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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. I suggested that it would be nice to simply have a function completely removing the shields from the game, this to harden it a bit (and not have these ridiculous graphic effects, which make the characters look like Christmas trees when shield is active). This in addition to other functions, active or not, in your mod.
  2. ttlan

    KOTOR 2012

    While I update my chronology of the Old Republic, it comes to my mind that in 5000 BBY, Gav Daragon gives the coordinates of the worlds of the Sith Empire to the Empress Teta (this is the begining of the Great Hyperspace War). It for 10 years, for revenge, the Republic, who has just discovered that Empire and the Sith which she had never heard of, will reduce all the Sith worlds to dust, starting with Korriban. Also, Korriban temples (I.E. the one protecting the Galactic map shown in Kotor 1) where made by the Rakata, 25.000 years before ! I fully understand the great difficulty in artistic design of these atmospheres and decorations. There is tremendous need for creative and imaginative. It's much more difficult than large flat areas but it's so rewarding. The appearance must be the opposite of what Hassat Hunter called "plastic". But the old is so much prettier than the new. It's no longer create a material sample and repeat it indefinitely. It's the reverse. There are no two square centimeter of surface which looks the same! That said, I know nothing of the techniques and tools you use. I wish you good luck because you hit a mammoth task.
  3. Since my third or fourth crossing of this adventure I never used any shields nor for the Exile nor for anyone else. And I had to go through this adventure 100-150 times, fully, every fight being made, at every go through, about 10 to 50 times. So, for various reasons of testing I have done every fight at least 1500 times! I have the distinct impression that every time you use a shield or a grenade, the next lottery distributes a shield or a grenade to replace what was consumed. However I prefer that the lottery distributes objects to me increasing my skills or my characteristics, or useful objects. I called it a "lottery under influence ". I am not sure of myself because I never put my fingers in the scripts but it seems to me that the lottery look at what is in inventory and what has been used recently. And it seems to me that there are other "influences" (if you equip yourself with a belt before you open a module first, then enter the new module, it seems to me that we increase the chances of finding a belt in the next lottery etc ....) 1 / Does someone can confirm this impression 2 / A mod that completely remove the use of shields would be welcome (but not the ability, for Bao-Dur, of making unlimited shields because we need them for components).
  4. There are 6 Jedi (or potential Jedi) and 5 Masters to meet. The Jedi team is quickly complete. Péragus - Kreia (And one!) Polar Academy - Atris (And one!) EH anywhere - Visas (And two!) Dantooine 1 - Bao-Dur immediately Jedi (And three!) - Disciple immediately Jedi (or Handmaiden) (And four!) - Exile Crystal - First Light Saber Nar Shaddaa - Atton Jedi (And five!) - Mira Jedi (or get Hanharr) (And six! The Jedi team is complete! Powers and strength! LS or DS! And for cheaters, run unlimited XPs and super sabers and have fun!) - Master Zez-Kai Ell (And two!) Korriban - Master Vash (And three!) Dantooine 2 return - Initiate the fight (in order to recover the thorium explosive from Akerre) Onderon 1 - (Dxun + Iziz) up to meet Kavar Dantooine 3 return - Fight - Master Vrook (And four!) Onderon 2 return - Master Kavarr (And five!) Nar Shaddaa return - Mini games and Geeda Dantooine 4 return - Jedi Concil Telos Polar Academy return Citadel return Ravager Malachor V Trayus Academy For the record, the numbering of the modules of the game let think that Obsidian suggests the following progression: # Peragus # Harbinger # Télos # Nar Shaddaa # Dxun # Ondéron # Dantooine # Dxun - Return # Ondéron - Return # Korriban # Télos - Return # Ravager # Malachor V Extracted from
  5. ttlan

