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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. Dialogues - version française de Kotor 2 French dialogs (subtitles) All the localised subtitles are in the unique file "dialog.tlk" at the root directory of your Kotor 2 - TSL. The French dialog.tlk contains now 891 corrections / modifications. The French paper about that is at (open the closed paragraph) Note that subtitles have been used by actors for the voices and that voices have not been (and can not be) modified. So, they are different and only the most important errors of the initial translation have been made (and cosmetic changes) and only the corrected subtitles should be used by those who want to do a thorough job of understanding of Kotor 2. You can download the updated French dialog.tlk at TTLan
  2. En Français : Mod Compatibility List for TSLRCM 1.7 Liste, en français, des MODs compatibles TSLRCM, des MODs présentant des installations délicates pour être compatibles et des MODs définitivement incompatibles avec TSLRCM.
  3. I also think the same thing since the beginning. This is typically what we do (what I do) to make filling fast (and there they are on a QWERTY keyboard). But I wanted to be sure that none acronym exist out of my knowledge (and the knowledge of Google on which I did some research before asking).
  4. Thinking of what it should be in theory // 1/ Set parameters "B" is the position of: - the listener (get "B" coordinates - in 003EBO, it's the Exiled), if "A" does nothing (pure conversation - still standing) - a target designated by its coordinates (set "B" to a constant value - in 003EBO, it's the keyboard coordinates) if "A" does something while he speaks Set A-sitting-standing to a value ("A" must be sitting or standing) Set String Ref Set Camera (default to "B" subjective camera) Set gestual Call the fonction // 2/ // "A" must be sitting If "A" must be sitting (If "A" is standing; "A" sits down) // else do nothing // "A" must be standing If "A" must be standing (If "A" is sitting; "A" stands up) // else do nothing // 3/ computation of the vector "A" is the position of the speaker (get "A" coordinates) "A" is oriented to "B" //assign Atton to look at "B" - in 003EBO, it's the keyboard or the Exiled - orientation including the object on wich "A" is sitting if "A" is sitting and the object is orientable (like an orientable chair) // 4/ Launch gestual and action. Actual : false. Or he sits and works at the keyboard, or he is standing and facing the Exiled, or he sits and faces the Exiled wich is standing (Atton is a thug, rude) but then he do not have the gestual of typing on a keyboard (on top of nothing). Save K2, reload and it's OK _____________________________________ Camera in the cockpit of the EH: 003EBO_dlg.erf\003atton.dlg (if TSLRCM, 003EBO.mod\003atton.dlg) I wonder if an objective camera is not a better idea than two subjective cameras in the cockpit of the EH. One at the copilot place or at the astrogation system, shoing the scene, depending on the position of the Exiled, instead of swiching with each speaker. _____________________________________ There's that, too: Atton typing on the keyboard, a sword (or a riffle or one or two pistol) in the hand! But if you go to the equipment screen and change the equipement of Atton (change the gun), he now has empty hands when working on the keyboard. It's so strange ! The fonction "Empty hands" exist but is not called the first time. Oh... this happen every time every where in K2. When changing Atton equipment, he has a short time, the gestual of using this new equipment, but with empty hands. Here with a riffle.
  5. Moza is not the head. Moza is talking about a suggested market between Chodo and me to heal me. It would be good to talk with Chodo before deciding. This is not on the words of Moza that I'll decide (in real life). And most importantly, I have not heard what Czerkas has to say! Well, it is 3 am here. I'll close my little eyes a few hours.
  6. vector vFacing = GetPositionFromLocation(GetLocation(GetObjectByTag("WP_atton_facing"))); This try to get the Exiled position ?
  7. Canonical. At this point, I have not yet express any choice and have not yet meet Chodo Habat. I begin by Lorso. I've just talk with grenn Then done Docks 126 for Batono and Batu Then enter Czerka. Talk with B-4D4 Enter Lorso office She is alone. First talk is about Batono. Exit Czerka Return The two murderers are here. Note also that, in the dialogue with Lorso, two dialog options are false and should not appear at that time: 80216 is a complete bug : I've decided to help the Ithorians. 80218 is questionable because Moza has already talk but I've not meet Chodo for now. Note also that this dialog begins in an abrupt manner. The Exile do not say hello etc.. ... I do not know if there is some material to make it all a bit more "well educated".
