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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. Are you kidding? The "New Siths", of Darth Revan, were formed from the archives of the "True Sith", found in the Trayus Academy, then, in 3960 BBY, by the transmission of instruction, from the Emperor to Revan. In 3959 BBY, they dig even deeper into the dark side, because of the Artifact "Stellar Forge". From 3959 BBY to 3956 BBY, it's "The Jedi Civil War", a series of massacres perpetrated by the "New Sith." In 3959 BBY Revan reopens the Academy on Korriban, and made train assassins. In 3958 BBY, Saul Karath obliterates the planet Telos. Some, within the "New Sith" (Atton is one of them) are specially trained to capture Jedi, which will be transformed into Sith embracing the dark side, thanks to the Trayus Nexus that Revan has made . The Jedi who resist are killed. In 3957 BBY, Darth Malak tries to kill Darth Revan (and Bastila Shan). From 3955 BBY to 3951 BBY is the "Sith Civil War" and the "First Jedi Purge" (This period is called "The Dark Wars"). "New Sith" kill each other savagely, for the succession of Revan. Arren Kae takes the nickname of "Darth Traya", takes control of "New Siths" and those legions of Sith assassins murder methodically the Jedi. (It is probably around 3955 BBY that Aratech manufactures G0-T0s (including GoTo)). In 3954 BBY, Revan left definitely after giving his orders. Darth Traya is at the head of legions of assassins - the "New Sith" are just murderers, pure murderers. They never did anything else than killing. They have never been anything but assassins in all directions. Only Revan had a strategy, that he never explained (become Emperor in place of the Emperor, in the Republic), in these stream of assassinations. In 3951 BBY, Nihilus and Sion have discovered that Darth Traya, who was studying a former Jedi since 9 years, is now seeking for her. She is looking for this ultra-powerful Jedi, to kill Nihilus, whose power and dangerousness are beginning to escape her. He is a wound in the Force and may destroy the Force by destroying the source of the Force: life (but the last masters believe that the Exile is the wound in the Force). You think these killers, who are just that, who only know to do that, who have no global vision, no vision of a future, no strategy, no idea, will, suddenly, discover the compassion? If Sion will show a weird relationship with "His" master, Nihilus could not care less. He knows that it is his own death that is the goal (Kreia will say the danger of Nihilus (justifying the need to eliminate him): "There are techniques within the Force against which there is no defense."), techniques she invented and taught and that she wants to see disappear with her own demise. And "Yes", the "New Sith" are different from the "True Sith". They are different in their training since "Darth Traya" has taken power over them in 3954 BBY (we are talking of those who have powers, the Dark Jedi and Sith Lords, not the thousands of simple assassins): they kill by attacking the Force bonds: this is the teaching of Darth Traya, the fruit of years of study on the case of the Exile. Yet, precisely, Darth Traya knows that the Exile will not be in danger, when she will face Darth Nihilus, because her bond to the Force is empty and that she has developed another form of connection to the Force (about which we know nothing). TTLan
  2. The droid G0-T0 is part of a series produced by the company Aratech. These special designs, superior intelligence, are built to assist the ithoriens in the terraforming project on Telos. Shortly after being delivered to the ithoriens, he receives, no one knows from who, an order: "Save the Republic" (by stabilizing and developing its economy). I do not see who would give him such an order while, for now, his orders are to obey and assist Ithoriens and not to take initiatives regarding the Republic as a whole. As written on my web pages, "I speculate" that this is an order from Revan to save the Republic because it is an obsession of Revan.