    KOTOR 2012

    Well ... The Temple Guardian must intervene. The work is enormous and commendable. Efforts should be encouraged and the mastery of tools respected. But ... Kotor 2 has a deliberately dull atmosphere and in ruins. Take the example of Korriban. It has been totally destroyed, 5 years earlier, by a bombing, on a global scale, by Malak, in order to avoid the re-uncover of a portion of the Galactic map, leading to the Stellar Forge, by Revan. Korriban is no more than a field of ruins. The walls are cracked and full of scarred. Sections of walls have fallen to the ground which is a jumble of dust and pieces of exploded architectures. Korriban is an ancient Sith shrine, lost several times, destroyed several times and so on. ... Already, in Kotor 1, it is more a field of archaeological researches than anything else. In the "Continuity", it must only appear as such, and even worse! It must be dangerous to walk on the surface because of debris etc.. ... Take the example of the Polar Academy of Telos. Telos was bombed by Saul Karath which has killed millions of civilians. The entire planet is in ruins. The Atris Academy is, in the 2004 Kotor 2, in too good conditions. This planet irrigation system has been abandoned who knows how long. It's an industrial waste land. Atris is alone, with 6 ninny little girls who do not manipulate the Force. The rooms and corridors of the Academy should contain traces sharp left by time insults (and a highly industrial use of the site with machinery, tasks and dirts everywhere ...). Atris fled here less than a year ago, just after the tragedy of Katarr. She has other things to do than to clean house! She must save, classify and study thousands of holocrons and other archives that she has saved, rebuild The Galaxy, foment other betrayals after that of Katarr ... (besides, she's crazy!) The Academy on Dantooine: Malak returned there to try to destroy the Rakata’s temple, which is just next door, so that Revan could never retrieve the portion of the Galactic map leading to the Star Forge. He has totally ruined the Academy. So, everything in Kotor 2 must be in a dull atmosphere, dusty, dangerous, damaged, abandoned, disturbing, mysterious ... nothing should be revealed, not even the details on the walls. Cordially
  6. No, I did not try it. By cons, I have tested extensively the XP progression without level up. The battles by themselves do not interest me at the moment. I work on the content of Kotor 2 (texts and their meaning / interpretation), and its inclusion in the Continuity and in the Expanded Universe. I'm a kind of "Guardian of the Temple" of the mind of Kotor 2. I am shocked (to say the least) by certain statements from Bioware attempting to marginalize the role of Kotor 2 in preparing and introducing TOR (as they tried to rewrite the chronology (TimeLine) of the all Star Wars universe by turning it around an event they invent, the "Treaty of Coruscant", while, since more than 30 years, the D day is the "Battle of Yavin" (even if this D day is not yet canonical). It's also one of the reasons I do not always agree with some amendments from TSLRCM (and our conversations are, sometimes, "strained", and, even, we do not understand each other). Oh, these are things that seem minor and represent something like 0,1% of the outstanding work done, but in the spirit of this game, or simply in an everyday stupid realistic logic, they are points to which I attach importance. It's also the reason I do not admit any MOD in my tests, except TSLRCM (which I consider re-integrating original choices from Obsidian, by force of circumstances approved by LucasArts before the release of the game (required by the Star Wars license) and therefore, some of them, canonical, even if Obsidian did not have time to introduce those contents in the final product, in 2004). If some read French, this page, "I did not understand anything at Kotor 2", is still read 200 to 300 times a day! For a game that has over six years is pretty amazing. This proves that the game is alive, that TSLRCM revives it, and that in the perspective of the emergence of TOR, many people look deep into the minds of the "Knights of the Old Republic" and try to understand this period, beyond the simply game My page about TSLRCM is read between 50 and 150 times a day! Once more time, thanks to all. TTLan Edit Correction: I admit a MOD that makes us able to make some armors at the bench. I consider the fact that we can not do it as a bug.
  7. Download my mod =p haha Ha Ha ! OK, it's a game mechanic but, HaVoKeR, are you sure of what you say ? It seems to me that the level of opponents is aligned on the real actual experience of the Exile (the XP amount, translated by a theoretical level of the Exile calculated when you get in a new area and stored in Globals > Numerics > G_PC_LEVEL). TTLan
  8. Decrease XP earned on defeated opponents if you do not level up. If the Exile accumulates XP without level up, there is a penalty applied to XP earned on opponents. Is this a feature of the game? Is this a bug? (Correctable or incorrigible?) I would appreciate your opinion, in general, and the explanation of its operating in terms of computation. I do not think this is a bug but rather a mechanism to push the player to remember to level up (not sure of that). Its behavior is strange and I can not explain it because I tend to think that if you face an opponent in more difficult conditions (we have less resistance, less strength, less defensive, less power , fewer skills and so on. ...), we should, on the contrary, have a bonus or at least, that there is no penalty. Thanks TTLan
  9. I have a doubt here: the prestige classes do not depend on the alignment but the level (level 15 minimum, no?).
  10. Perhaps trying to edit an old .dlg and not the one in TSLRCM ?
  11. Arrrgggh ! dlg ! I think. I have replace some dlg from erf by dlg extrated from mod but they are so many that I do that time by time and I do not remember where I am. And FindRef Util don't search in .mod ! I'll see at that tomorow. Too tired at that time.
  12. Atton goes to Kreia, in the EH, to tell her that he has all says to the Exile about the murder of a female Jedi who reveal him the Force he has in him. I did not remember having met this branch of dialog in Module 003EBO File 003EBO_DLG.erf Dialog attkreia.dlg StrRef 120896 I do not see any condition to meet it. Did I miss something ? I am having a study on the notion of "rip the link to the Force" in K2. This whole story is running around this notion of connection ripped. Her nine years of thinkings in the Trayus Academy Trayus on the ability to survive without the Force, her teachings to the "New Sith" and their methods of attack, her choice of the Exile to destroy Nihilus once the Jedi Order is obliterated from the Galaxy ... Thanks
  13. ttlan