  8. The dialogue between Jana Lorso and the two murderers do not launch at the same moment as in the non restaured version ? I've allready noticed that, but I want to be sure of that. 103760 : I will arrange transport to one of the restoration zones on the planet's surface. You will be safe from the TSF there... 209TEL.mod\rodkill.dlg Of memory, in the unrestored version, when visiting the Jana Lorso office for the first time, the two murderers are there in negotiations with Lorso (if you have discussed their case with Grenn). In restored version, what are the triggers to meet them in the Jana Lorso office? And why move it somewhat later?
  9. In French, SDF means "Sans Domicile Fixe" (Homeless). Means the poor and unfortunate sleeping under bridges. A person who resides in the streets or in shelters. A person who often drinks to forget, sometimes die of hunger, often die of cold. I sometimes wonder if Obsidian has hidden things in Kotor 2. Like easter eggs.
  10. k_hen_attondlg ? Complete Kotor 2 NSS 2 NSS.rar
  11. Magic Pazaak Backpack What's that ? 202tel_s.rim backpack001.utp I would like to find one! (String Ref 79151)
  12. "SDFASD" (in uppercase) Does this have any meaning in English or American or is it just keyboard keys hited for padding? Found in the meditation room of Visas on the Ravager (written in aurebesh). Image
  13. Re, Oh ! I see. You use one of : 121775 : They are loyal companions - and I will not harm them. 121776 : I will never abandon my friends in such a way. 121777 : I do not turn on my allies like the Jedi turned on their own during the wars. Each of them lead to an influence decrease on Kreia and a jump to 74% LS (1 to 3 LSP as you must already be greater than 70% to get this conversation) using the script a_lightmed : I use 121778 : Then I shall view you as disposable, then. In order to gain influence on Kreia (but with a DSP). After that, youy talk about lightsaber, gain 1 LSP and reach 75%. This is the trigger to laungh the cinematic. Well, I continue to lead these conversations later to be consistent in my walkthrough, with both versions (with and without TSLRCM): there is less LSP / DSP earned in the unrestored version.
  14. Hum... Canonical walk. How can you get it sooner ? I think I've got all the LSP possible and I'm at 72 in my apartment on Telos. First talk with Kreia is 121572 : You have grown strong in the Force - I can feel its touch upon you. The goal is to gain influence on her (and... a DS point wich come with). So I regress by -1 LSP. I am at 71. Second talk with Kreia is about making my lightsaber. Gain +1 LSP. I am at 72. Then I can reach the cinematic of Kreia living Malachor V 118850 : Kreia, what are you - are you a Jedi, a Sith? No LSP or DSP Then, conversation about 120764 : Do you know anything about the Sith who pursue us? No LSP or DSP Talk about the Shii-Sho No LSP or DSP Nothing else with Kreia {Usually I handle these conversations later.) Save the Sulusttan. +3 LSP. I will be at 75 and launch of the cinematic between the talk with the mercenaries and the fight. That's very disturbing.
  15. Hi HH, 2 conditions, that's it ? => 3 points in the same module (Exile must make some noise in the Force) 25 points one side And in the dialog, simply move a_givedark and a_givelight after {Mercs fight Player} ?
  16. Launch of the first cinematic of Nihilus When sending Visas seek the source of the disturbance in the Force This cinematic is launched when, it seems, the Exiled reaches the 25th LS or DS point. This is probably managed independently of everything else (directly in a_givelight or a_givedark scripts). When, in Citadel, we save the Sullustan and we reaches this 25th point, the cinematic is launched in full middle of the battle against the mercenaries! Would it not be possible to move the gain of this LSP after the fight? If it's the 25th, it would launch the cinematic at the end of the fight. 25th or 28th ? I used to note that we gain 3 DS/LS at this point and I usualy reach the 25th LSP here. Actually, I note 6 LS - I jump from 72 to 78. Perhaps something to do with the launch of the cinematic ?.
  17. Perhaps a call in c_chk003atttlk but I do not have the source code.
  18. Something new, here ? And, what sets 000_Astrogation to 1 ? I can't get the dialog with T3 about the astrogation system, in Dialogs.bif\t3m4.dlg, begining with StrRef 72900 "T3, what's wrong with the astrogation system?" Yet I'm sure I already reached this dialogue with T3.
