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About lady_revanchist

  1. This is hands-down my favorite head mod of all time. I use Jaesa in almost all of my playthroughs now. Thank you so much for making this!
  2. Effix, you are a DELIGHT! Thank you so much! Got the file names working (figured out that the issue was that the .mdl/.mdx files included in the PFHC01 K1 retexture I'm using were not compatible in K2 and causing a CTD in character creator), and now the retextures are loading beautifully, DS transitions included! Thanks so much again for your help! <3
  3. hi there! thanks for this port (and so many of your mods!) -- one of my favorite K1 heads! i was wondering if anyone knew if ported heads were compatible with K1 head retextures? thank you! <3
  4. Just wanted to thank you sincerely for this brief and clear tutorial! Using this with a TOR head port and a K1 to K2 head port and the robes show up beautifully. Thank you so much!
  5. lady_revanchist

    Armor 5 HD

    these armors are so beautiful, thanks for your amazing work as always! i was wondering if you knew where to download the female head in your pictures? she's stunning! thank you!