    HK-50 locations

    You need mod TSLRCM 1.7 HK-47 will find the factory. This will be triggered automatically at the right time of your progression, regardless of whether Exile is male or female, light or dark.
  14. ttlan

    HK-50 locations

    Yes, Valley of Dark Lords.
  15. What is the status of this problem at that day? Before 1.7, there was a possibility of keeping the inventory in only one case, rather improbable, but, if the prologue was done in full, a bug made losing the inventory. Since 1.7, the inventory is lost in all cases. This is not trivial because, through recovery of the inventory, some number of things can be considered, which can no more be done with this bug.
  16. I saw that some days ago. A real hard job well done! I'm even more surprised by the complete indifference of the crowds around this work. They all seem jaded. What future one prepares for the next generation and what about the gaze they focus around them? TTLan
  17. Challenging the game. The level of opponents is based on the real level of experience (the number of XP) and not on the "apparent" level. The apparent level is the sum of : PC (or NPC) class > [Class] > level + second class > [Class] > level ie : Atton level 26 Atton > thug > Level 6 Atton > sentinel > Level 20 This is a trick that I recommend to harden the game: to remain at a relatively low level (with few constitution, strength, powers, etc. ...) and all adversaries will be much harder to defeat. This without any mod. The real level used is computed at each map change and is in : globals > numerics > G_PC_LEVEL ie : My actual PC is at real level 50 and apparent 24 Opponents are... cantankerous. TTLan
  18. I've always played in windowed mode for various reasons (too big screen, better stability to switch from one application to another hundreds of times ...), before TSLRCM and with all versions of TSLRCM. Go to options> graphics options> advanced graphics options Change certain values such as anisotropy, v-sync ... Confirm, quit and restart completely K2 TTLan
  19. But for what the hell? Why, dammit? Oh ... Yes ... 17! Hey hey! Well Well Well ... Ask: How can we use the appearance of Kaevee for, say, Brianna? Her appearance does not appear in KSE. Extract a file with KotorTools, move it somewhere... And what else do for you, meatbag? A nude patch? Edit ! _____________ Incredible! I was joking but I just do a search ! Kotor nude patch ! > 200 000 results ! Kotor 2 nude patch ! > 100 000 results ! I can't believe it !
  20. I wrote in my pages, that we could at least have it boarding the Ebon Hawk. She could have been feeding, bathing, dressing and rebuild her mental health before being released into the wild (or stay in the Ebon Hawk) a bit like the little girl thief in Kotor 1.
  21. Yes ... Well ... The French version of the Voice-Acting does not exist for the Kaevee's character so we also "enjoy" the English voice. We can not say that her voice is very pleasant but, otherwise, she is the only voice of Kotor 2 that has real tones, everything else being a bit flat, dull and monotonous with a diction rhythm quite identical for each human (or quite human) character (at least in the French version).
  22. ttlan

    The Kaevee's journal

    Damn! I forgot this. I had seen it under the 1.5, I think. That's the last time I ran a test as a male Exile. Since, I do not have yet found time to test with a male Exile, but only LS and DS with a female Exile.
  23. A Kaevee's journal is supposed to exist and we're supposed to find it. What it says does not seem to interfere with anything else since Keavee herself speaks of Vrook in terms that make the discovery of this journal, before or after the meeting of Kaevee's, unimportant. I do not remember ever having found the journal. I missed something or discovery is not restored?
  24. Accordind to what Daraala says, there is a cantina at Khoonda. There is no such thing, even in Kotor 1 where Khoonda was still the private property of the Matale! I did not notice anything else in the remains. Does anyone have any information? Or does "cantina" means an other thing that "cantina"?