Rtas Vadum

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Everything posted by Rtas Vadum

  1. Indeed. It should be soon, since it's only a few more files I have to edit(mostly the still-blue lights that can bee seen in the images, perhaps a texture or two that is not seen in the images). However, in the images, the placeables are still blue. If they were unique to Telos, I would make a seperate version(or package it with the placeables), but many of them do appear elsewhere.
  2. I have to say, I wasn't planning on doing this, but it was an idea I had(although I can't claim it as exclusively mine). Also, I have a few robe reskins here. I don't know if I'll be editing the uti files(i.e changing the names and descriptions), but as it is the color of the lines will depend on the robe's name. Not all of them will have a black base, as white is also an option.
  3. Peragus should have it's own page for download, but I did just make an update to it. Seems it hasn't been approved yet.

  4. The dancer ad I left alone(it can be seen in the main shot above). I didn't extract it from the files, since with any of the game's animated textures, adding it to the override causes an issue with how it displays. I would try editing it(if only to fit the area a bit better), but again, it isn't likely to work.
  5. View File The Grid - Telos A Modification for: Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords "The Grid - Telos" Author: Rtas_Vadum I.Description II.Installation III.Compatability IV.Removal V.Credits VI.Permissions VII.Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------- I.Description Although one can imagine that, before the devestation of it's surface, Telos might've been a bit less advanced in technology than some other worlds. However, Citadel Station is likely to be the most recent technology. The Military Base has a similar look, as does the Telosian Academy Interior. Notes: -Although it might be advertised as such(for a bit of simplicity), this is not a complete reskin of the Telos modules. As described above, it is only Citadel Station, The Military Base(which includes the HK Factory), and the Telosian Jedi Academy. None of the surface textures(i.e the rock/grass textures) have been edited. ---------------------------------------------- II.Installation Extract the tga and txi files from the rar, and add them to TSL's override folder. Recommendation: For a bit of simplcity, you can create a folder witin the override(naming it as what you wish, but something relating to this mod might be preferable), and extract the files in this folder. This way, it is easy to remove, instead of having to search though the override. ---------------------------------------------- III.Removal If you installed in override: Find all tga and txi files with the TEL_ prefix, and delete them. If installed in a folder(i.e Override/Telos): Just delete the folder containing the files for this mod. ---------------------------------------------- IV.Compatability Most mods(such as TSLRCM) should not cause an issue if this is used. However, if you are already using a similar mod(one that retextures an area or module), then adding this will override all the files used by the current mod. Adding one when you are already using this, and your new one will override this one. ---------------------------------------------- V.Credits Most of the work for this mod was done soley by me. However, textures from this mod were used... Telos Citadel Station Skybox - By Quanon ---------------------------------------------- VI.Permissions If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlyStream, or LucasForums. ---------------------------------------------- VII.Disclaimer Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this modification and either Obsidian Entertainment, or any affiliated companies. Submitter Rtas Vadum Submitted 11/24/2012 Category Skins  
  6. Version 1.2


    A Modification for: Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords "The Grid - Telos" Author: Rtas_Vadum I.Description II.Installation III.Compatability IV.Removal V.Credits VI.Permissions VII.Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------- I.Description Although one can imagine that, before the devestation of it's surface, Telos might've been a bit less advanced in technology than some other worlds. However, Citadel Station is likely to be the most recent technology. The Military Base has a similar look, as does the Telosian Academy Interior. Notes: -Although it might be advertised as such(for a bit of simplicity), this is not a complete reskin of the Telos modules. As described above, it is only Citadel Station, The Military Base(which includes the HK Factory), and the Telosian Jedi Academy. None of the surface textures(i.e the rock/grass textures) have been edited. ---------------------------------------------- II.Installation Extract the tga and txi files from the rar, and add them to TSL's override folder. Recommendation: For a bit of simplcity, you can create a folder witin the override(naming it as what you wish, but something relating to this mod might be preferable), and extract the files in this folder. This way, it is easy to remove, instead of having to search though the override. ---------------------------------------------- III.Removal If you installed in override: Find all tga and txi files with the TEL_ prefix, and delete them. If installed in a folder(i.e Override/Telos): Just delete the folder containing the files for this mod. ---------------------------------------------- IV.Compatability Most mods(such as TSLRCM) should not cause an issue if this is used. However, if you are already using a similar mod(one that retextures an area or module), then adding this will override all the files used by the current mod. Adding one when you are already using this, and your new one will override this one. ---------------------------------------------- V.Credits Most of the work for this mod was done soley by me. However, textures from this mod were used... Telos Citadel Station Skybox - By Quanon ---------------------------------------------- VI.Permissions If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlyStream, or LucasForums. ---------------------------------------------- VII.Disclaimer Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this modification and either Obsidian Entertainment, or any affiliated companies.
