unoffical Shivering Isles.esp Knights.esp Knights - Unoffical Patch.esp Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp Arena Posters Diversified.esp - Link See You Sleep DLL - Vampire Bedroll Anims.esp MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp BladeofWoeReplacer9Tongues.esp DMCWeapons.esp EY_AoD.esp NexonsArmoryENG.esp RTFemaleReplacerV12.esp UFF & RM Assassin Elite Armor.esp - Link Slof's Horses Base.esp LadyDeadlock_LoveYourHorse.esp Better Abandoned House.esp - Link Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.esp - Link DJZ ArchMage's Study.esp - Link OldWolf Lifelike Statues.esp New Vampire Feeding Sound.esp Circ Vampire Aesthetics.esp HAZEatAnimations.esp TKHairpack01.esp CM Partners.esp Capucine's AquamerRace.esp Slof's Goth Shop 3.esp DMC4 Dante-Vergil.esp Flan - Pale Victim.esp Flan's Lemure.esp Vampires - No Sun Damage.esp Down to 'CM Partners.esp" is what BOSS sorted, and the rest it didn't recognize, though I haven't seen any problems with keeping them listed as they are. Also, I know two of them are for a female bodybase I don't use, but the Assassin armor looks fine(it appears on a female in Black Rock Caverns), and for AoD, I've downloaded the male only version. It's the same case with Nexon's Armory, though I don't know if I'll be playing a female any time soon. I'll just have to not use that armor if I do.
  3. Well, I guess in some respects i was in over my head. However, I believe I have it sorted out by now, and in addition to using OBSE, as before, along with OBMM, I've also installed the Unofficial patches, at least those for Oblivion and the Shivering Isles. I did download the DLC mods patch, although save for KoTN, I don't have any of the others(and they seem almost difficult to get at this point, if you just want them on their own). However, I have not installed that one(meaning the patch for KoTN), since, well, I have played through it before, and it isn't really something for most of the characters I play. Plus I can all too easily get into that situation where I accidentally kill one of the Knights, and I get a bunch of people later commenting on it. It happened the first time I completed it, and it only didn't the second time, because I almost purposefully tried to avoid swinging my sword around them. Still, I have seen one or two issues, although not relating to a crash, or a quest. More a visual problem, concerning a fort ruin that wasn't completely finished(i.e it had a section that was see-through, and I could even walk through it), somewhere near Chorrol. I haven't played too far, only at the start of The Path of Dawn on one save, and my other character has only done few of the Mages Guild Recommendation quests, along with starting those for the Dark Brotherhood. Many of the changes I prefer, although a few things have surprised me. In a good way, though. I did leave out a few mods this time, either because I didn't see a point in using it anymore, or I felt i was just done with it. The list is a bit shorter, and I haven't had any conflicts that lead to a consistant crash. Most I've had anyway are random, and rarely happen more than once. The only thing of note, is something that happened before my reinstall. Using this: Windom Earle_s Oblivion Crash Prevention System, I got a consistant crash just before the fight with Jyggalag. I did try disabling the refraction effects, but it still crashed. Removing that plugin allowled me to continue, with no crash. I am using that now, and I have yet to have that happen anywhere else, though at this point I can't say if the same thing is going to happen once again. .