  19. Ok. It fits. No timestamp but same speculation about the ID.
  20. Ok. But two logs "253-14" already exists. One exits on the administrative level of Peragus console, one on the hangar console. Should we not give the new log a new ID? On which console we going to read it? Also note there is a timestamp on all logs on the administrative level of Peragus console - something important for the chronology of the last hours before Kotor 2. As logs on the hangar console don’t have timestamp, I speculate they are of the same day / same chronology when they have the same ID. Translation in French is : Accès au journal 253-14 : Mise à jour du capteur sonique
  21. As dialog.tlk can't be updated but only be overwritten, when modifications are made to the original lines, I would like to know what mods, compatible TSLRCM, adds something to dialog.tlk and thus, must be installed/reinstalled after a rewrite of dialog.tlk TTLan
  22. Hello VP Believe that I am ashamed of not having better English. However, if I may say something for my defense: what level, in French, have those who assassinate me for my English, and does not consider the effort that I do, to communicate with you? I could stay in my ivory tower, with my website that appears in the second or third line of the first page of Google when searching "Kotor 2". The Francophone community is huge on this game. I explain the mind and the reading at second value of this wonderful work of Obsidian. I am appalled by the reading at face value that is done by many, quite all, 7 years after its release. Kotor 2 is a book of hidden content, hard to understand. Very difficult, it seems. On the other hand, I fully understand that I may offend some, in the TSLRCM team, when I say that there is a bug in how TSLRCM interprets the mind of Kotor 2 (I am not talking about small technical bugs) and that this does not lead some to watch a good eye what I say. The Dark Wars Let us talk about the beginning of Kotor 2. What happen in the hours before Kotor 2? We will know much more (I hope) with the book "Revan", from Drew Karpyshyn, due out at the same time as the launch of TOR. It covers the period 3955 BBY to 3950 BBY. This period is called "The dark wars" (I am not sure this is official and I have no confidence at all in what Wookieepedia says. But I do not have all the books.) 3955 BBY - beginning of the Sith Civil War During 3955 BBY, after the death of Malak in the battle of Rakata Prime, begins the Sith Civil War. Several Sith Lords are fighting to share or lead the remains of the legions of Revan. I think that, as long as Revan is still in the Republican Space, Arren Kae does not move. Revan is probably visiting her many times on Malachor. During 3954 BBY, Revan leaves definitely. 2 years for the training. 2 years for the Jedi Purge. I think that, from 3954 BBY to 3953 BBY, Arren Kae becomes Darth Traya, takes full control of all New Sith, unites the clans, put an end to the Sith Civil War and train the Sith. Circa end 3953 BBY / beginning 3952 BBY - End of the Sith Civil War. Beginning of the Jedi Purge. The Jedi Purge begins. "New Sith" breaking over on the "Jedi Order". During 3952 BBY take place the drama of Katarr. So Darth Traya is still the Darth Lord of the Sith in 3952 BBY. Then there is the systematic murder of the last hundred Jedi. This should take some time to look at them one by one. This leads us in 3951 BBY and she is still the Darth Lord of the Sith. Think that, when we discover Vrook, for example, in 3951 BBY, during Kotor 2, he has just arrived a few days before only. As Sion said, all the Jedi are dead except one. They do not know at all that it is left five, which hide in unlikely places. 3951 BBY - End of the Jedi purge. At this point, Arren Kae realizes that the power of Nihilus is out of control. She gets scared of the horror she has implemented. She starts looking for the Exile in order to destroy Nihilus and everyone to whom she has taught this new power. And... Sion and Nihilus have no other choice, because she is immensely powerful and could eliminate them all. So ... they must kill her. In addition, believing that "New Sith, " which, to prove to themselves that they are great evil very strong, stronger than the "True Sith" that tried to manipulate them, would be capable of tact and compassion (rise a lightwall and exil Arren Kae) is a view of the mind. When Sith Lords unite against another Sith Lord, this is not to bow and scrape, with tact and compassion. It is to kill and take his place. How can we believe that in the Sith Universe, we can have compassion for those who seek to kill you! How can we read Kotor 2 first value? There is not one