  7. Eh, that isn't exactly what I meant. I mean having the holomap match the area reskin, not the player(which would be interesting, but perhaps a bit much for something like this). The only thing that doesn't really match, would be the transparent star-pattern(i.e the sphere). As far as I can see, I've extracted and edited all the textures I can find for it, but it is possible I missed something. I would like to do the planet textures as well(the holo versions), but given that like many other of the game's animated textures, there is little to no way to discern how it is aligned.
  8. Not too much at the moment, although I might have something more latter today. First though, as it might be expected, I've had this done for a while, but technically my issue is exactly how I should release it. Should it go into the next update for TG - Peragus, or with the set of armors I have(which I'm not too sure of)? Also, I have a few shots of the Ebon Hawk, or at least the standard version of it(i.e blue lines). I still have some things to do with it, but that's obvious. Something I've been trying for all three versions of the skin, is to have the holo-map match. For the most part it works(and looks okay with the blue version), but for the Corrupt version, it still has a blue hint to it(haven't done the corrupted version yet).
  9. Beyond what I've done for the Grid(though that has it's own thread, so...), I don't have much. However... I don't know if I'll just remove the existing versions of the skins, and make new ones, but at this point, I'm just planing on two new versions of the skins, one with black hair, and one with blue(similar to the original). I would just edit the originals, but I don't have the psd files for them. Still, for the most part, it will remain the same(save for some new portraits, but that's to be expected).
  10. Maybe something for variances in his appearance, each with a different theme. Perhaps a jungle camo, a polished silver or gold, maybe some Tron lines, etc.
  11. The main problem with the factory is that without wanting to, most will innately compare it to the gameplay with their exile. Which, if it was the exile or any other of the Jedi assisting HK, the entire thing would take much less time. Not that I mean to say it should be changed, since it can be done with some effort.
  12. File Name: The Grid - Harbinger File Submitter: Rtas Vadum File Submitted: 10 Nov 2012 File Category: Skins A Modification for: Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords "The Grid - Harbinger" Author: Rtas_Vadum I.Description II.Installation III.Compatability IV.Removal V.Permissions VI.Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------- I.Description While the Harbinger was a Republic ship, you can imagine that the Sith presence on it might...corrupt it to some degree. Given the theme present here, it isn't just red smoke and a few bad feelings. Almost no part of the ship is uncorrupted, save for a few items that are working as intended. Notes: -Recommendation: While this mod is certainly fine on it's own, I would recommend using Canderis' "A Darker Peragus" mod(which includes the Harbinger) alongside this, although doing so is the preference of the user. ---------------------------------------------- II.Installation Extract the tga and txi files from the rar, and add them to TSL's override folder. Recommendation: For a bit of simplcity, you can create a folder witin the override(naming it as what you wish, but something relating to this mod might be preferable), and extract the files in this folder. This way, it is easy to remove, instead of having to search though the override. ---------------------------------------------- III.Removal If you installed in override: Find all tga and txi files with the HAR_ prefix, and delete them. If installed in a folder(i.e Override/Harbinger): Just delete the folder containing the files for this mod. ---------------------------------------------- IV.Compatability Most mods(such as TSLRCM) should not cause an issue if this is used. However, if you are already using a similar mod(one that retextures an area or module), then adding this will override all the files used by the current mod. Adding one when you are already using this, and your new one will override this one. ---------------------------------------------- V.Permissions If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlySTream, or LucasForums. ---------------------------------------------- VI.Disclaimer Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this modification and either Obsidian Entertainment, or any affiliated companies. Click here to download this file
  13. Version 1.0


    A Modification for: Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords "The Grid - Harbinger" Author: Rtas_Vadum I.Description II.Installation III.Compatability IV.Removal V.Permissions VI.Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------- I.Description While the Harbinger was a Republic ship, you can imagine that the Sith presence on it might...corrupt it to some degree. Given the theme present here, it isn't just red smoke and a few bad feelings. Almost no part of the ship is uncorrupted, save for a few items that are working as intended. Notes: -Recommendation: While this mod is certainly fine on it's own, I would recommend using Canderis' "A Darker Peragus" mod(which includes the Harbinger) alongside this, although doing so is the preference of the user. ---------------------------------------------- II.Installation Extract the tga and txi files from the rar, and add them to TSL's override folder. Recommendation: For a bit of simplcity, you can create a folder witin the override(naming it as what you wish, but something relating to this mod might be preferable), and extract the files in this folder. This way, it is easy to remove, instead of having to search though the override. ---------------------------------------------- III.Removal If you installed in override: Find all tga and txi files with the HAR_ prefix, and delete them. If installed in a folder(i.e Override/Harbinger): Just delete the folder containing the files for this mod. ---------------------------------------------- IV.Compatability Most mods(such as TSLRCM) should not cause an issue if this is used. However, if you are already using a similar mod(one that retextures an area or module), then adding this will override all the files used by the current mod. Adding one when you are already using this, and your new one will override this one. ---------------------------------------------- V.Permissions If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlySTream, or LucasForums. ---------------------------------------------- VI.Disclaimer Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this modification and either Obsidian Entertainment, or any affiliated companies.
