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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. HH - I am speaking only of essentials. I do not care about your third case wich is unimportant and uninteresting. If you want to go by there, there are two other cases that I have not mentioned: The fourth case is the false testament given to Daraala. The fifth case is that of keeping the corpses and the will (do nothing). The second inventory, that add to the first, is not a bug and is of an implacable logic. Who said it was a bug? With what authority one is allowed to judge that a behavior is a bug and to remove the work of Obsidian. The problem is the dialogue that restarts. This is a bug. But the management of the second inventory, recovered by Daraala from Zherron, have sense and leaves no doubt to think it is a bug. Do you admit, at least, that the inventory of Daraala is expanding after meeting Zherron? And what items do you think should be added to the inventory of Daraala? It can not be a bug because what we recover from a fake will from Zherron can not be identical to what Daraala recover from Zherron when she struts with this fake will. I, more especially, think that the will of Obsidian is to increase the inventory of Daraala. This is of a logic that brooks no dissent. Given the problems they have experienced with delays to deliver the game to LucasArts, they chose a shortcut : the conversation restarts. The inventory increases, THIS IS NOT a bug. This is definitely a desire from Obsidian. The opposite would have been a bug. The bug on the conversation, or we would treat it as Obsidian should treat it if they have had time, or we don't care and we do not affect, we do not degrade, the logic of the game.
  2. Oh la la !!! You did not understand anything at the loot with that fake will / real will, and the loot with the inventory of the vendor Daraala. There is no lightsaber sold by vendors! Never! You can only find them or have them deliver. So if you listened to the sirens of some players who complain about not having a lightsaber in the lot hijacked by Daraala, you're mistaken. And we can quite say that, there will be no lightsaber offered, as long as you do not make your first lightsaber, by yourself (I say "offered" - you can kill Lootra, for example) because the first action, no matter which, that lead to a lightsaber offered, takes place long after you have obtained all the pieces that allow you to manufacture your first lightsaber. There are two separate lotteries for the testament of the dead salvager: Either you give the testament, unchanged, to Daraala, and there is a lottery of the type "reseller" (this means : differents items but no lightsaber). Either you make a false will that you give to Zherron. Here, there are two cases of fig. What contains the legacy that you have hijacked? If you have not yet faced Visas, there is, in this lot, the last piece that you lacked to make your first lightsaber and one or two other pieces (if the other parts do not suit you, replace them with the usual trick). If you have already got, somewhere, the last piece to make your first lightsaber (if you chose to go back aboard the Ebon Hawk before negotiating the fake testament with Zherron, and you have already faced Visas), it's now, with Zherron, that you have, in legacy of the dead salvager, a lightsaber and something else). Yes, I know. It was for the fun (As I always say: play with the game in addition to playing at the game, and do more than what is merely apparent.) TTLan
  3. I return on this case because I am deeply shocked. Let explain what would happen when giving the unmodified will, and the corpses, to Daraala (because, a priori, players use the simplest alternative: make a fake will, and go see Zherron, "win" a Dark Side point and get two or three objects from Zherron). In giving an unmodified will to Daraala, she will go and see Zherron. She, therefore, disappear a moment from Khoonda plain. We must leave the map and come back and Daraala has returned. When she returns, she added to her inventory everything Zherron gave her. They are no longer the only two or three objects, such those retrieved by our self with the false will. There are now approximately fifteen new items including many energy crystals and armours (the other objects are of no interest because we know how to make them using a workbench). We chose an initial inventory of Daraala (hint to select an inventory from a vendor). We give her the corpses and the true will (and we refuse her money, for a Light Side point). We chose a second inventory of Daraala (hint to select an inventory from a vendor). Here is a record of such transactions: The first inventory was "fixed" (anything that appears on a white background). The seventeenth inventory attempt is held in this demo. Things that appears on yellow background are things of some interest in my opinion. A = Armour B = Robe The second inventory was attempted several times - 7 attempts are reproduced (all objects that appear on a blue background, or modified quantities, are what got Daraala from Zherron). The ninth inventory attempt is held in this demo, with 4 Nextor and 2 Eralam. So, as you can see, the deal with Daraala is, from far, the best way. Now, there is a little bug : when Daraala has returned and we open a new conversation with her, the conversation restart at the beginning, as if we had never talk to her before. She ask us to retrieve the corpses and so on... TSLRCM 1.7 has found a solution : complete and definitive suppression of the character Daraala after you give her the corpses and the will. So, no more second inventory, and no more first inventory. Scandalous ! For a little bug about a dialog that restart, the solution is worst than the ache. Consequence: it is no more question of her second inventory! Worse, it is even no more question of her first inventory that went with her! And if you're a skilled player, you can have fun with Daraala (here, I've drawn her far away from her camp and I've tried to get her killed by concentrating attacks from the kinraths on her, to see if there was something to retrieve on her corpse - her complete inventory perhaps. I've never be able to go until her death - only a significant loss of life points).
