Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. I bet a GenoHaradan poll would said "we want it in", it still wont happen.
  2. I think 1.8 got pretty much all of it. Any remaining is very deeply hidden... 0_0 Well, Atton's line's on Onderon not, and they should be easy, but they conflict with the desire of OE to leave Atton on the Hawk...
  3. Oops... that might be it. In that case, off to re-work that mod.
  4. Yes. And obviously, that wasn't so with things like Dustil (new Nebelish content), GenoHaradan (all replaced by Exchange) or M4-78 (Korriban). They've all been changed when there was no time limit, hence they don't have that unfinished feel...
  5. It can't :/ Another reason why TSLRCM can absolutely not be installed by TSLPatcher...
  6. *check mailbox for "zybl"... only one entry, that being SH, not me.. Yay! What was the problem. TSLPatcher should allow adding additional strings to a .2da file then modify other files (the .utc) to use that specific .2da line added. So yeah, what's the problem?
  7. Ehm, no? The HK-Factory OBVIOUSLY "wasn't supposed to be cut"... do you even know what happened to the game? (now if you said M4-78) Would it made you a happier man if instead of deciding to make something of the mess they carefully spend their time instead doing deep-surgery on the game, combing out any trace of there supposed to be more there?
  8. Such as? And as mentioned, they went pretty thoroughly here, making new quest entries, datapads etc. Hardly seems an unfinished rushjob. Short story; Not going to be changed, deal with it.
  9. Both aren't TSLRCM issues, so no... nothing we changed about that for 1.8. Even if all are on the compatible list, listing them still might shed some light...
  10. Actually, it is "It is because she remembered what lay buried here - this place, its teachings. It paved the way to Korriban, you know, the remnants here." and both look fixed here.
  11. There aren't. There is a quest entry about Mira on Telos, but no VO.
  12. Not really. Also, the more unique skins rather than clones (onderon, serroco) the better...
  13. Already fixed... EDIT: The double Kreia's I mean. Goto's forces should be just gone, not dead... so that's not a TSLRCM issue, as something else apparently wants them dead there... :/
  14. He could be just lying in KOTOR1, you know. Or the truth was concealed. Definitely the trade-mark of a student of Kreia. After all, it does explain the HK-Factory being there ("maybe Revan left other secrets beneath it's surface"). Which wouldn't be explained by "just making it Malak"... And as Scorchy already said, "Revan is the source of everything in this game"...
  15. I don't know for you, but I have a button on my monitor when pressed gives it's options, and a display of what resolution it's at at the moment. Very useful for situations like that. The one under graphic options is the one used ingame. Display (technically) goes over the BIK-movies, but it does some weird stuff there, hence "technically"...
  16. I think it's intentional. After all they modified THE ENTIRE QUEST to use "Nebelish" instead of Dustil (while all the quests and a new datapad are already made up and in the dialog.tlk). They probably couldn't get the VO actor (or someone from LA veto'd killing Dustil) and then decided to modify the quest to reflect that, which they actually did fully, not partially or a mess-job as some of you suggest...
  17. Why change it, seriously?
  18. I have a monitor with a native resolution of 1920x1080. I run KOTOR2 in 1600x1200...
  19. Version 3; Easier said than done though. Also see; Just making Goto walk. It's so easy to say, it's impossible to execute...
  20. Area in TSLRCM, yes. Puddle of blood and bag, no. That's definitely some other mod...
  21. Use the patch, don't use a no-CD crack... solved.
  22. It is. And already in the module at the start. And the instigator of the conversation, set in multiple scripts. So changing that all for the cutscene was opening a whole can of worms not needed. Then I might as well keep the original :/
  23. Not sure what you're talking about. You mean do the walkaround with "I was expecting someone taller". I suppose that's possible, but not what the developer notes say. Then again, no harm slightly diverting from them if it improves the scene considerably. Anyways... Enjoy the very LAST fix of my first TSLRCM 1.8 run. http://deadlystream.com/forum/gallery/image/226-3c-out-of-t3s-way/ Now it's just up the Zbyl to update the installer, then I can do a second (and final!) run...