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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. ttlan

    Update on 1.8

    Unless I am mistaken, in vanilla, for families of objects with 30 objects, that is from level 24 of the Exile that the rare loot calculations begin to fall in a vacuum. Normal levels of the objects that can be found, for those families, are: Level of the Exile + (random from 0 to 7) -5 Therefore, if the level of the Exile is 20, "Normal level" may take a value between 15 and 22 (the Exile can find objects whose level is between 15 and 22). After this initial calculation, if "Normal level" exceeds 30, it is reduced to 30 decreased by a random number between zero and six. It will always be between 24 and 30. From time to time, the lottery gives a rare item, i.e. an object whose quality exceeds that of the objects normally found for the actual Exile level. This is triggered by a value found in the variable 000_RareItemChance. The game begins with this variable set to a random value between 0 and 94. This value increased by +3 for each lottery. Whenever this value exceeds 100, a rare item is "offered" and 000_RareItemChance is reset. A rare item has a "Normal object level" + 5. If the Exile is at 20, a "Normal object level" is 15-22 and a "Rare object level" may be 20 to 27 (so, a really rare object would be an object with a level 23 to 27). This is different for families of objects with 25 objects in the family (i.e. energy crystals) This is the same /2 for families of objects with 15 objects in the family. There are other cases (like implants). It is possible to make a backup, XBox and PC versions, before a lottery, and try again and again until you get a better lottery (the +3 each time in 000_RareItemChance). It is possible, on PC, to accelerate a bit the luck by setting the value of 000_RareItemChance to 97 (with KSE) and reload the save. So it's a bad idea to make unlimited PX very early in the game and exceed the level 28 of the Exile early in the game. The level of the Exile for the loots is based on the level displayed, unlike the level of combats that is based on experience (the total number of PX (G_PC_LEVEL), regardless of the apparent level of the Exile).
  2. Thanks for the reply, HH, and I agree with you about the shining plastic appearance of most of them. Remember I've already extensively intervene about that in But that's not what I am talking about. When I set a camera at 300 meters, for example, distant objects are not displayed (gray areas). This is the clipping. For example, if I position myself at the entrance of the Academy of Korriban, and I put a camera at 300 meters high to see the Ebon Hawk and the entire Valley of Dark Lords, all that is more than 20 or 30 meters away is no longer displayed. I have all settings at maximum in the game and I have a pretty good equipment. Are there other settings that I do not know? Parameters passed to the GPU driver?
  3. Yes. I agree with that. What is going wrong is those two sentences one after the other : There are plenty of acrobatics in this dialogue, but there, it's simply an unbearable simplistic contradiction. The acrobatics are understandable, and understood, but not contradictions. These two sentences can not be put end to end (in any order, moreover). Edit: There is also a third allusion to the after Malachor V : Exile : StrRef 94386 : I didn't follow you then, and I certainly won't now.
  4. This conversation reproduces the initial recruitment, about 3 years before the Battle of Malachor V, toward 3963 BBY, at the beginning of recruitment by Revan and Malak. It begins with Do not heed the words of the Jedi Council. The Republic will fall if we do not act now. Already the Mandalorians have taken three systems along the Rim. They will only grow more powerful with time. Come stand with me. We will use our might to help the Republic in its time of need. Join Revan and I. Together, we will battle this menace. I notice the "down our path" in English (wich is not translated as this in French, one of the reasons why I have to redo this translation). This whole conversation is cryptic. It is difficult to decide whether it refers to a period before or after Malachor V. All the indications evoke the recruitment of 3,963 BBY (the reluctance of the Council, the war against the Mandalorians has just started - they have just already taken three systems, the war is ongoing...). Only this sentence, 94356, makes a mess in there, because of "And now you are all alone." and "You didn't follow Revan and I down our path." These are the only allusions to the period after Malachor V. All this speaks of joining Revan and Malak, not of the departure of the Exile in 3960 BBY instead of staying with them. What is certain is that it takes place after 3964 BBY, since Malak has the sequelae of his passage in the hands of Demagol. Remember that recruitment begins in 3964 BBY (Kotor comics). I am not speaking of the case "Bastila" who never joined the coalition against the Mandalorians, but led the squad that captured Revan in 3956 BBY and has "joined" Malak (and only "Malak") a few days, during 3956 BBY, under torture. I think this sentence, 94356, has nothing to do here.
  5. Added (181) 711KOR.mod\malak.dlg "would you still follow Revan and I" immediately followed by "You didn't follow Revan and I" ! See
  6. Now that our computers and graphics cards are slightly faster than in 2003/2004, is there a setting to achieve a level of detail greater in remote areas (or simply display them and not hide them). I think of unconventional uses to make screenshots for illustration purposes (for example by setting far camera views in .2da) TTLan
  7. I can't translate all my pages but, if you can read it: Complete and definitive install of Kotor 2 (this is the real and only one) Under XP, Vista or Seven Vanilla or Restored Native language or translated Note : I play under 7 ultimate Note : The stupid story of "Vista fix"! This problem, sometimes referred to, DOES NOT concern Kotor 2. It only concerns Kotor 1 (and only under Vista). And this is not a Vista Fix but the "Miles Sound System" from Rad Games Tools. Note : Note : Use "right click" and execute with admin privileges (including for the installation from the CDs) Note Use in compatibility mode with XP SP3 (and be up-to-date) Note : This allow to play in windowed mode and to switch from windowed to full screen and vice versa This may solve resolution problems Note : Try V-Sync Off ... Certainly lot of stuff I forget.