  4. The issue with the Kavatch quest was not in any of my current games, as I did reinstall the game once. Not sure if anything I installed might've caused it, but I haven't had that issue since. The issue with the gate(Cheydinhal's, during Allies For Bruma/The Wayward Knight - In which I SAVED THAT WIMP FOR ONCE) hasn't happened again(having since finished Allies for Bruma). I haven't added anything that would change anything about the gates, nor anything about the Sigil Stones, enemies(at least nothing about their functionality), etc. Perhaps a few texture mods, but they only replace the textures(such as one to change the Clannfear, making them look like the Xenomorphs from the Alien flims), as in, no esp file. Although things did occur pretty much as you described, and reloading a save didn't do anything. I'll take a look. As far as I'm aware, or at least as far as it seems, the mods I have work as intended. Not exactly, but this is mostly considering the Grummites in SI, although I have seen it other places too. Though there is the fact that they can block the physical attack, but not the magic effects if the weapon is enchanted(save for having a Resist Effect, but that isn't too difficult to work around). Also, as something of an aside, here are some of the more cosmetic mods I'm using(mostly no esp file). I will say that I do have body replacers installed(seems I forget if I mentioned this already), both of them varients of Robert's bodies. I know HGEC does seems to be the more popular female body replacer, but I'm not too fond of it myself. Audia Arcanum Footfalls of Heroism Expansion - The sound effects in the vanilla didn't stand out at all, and at this point, I forget what they are. This does concern the footstep sounds, as it is the SoC that handles the others, but this along with it certainly makes the game sound better. RV Vampire Eyes Texture - I have seen a few other mods that change the look of the Vampires eyes(mostly ones that also add a crapton more eyes - and since they edit the mesh, it scews up the eyes for custom races. Though this is NOT a problem i currently have. My character's eyes look fine.), but I prefer this one. Admitedly, it leaves one with no question, since this obviously isn't "just a bit bloodshot" but more "You can't fool me bloodsucker, not with those headlights". Though the NPCs only get close to this if I haven't fed with the character, and the Vampirism is either 75 or 100. Skyrim-Styled Dunmer Eyes - Although I really haven't got much of a look at the Dunmer in Skyrim, I can say that these eyes look far better for them than the simply bloodshot eyes they normally have. Kafeis Better Amulet Replacer - Admitedly I don't use the amulets much, save for when it has a nice effect - most of which aren't touched by this mod. But on occasion, if I do find one of the usual necklaces, I'll probably put it on, because, why not? Kafeis Better Ring Replacer = I do tend to wear rings more often, mainly since it actually shows them on your fingers. A few games I've played before might've had a similar feature(i.e wearing rings changed stats, etc), but it did nothing to show it visually. Darkness-Glass-Set - I just couldn't deal with the green. I know there are several mods like this, likely for every bloody color under and not under the sun. Those I haven't tried, and I'm find with this one. Also, I'm using three custom race mods at this point(don't think I'll add any more). My only worry in linking two of them would be some of the screenshots...might not be safe for work, or what some would want to see(although if not signed into the nexus, you can't even see the mod page). I will say though that I'm usually not conerned about the starting status/abilites, but rather the race's general appearance. I usually just work with whatever they have. Lemure by Flan - used for my character "Kuroji". I'm also using the "Pale Victim" race, also by Flan(used for my "Jackal" character), along with Capucines' Aquamer race(just called the character "Mizuko", though I'm not focusing to much on him at the moment). I have a Dunmer female too, but I don't think I'll be finishing that one, or rather playing it anymore(mentioned in a previous post as being near the end of the Miscarcand quest, just before turning in the stone).
  5. Perhaps I might be coming off as a bit adverse, but that really isn't the case. As it is, after reading your post, although it isn't something I wasn't planning on doing already, I am going to follow your advice the next time I reinstall the game. Something to note though, is that some things I have done. OBSE? Using it. Some of the plugins that require it? Perhaps not for long, but I can't really argue about what they fix. I have installed OBMM too, although I haven't really used it yet. Still, I haven't encountered most of the bugs outlined in the quest pages here UESP. The biggest issues I've had, would be once when I couldn't get Savlian Matius to speak with me after dealing with the Daedra outside the castle(and thus couldn't continue the quest), and once where grabbing a Sigil Stone didn't place me back outside the closed gate. I do have to say though, that SI is a bit more of a challenge once you get past...level 40 I think, though it might be 37-38. Some of the creatures might be easy, but if they use weapons, then they will BLOCK and KEEP blocking. Between the Zealots, Heretics, Necromancers, and Conjurers, their behavior gets annoying after about five seconds. Summon something and run away. Cast a spell at me, and run away. Start running two seconds before I take a swipe, and I miss. Perfect.
  6. Although I wouldn't add it now, I'll probably install the UOP whenever I reinstall Oblivion again. The Custom Race Fix does work, although it is a little annoying that the added lines(Basically Dreth going "Never seen your kind before") are unvoiced. Obvious that they would be in this case(since it would require finding someone who is not only willing, but able to mimic that actor's voice - although it does seem to be something of a trend for some mods to leave lines unvoiced, even if there aren't many characters, or lines in general. That aside, I do wonder of the UOP takes a similar approach, or if it does something different to achive the same thing. Also, something I'm somewhat curious about. I do know about the Vampire Cure quest, but what puzzles me, is if there is the option to do the quest and not cure yourself, or if doing so is a requirement to finish it?
