Sith Holocron

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Blog Comments posted by Sith Holocron

  1. Quote

    This is excellent! I wonder what backgrounds you would use for the K1 party.


    I've tried to have the portraits either match near where I've originally found them (as seen in most of them) or where (I feel) their natural place is (see Atton). KotOR1 portraits would likely follow the same pattern, if I can get someone to extract the heads for me.


    Decided to see what DP's concept would look like with the background so I made one quickly.


  2. French speakers . . .
    Could you confirm the following is the correct version of the opening crawl for KOTOR2?  The original is incorrect from what I've heard.

    Il y a bien longtemps, dans une galaxie lointaine,
    très lointaine....

    [star Wars logo appears and fades away]


    La galaxie est en danger.
    Une guerre civile brutale a
    décimé l'Ordre Jedi, laissant
    la République exsangue.

    Les Sith ont profité de cette
    situation pour envoyer leurs
    troupes dans toute la
    galaxie, afin de traquer et
    d'éliminer les rares chevaliers
    Jedi qui ont survécu.

    Après avoir échappé de
    justesse à une embuscade
    des Sith, le dernier Jedi
    connu se cramponne à la
    vie, à bord d'un transport
    délabré, près du monde
    ravagé de Péragus....

  3. Oh heck, they've updated. Thanks to someone pointing this out on

    The update isn't to correct the spelling errors overall though. The section changed appears to only be in the "Is this legal?" portion.


    • Having a questionable legal defense by mentioning a requirement of owning a legal copy of KOTOR?  Check.
    • Spelling "original" wrong - twiceCheck.
    • Spelling "intense" wrong?  Check.
    • Not correcting the "successful" spelling error?  Check.
    • Using "refresh" in a unique refreshing way?  Check.