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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. No, it's an Exchange operation. C9-T9 is trapped by GoTo as every droïd on Nar Shaddaa, as it is for the 32 droïds of Tienn Tubb, as it is for the droïd playing pazaak, as it is for the droïd of the bith... Sure disabling C9-T9 increase my attention from the Exchange Bao-Dur says it's GoTo who operate the droïds, if he is with you on the GoTo's Yacht Nar Shaddaa is in the Hutt space but has been invaded by GoTo and the Exchange The Exchange rule all business on Nar Shaddaa, ruining the Hutt The Swoop Galery was also ruled by the Exchange, as it is for the Pazaak Temple. Borna simply says : Lupo don't race anymore so the Exchange dont hounded him for their cut of the profits because even the Exchenge have rules. Simply, Borna has to say "84463 : It is not the Exchange's racer winning anymore. Even the Exchange have rules." instead of "84463 : It is not the Exchange's racer winning anymore. Even the Hutt have rules." I have allready pointed out that nothing prevents the Exchange to seek the owner of C9-T9!
  2. Added (128) Borna Lys stumbles between Exchange and Hutt Added (129) Tinkering C9-T9 without opening the cage! Added (130) Help from Bao-Dur or T3 to sabotage C9-T9 Added (131) Nar Shaddaa Swoop Gallery - This Gizka-infested hole Added (132) Improve the camera looking at Lupo Shar and the Lupo Shar position. Added (133) Lupo and Modo walk away together See
  3. I think that all is arround the notion of LOTTERY and INHERITANCE: There is not a second lottery. This was a mistake. The legacy of the dead salvagers is not a lottery. This is a unique list, fixed in advance, of artifacts. Or Meetra retrieves this list at Zherron office (and Meetra win a DS with Zherron for having fiddled and hijacked the will), or it ends up in the inventory of Daraala (and Meetra win a LS with Daraala for bringing back the corps) . That's it. At Zherron office is added the last piece to make a first lightsaber, if this piece has not been found yet. The additional lottery, at Zherron office, for a long or short or double sword lightsaber is dropped. Anyway, it's a loot of Jedi artifacts, so there is no double sword (unless form XI is taught at Dantooine Enclave, or it came from a museum or private collection or from Bastila or blah blah blah ...).
  4. Added (127) Vossk : StrRef 111015 - Gibberish of unknown origin in French See
  5. Yes, she duped me. We agree. If we do not understand it, simply go touching two words with Jorran about that. This is in the script. The intention to dupe the player is in the storyboard. The question is not there. Yes, she claims the "reward", the legacy, for herself, as all other salvagers and thugs have tried to do before her, which irritates Zherron. Again, that is not disputed. Once and for all, the question is: “Why does she do that?” – “Why does she spend 1000 credits?” To merely put those objects which she gets on her mantelpiece or to resell them? Do not tell me that Obsidian's intention were that Daraala recovered the legacy and did not do anything with it! Please do not tell me that she only did that for the fun! I think you have a better understanding than that of the game. Tell me the truth. Tell me that it is very difficult to rewrite that scene and that the team prefer cutting the scene (in a MOD whose intentions are to restore scenes!) I am still furious about it.
  6. Arrrggh ! Found 30 sentences remaining with 4 dots, in French ! The never ending story. I'll be looking at that tomorrow. Too tired right now. The French dialog.tlk is updated and uploaded quite every day!
  7. This is StrRef 85104 It's in French in the original dialog.tlk from OE and in the updated dialog.tlk 85104 : :: La manipulation consiste à donner un mouvement aux événements. On y arrive par l'enseignement, l'exemple et la force de conviction... :: I forgot about him ! My mistake.
  8. Added (122) A sentence that should no longer be pronounced by the Jedi Mical Added (123) You have gained a bonus to your weakest and strongest skills Added (124) 301NAR.mod\kreiatch.dlg E16 - Localised version Added (125) One human, not amusing fight. Added (126) The movements of the lips, the duration to express the sentences, in French See
  9. I have found two strange sentences. Something, in French, has no correspondence in the English dialog.tlk file: These translations come in place of, respectively: 118436 Revan was captured in the middle of the Jedi Civil War, due in no small part to her apprentice, Malak, who turned on her. 118435 It is said that she returned to her first Master at the end of her training, in order to learn how she might best leave the order. They appear in a dialogue with Mical when the Exile is male and Revan female. French dialog.tlk have been corrected and uploaded. But it seems that a scene was to show the group discussing the opportunity and ability to rescue Revan. This seems then to be one of many allusions to the fact that Kotor 2 was an introduction to a Kotor 3, which will probably never emerge.