word in Kotor 2, which can be taken at face value. How can we affirm constantly, that Kreia is a liar, and simultaneously say that when she claims to have been exiled, she is not lying? We are already in 3951 BBY. This is the beginning of Kotor 2. Sion and Nihilus, allied for the occasion, try to kill her about 4 days before the beginning of Kotor 2. It was by chance that Arren Kae and the Exile are next one the other. As chance would have it. Yes, data on the Exile became public, and Sion is certainly aware. However, when Arren Kae leaves Malachor, she is not seeking for the Exile, she tries to stay alive. Fluke. T3 comes back in Republican space just at that moment. He did not find Bastila because Onasi hides her. He did not found any Jedi - they are over! He began to search for the master of his master. He certainly had the opportunity to know her, from the return of "Rakata Prime" to the final departure of Revan, about a year later. He recovered her just as she flees the Academy (I do not think she would climb aboard the Ebon Hawk in other conditions because she hates droids.). TTLan
  23. ??? Original English dialog.tlk file : "253-14" appears in 74301 : - Log 253-12 [Time Marked: 3 Days Ago] - Log 253-14 [Time Marked: 2 Days Ago] - Log 253-17 [Time Marked: 1 Day Ago] 74302 : - Log 253-12 [Time Marked: 3 Days Ago] - Log 253-14 [Time Marked: 2 Days Ago] - Log 253-17 [Time Marked: 1 Day Ago] 74316 : Access Log 253-14. 76572 : Access Log 253-14: Maintenance Violation 77612 : Access Log 253-14: Maintenance Violation I do not see, anywhere, "Access Log 253-14: Sonic Imprint Sensor Update", and that log (Log 253-14) do not speak at all of the Sonic Imprint Sensor. The title of this log could be "Reusing the protocol droid" but it is not obvious because this log spoke of many things: Bodies everywhere in the Ebon Hawk (something that TSLRCM may correct : this can only be the corpses of Sith, killed by Kreia before she goes into trance to simulate her death and escape her killers). Inventory of cargo that must be retrieved in the Peragus Security Cargo Room (one of the bugs introduced by TSLRCM) We learn that T3-M4 is just blocked, it is not destroyed by gunfire from HK-50 at the end of the prologue. One may also question the fact that T3-M4 will respond to a solicitation of the Exile voice - so he knows her voice. How? T3-M4 has appeared 5 years ago and the Exile has disappeared 9 years ago! Does Revan, who launched thousands of HK-50 seeking to eliminate the Exile, recorded her voice in T3-M4? The HK-50 is put at the maintenance of the Peragus droids (which will allow him to take control of Peragus) There is only one survivor (Kreia is still considered a corpse placed in the morgue). Perhaps are you talking about 76465 : Access Log 253-10: Sonic Imprint Sensor and perhaps did you change this to 76465 : Access Log 253-10: Sonic Imprint Sensor Update Well, it is not realy an "Update" but more a "Modification". The Peragus Maintenance Officer said to have benefited from using HK-50 for the development of his tool. In fact, HK-50 simply reproduces its own vocabulator, which has a powerful passive transmitter (which allows all HK-50 from the Galaxy to be in constant contact and act as a single entity ), by adding a simply digital recorder for the maintenance officer, which resulted in HK-50 to receive the voice print used by the maintenance officer. The HK-50s are just an improvement and behavior modification of HK-47, manufactured in series. HK-47 will immediately recognize the HK-50 vocabulator that kept the Exile. In French, this will be Accès au journal 253-10 : Modification d'un capteur sonique This is inserted in my correction MOD of the French translation of Kotor 2. See also this thread on Deadlystream TTLan
  24. Hello HH, Because she has monopolized that army, after the departure of Revan, to pursue her first revenge: to destroy the Jedi order who had exiled her. Now that the Jedi order is destroyed, essentially through the morbid power of Nihilus, behold the power of Nihilus is out of control. Arren Kae never wanted to destroy the Force nor Life. She wants to prove she was right at the time of her controversial teachings at the Academy of Coruscant. For her to prove it there must have an audience. In addition, she speaks herself of those who will follow in the future. Arren Kae is not "No Future", not at all. She even has some hints of pride when she speaks of the education that she provided them: And YES ! Kreia trained the Assassins in the ways of Nihilus So the study of the Exile is over. What she needs now is the Exile herself to stop Nihilus. Arren Kae (Darth Traya) is not at all a purely dark