  4. But what's te problem with the inventory ? I've track hundred of times the inventory before and after with no problem (no lost items...). On this page, some spreedsheet explaining how to choose a loot before and how to choose a loot after. Well, if you have problem with her real go out and return , replace it by a Fade out of the caracteer Add the loot (second inventory) to the first one Fade in
  5. Oh... That's that. I noticed this little problem of conversation that restarts a few back, in the Kotor 2 handbook, years ago. It's unimportant compared to the management of the corpses and the will, and compared to the energy crystals that can be got from her in this situation, especially if one starts with Dantooine. In addition, this story of a testament is one of the riddles of Kotor 2. If the restore Mod destroy an entire part of the game, where are we going? Simply let her return. The second inventory and the all thing in far much more important than a simple piece of conversation that restart. I am surprised that the progression of the quest can not be used to know where you are with Daralaa and preventing the recurrence of this conversation (reprise irrelevant incidentally).
  6. Oh ... Kotor 2 is not an epic game. It is not spectacular at screen (thank you TSLRCM for restoring some scenes like the battle of Khoonda and harden certain combat situations). The true content of Kotor 2 is much more (quasi exclusively) in the text and require to tear off, with difficulty, snatches of secrets from each one. After what, we must then correlate them, what lead to new mysteries of the Star Wars Extended Universe and new questions (and no answer). But Kotor 2 is, overall, an easy game, very easy. For the vast majority of players, which crosses it with no interest at all at the Extended Universe (I think more than 95% of the players), it is anomalous that this game can be finished by mere beginners in 20 or 30 hours, as I see on several boards where I stand. The enigmas of Kotor 2, compared, for example, at the enigmas of Kotor 1, are childishly simple. So I can not imagine and admit that in addition, Obsidian take me by the hand and tell me where I should go and what I do. And I always keep in mind the non-linear games that has just released the player from these burdensome situations. The linearity introduce monotony and a too easy way towards the solution. There are some sequences of movements that must, indisputably, be linear, and I don't speak about, but the automatic lift-off from Dxun to Telos, Nar Shaddaa to Goto's yacht and Council to Malachor are aberrations pure and simple.
  7. Hmm ... I did not understand what you say, HH ... if not a little humor, which is good. If Daraala = bug then no Daraala = no bug ! It's quite... radical ! What is the resetting cause? What was reset? What bug have you tried to correct? Under what circumstances this bug happen? I played a lot with Daraala and her two inventories. I've even driven her, on numerous occasions, far from her camp and tried to get her killed by kinraths and kaths. I've never encountered any bug. What follows will be given to this problem?
  8. I always chose to offer Daraala the corpses of the two dead salvagers with the will unchanged (this is the best solution by far). She goes to see Zherron. Just change of map and come back and she is back with a lot of new objects. Since 1.7, she never came back! I've redo several times this action and then I went to a couple of other planets and she is still not back!
  9. Change NPCs on Onderon (Iziz maps) Well, this was my idea : And, for completeness, an idea would be to move the repair of the Ebon Hawk, as the group's initial approach was to go to Iziz with the Ebon Hawk, and as what must be done on the surface of Dxun now, within the meaning of Kreia, is done, at that point, and leave to Iziz with the Hawk. This may enroll in another suggested amendment: the deletion of this horrible and unbearable automatic lift-off to Iziz, in a non linear game, after the attack of the Sith. Change NPCs in other cases (all except Dxun/Onderon) : Please note, Bob Ta'aar, that we are able to change NPCs on Nar Shaddaa Docks map. Nothing prevents to leave a map, to go to another map where you can change the active group, and return to the previous map (beware some triggers). So, I do not understand what that led to the establishment of these restrictions. There must have been somewhere, with someone in the past, a reason given for this to be done. For now, I do not see at all why. The idea that must underlie the ability to change the active group, on a map, is simply to ask oneself: Can I ask someone in my active group to go back to the Ebon Hawk and tell him to send me someone else in his place? (Or, if I am alone, can I use the ComLink to tell someone to join me?). That's it. If I can logically reply "Yes" at that question, we must be able to change the active group members on that map. Apart from the constraints of the scenario. The maps concerned are, at least: Nar Shaddaa - Refugee quadrant Nar Shaddaa - Entertainment Promenade Dantooine - Enclave Sublevel I can also reply "Yes" at the question concerning "Dantooine : Rebuilt Jedi Enclave" but, on that map, during the Jedi Concil, it is useless. And, here also, after the Jedi Concil, it would be advisable to remove the automatic lift-off to Malachor V. Obsidian, as I've said many times, including here on the old forum, seems to have been afraid of the reaction of the players cope with the complexity of the text and the darkness of the events of Kotor 2, wich is not a funny game. In this sense, they have introduced horrible things (taking players like idiots while the riddles of Kotor 2 are already rather primary - for exemple, Mandalore telling us to see Kiph) and they introduced, on several occasions, this maddening linearity wich return some Kotor 2 phases to years 1990.