  10. I have seen that. Actually, I think it may be a Holocron owned by the Exile, in her room, modified by the Sith (not an Holocron made by the Exile). I have noted that some dialog options are present, in case Mical is not yet a Jedi. Once you open it, you can stay LS ore move to DS. Therefore, only a LS one can open it (?). The player, (only LS?), can learn a Force power, that seems to be the same as Force Enlightenment, ("several defensive aspects of the Force all at once"). All is already translated in French. All is already voiced in French. Yes "She" - I'm talking of the Republic, by the voice of Onasi. Do I have to say "It"? Added (119) Find the blaster of Onasi Added (120) Typo (or something else) in 1.7 French insertions outside dialog.tlk Added (121) Conversation error at the EH workbench See
  11. But, HH! Mical is a common soldier at the orders of the Admiralty. The Republic dispatch spies everywhere, feverishly, probably long overdue. After the "Dark Wars" and the "Jedi Purge", which took place between Kotor 1 and Kotor 2, the Republic has admitted that only the Jedi Order is able to restore and guarantee peace. The Republic needs to be rebuilt and for that, needs to rebuild the Jedi Order as soon as possible. When Mical meets Meetra Surik, he sends a message (with the usual precautions of a spy) to the authority, without waiting for a second. 1 /. If he allow himself to defer one second such an information, he will face immediately the martial court and be immediately executed for high treason. Obey to orders, in the army, especially during such difficult times, is of common sense. 2 /. How can you think that a common soldier could take an initiative against the admirals of the republican army?! How can you think, in addition, that this initiative would be to take time to assess a general (Meetra is a general - and, according to Revan, the best he has ever had - book novel from Drew) and only alert the authorities after himself makes his own assessment? 3 /. What objective assessment could Mical do about Meetra, as he is madly in love and he begs her, kneeling, to be his master? He puts her on a pedestal and his "assessment", if "assessment" there is, is made at first sight. Moreover, he makes an assessment (see my previous post), as soon as first sight. The influence on him is at 100% beginning quite with the first words. And you are aware of that, as you made modifications to that part of disciple.dlg 4/. On the other hand, how can you think Mical wants to keep her for himself and benefit from her teaching, before warning the Republic? The Republic is aware of her return Since the Harbinger episode. It is the Republic that sent the Harbinger to seek out Meetra. She did not wait for Mical to find her. And she also ordered the recovery of the Ebon Hawk, or its remains. Such an attitude, on the part of a soldier, in war period, as it is currently the case, is punishable by martial court (and, again, I repeat that Mical is an intelligent, even if he is a simple soldier). 5/. The Telos attack, by Nihilus, is at the end of the journey. Do you realy think Mical will wait so long? He would be crazy! Note that Mical seems not to be aware of the discover of the Exile on the Outer Rim. He says "Admiral, this is Mical. I have found the exile." not "I have recovered". Therefore, it is as soon as he board the Ebon Hawk (or when he joined Khoonda if the Exile is a male) that he sends his message to his superiors. The sending of another message - that of the imminent attack of Telos - is certainly not related to the priority transmission of the discovery of Meetra.