  14. I had one hell of a time getting that Nebula to look right. Though I still think I need to change it, which will be one of the things I do for the next version. Also, I need to do the same for the skybox for the Harbinger, since it doesn't use the Peragus version, unlike the Ravager, the Yacht and Citadel.
  15. I'm pretty much going off Legacy, where Clu's coloring seems to be a yellow-orange, with a red glow. As for Abraxas, I didn't doubt that it was just yellow, but I'll certainly take a look and see if I can't get it a bit closer. With the Corrupted though, I don't mean the Virus infected in Evolution, but more Clu's "Repurposed" programs(Rinzler, for example).
  16. So, some of you may know this already, but Peragus is up for download. I will state now that I am obviously doing the droids there(given the previously posted shot which showed the three spider droids). Given that I'm also doing a few other droids(the ones on Goto's Yacht, etc), they will come along with them. Also of note, as the readme says, many of the placables will not fit in with the area yet - Many of them are done, but some I still need to get to. Lastly on the subject, soon enough, it will be noticed that one of the loading screens is still the vanilla. Why? Well, I don't have any idea how to get a similar shot, and while I can obviously get one that does the area justice, I don't want the Harbinger included. So, if anyone who is willing to use this can get a similar shot, you have my thanks(and a credit in the readme, of course). As for other things, Telos should be done shortly, along with the Harbinger(bloody door). Nar Shaddaa/Goto's Yacht are also pretty much done, so you can expect those soon too.
  17. File Name: The Grid - Peragus File Submitter: Rtas Vadum File Submitted: 04 Nov 2012 File Updated: 25 Nov 2012 File Category: Skins A Modification for: Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords "The Grid - Peragus" Author: Rtas_Vadum I.Description II.Installation III.Removal IV.Compatibility V.Permissions VI.Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------- I.Description As might be expected, this gives the Peragus level a similar look to that of the Tron series, mostly Legacy. Going along with the idea that Peragus is a 'normal' area, most of the lines are blue. However, given recent events, some of the textures will show corruption(I.e the orange lines with a red glow). Notes: -Some things around the Peragus levels will not match the area, although this is in the works. The same can be said for the Miner Outfit(both the player and NPC version), which I have in the works as well. -The NPC's that appear there, namely Kreia and Atton will look out of place, but again, I am working on that. ---------------------------------------------- II.Installation Extract the tga and txi files from the rar, and add them to TSL's override folder. Recommendation: For a bit of simplcity, you can create a folder witin the override(naming it as what you wish, but something relating to this mod might be preferable), and extract the files in this folder. This way, it is easy to remove, instead of having to search though the override. ---------------------------------------------- III.Removal If you installed in override: Find all tga and txi files with the PER_ prefix, and delete them. If installed in a folder(i.e Override/Peragus): Just delete the folder containing the files for this mod. ---------------------------------------------- IV.Compatibility Most mods(such as TSLRCM) should not cause an issue if this is used. However, if you are already using a similar mod(one that retextures an area or module), then adding this will override all the files used by the current mod. Adding one when you are already using this, and your new one will override this one. ---------------------------------------------- V.Permissions If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlySTream, or LucasForums. ---------------------------------------------- VI.Disclaimer Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this modification and either BioWare Corp, or any affiliated companies. Click here to download this file
  18. Version 1.0