  7. I've already installed a map mod. Pretty much these two: Elven Map Redux Shivering Isles Elven Map The only mod I've added that changes the combat(if only visually) is this one(although I did cherry pick it a bit, since the idle animation isn't one I like, instead using the idles from this mod: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/16500): DMC Stylish - Animation Replacer Along with a mod that adds a few weapons from DMC4: DMC4 Angelo Credo Sword The title of the mod is a bit misleading, since it doesn't include just that one sword. I have seen Deadly Reflex, and I might use that at some point. Here's a few others I've added: See You Sleep DLL - I wasn't too fond of the sleeping just involving a menu and a black screen. So I can sit in a chair, and not get into a bed? Vampire Aesthetics - They get Older? Unqiue idea, but not one I'm fond of. Vampires - No Sun Damage - In other games, I wouldn't mind the idea of Sun Damage for Vampires. But not when a good majority of the game is spent in sunlight...and it seems it can kill you without draining your health bar AT ALL(although I forget if that is the case, but as far as I remember, it is). New Vampire Feeding Sounds Edited - The default one here sounds much better than the...moaning, I guess, from the vanilla game. Sounds Of Cyrodiil - It does make the game much more lively, though some of the city sounds can get a bit repetitlve. Show Weapons While Mounted - Another oddity I couldn't get around. I knew I didn't lose the staff or 2handed sword I had, but having it disappear? Blade Of Woe Replacer - Nine Tongues I've also added a few texture mods, mostly ones that don't add esp files, just adding to the textures folder. Relating to some areas, the Amulets and Rings, along with some better textures for the clothing(not high res, but good enough) even if I don't usually wear any of it. I have installed a few race mods, at least three at the moment, each of them requiring this: Custom Race Fix I know the UOP fixes the same thing, along with a similar fix for Boethia's quest(though there is a standalone fix for that too).
  8. With the two playthroughs I'm focusing on now, they are both about 15-17, and about half-way through the main quest(one before turning in the needed item from the Miscarcand quest, and the other in the middle of "Blood Of a Daedra", since I'm trying to do the quests for all the artifacts). The main playthrough I have, which is pretty much complete, I've been through the main quest, the Mages Guild quests, the Theives Guild, the Dark Brotherhood, various side quests, and the Shivering Isles, and it's at level 27 I believe. The Fighter's Guild I...well, i don't like it, because it seems so, disjointed. Get and do a quest in these two cites, and you have to go to a certain Guild hall to raise in rank. In comparison to the others, where the rankings changed without much effort, or your directed to the person to get the next rank. Also, I installed that UI Mod listed in one of the links you posted(This one: Link). It certainly does make the interface look better, especailly the inventory and the map.
  9. I have seen a few overhaul mods on the Nexus, but I can't recommend them specifically, since I haven't used any of them. As for getting Daedric weapons, most you get early on is a Mace of that type, which doesn't do much damage(and I don't like using it, even if I have pretty much no other option). I don't know what at what level you start seeing the better weapons, since mostly I've done the early stages of the game at low levels(even the entirety of Kvatch).
  10. You sent me a nice texture a while ago, and I just resized it to fit the eyes of the soldiers here, and gave it a color to match the uniforms. I've also done the same thing for Luxa, but the problem with her is that I don't really like what I've done with her body texture just yet, at least concerning the line pattern.
  11. I can't say I have done very much recently, save for starting to edit the loading screens for Telos and Nar Shaddaa. For Onderon, I did the uniforms a while ago, and the module itself is pretty much done. The only real problem is that, the method used for the background buildings(easily seen in the docking bay), it's done with two images, made to look like it's modeled, but it's likely the same as what BioWare did for the spectators in the Taris Duels, and many of those present in the background for each of the game's endings. Nothing I can't work around though. T3-M4 The expectation might be that T3 is completely lightsided. But since he can depend on influence for his alignment, and with the obvious that I can't do DS/LS skins that the game can do for Droids, I went with white lines for him. It could be said that he looks a bit too shiny here, although I have changed the alpha channel to be a bit more like what is in K1. I have also done similar skins for the other Astromech droids in the game, although they have the standard blue lines. Vaklu/Tobin Onderon Soldier Although it doesn't look like much, one thing to note is the eyes. In some ways it doesn't fit(at least not for the NPC in question), but the idea behind it is that, these soldiers would not have much else they do, it somewhat goes along with the "Primitive Functions" of the Tron Universe. Eye texture provided by Darth_Sapiens.