  3. Hello HH No! Not you! Coming from a beginner, I can understand, but not from you! I do not think it is useful to start a discussion on this if your first reference is to believe that Sion and Nihilus has exiled Kreia and cut her from the Force. Since when the Sith know raising a lightwall? Since when the Sith have compassion to one of them and exile him? Since when do you believe to what Kreia says when she lies in order to be "adopted" by the Exile, trying to appear, with another speech, as a double exiled facing the Exile? It is usually agreed by all that all speeches from Kreia are lies and that everything she says is false. You to believe that she always lie. I struggled enough to explain that this is not always true. It seems to me to be followed when I explain that Kreia only lies at the beginning of the adventure (and, precisely, about how she left Malachor). The Sith kill, and that's that. From the time this evidence is acquired, we can begin to consider the speech of Kreia, from another angle, and not at the first degree. TTLan
  4. You must be or have: Windows XP SP3 or Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 SP1 Obligatory Use Windows Update DirectX 9.0C or + Obligatory Use DxDiag OpenGL 1.4 or + Obligatory Use SiSoft Sandra Lite Graphic driver updated Obligatory Audio driver updated Obligatory Note mss32.dll is Miles Sound Sytsem dll (it's not a patch of K2 or a "Vista fix"). Useless in my case and in quite all cases for Kotor 1. Completely useless for K2. On multicore machines, once installed and patched and modded, run K2 in normal mode, then run the task manager and put k2 in monocore mode (and in Windows XP SP3 mode). If it runs fine, this is a temporary modification. To make it permanent, use Bill2's Process Manager to memorize the rule. Note that on my multicore / Win 7/64 machine, my K2 is not set to monocore and runs fine. TTLan
  5. This is expounded at length on this page in French. A beginning translation of this page is here.
  6. If you recall, the logs of the officers and doctors of Peragus say there are corpses everywhere in the Ebon Hawk. We have already spoken about that. If I remember, we even agreed that indeed it would be an idea to "throw" a few corpses in the Ebon Hawk and the morgue. 1 / I do not see why Kreia would be playing a dead woman if there was no one that she and T3-M4 on board the Ebon Hawk. 2 / If she makes the dead, according to you, it's because who is mounted on board the Ebon Hawk? And what are all these corpses? Kreia has never set foot aboard the Harbinger when the Ebon Hawk was towed into the hold of the Harbinger. She lies. It's HK-50 who captured the Exile on the Harbinger and transported her in the Ebon Hawk. His initial plan was to flee the Harbinger aboard a rescue capsule when he will be near Nar Shaddaa. But the arrival of the Sith, who jumped from the Ebon Hawk to the Harbinger (and not from the ship of Sion to the Harbinger - the woman's doctor of the harbinger suggested that) upsets his plans and he decides to use the Ebon Hawk to escape. If I remember, them to (the medical personnal of the Harbinger - they where alive at that time) say there where corpses everywhere in the Ebon Hawk.
  7. For those starting a new game, could you, at the very beginning, when we take control of T3-M4, test by failing to fire on the droids to see if we can leave the Exile, later, destroy them and accumulate a large part of the PX now lost. Actualy, 1540 PX are lost. This vanilla bug seems difficult to correct, if not impossible, depending on previous answers that I had been issued (but... who knows... Version 1.8 points the tip of his nose.). Oh... It can be done (no droïd destroyed) with a gameplay at "easy" but I can't do it with a higher difficulty. TTLan
  8. Well, I have work hard enough on the Peragus walkthrough to know what I am talking about. At level 4, usualy, you gain 40 PX by mine (it's the same all thru the game, begining in 2004 : you gain 10 PX by level and by mine recovered). At level 5 : 50 PX At level 6 : 60 PX aso... Actually, with TSLRCM, at level 4, you gain 60 PX. When you begin Peragus tunels, you are at 2120 PX. At the end of the Peragus tunels, you, at the max, are at 6465 PX (I've done and verify this hundreds of times). With TSLRCM, you are at 6715 PX (done and verify many times). The only question to wich I am not able to respond is : were the 6465 PX reached on my XBox K2 or on my vanilla PC version ? I do not remember. Therefore, is there a difference between XBox and PC version (vanilla and restored version) about the mines recovered or is there a difference between Vanilla PC K2 and TSLRCM PC K2 ? TTLan