    A Modification for: Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords "The Grid - Peragus" Author: Rtas_Vadum I.Description II.Installation III.Removal IV.Compatibility V.Permissions VI.Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------- I.Description As might be expected, this gives the Peragus level a similar look to that of the Tron series, mostly Legacy. Going along with the idea that Peragus is a 'normal' area, most of the lines are blue. However, given recent events, some of the textures will show corruption(I.e the orange lines with a red glow). Notes: -Some things around the Peragus levels will not match the area, although this is in the works. The same can be said for the Miner Outfit(both the player and NPC version), which I have in the works as well. -The NPC's that appear there, namely Kreia and Atton will look out of place, but again, I am working on that. ---------------------------------------------- II.Installation Extract the tga and txi files from the rar, and add them to TSL's override folder. Recommendation: For a bit of simplcity, you can create a folder witin the override(naming it as what you wish, but something relating to this mod might be preferable), and extract the files in this folder. This way, it is easy to remove, instead of having to search though the override. ---------------------------------------------- III.Removal If you installed in override: Find all tga and txi files with the PER_ prefix, and delete them. If installed in a folder(i.e Override/Peragus): Just delete the folder containing the files for this mod. ---------------------------------------------- IV.Compatibility Most mods(such as TSLRCM) should not cause an issue if this is used. However, if you are already using a similar mod(one that retextures an area or module), then adding this will override all the files used by the current mod. Adding one when you are already using this, and your new one will override this one. ---------------------------------------------- V.Permissions If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlySTream, or LucasForums. ---------------------------------------------- VI.Disclaimer Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this modification and either BioWare Corp, or any affiliated companies.
  19. The quest is in the vanilla game, but as far as I am aware, it cannot be completed. It shouldn't exactly be spoilers, because even with the vanilla game, you could at least speak with Vogga about it, though for whatever reason, the quest doesn't update from there(even if you have done Nar Shaddaa already). With TSLRCM, the quest does update.
  20. Hmmm...not a bad idea. Though the only issue becomes that, if you choose the Handmaiden, then quest won't be obtainable. Though I will admit that the quest will give the Disciple a bit more substance, since the most he has at this point is the fact that he can become a Jedi, where if you choose Brianna, then she can be sparred with, become a Jedi, and the entire reason she is on the ship is more oriented around story. It technically is for the Disciple as well, but it doesn't become apparent in the vanilla game, and even in TSLRCM it is in late game that you know why he wanted to accompany you(yes, I know about the "I found the Exile" scene, though you see that if you don't recruit him).
  21. Where exactly does she say that? While it might make sense, the intention was that the Handmaiden would join the party, even with a female PC - though I don't know if at that point they had already done the Disciple's character, or what significance he had to the plot. If the splicing can be done(or rather, the lines can be put together as needed), maybe the quest can simply operate a bit differently for males? Perhaps he would appear either on Dantooine(if supporting Khounda), or he would later appear on Telos(though perhaps this is the better option, since he does say he is leaving Dantooine). Though I'm not sure how the quest is meant to progress, or if he is needed to accompany the Exile or not.
  22. I'm not entirely sure what the line is, but an option you have is to question that, and Kreia mentions "We will take this servant of Atris with us...". Although I've mostly seen this with a female, using HH's mod, and I don't think that really matters, since I did see that scene with a male, and it went the same way when I chose that option.
  23. After I've used it a bit (I'm certainly not done), I like it even more than I was thinking I would. However, I would change one thing - making his walk a bit smoother. This can be easily done in the appearance.2da, by changing the 'walkdist' and 'driveanimwalk' columns. I've made the PC entries for those 2.6, which makes the walking similar to NPCs - though that's just a suggestion.
  24. It is possible that there won't be any issues. However, the most likely thing is that some events either won't happen, or getting to a certain place might cause the game to crash(if not just getting to a point where you cannot proceed). Unfortunately, the best thing to do is to start a new game once installed. That way, there should be no issues.
  25. I haven't seen it in game yet, but I would guess it would relate to using Nihilus' animations, so certain animations just aren't there(no flurry animations, no power attack, etc). Although, that is if he used the ones from the game's model, and not those from the fix that adds them. It's one thing if he can use melee weapons. But if some of those screenshots are right, he can use lightsabers? Yeah, I'm doing Narr Shaddaa first this time.