  12. I'm not really that concerned about the leveled rewards, since I'm more interested in the story. As for what level I was, that I forget. Although I can't say I hate the leveling system, it seems to be, well, slow. Even if you constantly use your major skills, it still takes a while before you level up. A problem I've had is that I've had a few level ups, but I never saw the prompt, so until I check the page, I have no idea(or I nap for a bit, and get the level up screen). That aside, it did bug me that the sleeping only included a menu and a black screen - so I found a mod to change that, or at least so you get into the bloody bed first(and out afterward). Not really sure if this is really a spoiler, but it might be for some.
  13. I've never seen this myself, as in any instance that I've done this(usually the DS route as you have done in this case), a number of soldiers spawn to fight the rioting citizens and me, although it is true that a few of the commoners will attack you as well(supporters of Queen Talia most likely). Although that isn't really a quest, but I believe it does get you Vaklu's notice(i.e it sets off being able to side with him, like talking with the two aliens near the sky ramp). A few of the game's cut-scenes were switched to use the game's engine, verses the rendered cutscenes. I don't think the rendered cut-scene should play anymore for that part of the game. I've mostly gone for the route of just siding with Azkul(even if I convince Vrook or Adare otherwise), so I've mostly confronted Zherron outside the building, fighting the Militia just afterward. I don't think it takes all of them, since once you deal with the Majority of them, along with Zherron, you can proceed inside. C) I've had this happen too. The game does make you think that either route is going to be one long fight, but not really. It is somewhat longer with what TSLRCM restored, but not by much. I don't know if you've finished the game yet, so the answer to this can be a bit spoiler-ish. Although it plays out as if G0-T0 means to just destroy the remote, that isn't what happens. It's meant to be G0-T0 rewrting some of the Remote's code, which comes into play near the end of the game.
  14. Rtas Vadum


    The texture is a backup option that is used when a video card cannot handle refraction effects. I don't know if there is a setting to turn it on/off, or if editing the ini file will do it. Do you also get the blur effect for the Force Speed powers, or the 1st person view effects for the droids, along with Visas and Kreia(along with your PC if you have the Force sight power)?
  15. Well, I've actually finished the game twice now, although both with the same character(or at least with the same race/birthsign/class), both of them having done the Shivering Isles and Knights of The Nine content. Both great, but I favor SI more(although I thought it quite long the first time, while the second didn't take as long). Anyway, as for the graphics, I've tried using Oldblivion, and the issue seems to be 7 in the FAQ list, although I don't have the D2D version, since I bought the Game Of The Year version(although it doesn't force you to install SI or KOTN, as they are on a separate disc, though you can't just install one of the expansions after the base game).
  16. The main problem isn't really the Male LS Revan/Female LS Exile being cnnon. It is that there is NO option to set this in TOR - at least, not as far as I've seen or heard. If that option was there, you could play with some relation to how you played the previous two games. But this option is aside from the story they present for Revan and the Exile(I will NOT call her that bloody name, mostly because it sounds like one used in a bad fanfiction). I can see why this option wouldn't be there, given how much variability there would be, but it isn't like it couldn't be done. That might not sound bad, but it does not sound right either. Mostly because of this Emperor being needed to corrupt them, versus turning to the dark side for other reasons. Sure. But even KotOR defines the Revan armor as DARK SIDE, and I doubt they would resort to even the Star Forge robes(mostly since in BioWare's Star Forge Robes, the mask texture is no more than an inversion of the normal Revan robe texture). Which, even if you play lightside, if you wear those robes or anything else, you will NOT be wearing them during the ending cut-scene, unlike for Dark Side, where whatever you had equipped during the fight with Malak is displayed on your character.