  10. Well, one thing that would help would be an update of Kotor FindRefs Utility V 4.4 that I use. It don't browse the Override folder. Kotor tool (V 1.0.2210.16738), that I also use, don't do the job. Ok - verified. I remove my warning from the Kotor 2 handbook.
  11. 403DXN_dlg\sith_att.dlg End of confrontation of the Sith invading Mandalorian base of Dxun. Entry 9 : Begin Mandalore cutscene to go to Iziz after Sith Attack I suggest deleting the auto start to Iziz. Clenching and it is totally opposed to the principle of non-linear progression games for over 10 years or 15 years. When you remove the call to the script "a_to_iziz", Mandalore just goes to his shuttle. Join him there and open a conversation with him to leave when we want. We need to add some conditional tests (probabely some new value for "c_sith_att") for not starting over from previous conversations with Mandalore.
  12. Two dialog options with HK-47, to make them dependent on a condition. 1/ Dialogue with HK-47 in which there is: This dialogue must not intervene as long as HK-47 has not meet, at least, a first HK-50 squad and will be found, such as the HK-50s, unable to shoot. 2/ It goes the same with the dialogue in which we learn that the HK-50s form a single entity: in which there is:
  13. Well ... Does someone have the kindness to give me all the French modules missing in 1.7 because what I do is called "loss of time". This is 36 times that I am told "It's already done" while this is not done for me. This is not in the TSLRCM 1.7 (as Zbyl allready said). At the same time, can I have all the french HK factory dialog options because they are not in dialog.tlk (and all others French things).
  14. Possibilities of changing active group members. I can not determine the rules for being able to change active group members on certain maps and not on the others. There must be a rule. This can not be done, as now, at haphazard. "Here, it suits me...", "There it does not suit me...", based on constraints of scriptwriting, and by mocking of all what make a sense. Why we can not change the active group members in the enclave of Dantooine while we can change them when we are on Ondéron planet although the other members are in the Ebon Hawk, far away, on Dxun moon? I would like that, in the interest of the credibility of Kotor 2, a newsgroup is created and discuss this. I think the discussion could begin with the following basic rules: You can always change members of the active group (dismiss members of the actual group and call other members) as long as it is physically possible, that is to say as long as a member can come from and return to the Ebon Hawk, whatever the number of maps to cross (to the extent that these maps are physically contiguous). We can not change the members of the active group if the other members are on another planet (ie all maps of Iziz while the Ebon Hawk is on Dxun). We can not change the members of the active group when it has been established for a particular task (ie the maps of the tomb of Freedon Naad or of the secrecy tomb of Ludo Kresh or the map of the Academy on Korriban wich is a trap). In all other cases, there is no reason to be enable to change the members of the active group (including the case of the Enclave on Dantooine or the case of the Polar Academy after the release of compagnions). I know, for example, than in Iziz, actions, dialogues, influence points, etc. ... are provided for all companions (including Atton ! I have done a full inventory of this with all options in the Kotor 2 handbook) and that members can be changed to glean things for each other. I play with that and I give all the tips to play with that, but it's shocking. This is uncomfortable. This turns the situation to ridiculous - the companions are on another planet and we can throw them as Kleenex or as if we had a molecular disintegrator on fingertips. It's absolutely shocking and it ruins any credibility (of the game, of the scenario, of the enrollment in Extended Universe, etc ....). For what compelling reason we can not dismiss a compagnion, and call another, in the enclave on Dantooine? And, as long as I remenber, this was possible before TSLRCM.
  15. Gelisi is here, otherwise I would not write anything about him. And I've miss 2 patrons in my tests.
  16. After the attack by Tobin in the cantina of Iziz, everyone should be shocked. This applies to almost everyone but there are 3 bugs: 1 / It is possible to incorporate fully the casual conversation we have already held long ago with Gelisi (where it is possible to make him leave Iziz with his family if we met Anda). He is not shocked at all (and, increasingly, it is not involved in the attack!). 2 / Dito for the Twi'lek customer who has polished his lekkus! 3 / Dito for the two biths. The two glass blowers instead of blowing trumpet (normal conversation - which is annormal). Gormo Ok Sakari Ok Nikko Ok Patrons Ok Kiph Ok Qimtiq Ok Bahima Ok M'sadaar Ok Vix Ok ...
  17. dialogs.bif\atton.dlg StrRef 132160 in this dialog "I did a lot I wasn't proud of - and I am sorry for the lives that were lost, on both sides." Why a DSP saying that ? For 74897 it's Ok ("My power gives me the right.") But 132160 is neutral and, surely, can't drive to a DSP. TTLan
  18. Idea After the death of Visquis and the destruction of the yacht of GoTo, could it be envisaged to restore the presence of the GenoHaradan who would then take control of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. This would fit logically in the progression since, twice, it is said that the GenoHaradan, chasing the Exile, is not yet aware of its presence on Nar Shaddaa and thus is late compare to the exchange. I have grouped the French material found about GenoHaradan here: TTLan
  19. ttlan