  12. Added (117) Vanilla : Bonded Plates Mark IV See Added (118) Farm Equipment: Bonus Mission and Thief Catching See
  13. I agree with the fact that using templates accelerate and simplify things in terms of development. However, putting everyone in the same bag is critical, in the real life too. Mical has three skills. Perhaps having 3 skill points instead of one, at each level, is the solution. To be well understood: I do not like at all this character, but, for the game to be coherent, I think Mical cannot be so stupid. He has unlimited skills as a historian. He has skills as a doctor. He has expertise in chemistry. He can break down items and produce new ones at the lab station. He has analytical and political skills: He is the only one, at that time in the Republic, making a difference between Jedi and Sith. He makes an analysis of the Revan strategy that is astonishing and exact, and antithesis of the usual analysis made by the Republic, during the formation of Revan's Sith Empire. He comes very close to - and finally comes to fully understand - the origin of evil that eats the Force. Kreia will oppose this clairvoyance then eventually give it. But he is a wise person who knows. He is pompous, smug, pedantic, displaying his "knowledge" from the top of his science with phrases like: my contemporaries would judge me… I am not certain you understand… Do you wish me to explain?... What else would you like to know?... I'm trying to save the Republic… I do not know if you are aware… I have been trained by some of the best researchers in the Republic… I can apply my knowledge and skills to helping you… When we are to ask him a question with "I have questions for you." he begins by taking us for an idiot, throughout all the journey, with: That is hardly surprising. What do you wish to know? And he's phony, too! When meeting him in the library of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, he said: once I arrived, I felt it was necessary to stay, to protect what was left. Well done ... the soldier monk! ... At this time, in the journey, we just loot the entire lower level of the Jedi Enclave (where he is located), putting all the Jedi artifacts lying there in our pockets, after massacring the local fauna loudly, blowing up doors and blowing violently an energy relay station to shatter a door, raised voice with Jorran and Kaevee, even without he half-opened the door to see what happens! The small Kaevee, up from her 17 years old, does not hesitate to rush against us and admonish us. Even stronger! He allows himself to judge the Exile and, better still, he will judge her worthy to be his master! I think you are right. It is time. I have watched you. You have become strong in the Force again - but that is not all. You have achieved a center in the chaos around us, and I have felt it. In addition, tastier: the gentleman had quite a destiny! I want you to teach me the ways of the Force. To become a Jedi Knight, what I meant to be. Well, everyone will understand that I do not like this character, but I think he deserves to have a greater allotment of skills points, even if there is no affect at his intelligence. Begin at 3 skill points instead of 1 seems to be an easy and conclusive solution.
  14. Added (113) 123484 : "Something happened within the Enclave. What is it?" Added (114) This idiot Disciple! Added (115) The Meetra Surik Holocron and the hidden room in the Enclave See Added (116) Error in a restored scene : The Republic seeks the Exile See
  15. No. Canonical. LS. For all three pieces, there is no name and no description. Perhaps a French only bug to fix in 1.8. I.E. There must be some robes in the Enclave. Kaevee wears one at her size whereas she is 17 and she was 12 when she was imprisoned. It is a pity because the improvements made by Obsidian to the use of the workbench allow to prolong the game for several hours and have fun. The more things to tinker, the more we stay in. 1.7 ? Did not notice that yet. Simple : Enclave : you can blow up the console of the Power Relay Station, in order to open the door of the storage room, with a power overload, while there is no electricity to feed the console ! To feed it, you must first use the "Feed the Power Relay Station" order on the droid bay console. The order on the "Droid bay console" But since you put me out that you are not aware of this stuff, I wonder if it's not a mistake of translation in the French version. Indeed, from this console of the droids bay, you can, normally, only manage cameras, not manage consoles. So I look in the files and I find that "Power Relay Station [southwest quadrant]" has been translated in "Power on the Relay Station"!!!
  16. DS point only. This works, but only for the two new kinraths that appear and kill Arnhell. This does not work with any other Kinrath. After that, it remains in the inventory but is useless. Added new points. Added some new points (102 to 112) at
  17. Not sure it's fixed. I've just discovered that Bao-Dur, at entry level (level 6) is not at all with his usual specs. Question : Is it a remainder from the MOD "Bao-Dur Wears Jedi Robes" (by Shem) or is it a TSLRCM modification? Strength 18 instead of 14 Dexterity 18 instead of 10 Constitution 16 instead of 14 Intelligence 22 instead of 15 Wisdom 14 Ok Charisma 12 instead of 10 Discretion 2 instead of 1 Complex Unarmed Animations (???) Quite sure it's a hold-over. TTLan PS : Hi, Sith Holocron Thank you for the syntax and grammatical corrections of my English.
  18. Hi, I tested the MOD "Bao-Dur wears Jedi Robes" (by Shem) and I am having difficulties after uninstalling the MOD. Now, Bao-Dur has lost his head !? It's annoying, isn't it? What's the solution - besides reinstalling everything? Actual appearance id Party_NPC_BaoDur Actual portrait is PO_PBaoDur Thanks in advance! Update: Ok! I have found the 5 files that were renamed in Override.
  19. A good idea to develop for a modder Added point 102 in Added an image for point 97
  20. Added points 99, 100, 101 (Tarn, the mechanic on Dantooine) in
  21. So tell me why she bought the dead bodies by ensuring that the will is in their pockets? You would dare say that it's a bullshit in the history writing by Chris Avellone, that he has planned this "freely", without any connection, any intent!
  22. "No keeping your teammates" ??? It was possible to get help from the team, including T3 (and Brianna if PC is male) against Visas, and it was funny. Added point 96 to 98 (about the scene of the first meeting of Visas Marr, after leaving Telos) in