  9. If I do not make a mistake, we win now 15 PX by level / mine instead of 10. Am I right ? TTLan
  10. I do not think we can still ask the question about Atris. Yes, it is she who released the secret information from the Jedi archives, about the Exile. At the beginning of Kotor 2, everyone seeks the Exile. The Republic The Exchange Revan thru old HK-50 programs GoTo thru new HK-50 programs The GenoHaradan (who gives the order ?) Darth Traya New Siths But aboard the Harbinger, he does not seem that Sion acknowledges the Exile (even if he must be asked why Darth Traya stands between him and the other two). It has been nine years since Kreia is looking for the Exile. She does not need the leak from the archives organized by Atris - she was the Archives keeper before Atris. In addition if, as I think, Kreia is Arren Kae, she knows the Exile and the Exile knows her (but does not recognize her). The Exile was a padawan of Vima Sunrider and Kavar on Dantooine and Coruscant when Arren Kae was the master of Revan. They have necessarily already encountered. Kreia is victim of an attempted murder and is in the Ebon Hawk by accident, trying to escape her killers. I still say that this beginning of a sentence, "A last word of caution...", sounds bad at that time (and from the simple point of view of the language, English or French). I'm not obsessed with the use of all the sentences that still trail in dialog.tlk. In particular, it is not because a sentence is longer than another that it is "better". This is not a good criterion of choice. TTLan
  11. Hi all, MrPhil, I understand what you says. The question is : When modifications are not "Restoring content" bug think that such sentence could be replaced by another who looks like it with a small difference (or any action that looks just like a detail for one of the team, carried away by his own beliefs), would it not be possible to discuss of that in a small group of us, before introducing a comma that can change the spirit of the story? In this case, precisely, this phrase not used by Obsidian, introduces a clarification, which appears to satisfy the one who brought it in the MOD, whereas, in fact, the original sentence seems to be best as K2 is and must remain a secret book with puzzles in the dialogues that are asking questions but should not provide direct answers, only fugitive suggestions. Her catatonic state is not a simple simulation: the Siths, including Sion, have observed her in the Ebon Hawk, and had mistaken her for a corpse. Physicians have examined her and had mistaken her for a dead woman. Her body is rigid and in the same position since the EH to the morgue of Peragus. I will not compare the capabilities of a Darth Sion or the medical profession to observe a body with the morons of the "Red Eclipse" to whom it is sufficient to project a mental image of a group on the ground. Right : 101PER_dlg.erf\medoff.dlg StrRef 74496 : "...still examining the survivors of the damaged freighter - looks like it goes by the name of {hesitates, looking up name}the Ebon Hawk." This comes after the awaking of the Exile and before Kreia meeting. So the change is permissible. It therefore reinforces the futur lie of Kreia when she later claims to have attacked the Harbinger to rescue the Exile! Ok! Forget it. TTLan
  12. Not sure at all of that. She is still in catalepsy and did not have any exchange with the Péragus staff. She just had the feeling of their frightful scare and of their agony. When she wake up, everyone is dead. It's too late to get any information. And when the Exile asks a first question, Kreia responds by a question (it is a very Japanese method) showing that she does not want to engage in conversation because she knows nothing and wants to know what knows the Exile before telling her salads thereafter without any risk. The first one who will give the name of the ship will be HK-50, much more later.
  13. Kreia is in a hurry, certainly, because she is prosecuted, not the Exile wich is, at this time, undetectable by Nihilus and Sion, due to her absence of link with the Force. But Kreia has discovered, by chance, the Exile, the one she is studying and seeking for 9 years and who is the key to what she is trying to implement for years. She will not make a single mistake and not a single precipitation that could be faulty. This dialogue option was avoided by Obsidian and it seems they were right (they are well placed to know). Not to mention that in terms of pure syntactic construction, this sequence is jarring.