  8. Une page en français pour annoncer et attendre M4-78EP. M4-78 - Intrigue, Bande annonce, Identification visuelle, Coordonnées astronomiques Cordialement TTLan Edit : 09.01.2012 : Enrichissement rédactionnel de la fiche
  9. Edited the post back to listing her as "the Exile" and I will refer to her as such in the future. It is also a repeat from another sentence of Kreia, very similar, that she will say a few sentences later, in the same dialog. StrRef 108896 : They found Korriban much as we have - barren and lifeless. It was assumed that the remnants of the Sith turned on each other, vying for what little power remained. Added (179) 003EBO.mod\kor_int.dlg Camera on Visas instead of Kreia Added (180) 003EBO.mod\kor_int.dlg Missing companions at this meeting See
  10. 177 - Arnhell : Dantooine is the first planet where I go. I have talked to Arnhell long ago, the first time that I entered the cave. I trigger the battle of Dantooine far later (it is the last battle that I trigger, after all the others planets). Meantime, from time to time, I return to the crystal cave in order to kill few Kinraths (as after making modifications to my guns and my light sabers, to verify that all is well). Each time, Arnhell stands still, motionless, at the place where I have left him the first time I met him. 178 - Discrepancy between the English and French. I will modify the French dialog.tlk to reflect the actual French audio file. There is no impact in understanding the intentions of Kreia (and Obsidian). This phrase (translation of a probable initial English version) was probably removed (in English only) because it might be misinterpreted (about the Order of the "New Sith" in general). It must simply be understood as an introduction to the fact that Kreia does not accompany the Exile on Korriban, what she will say some sentences later. She leaves the Exile facing new tests in the context of the teaching methods she wants, a teaching where the Exile gives himself/herself tuition to himself/herself, trying to find back what he/she was and, then, to surpass himself/herself to, finally, surpass the master. The fact of not go because the dark side is too strong for her is a preposterous justification for letting the Exile alone with himself/herself. It is also a repeat from another sentence of Kreia, very similar, that she will say a few sentences later. StrRef 108896 : They found Korriban much as we have - barren and lifeless. It was assumed that the remnants of the Sith turned on each other, vying for what little power remained.
  11. Added (177) Crystal Cave - Arhnell motionless Added (178) StrRef 109151 and 701KOR_INT022.wav See
  12. What ??? Do not try to use the internal update link. Do it manually. Official patch for K2 A suggested install is : K2 Official patch for K2 TSLRCM 1.7 Fix for 1.7
  13. The fix for 1.7 is here If the previous installation is compromised, I suggest to perform a complete uninstall (except Saves) and reinstall, in this order : K2 Official patch of K2 TSLRCM 1.7 Fix for 1.7
  14. Added (165) 201TEL - Return to Citadel Station - Citadel Station - Dock Module - Passers-by motionless Added (166) 201TEL - Return to Citadel Station - Citadel Station - Dock Module - A Passer-by know how to escape the fight. Added (167) 201TEL - Return to Citadel Station - Citadel Station - Dock Module - The HK-50 squad is without reaction. Added (168) 201TEL - Return to Citadel Station - Citadel Station - Dock Module - The ithorien of Docking Bay 2 Added (169) 201TEL - Return to Citadel Station - Citadel Station - Dock Module - Protocol droïd Added (170) Return to Citadel Station - Ithorian Compound - Ithorian Greeter Added (171) Return to Citadel Station - Ithorian Compound - Ithorian motionless Added (172) Return to Citadel Station - Residential Module 082 West - All passers-by are motionless Added (173) Return to Citadel Station - Residential Module 082 Est - All passers-by are motionless Added (174) Like a pupil that one would have put at the corner Added (175) 202TEL.mod\202grenn.dlg - "First, let's talk about my fee." Added (176) It was announced to a lieutenant of the TSF the drama of Katarr! See
  15. Added (165) 201TEL - Return to Citadel Station See
  16. Yes, Vogga. GoTo says : "I am waiting outside" and he enters.
  17. Added (162) GoTo at Visquis office Added (163) Nadaa and Adana - 302NAR.mod\nadaa.dlg Added (164) 003EBO.mod baorem1.dlg, baorem2.dlg and baorem3.dlg - upgrade the Bao-Dur remote to maintenance and fight See
  18. What is on the exhaustive list of patches and mods installed?
  19. Sith Holocron is right. I've added links and the reason why. I will update this post on a regular basis.
  20. Merry Christmas and happy end of year to all. TTLan
  21. That's my fault. I was not specific enough. After T3 escaped from the droid warehouse with Vogga's transponder codes and a blank transponder card, we go to Tienn Tubb's Shop. To do so, we have to transit from Nar Shaddaa Docks to Landing Pad through an airlock. When you open the airlock, Docks side, instead of being on the Landing Pad, we stay in the airlock, between the two doors, closed, and facing to the Docks. If you move forward, you're on the docks. When we are three, from time to time, two are in the airlock, between the closed doors, and the third one is on the PF, on the other side of the closed door. This can be redo indefinitely. Does anyone have any suggestions for me to allow me to capture video. I could illustrate problems like this one. What a capture tool? What codec and so on. ... I tried it with CamStudio but it's a nightmare jerky.
  22. 1123 corrections / modifications. Portant surtout sur le dialogue avec Zez-Kai Ell lors de sa rencontre dans la planque de Mira Focusing mainly on dialogue with Zez-Kai Ell at its meeting in the hideout of Mira
  23. Stop kicking into touch. Stop pass the buck. Stop puns on that issue.