    Unreadable !

    The forum is better now!
  20. Hello, Happy New Year to all. I would also like to thank and congratulate all those who work at this mod, or have worked on it in the past, and who only see words like "bug", "broken" and so on. ..., about their work, in this forum. If there is 0.01% of problems, there is also 99.99% of stable restored content, in Kotor 2. And a team! Thank you again.
  21. Thank you. I knew the MP3 trick but it did not work on my machine. It took me re-install a codec pack for this to work. It was really the last thing I thought to! TTLan
  22. Hello, How to listen to audio files of K2 outside K2? Codec? Tool? Thanks
  23. A supplement to this is given by a series of links through the site: "Everyone is chasing the Exile."


    I would integrate this information to the first



  24. The complete explanation is in my French Web Page :


    Recent History

    Zoom in on the hours before the start of Kotor 2



    I have started a translation of this page in english.


    It will be done in a few days.



  25. French translation : Updates New translations and additions Some links fixed (others are still incorrect - it's my fault - I changed some URLs outside of my site management tool). TSLRCM - What is restored? The paper from the TSLRCM team with 1.5, 1.5 -> 1.6, 1.6 -> 1.7), about what is restored, is translated in French (and upgraded with a list of some fixed bugs) - (although currently limited to what I actually encountered and verified in a canonical walkthrough - the remainings are still in English - not for long I hope) Each event is linked to its extended explanation (or screen shots...) in the pages of the walkthrough. TSLRCM - The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod - Restoration mod - Qu'est-ce qui est restaur? / Corrig? ? French dialogs (subtitles) All the localised subtitles are in the unique file "dialog.tlk" at the root directory of your Kotor 2 - TSL. The French dialog.tlk contains now 676 corrections / modifications. The French paper about that is at Note that subtitles have been used by actors for the voices and that voices have not been (and can not be) modified. So, they are different and only the most important errors of the initial translation have been made (and cosmetic changes) and only the corrected subtitles should be used by those who want to do a thorough job of understanding of Kotor 2. You can download the updated French dialog.tlk at French dialogs reproduced in full Almost all dialogs are reproduced in full and discussed in the canonical walkthrough (with some DS alternatives). French dialogs (subtitles) - What is modified? A worksheet with each modification (French before - French after - Original in English - Why? (if necesary) You can download it at TTLan