  17. Which becomes odd when you know the game is considered a MMORPG - the idea obviously being a game where you play a role, and can play that role with many other people(even if it is many people playing technically the same role, although I'm not sure of that, but I do know it isn't just a few options for characters). But in general, I usually find myself having a preference for the version of the story that is non-canon. For TSL, I can respect and accept the Male LS Revan/Female LS Exile, but that really isn't the version I usually play. Mostly since even if I play lightside, I do not avoid using whatever power I want. Plus, I somewhat don't like it's presentation in K1, given that you are nothing more than another Jedi in the LS version, where in the DS version, hello Star Forge/Massive fleet, and my restored status as Sith Lord. I do like what was done with Revan in K2, since it makes the character seem, not concerned about petty things, but rather more concerned about the Galaxy as a whole. The obvious point being, that if Revan mentioned to either the Senate, or the leaders of any other world about the problem that lie in wait, why would any of them want to believe it?(sounds damn similar to Mass Effect, doesn't it?). They have their seat of power, and to think that something would come to take that away, completely and utterly, would be almost impossible for them to think. So, rather than being peaceful, the understanding was, perhaps some might need to die, if the goal is to be achieved(i.e not letting the galaxy get completely destroyed). Perhaps some of this is my own idealized version, and not exactly what was presented in K2. But does it not feel better than a wimp who, as always, has to "Follow the wisdom of the Masters", even if he knows better? Mostly since it is these same Jedi that wanted to...WAIT...while people are being slaughtered, world by world. "Well, we don't know enough to properly deal with the situation" - yes, but you don't seem to have any want to find out, either.
  18. Rtas Vadum


    While not a bad idea, it wouldn't exactly work. While certainly possible to do(although I don't know where you would put the choice, save for just adding in a few player lines that fit what the NPCs say), but they are different things. Although this is obvious, in the first game, the choice leads to one of two different end-games(similar, but still different), not just the ending. With K2, the end-game remains mostly the same, save for a few choices that can be made which do not really influence the ending(which path you take, if you save or kill your party members, etc). Probably a bit better way to explain K2's end-game/ending, is that you do not have a single moment in which you can change the ending. Instead, you make the choice throughout the game, and whichever side you are on at the end, that is how it all plays out. In K1, you could obviously play the game with one alignment, and chose the opposite side, and get that ending(and the only real pitfall is not being able to wear the Darth Revan's Armor, or the Star Forge Robes). Sounds a bit cheap, since it makes every other choice irrelevant, since you could play a completely evil character, doing every main and side quest the dark side route, and you can still be the Prodigal Knight, even if you killed your way across the galaxy to do it.
  19. After getting the game, for the most part it is exactly what I was expecting - although I'm trying to not spoil things for myself as I go along, save for when I just can't figure something out. I do find it interesting that, given the mods I've installed(quite a few, and I've mostly avoided conflicts), that this is the guy that is going to...well, whatever exactly happens. Armor is one of the game's standard(Shrouded Armor), and the cape, the knife, as well as the race are mods. I haven't really touched Oldblivion yet, although it seems it might not work, given that I got the Game Of The Year Edition, which includes the two expansion packs(on a separate disc, I think, I haven't touched it yet).
  20. The problem lies in the person, and not so much the game. I would rather kill a bunch of people knowing that it was just in a game, and I won't have to deal with any of the repercussions. Although, I usually still want a reason to do so, even if it is as base as survival. One could ask simple questions about something like this, most of them relating to why you might be killing people left and right in a game. Well, if I don't, then as is obvious, they have no reason to NOT kill me. But I do think it is a nice correlation. A guy plays video games, and at some point chooses to kill people. Well, then the game MUST be the problem, since the idea...CERTAINLY NOT HIS OWN! Okay, I'm done.
  21. Is it dialogue that is voiced, or are the lines done using the Alien VO? Maybe I could take a look at it? I would at least see if I can't make it have some sort of flow with the rest of the game.
  22. Perhaps it could be something optional? Maybe not included in TSLRCM, but something that could be added alongside it. Although, aside for the screams, the main sound issue was the saber hilt shake, and I think the "cape-swish" for Nihlus' entrance.
  23. Just sent the PM(well, maybe not just...). I hope that is enough information, and if not, there is time to get it in(or change details of there is a need).
  24. I don't know if this a bug or not, but isn't asking Keevee about Vrook supposed to update the "Lost In The Shadows" quest? In my last few playthroughs, even after talking to her, I have to see the datapad in order to get the quest update. If it isn't a bug, I guess it makes sense, given that she doesn't tell you where they took him. At least, I've never seen a line that suggests she knows.
  25. Rtas Vadum


    Any mod that already uses the TSL Patcher is going to be compatible with TSLRCM(so long as it is added after TSLRCM is installed). Any that does not, would need to be either manually edited(i.e adding/editing lines in the appearance, heads, and portaits.2da), or fixed to use the patcher.