character, as Darth Nihilus or Darth Sion are. She is an infinitely intelligent person, who has accepted hard stuffs, like the murder of her lover by her beloved pupil, Revan. She is neutral, a reflection of her teaching which is unified. She chose her path: train the Exile to a unified technical, that she has always advocated, and then remove all traces of teaching purely anti-Jedi (Sith education) after removing all traces of Jedi teaching. Both ways will be extinguished. There will only be the Force without nobody knowing how to manipulate it in the form of "Force powers", and no one to pass ancient teachings (except the Exile with this new teaching she has lavished to herself). And, for the risk of transmission is really over, she decided long ago that she must disappear too. She did not teach that technique to the Exile. That technique must die and the better way, the only way is that she must die once all the over ones are died. And like in any good transmission line in martial arts, still today, the teacher asks the student to overtake him (by killing her in that special case), which has nothing to do with the student becoming strong killing the master becoming weak, in the Sith Order. It was not a real training, but to guide the Exile so that she trained herself. ____________________________________ No? No kidding? Tact ? You mean tactics, Arren Kae's tactics ! The game speaks only of the drama of Katarr and the methodical murder of a hundred Jedi remained after Katarr. It's tactful! This period is called "The Jedi purge"! It's tactful! You think Darth Sion set off in pursuit of Darth Traya after having exiled her, months or years ago, instead of set off in pursuit of her when she escapes the Trayus Academy? Why? Why wait? Is there any reason? He would be even more stupid than I thought! And as I think he was "Lucien Draay" he is not exactly stupid (it’s not the place to discuss about that and what John Jackson Miller wrote). Do you think what kreia shows us here happened long ago ? And I did not know that it was how one raised a lightwall. I did not know that it was how one pronounced the exile of someone. No, he set off in pursuit of Darth Traya immediately because they are trying to kill her and Sion will tell her : The curious relationship that Sion will show at the end, with Kreia, "His Master" (with a notion of personal property) makes me wonder about the mental health of Sion and if, as I think, he is Lucien Draay, I wonder if he does not look at his mother, Krynda Draay, whom he adored and venerated, through Arren Kae. Timing As the Exile received her first dose of drug on board the Harbinger, 3.5 days ago (log on the medical console of the Harbinger) and the Ebon Hawk arrived on Peragus 3 days ago (log 253-12), with the Exile on board the Ebon Hawk, the transfer of the Exile from the Harbinger to the Ebon Hawk has taken place in this half-day. So the pursuit of the Ebon Hawk by Sion held there about 3.5 days to 4 days ago etc. ... The Ebon Hawk, followed by the Sion's ship, are moving from Malachor V to Peragus. The Harbinger is moving from somewhere near Onderon to the Ebon Hawk (near Peragus) Peragus is quite in the middle of these two points of origin. Kreia was aboard the Ebon Hawk. The Sith jump aboard the Ebon Hawk. Kreia kills many (the logs speak of deaths all over the Ebon Hawk). She plays dead by entering into cataleptic state to escape the massacre. T3-M4 do a distress calls somewhere during these events. HK-50 program the failure of all the systems of the Harbinger. He wants to escape when they will be nearer Nar Shaddaa. The Ebon Hawk is "captured" and is docked in the the Harbinger. The Sith, invisible inside the Ebon Hawk, jump from the Ebon Hawk and invade the Harbinger. Sion is brought to the hospital by the staff of the the Harbinger. A purposely fact or was he really injured (by Kreia?)? The Harbinger staff leaves the "Kreia's body" in the Ebon Hawk. The Sith kill the Harbinger's staff, and take control of it. Sion has a new ship, but with all systems in a failure state. That's why he will arrive a little late (3 days later) at Peragus. Kreia is still in catalepsy aboard the Ebon Hawk. HK-50 carries the Exile in the Ebon Hawk and fled. T3-M4 managed to confine HK-50 in the cargo hold (probably by surprise, without a fight). T3-M4 program the astrogation of the Ebon Hawk to Peragus. The Ebon Hawk goes to Peragus automaticaly. HK-50 managed to escape the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk (end of the prologue). He takes control of the Ebon Hawk. He will be the only contact of the Peragus staff. Kreia is still in catalepsy aboard the Ebon Hawk. Etc. ... TTLan