  14. 101PER_dlg\101kreia.dlg Original StrRef used : 134239 : I would find out as much as you can about this place quickly - I fear we will need to depart as suddenly as we arrived. Actual StrRef used : 74046 : A last word of caution... I would find out as much as you can about this place quickly - I fear we will need to depart as suddenly as we arrived. Why this modification ? We are in conversation and nothing indicates that this conversation will end. A so starting sentence makes no sense and does not continue the preceding sentence. This change seems unhappy. It would be preferable to restore the original dialogue option. TTLan
  15. I've started a new game from scratch (on a completely new machine, multicore / Windows 7). No bug noted at this level. Oh... and it runs well under 7. TTLan
  16. In 101PER_dlg\101kreia.dlg I start a new game to check the solution on my site. As you know, my site is a tool for researchs and all dialogs are reproduced verbatim. In the dialog referenced (the first one between Kreia and the Exile, in the Pegarus mortuary), I noticed, there is a long time (probably before TSLRCM) the use of StrRef 74048: "The ship we arrived in must still be in this place. We should recover it and leave." Now I discover that it's currently StrRef 130790 that is used: "The ship we arrived in, the Ebon Hawk, must still be in this place. We should recover it and leave." This seems to be a mistake because at this point, Kreia completely ignores how she got where she is (and she does not know where she is). The conversation also shows that she makes speak the Exile to try to understand what she know, because Kreia does not know anything at that time, just before begining to lie to the Exile. In particular, if Kreia knows she left Malachor aboard the Ebon Hawk, she does not know how she got here, at Peragus, and she do not have any interest in revealing at the Exile that she knows something (the name of this little ship, the Ebon Hawk), this would be suspect to the Exile who is not lagging behind and is General in the Republican army and is therefore able to "read" a conversation between the lines. I do think StrRef 74048 is a better option. TTLan
  17. No Mod except TSLRCM ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700 Series (32 bits) Started again from scratch TTLan
  18. Character semi-transparent I'm helping someone on a French forum. He sends me this picture. Since he installed TSLRCM, this problem occurs. Before, everything was fine. Dell Inspiron Windows XP Home SP3 Direct X 9.0c Graphic driver updated Waiting the confirmation of a party started again from scratch after installation of TSLRMC Someone has already seen such a thing?
  19. That's what I propose actually, but if an update of dialog.tlk occurs after the user has installed one or many MODs that amend dialog.tlk, he will have to re-install his MODs after. This is not very elegant nor very professional. In addition, a normal user does not monitor dialog.tlk after each installation of a MOD with checksum tools or DLGEdit to see if there has been modifications. And no description of the MODs specify if the MOD changes or not dialog.tlk. This information would be to add at the list of compatible MODs. They are very few but, for example, "Coruscant - Jedi Temple" adds two lines in dialog.tlk TTLan
  20. Done, thanks, May I try to reinstall the whole thing, without uninstalling the previous install, in order to read carefuly the logs. I'm not sure I've payed attention to what they said.
  21. Hi, So far, my correction works of the French translation of K2 were tested and provide, selfish, in a universe virgin of Kotor 2 other MODs affecting dialog.tlk. I must now ensure that it is compatible with other MODs, so I have to, I think, use TSL Patcher to inject corrections in the actual dialog.tlk file (in replacement of previous translation - nothing is added), because I can not continue to provide a full dialog.tlk file corrected, but which overwrite the injections of other MODs. So where to start? What do I download / read ... Is there an example for one StrRef and I am doing for all the others? TTLan
  22. To install the MOD "Tomb of Azgath N'dul", by Darth Insidious, if I've well understand, one have to : Install MOD TSLRCM Delete file global.jrl in Override folder Install MOD Tomb of Azgath N'dul (V 2.0) (;86662x#1480590 ) Install patch 2.2 (patch 2.1 is useless) (;113947 ) Download and run Dstoney64 patch ( ) Isn't it? TTLan
  23. Hi, Installing level 103 • Warning: Unable to copy file "plc_genminer.mdl", file does not exist! • Warning: Unable to copy file "plc_genminer.mdx", file does not exist! Is that "normal" ?
  24. Recovery of the health (and of the Force points if I well remember) at level transition : I wonder if this is a feature of the game or if it's a bug? And recovery of the health when moving to another module...